Host Camping Daze (Season 4)

By Mel0dyEl0die

2.6K 72 77

Our campers are finally back at camp for the summer! They see that a lot of new campers are there. Lots of ch... More

Starting Off New
The Lovely Nightmare
Mentor Airy
Fear Alarm
The Guard And The Girl
Figure Too Big
MasterPhone4 Movie
Golden Ocean
True Colors
Leaders vs Sidekicks
The Ancient Forest
No Love Just Normal
Future Trouble
Friend or Foe
Teddy Beariplier
Bad Mood
Alternative Reality
Fresh Water
Parent's Day

MePhone's Wonderful Life

128 3 2
By Mel0dyEl0die

Everyone was in the session room doing their group projects.

Announcer: This will help you to think of team building challenges. By cooperating with your peers, you could think of many challenges for your contestants to work together.

*The main 12 were making a clock and using a potato to make it work.*

Gamey: Alright. I got the wires set up to connect to the potato.

Oodle: Who has the potato?

Airy: I got it. Freshly grown from my garden.

Crayon Box: Alright. Now to connect the wires to the potato, get this clock going, and we'll be done!!

MePhone4: Let's Do This!!

*MePhone grabs the clips, ties them to the wires, and connects to the potato. But the clock wasn't working.*

4:..... Ummm. The clock is not turning on.

MePhone4: But I clipped them on the potato.

Gamey: Hold on. Let me fix something real quick.

*Gamey looks at the clock and tries to connect the other end of the wire to the clock.*

Gamey: Ok. I got it. Try taking them off and connect it back to the potato.

MePhone4: Sure Thing!

*Then MePhone grabs the clips. But the wires on the clips electrocuted his hand. And it causes MePhone to have a panic attack.*


*MePhone kept backing away and accidentally bumping into Popcorn.*

Popcorn: HEY!

*This made Popcorn squirt glue on UFO's eyes.*


*This made UFO fly around and accidentally dropped both vinegar, baking soda, and pop rocks into a paper mache volcano. Then the volcano exploded red goop all over the session room.*

Chocolate Bar: Bleh!! I got some in my mouth!!

Paint Palette: Eww it's all sticky!!

Announcer: Well. It looks like you guys decided to make a huge mess out of this. You guys won't get breakfast until you clean all of this up.

Everyone: WHAT!!

Announcer: Get to it. Or you'll be here all day.

*Then the scoutmaster leaves. And some of the campers were glaring at MePhone.*

Perfume: Way to go scaredy cat!

MePhone4; Look it was just an accident! I'm sorry!

Megaphone: Why can't you not be scared for a couple of minutes!

Remote: Guys. It's not his fault! Stop making a big deal out of it!

Printer: I'm not the one that got the room all goopy!

Wand: You know. Everything would be better off if You Had Never Showed Up To This Camp In The First Place!!

*Some of the campers agreed with Wand. MePhone's face started to look shockingly upset.*

Crayon Box: Knock It Off!!

Controlly: Why don't you guys clean instead of complaining!

Wand: Find. We will. But I stand for what I said!

*Then everyone starts to clean up the goop. MePhone was more upset than he ever was before. And questioning if what Wand said was true. Later on, everyone was done cleaning the session room and got out.*

Oodle: Phew. That took a while but we finally did it.

Gold Ingot: Yeah. Now let's go and get breakfast already!

4: Hey MePhone. Can I trade my parfait for your pancakes?......... MePhone?

*Then they realized he wasn't there.*

4: Hey. Where did MePhone go?

*MePhone actually went to the cabin to lay down on his bed. Still upset about what happened. Everyone came inside to check up on him.*

Computer: There you are!

Gamey: Come on MePhone, we're gonna get breakfast now!

MePhone4;...... I'm not hungry.

Paint Palette: Well that doesn't sound like you.

Burger King: Look if this is about what that bitch Wand said, don't worry about it!

Controlly: Yeah man! He's only trying to mess with you!

MePhone4: But what he said was true. I mean I caused some of you guys to get hurt on multiple occasions. Both physically and emotionally! I almost kept you guys from going home when we were stuck in the woods! And I put you guys into danger this last time you guys were in my fear simulator!

Airy: Some of it wasn't your fault though!

Chocolate Bar: And you learned from those mistakes after you knew what you did wasn't right!

MePhone4: Let's just face the facts. You guys would be better off if I was out of the picture! I'm just a burden and I never should've come here in the first place!

