Y/N 10 : Hero Of Heroes

By anirud11

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I don't own ben 10 or the characters , it's owned by man of action , but the story and characters , or variat... More

Episode 1 : And Then There Were 10
Episode 2 : Animal Mayhem
Episode 3 : The World Of Steam
Episode 4 : Krakken
Episode 5 : Slimy situation
Episode 6 : The Rise Of Lucky Girl
Episode 7 : Sludgepuppy Wedding
Episode 8 : Phil Billings And The Null Void
Episode 9 : Trouble In New York
Episode 10 : Y/N 10,000
Episode 11 : Tetrax And Bounty Hunters
Episode 12 : Meeting Xylene
Episode 13 : Gwen 10
Episode 14 : Zs'Skayr
Episode 15 : The Fentons
Episode 16 : The Clown's Last Laugh
Episode 17 : Y/N V.S Malware (Re-Write)
Bio (Update)
Episode 18 : The Forever Knights
Episode 20 : The Vengers
Episode 21 : Aqua Mania
Episode 22 : Ken 10 Part-1
Episode 23 : Ken 10 Part-2
Episode 24 : Blast To The Future
Episode 25 : Nature's Judgement
Episode 26 : Y/N V.S Albedo / Verdona's Visit
Episode 27 : ???
Episode 28 : Negative 10 Part-1
Episode 29 : Negative 10 Part-2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 1
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 3 (End)

Episode 19 : The Big Tick

468 14 32
By anirud11

(The upcoming chapter took a lot of time to come up with and a lot of the art was drawn by me , so I really hope you enjoy it!)

It's been exactly 3 days since y/n returned to the group , and things have relatively been normal . The trio continued to fight crime state to state , but things were a bit calm . There was no paranormal activity and just a few thefts and robberies here and there . Gwen mostly took care of them and y/n didn't hop in on the action , because he didn't feel like it , and hasn't used the omnitrix since he escaped . He was abit bored and mostly spent his time inside the rust bucket , either playing video games or reading comic books.

Right now , the crew were at Yellowstone Park . Max was at the grill , roasting some meat , while gwen and y/n were just talking

Gwen: so......there are actually Halloween monsters?

Y/n: (nodding)mmhmm....there was a Frankenstein looking guy , a werewolf , and mummy......they were trying to use a rocket at nasa to escape , I didn't know the reason why.....that's when I went whampire and took care of them , and then you found when the ship exploded......

Gwen listened intently , she never saw y/n this tired , well , ever . But she did ask something

Gwen: hey y/n! , can you turn into one of your new ones? Please?....

Y/n: uh....I dont know....

Gwen: come on! You haven't even used or even touched that thing since coming back! It'll be like exercise for your muscles!

Y/n looked at his omnitrix , and took a deep breath , before nodding . He activated it and cycled through the icons , landing on one , and slamming it down

Y/n looked at his new form , eyeing it with curiosity.

Y/n: OK, now this is pretty cool.....hey wait a minute! My voice sounds like a robot!

Gwen: I can hear that doofus.....now, what does this guy do?

Y/n: (shrugging) I don't even know.....

Suddenly, water shot out of his hands , looks like he has hydrokinesis . Y/n and gwen played around a bit with this . Until max called them

G.Max: alright kids! Enough playing....come and get lunch!

Y/n slammed the dial on his chest and turned back , the both of them joined up at the park bench and began having their freshly grilled food.

(Cut to later)

The duo let out a satisfied belch in unison after a satisfying lunch . The trio talked for a while and suddenly , the earth began shaking , it was magnitude 5 or 6 earthquake . Y/n quickly became FastTrack and sped off to the source with his friend and grandfather in hand .

They arrived to see what looked to be a giant Leech, well , a sort of Leech , embedded into the ground

(Drawn by me)

Gwen: holy crap...

Y/n: holy shit! That's one giant fucking bug!

G.Max: Language y/n!

Just then , they saw three alien like figures descend from the sky

Robo: greetings earthlings.....I am robo....these are my associates , mobo and dobo.....and congratulations!

Y/n: Congratulations for what!?! For winning a giant Leech!?!

Mobo: watch your tongue....boy , the great one is not a simple Leech.....

