♟️PAWN♟️ || jjk×kth ||

By HashTaeKook

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"I'm not your servant." Jeongguk uttered in a low voice as he leaned forward after putting his both hands on... More

Welcome to ♟️PAWN♟️
Characters' Introduction
Life is hard
Life is amazing
The unbeatable

Bring it on

171 19 113
By HashTaeKook

After leaving the general ward, Chang Wook and Hoseok went back to Taehyung's room. They both wanted to know about the other person who was with Taehyung.

But, Chang Wook decided to not ask him anything in the hospital and forbid Hoseok too. Because, it was clear that Taehyung did not want to reveal anything about the secret person in front of his mother and his sister-in-law.

So, Chang Wook decided to ask Taehyung at home, in alone. Hoseok was eager to know too, so Chang Wook invited him to stay the night in their mansion. It will help to light up Taehyung's mood too. The whole ride to the mansion was silent as Taehyung sat in the passenger seat and the ladies at the back. Hoseok followed them with his own car.

After reaching home, the ladies went to their rooms after telling Taehyung to relax. And after changing into his night suit, Chang Wook came to his brother's room. There he found his brother and Hoseok, already in their night suit, sitting on the couch in Taehyung's room, having some drinks. He joined them.

"Now tell me who was with you?" Chang Wook looked at Taehyung as he leaned back on the couch after a few minutes. Taehyung looked at his brother for a few seconds, then averted his gaze away.

"Jimin." Taehyung caressed the glass in his hand with his right thumb.

"What? What what what?" Hoseok jumped up, sitting straight in his place, looking at Taehyung with a shock.

Chang Wook sighed, hearing the name and shook his head slowly, looking at his brother. He should have known better.

"He is back? When? Why did not he tell me? Why did not you tell me? And you went out with him earlier without inviting me?" Hoseok bombarded Taehyung with questions, looked upset.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, irritated at the amount of questions.

"That's the thing, Hoseok. Do you think I wouldn't tell you when he was back if I knew about it? You think I will go out with him without inviting you?" Taehyung frowned at Hoseok and the later huffed.

"Wait, wait. You two fight later. First tell me what happened exactly." Chang Wook spoke out and Taehyung looked at him.

"I was about to reach the flyover. Then suddenly a yellow lamborghini started honking from behind. I signalled them to go ahead. But then the car stopped in the middle of the road and I stopped my car. I was angry at the person, was about to confront them but then someone came out from the car and it was none other than Jimin." Taehyung said.

"What? He bought a lamborghini? On top of that, a yellow one? Haha..he is definitely trying to tease you." Hoseok laughed at the end and Taehyung glared at him, already angry that Jimin bought a yellow lamborghini to mock him.

"Then?" Chang Wook was impatient to know what happened next. Taehyung took a deep breath and started again.

"We talked a little bit and he said he came back yesterday. We decided to go to the club together and he got into his car. When I came back to my car, a van suddenly pulled up at the side of the road and four men came out. They called out my name and I was confused. I asked who they are, but then suddenly they lunged at me and then started pulling me towards the van." Taehyung said and Hoseok took a sharp intake of breath.

"I kicked one of the men's knee and he fell down leaving my arm. Then suddenly someone kicked one of the men's back and he flew forward, then landed badly on the ground. When I turned around, I found Jimin. I was shocked to see his angry look. He told me not to waist anymore time and beat them up. But, I was unsure. I never beat anyone up." Taehyung looked down at his glass in his hand.

"But when the men again lunged towards me, Jimin jumped on them. He shouted at me not to stand there like coward. I became angry at that and I don't know what got into me, I was suddenly furious at those men. I was thinking just one thing, how dare they touch me, the Kim Taehyung. The audacity of them!" Taehyung gripped his glass tightly.

Hoseok patted his back, tried to make him relax. Chang Wook observed Taehyung's reaction but did not say anything.

"I felt my anger rising and adrenaline rush into my body. When another man lunged at me, I kicked him hard on his stomach. Then I started beating them up. Jimin was fighting two and I was doing the same. Suddenly, I picked up some wooden stick from the side of the road and hit a man's leg hard. He screamed out and fell down, holding his leg. That's when I came back to my senses."

"The other one looked scared and tried to lift his injured friend. Jimin already made the other two surrendered. One was holding his left arm, crying in pain. I suddenly became worried at the situation. I started getting scared thinking the men will die. So, I asked Jimin for help, to take them to the hospital."

"Jimin at first looked at me as if I've gone mad, then he agreed when he noticed how serious and worried I was. I called an ambulance from our hospital. I was afraid to go to other hospital and get into trouble. Then Jimin called his driver and told him to take his car away and he took me to the hospital, driving my car. He said, I need a good checkup. I looked frozen." Taehyung sighed and Chang Wook gulped hard.