Everyone: (GASP)

Crayon Box: MePhone Don't Say That!

4: You're Not A Burden!! We Care That You're Here With Us!!

Computer: Yeah!! And We Love You!..... I Love You!!

MePhone4:..... I need some time alone. Go get breakfast without me.

*Everyone stayed quiet after what MePhone said. They were all upset and worried for him. But they left alone as he said out of respect. And they left the cabin.*

MePhone4: (sigh) Maybe this would be a good time to leave.

*He grabs his bag and starts grabbing a couple of things to store in the bag.*

MePhone4: What else should I take?

Candle: Take what?

MePhone4: Who was that- (turns around and sees Candle) AAAAA! What The!! Candle!! How Did You Get In Here!!?

Candle: You don't need to know that. Now what's this you are packing up for? I don't recall you having a field trip.

MePhone4: (Sigh) I messed up big time today. And now I'm really thinking of my choices coming here in the first place! I feel like things would be better off if I didn't come here at all!

Candle: I don't know. Everyone here seems to enjoy you here. You do bring them joy with your presence.

MePhone4: Yeah. And I'm sure they would be more happy if I wasn't here!

Candle: You may say that now, but you don't know what would happen if you didn't come to camp at all.

MePhone4: What are you talking about?

Candle: Well do you have a slight idea of what would happen if you didn't come at all?

MePhone4: Well just that none of the kids I helped won't see each other anymore and Lightbulb would never remember them at all. What does this have to do with my friends?

Candle: What if I told you I can show you an alternate reality where you never showed up!

MePhone4: Yeah right.

Candle: I can if you want to.

MePhone4: Well how would you even do that?

Candle: Well, do you want to know what your friends would be like if you never were here.

MePhone4:....... Fine. But just to prove a point that it would be just the same if I wasn't there!

Candle: Alright. Now.

*Candle pulls out a blue crystal, grabs a wand, and hits the crystal. Then all of a sudden, Candle and MePhone are outside of the camp.*

MePhone4: Oh charming. You took me outside.

Candle: Not just outside. We're in a reality where you never came here at all! Observe.

*Candle takes MePhone to the cafeteria. Everyone was just enjoying their lunch.*

MePhone4: Ok. Everyone is eating their lunch. What's so different about that?

Candle: Wait for it.

*Then three kids slam the door open. Turns out it was Wand, Chocolate Bar, and Gold Ingot. CB and GI both have their hair messy, have tattoos all over their arms, and their clothes looked all ripped up.*

MePhone4: Chocolate Bar!? Gold Ingot!?

*Then GI pulls out a sledgehammer and smashes the table where some of the other campers were sitting.*

Gold Ingot: Beat It Losers! This Is Our Spot!

Chocolate Bar: Leave Or You'll Get A Taste Of Both Of My Fists!!

*Then the campers got scared and left. Wand goes over to use his magic to fix the table.*

Wand: Excellent boys!

MePhone4: Woah Woah Woah! Why Is CB And GI Back With Wand!!....... And Why Are They More Aggressive!!

Candle: Well. Why did Chocolate Bar and Gold Ingot leave Wand in the first place?

MePhone4: Because They Saw How Much Of A Jerk Wand Was When He........ Joked about my panic attacks and purposely made me have another one.

Candle: So without you, they wouldn't have realized what they did was wrong to leave Wand. And since they never left, Wand made them super aggressive so that everyone can make sure to fear them even more.

MePhone4: Ok. So CB and GI are different. But it's not like everyone would change if I was gone.

Candle: Oh you'd be surprised. Come with me.

*Then they both leave the cafeteria. MePhone then sees 4 sitting by himself on the floor.*

MePhone4: Hey! It's 4!

*Then Controlly and Gamey walk over to 4.*

MePhone4: And would you look at that. Controlly and Gamey haven't changed and are about to hang out with 4.

Candle: You might want to take a closer look.

Controlly: Well well well. If it isn't the blue alien freak!

MePhone4: Huh?

4: What do you two want?

Gamey: Beat it weirdo!! We need this spot to play our video games!

4: But this is the only spot I can be in. You won't let me have my own space in our cabin!

Controlly: That's because we don't want you near us!

Gamey: And we deserve all the space we need!

4: Please! I have nowhere else to go! Wand will have CB and GI attack me if I go to any of their spots!

Controlly: Move Out Of The Way Or We'll Get CB And GI To Come Over Here!!