Dobo: the great one is a primordial being....existing for several millenia.....he has cleansed worlds during his time of existence , we , the tick worshippers...praise our God for the justice he's done to our universe!

Y/n was confused . He pulled up his A-Phone and dialed tetrax and xylene , who answered

Tetrax: what is it y/n? Why have you called us?

Xylene: yes....what's the reason?

Y/n: (gulping and pointing towards the tick) that!....

He turned his screen towards the primordial insect , and the two instantly stared , jaw dropped and shocked .


Y/n: huh? You know what this is?

Xylene sighed and began explaining . The tick , as it's referred to , is a primordial being , existing for several millenia . And during it's whole lifespan , it sucked the life out of thousands of planets . She displayed images of what it did to several worlds , they looked void of life, a desolate wasteland . These qorshippers are a cult that worship the tick , because as they put it , their God is "purifying" the galaxy .

Xylene: last week , it had finished arburia! And several others in such a short time....

Tetrax: and by the looks of it......it might reverting to it's true form again.....the devourer of worlds......

Back with the trio , they were scared , they were looking at the worshippers , who were watching as the process was starting .

Gwen: well....I don't mean to budge , but in history , back in ancient times.....a similar event happened in the titan era , with a giant tree growing in the middle of an abnormal forest.....which was said to give the titan shifters their powers!

(Alright! , so guys , this is my own thing . The events of attack on titan actually took place in this universe I'm building! . And also , y/n is a descendant of eren , and you might ask how is that possible since eren died at the end of attack on titan . Well actually , eren is atill alive , well , his physical body is gone but his soul is still residing in the paths , which still exist to this day . He manipulated the strings behind the scenes to make Mikasa's child directly related to him and her , achieving the quote on quote , being with her forever . So , that makes y/n the descendant of Eren and Mikasa! Let me know if you want the tiniest bit of dormant Ackerman blood y/n has to awaken , and also , I'm going to be doing a movie on y/n visiting Paradis , in Madagascar in the third arc . And I'm also gonna be changing up the lineup of movies now! Anyway , back to the story....)

Y/n: Yeah....the rumbling or whatever happened at the near of that era , right?

Gwen: Yeah it did , I'm suprised you know history , considering your history is very poor at being intresting pre-omnitrix!

Y/n: I'm not poor at history , I just like the juicy parts!

G.Max: alright quiet you two! Anyway , xylene , do you have any contacts for anyone who can help us in this situation?

Xylene: yes , I do....I'll contact the galactic enforcers organization to help out in this matter!

Tetrax: well.....you heard her , guess I'll be of no use in this event , I'm currently investigating the planet muranis for traces of khyber the huntsman......I'll see you in a later date!

Tetrax then leaves , so does xylene . With the trio left alone to deal with this matter.

Suddenly , the ground quakes as the surroundings change , the ground starts turning to a sickly grey , the trees start to die out , and the tick grow larger.

Robo: it's almost time!......our great one returning is near!

Mobo: I must feel him.....

Dobo: no don't! I'm the only one who can understand him!

The three then hover closer and begin to hug the beast , and y/n decided that it was time for action . He immediately slammed down the watch and went into whampire , immediately charging towards the figure and attacking it with everything he's got . But there was a sudden bulge of strength and whampire was pushed back before he could even attack .

Whampire: (rubbing his head) ah!....what the?

Gwen: doesn't matter , try again!

G.Max: you both try! I'm getting a call....

The duo then begin to do their thing , while max rushes inside the rust bucket and answered the phone , it was Jack

Jack: (on phone) max!?!!? , do you see whats happening right now!?!? All the land and trees are dying! Even the plants in the backyard!

Max then quickly explains the situation to him and Jack is immediately panicking and asks if he needs any help . Max said that they could use Danny , since his ecto powers might be useful for the situation. And just then , a white flash occured and Danny was there , in his ghost mode

Danny: Hey grandpa!!

G.Max: how did you......

Danny: oh this? Dad tested out his teleporter , and looks like it works! So anyway , where's the ...... y'know , tick thing that needs to be squashed?