"Jimin texted you from my phone, sent you my location." Taehyung looked at Hoseok and the later blinked his eyes.

"Then he told me to call hyung, saying I did not look alright and need your support." Taehyung looked at his elder brother this time and Chang Wook gulped again, tightening his fist.

"Then why did he leave?" Hoseok asked.

"He thought, my parents will also come with my hyung." Taehyung replied and Hoseok realised, now remembering the reason.

Everyone knew Taehyung and Jimin's father were rival businessmen. At first, they were bestfriends since their childhood. Then they became rival after many years. Everyone knew just this much.

But, Chang Wook knew much more as the rival of his father confessed everything himself, in front of Chang Wook.

Kim Daehyun, Jimin's father Park Jihun and Chang Wook's mother Ji Chan-mi studied in the same college. Jihun liked Chan-mi and was planning to propose her, so he talked to Dahyun about it, hoping for his advice. Daehyun rejected his request in this and that made Jihun upset. Still he let it go and decided to plan his proposal alone.

The day Jihun was about to propose Chan-mi, he heard in the news that Kim Daehyun, the famous business tycoon's son, was about to be engaged with Ji Chan-mi, the daughter of the famous businessman Ji Cholmyun.

Jihun was shocked to hear the news. That was a huge blow for him. He felt very hurt and betrayed by his own bestfriend. He went to Daehyun and confronted him, asked him why he did that to his own bestfriend. Why he hid such an important thing from him. That day, it was a big fight between the two bestfriends.

Jihun was so angry and hurt that he did not attend his bestfriend's engagement ceremony, although his family went to attend. Their friendship started crumbling since that day, Jihun did not see him as a bestfriend anymore, just a friend.

And just like that, the day of the wedding arrived. Jihun already started to consol himself, trying to accept the reality. This time, he attended his friend's wedding. And in the party, he took a promise from Daehyun that he would take care of his wife and always keep her happy. Daehyun promised him and Jihun forgave him for his deed.

Chang Wook was born and three years passed. Jihun maintained contact with Daehyun and Chan-mi, being the good friend they needed. He already started to move on from Chan-mi. That's when his father fixed his marriage with the daughter of his friend. He grabbed the opportunity and decided to move on completely from his past.

After his marriage, Chan-mi suddenly called him one day, she was sad. She told him about Daehyun's behaviour towards her changed. They started having arguments and sometimes it turned heated. Jihun always tried to consol her over phone.

Then one day, he became very angry and went to confront Daehyun. But the later told him not to meddle in his married life and shouted at him instead. Daehyun questioned Jihun about his relationship with his wife, asking why he still stayed in contact with his wife, saying he still couldn't move on etc etc...

Jihun had enough and he decided to stay away completely from the matter, because he did not want to cause any problem in his own married life. He already fell for his wife and loved her too much, did not want to make her upset and doubt him. So, he called Chan-mi one last time and said sorry to her.

He thought, it was some normal problem between husband-wife and they would solve it between themselves. So, he left them in their own world. Two years passed just like that.

Then suddenly one day, a news shook the world of business field. The heir of the famous businessman Ji Cholmyun and the wife of the famous business tycoon Kim Daehyun, got into an accident. Mrs. Kim Chan-mi found dead on the spot.

Jihun was very shocked to hear the news. His friend's devastated look came floating into his mind. But mostly, the innocent look and crying state of Chang Wook shook his heart. He was just 5 and half years old. Jihun decided to attend the funeral as the friend of Chan-mi and for Daehyun, only as a businessman.

He consoled the little Chang Wook and left their mansion. After 5 months, he heard that Daehyun remarried, he confessed in front of the media that he needed to do it for his little son. He needed a mother figure to grow up into a gentleman. He needed a mother's love.

Jihun felt relief that at least, Chang Wook wouldn't be deprived of a mother's love. After that, he completely stopped meddling into the Kim's private life and stopped caring for them too. After that, Daehyun and he started having clash over business deals and just like that, their rivalry in business grew more and more over the passing years.

Chang Wook did not know all these until he turned 27. He always saw the hidden friendship of Taehyung and Jimin because Taehyung's father did not like Taehyung to befriend his rival's son. He scolded Taehyung two times already. So, Chang Wook decided to ask Park Jihun about their rivalry, in every business party they met.

But, Park Jihun always avoided answering Chang Wook's question. But then, one day he gave up, seeing the persistent Chang Wook, and told him everything about their past, for the sake of his friendship with Chang Wook's mother.

"You did good by not saying anything in the hospital." Chang Wook said and Taehyung nodded his head.

Taehyung always found his hyung comforting, an easy person to share his every secret who will always protect his secrets. Taehyung loved how open minded and understanding his hyung was.

"It's getting very late. Now go to sleep." Chang Wook gently patted Taehyung's head and stood up from the couch.