4: But-


4: Ok I'll Go!! I'll Go!!

*Then 4 gets off and runs away.*

MePhone4: Hey!! What's Your Guy's Problem!!?

Candle: They can't hear you. You're not with them, remember.

MePhone4: Well why are Controlly and Gamey such big jerks! And why didn't 4 stand up for himself!

Candle: Well when 4 first met you, you two immediately became friends. You never questioned what kind of species he was. Therefore, he gained more confidence in himself since he didn't have to worry about being made fun of on what he is.

MePhone4: Ok sure. But what happened to Controlly and Gamey!?

Candle: Well you weren't there when 4 had to be in the same cabin with them. They already thought he was weird. But then Wand had to manipulate the two since they were the youngest ones. Therefore they were easily manipulated into thinking that 4 is also an outcast. Plus they get more privileges since they work for Wand now.

MePhone4: No way all of that can't happen because I wasn't here!

Candle: And there's more to come. Just watch.

Controlly: Oh Man Did You See The Look On His Face!!

Gamey: HAHAHA!! (Imitating 4) Ok I'll Go!! I'll Go!! What A Loser!!

*Then Controlly sees a certain girl with her hoodie on.*

Controlly: Haha! Hey Gamey watch this!

*Then he grabs a straw, puts some paper in his mouth, puts it on the end of the straw, and shoots a spitball at the girl.*

Crayon Box: Ew!

MePhone4: Crayon Box?

Controlly: Bullseye!

Crayon Box: Knock it off.

Controlly: (imitating her) Knock It Off! Do you even realize what you sound like!

Crayon Box: Just leave me alone.

Controlly: Ok. But let me do one small thing!

*Then he pushed her to the ground.*

Crayon Box; OW!

Gamey: HAHA!! Good One Dude!! HAHAHA!!

*Crayon Box slowly got up and started to cry.*

Controlly: Aww. Look at the crybaby! Are you gonna cry!

*Then CB runs away bawling her eyes out.*

MePhone4: Ok Knock It Off!!

*MePhone tried to touch Controlly. But his hand went through.*

MePhone4: What!?

Candle: You can't touch anyone either. You don't exist!

MePhone4: Why!!? Why Did He Have To Hurt Her!! He Has A Crush On Her!! And Why Didn't CB Stand Up For Herself!!

Candle: Well when you met CB, you gave her the confidence she needed that despite her being a girl, she wasn't going to let anyone push her down. And weren't you the reason why Controlly started to like her.

MePhone4:..... He was in my body when he first liked her!...... Where is everyone else then!

*Then Candle takes MePhone to the woods. That's where he sees PP, BK, and Airy inside an old treehouse.*

Paint Palette: How are we looking on snacks?

Airy: Uhhh. We have one granola bar, a piece of gum, and half of moldy bread.

Burger King: This Is A Load Of Bullshit!! We Should Be Out There Having Lunch!! Not Be Here Eating Leftovers!!

Paint Palette; And deal with Wand and become like 4 and Crayon Box! Yeah I'd rather have the leftovers!

Airy: I would at least want to sleep in bed. In a cabin!

MePhone4: What are they talking about?

Candle: It's all survival of who Wand likes and dislikes. 4 and Crayon Box happened to be his main targets to send misery on them because they didn't want to listen to him. Airy, BK, and PP don't want to deal with the camp being in everyone's control. As for everyone else...... Well they have to obey Wand's command in order to eat or sleep in the cabins.

Paint Palette: Oh boy. At least I'm not like Oodle.

Burger King: (Sigh) Yeah. Better stay out here then do Wand's dirty work.

MePhone4: What are they talking about?

Candle: Let's go back to the cabins shall we.

*Candle takes MePhone to Wand's cabin.*

Wand: Servant!!

*Then someone comes running.*

Oodle: Yes Sir!! Your Majesty Sir!!

Wand: Change the channel!

Oodle: Yes Sir!!

MePhone4: Oodle!?

Chocolate Bar: Servant!! I need you to give me a foot massage!!

Gold Ingot: Same Here!!

Oodle: Right Away The Handsome Chocolate Bar And Handsome Gold Ingot!

Controlly: Hey Pinhead!! We've Been Waiting On Our Apple Juices For 30 Minutes!!

Gamey: Yeah!! I Still Need Mac N Cheese!!

Oodle: I'm Terribly Sorry!! I'll Get To It Right Away!!