Max took Danny and led him down to the crater of which the primordial resided at . Y/n and gwen fall down abit on exhaustion , y/n decided to bring on the big guns , he slammed the dial , immediately going to FastTrack . He then ran around at blinding speeds, gathering as much energy as he can , and after a solid 15 minutes , he had his turbo mode

(Meet turbo FastTrack, and yes , his appearence changes drastically , this form is basically like super sonic , except more intense , the kinetic energy stored up is extremely resctive , and can be released in the slightest touch if y/n wants . All his abilities and physique are enhanced in this form , and he can use turbo mode as a temporary boost to his abilities , like lightning claws or lightning enfused punches , but on top of that , he can release this in one big burst of energy , similar to vegeta's final explosion , this acts like a giant emp blast , that disables all technology within range , this is also possible in omni kix form , but I completely forgot to draw that)

Y/n: woah!?!? My experiment is a success! Would you look at me? I got a Tail!?!?

Danny: focus cousin!

Y/n snapped out of it and immediately began attacking with his kinetic infused punches , and dealt furious swipes of lightning , but it did nothing . He then decided to release whatever energy he had in a giant emp explosion , but it only dealt a slight burn mark , and to top it all off , he timed out .

Y/n: that did nothing!?!?

Gwen: well....it did something , your explosion disabled all electronics in range!

Danny: (dramatic sigh) oh boy....this is gonna take a while , come on guys! Let's take five and try again after y/n's watch recharges...

Robo: these stupid ugly imperfect beings are denying purification.........what unintelligence......

Mobo: they'll fail.....miserably....

Dobo: they are no match for our lord .......although , I do agree I am taking intrest in these earth women , and I admit they are quite beautiful , more beautiful than the ones that I mated with over my 250 years in life , I plan to take a few with me at the time of departure.....I've read in the universal records that earthlings are compatible with any race in the universe , I guess that's why they call them "breeders".......

Robo: granted , dobo....and I must admit , they are charming , I might have a go at them myself.....

Mobo: allow me to join as well , that halfling what is present with the omnitrix wielder draws my attention.....I almost want to show her what I can do in my nest right now~

The team actually overheard this , gwen was creeped at the now revealed pedophiles , while Danny and y/m were worried about their moms , along with worrying for Gwen , grandpa was absolutely furious and wanted to throw some hands right then and there , but he knew he couldn't

(Truth about max is that in his time as a plumber , he had many flings with other women across the world , so yes , y/m and Danny might have other cousins , and also a few , well , extraterrestrial ones , since our goat's seduction is almost like a super power , and I think everyone might have lost track on how many times max clapped alien cheeks , drop your guesses in the comments)

Y/n: oh well...time for take number 2 (slamming down)

(Cut to later , and cue the montage


Heatblast trying his hardest to land a hit , even reaching supernova levels and launching massive chunks of meteorites at the tick , and successfully managed to deal some damage

Grey matter trying to use his intellect to come up either a plan , but in turn , relied on the omni kix mode , fun fact , grey matter's omni kix armor is like a giant automaton , like a mega zord standing at six feet tall . He tried his best but in turn failed

Y/n tried to use upgrade , since the icon suddenly re appeared , but he didnt transform , so he went into buzzshock instead and tried to get some electric damage in , and it actually worked

Then he tried to use Putty to chip away , and succeeded a little , managed to damage one of the embedded teeth , making it crack a little

Danny and gwen tried to tag team the tick , coordinating their attacks in perfect since with each other , managed to knock most of the outer covering off , but got covered in hard pink goo

Then y/n used overflow to spray boiling hot water , which managed to burn some of the flesh off

Grandpa max even tried to help in a little bit , in his plumber suit and managed to get some chip damage in

End of montage)

Y/n and the others panted in exhaustion , but they looked at their efforts and smirked with pride

Y/n: (panting) finally.....we might have a chance!

Danny: Yeah, it seems as though it's not as quite invincible as they said! Also gwen , that combo move was awesome! We should try something like that again sometime!

Gwen: thank you! And I agree with you!

But then , they looked at the surroundings, which looked dead and warped

G.Max: I seems that this was the cost......(looks down in frustration) dammit!...., why now!!?!

Just then , the ground began to shake , and the tick began to crack , and shake , the worshippers watch in delight at the sight

Robo: yes! It's finally happening!