"You too." He then looked at Hoseok.

"Good night, hyung." Taehyung and Hoseok said in unison and then looked at each other. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Good night." Chang Wook greeted back and left the room.

Half an hour later, Hoseok also left to the guest room, near Taehyung's room.


"WHAT?!?" Kim Daehyun widened his eyes in disbelief.

Chang Wook thinned his lips and sighed, nodding his head. Everyone in the family was present in the living room of east wing. Master Kim just arrived home from a business trip and his wife blurted out about the incident of last night.

Hoseok left for the university already but Chang Wook took a leave for Taehyung, informing about Taehyung's absence in his university. Taehyung's mother made the incident huge and told everyone to wait for Master Kim in the living room as his plane already landed in the airport. Chang Wook let Mrs. Kim take the lead and waited on the couch.

When Master Kim entered the living room, at first everyone greeted after standing up and then Mrs. Kim blurted out the whole incident, couldn't controlling her anxiety. And now the master of Kim household was angry.

"How dare they touch the heir of Kim household? I will destroy their lives." Kim Daehyun tightened his fists in anger.

"Don't worry, father. I already sent them to prison. They will be treated so well that they will never dare to look up at anyone in their whole life." Chang Wook said with a serious look on his face and Kim Daehyun looked at him.

"Good. I appreciate you, my son. You did a great job." Kim Daehyun nodded his head at his son and Chang Wook nodded back.

"What great job? Your younger son needs protection, needs bodyguard. First arrange that." Mrs. Kim looked frustrated and Kim Daehyun snapped his eyes towards her.

"Ask your dear son about it." Kim Daehyun suddenly became angry at her words and pointed towards Taehyung who lowered his gaze, knowing very well what's coming.

"How many times I wanted to arrange guards for him but he always rejected it. I told him that he needs bodyguard as he is the heir of DCT Group. Anyone can target him. But, he never listened to my advice, saying his friends will laugh at him if a bodyguard follows him everywhere." Kim Daehyun finished talking and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry, dad..." Taehyung slowly approached his father and looked at him after standing in front of him.

"What will you say now?" His father asked after calming down a bit.

"I will do whatever you say." Taehyung said, not wanting to anger his father more.

Taehyung himself was not sure anymore that he did not want a bodyguard. After the stunt last night, he doubted his own ability to fight. It was just four clumsy men last night and Jimin was with him, that's why he was fine now. But not every time it will be some clumsy men and Jimin by his side.

"You're fine with some bodyguards?" His father asked again and Taehyung frowned.

"Not some, just one will be enou-" Taehyung stopped midway when he saw his father's sharp eyes.

"It's okay, father. One will be en-" Chang Wook said, supporting his brother but stopped at the words of his father.

"At least two. I want two bodyguards for Taehyung. That's final." Their father spoke out.

"Yes, father." Chang Wook replied.

"And, finding the bodyguards and choosing them will be your responsibility." Chang Wook raised his eyebrows when his father looked at him.

"Uh..sure." Chang Wook nodded his head, processing the information.

His father walked out of the living room, followed by his butler and a silence fell on everyone.

"Thank God." Mrs. Kim sighed in relief, putting her hand over her chest.

Then she looked at Chang Wook and walked slowly towards him.

"Now, get into your work. As soon as possible." She said in a low voice while looking in his eyes with a smug look on her face.

Chang Wook held her gaze with a more smug look on his face. She smirked as if she won over him and Chang Wook returned the smirk. She walked past him and soon left the living room.

Taehyung looked at his elder brother with begging eyes and a helpless look on his face. Chang Wook reassured him, slightly nodding his head and closing his eyes briefly.


Jeongguk squinted his eyebrows as he felt someone touching his head.

A hand caressing his hair gently, sometimes ran their fingers through his hair. He tried to open his eyes but it was difficult, as if his eyelids were glued. Then he felt the soft hand caressing his forehead now.

He tried to open his eyes again and this time he succeeded. After opening his eyes, he saw their living room, but it looked fogged. He furrowed his eyebrows and when he looked up, he saw the person which was very far away from them now.

"Noona..." Jeongguk blinked his eyes gently and got confused.

His own voice was resonating around and everything was in a slow motion. As if the time was passing very slow.

The beautiful lady softly smiled at him. Everything was slow. Her soft touch on his forehead was slow. With the passing second, Jeongguk's eyes slowly moistened. He saw her after many years.

"Noona..I missed you..noona..I miss you a lot..." His eyes soon blurred with tears, but he saw her smiling softly at him, now her pearl like teeth were visible through her smile.

Suddenly, she leaned down and place a soft kiss on his forehead, then she got up from the floor and walked towards the door.

"Noona?..Noona..wait...where are you going?" Jeongguk lifted his hand in the air, trying to reach her and she slowly turned around.