MePhone4: What's going on now!?

Candle: Well Oodle wants food and a place to sleep just like everyone else. And since he's a demigod, they use him more than anyone.


Oodle: I'm Coming!!

MePhone4:...... Wait! Why is he the only one doing this!

Candle: Well I told you. They use him more than anyone else.

MePhone4: No I mean why is he by himself? Where's Computer?

*Candle stayed silent.*

MePhone4: Candle. Where's!? Computer!!?

Candle: I'm afraid I can't show you.

MePhone4: Where's Computer!!? You'd Show Me Everyone Else But Him!! Where Is He!!?

Candle: I don't think you want to know.

MePhone4: Candle I Swear To God! Where Is He!!

Candle: I really don't think you want to know.


*Candle was shocked. But she pulled out a red crystal and hit it with her wand. Then they teleported to his room.*

MePhone4: Where are we?

Candle: We're at Computer's house. Specifically in his room....... Computer didn't like how the camp was like. He didn't like that Wand was controlling everything. So on the 4th day, he called his parents to take him home. And now....... Well. Let's watch.

*Computer was watching the window looking sad. Then his mom saw him looking sad.*

LED Lights: Sweetie? What's wrong?

Computer:...... I miss my friend's momma. I feel so lonely here.

LED Lights: Sweetie if you want to be with your friends, why don't me and your father take you back to camp.

Computer: No!! I don't like being at camp! Everything's changed since the last time I went! And...... (Tears) Everyone hates me!!

LED Lights: No one hates you!

MePhone4: She's Right!! No One Hates You!!

Candle: He can't hear you!

MePhone4: Computer Please!! Everyone Likes You!! Controlly Likes You!! Crayon Box Likes You!! Oodle Likes You!! (Tears) I Like You!! COMPUTER PLEASE!!

Candle: We'd better go!

MePhone4: No Please!! It Can't End Like This!!! Computer Needs To Be With Us!!

Candle: But isn't this what you wanted. Didn't you not want to come to camp in the first place?

MePhone4: I Didn't Want This!!! I Want Chocolate Bar And Gold Ingot To Be Free!! I Want Gamey To Stop Being A Jerk!! I Want Controlly To Stop Being A Jerk And Have A Crush On Crayon Box!! I Want 4 To Stand Up For Himself!! I Want Crayon Box To Stand Up For Herself!! I Want Airy, BK, And Paint Palette To Have A Place To Sleep And Eat!! I Want Oodle To Not Be A Servant!! AND I WANT COMPUTER BACK AT CAMP!!

Candle:........ Well. Your wish is my command.

*Then she grabs a pink gem and hits it with a wand. And they're back to the cabin.*

Candle: There. Back to the present where you exist.

MePhone4; Oh My Gosh!! I Need To Find Everyone!!

*Then everyone came inside the cabin. Candle quickly went underneath the bed.*

4: MePhone. Sorry to bother you. But we got some stuff from the gift shop that you might-

*He stopped to see MePhone into tears.*

MePhone4: GUYS!!!

*Then he runs to them and gives them a big hug.*

MePhone4: (Tears) I Had To Experience The Worst Thing Ever!! CB! GI!! You Were With Wand!! And Controlly And Game Were Jerks!! And 4 and Crayon Box Were Sad!! And Computer Was Sad!! And Oodle Servant And BK Airy PP Woods And 😭AAAAAAAA

Gold Ingot:.... How long were we out for?

4: Hey Hey! MePhone! Calm Down! You Can Stop Crying!

MePhone4: Ok! I'll stop. I'll stop...... I'm calm now.

Oodle:..... Look MePhone. We may not show it as much, but we really appreciate you being here.

Airy: It would be weird if you weren't here.

Crayon Box; You may not see it, but you matter to all of us.

Computer; We love you MePhone!

MePhone4; Thanks guys. I'm glad to be here with you guys.


*Everyone heard Wand screaming and went outside. They see that Wand was covered in ants.*


*And everyone started to laugh at him.*

Chocolate Bar; Yeah!! Serves You Right!!

MePhone4: Haha! Yeah this definitely made me cheer up a lot.

Gamey: Great job on letting out those fire ants.

4:...... I didn't let out fire ants.

Gamey; Really? Then who did?

*Then we go to Candle who has a broken ant farm right next to Wand's bed.*

Candle: No one is going to mess with our future host head anytime soon.

End Of Story 5/20

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