She smiled at him again. This time, it was a reassuring smile. She closed her eyes briefly, then opened them again as she nodded her head a little. Then she turned around again.

"Noona..wait..don't go..." Jeongguk cried out and watched as she disappeared through the closed door.

Jeongguk's breathing got laboured as he cried silently. He started shaking his head, not getting proper breath. His throat felt clogged.

That's when he felt some gentle tap on his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes. Then he felt his wet eyes and the wet pillow below his head.

"Samchon." He looked up at the voice and saw his niece staring at him with her doe eyes, sitting beside him.

Jeongguk realised he just woke up from a dream and it's morning now. Still his heart squeezed painfully remembering his dream and he couldn't control himself anymore. More tears flowed down from his eyes.

"Samchon is crying..." He heard Choon Hee's worried voice this time and he turned to the other side, letting his tears flow as he clutched his pillow tightly.

"Dada~ why are you crying? Don't cry~ I will cry too..." Choon Hee shook his arm with a whine, was about to cry herself.

"Choon-ah, come here. Let samchon sleep." Suddenly Jeongguk's mother came and picked her up and walked out of the house.

Jeongguk was thankful for his mother. He knew that she was aware of his crying and the reason too. This happened on the night of his sister's death too, when they were in Busan. After that, he never saw her in his dream. Today was the second time, after 4 years.

He calmed down after a few minutes, then got up from his bed. Then he walked to the other room and entered the bathroom. After brushing, he washed his face well, splashing water on his eyes many times because his eyes swelled up after crying too much.

After leaving the bathroom, he put on a hoodie and some faded jeans, then entered the kitchen. He grabbed a veg-bun from there and walked out of the house. He saw his mother and niece coming from the end of the small street of their neighbourhood, hand in hand. His mother probably took her out for a walk.

As soon as they reached him, he picked up his niece and showered her whole face with kisses. She giggled loudly, feeling ticklish and when he stopped, she kissed his both cheeks one by one, forgetting the earlier event.

Jeongguk stared at her smiling face for a few seconds and then looked at his mother who was already looking at him.

"Eomma...I'm leaving." He spoke out and then hugged her with his other arm.

"Take care." His mother caressed his back.

After separating from his mother, he kissed Choon Hee's forehead and put her down on the ground. Then he turned around and walked down the stairs of their neighbourhood.

When he turned the corner, he saw a crowd of people. All were from his neighbourhood. They were trying to read a poster on the wall, pushing each other. He ignored them and walked ahead.

Then he saw another small crowd in front of the drug store from where he often bought medicine. He neared the store and saw the same poster on a wall. As he started to read the poster from afar, the owner of the store came out.

"Jeongguk. Why don't you give it a try? You're the only capable person from this area. You should apply for this job." The middle aged man said with a tone of encouragement.

The man knew about Jeongguk's night job as he often bought bandages, sanitizer, pain killer etc from his store.

"So?" Jeongguk raised his eyebrow.

"So? You're asking so?? It's the Kims we are talking about here, Jeongguk. Don't you see the amount they wrote there? Go, go, have a good look at it." The man motioned towards the poster when he saw Jeongguk turning his head towards the poster.

"Hey, make way, make us way." The man shooed the crowd away a bit and followed Jeongguk to the poster.

"Look at this. Is not it a veryyy big amount?" The man pointed to the amount of salary, written at the very down, in small letters.

"Is it?" Jeongguk looked at the man and the man tasked, looked so done with his ridiculous question.

"Trust me, no one can do this job better than you. Only you can be the best bodyguard. I believe it and I know it." The man punched his right fist on his left palm, showing how serious he was.

"Really?" Jeongguk leaned his body onto the wall, putting his hands inside his hoodie's pocket.

"100%." The man replied.

"Hmm..." Jeongguk looked at the man, amused.

"Just do it, Jeongguk. Go to the VIP Street 2 and apply for this job this instant." The man shook his fists in front of him with a determined look on his face.

"Ok." Jeongguk suddenly nodded his head and left the wall, then started walking away from there.

The man was stunned for a second, couldn't process what just happened and then came back to his senses.

"Hey, Jeongguk? Are you really going to apply right now?" The man called out.

"You just told me to do it." Jeongguk turned his head with a smile and then started walking again.

The man raised his eyebrows, surprised that Jeongguk listened to him this easily and then a proud smile formed on his face, because he just did what no one could do in this area. Making Jeon Jeongguk agree for something.

"Good good. I'm proud of you. All the best, Jeongguk." He lifted a thumb as his chest swelled in pride for himself.

He looked around, lifting his chest a bit and then entered his store again.

🤜🤛 Get ready to fight~ 🤝

See you in the most awaiting chapter.😌

Stay strong, healthy and happy. Saranghaeyo...💜

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