Mobo: the great one....he's awakening!

Dobo: be grateful mortals.....for witnessing the rebirth of a God!

The shell then began to crack and crumble away to dust , the enormous beast , then opened its eyes for the first time in millenia


The ginormous being stood , with its insecroid like appearence , sporting wings at the back . It spat out a massive green goop at the team , and they dodged at the last minute , they looked to find out it acted like a type of acid , but what's weird was that there were eggs present

Danny: are those....eggs?

Y/n: bigger than normal eggs! Wonder what we could make out of that!

Gwen: I wouldn't want to try an alien omelet , sounds gross.....

G.Max: well it could be giant omelets, or a keesh , or even anything!.....damn , where has this conversation gone to?

Danny and y/n let out a little laugh . But the eggs then began to open up , and out came insectoid like beings , which looked to be a mantis

(For those who are wondering , no , these are not an original creation . "The qu" are from a book called all tomorrows, written by cm koseman . Well , it's about a dystopia future where humans were genetically altered by the qu , who are a God like race , they experimented on these species made humans and Martians called the star people . Well , I don't want to spoil anything but these guys do exist , in my universe here , the qu actually arrived on earth in prehistoric and experimented on a bunch a bunch of primates , which were the proto humans and stranded each species in different planets , comment down your race and what would you want to see on a planet . Well , back to the story)

Y/n: ewww.....what are those things!?!?

Robo: they.... you worthless earthling , are the qu , the right and left hand men of the tick , they exist in the hydra galaxy and are considered an advanced civilization in their sector.......

Danny: well , it won't hurt to atleast try! Come on guys!

Y/n: way ahead of you! (Slamming down)

Y/n: (Cracks knuckles) it's clobbering time!

The group charged ahead , and the battle for earth's freedom had begun

(Art by me , I'm proud of this piece)

Y/n and gwen took the ground , while Danny took the arial assault . Y/n , in his full size , charged against the tick and began to attack with all he had , but only left a few dents . Gwen charged up a giant beam of mana and screamed


and fired it , it dealt a decent amount of damage . The tick kept spawning its qu , which were not a problem for Danny since be burned right through them with his ecto energy . But just then , a huge flocks of qu surrounded him and charged towards him , Danny decided to do something new
3 3e is

Danny: Kame.....Hame....HAAAAA!!!

He fired his fake Kamehameha wave at in every direction , killing and every one of thb mbe bug beings , but the body parts like intestines , eyes , and well , um , penis all fell on Danny alongside alien blood

Danny: (flailing around and trying to shake it off) ewwww! Ew ew ew ew ew! Get it off , get it off , get if off! Oh wait (just turns invisible and the goop falls down from him) heh heh....I knew that....

With grandpa max , he was fighting the worshippers , it was 3 against 1 , with max being the mvp , max grabbed robots beard and tore it off his face , then forced it down his mouth and kneed him in the stomach , which caused him to spit all back out , he got up and tried to fight

Robo: how....are you....so strong?.....I'm supposed to be the superior being!

G.Max: (cocks his plumber blaster) superior my ass......

He fired straight at robo , a big hole was now in his chest , and he died then and there

G.Max: (blows smoke coming from the gun and puts it back into the holster) now who's next?

Mobo got out his sword and charged straight at max with the intent to kill , but max stopped him by just placing his foot on mobo's head

G.Max: you should have drank your milk , midget!

He then kicked the worm right in the face , and he flew back a little . Max then grabbed him by the head and proceeded to beat the ever living crap out of him while he was still in mid air , 4 of his 6 arms were gone as he passed out from the pain .

G.Max: well , looks like now it's me against the orc from hobbit! Well , your way uglier....

Dobo: (swinging his axe) don't get overconfident earthling!

Just as dobo was near , max kicked him in the nuts at the right timing

The guy flew up in the air a little bit before falling back down , and holding his groin area

Dobo: (whining and in a girl voice) you.....you destroyed my divine bowels......

G.Max: (sighs) divine? There ain't nothing divine about that old hairy non existent not even 1 inch twig that can easily be broken by a strong gust of wind and those shriveled up balls that even put grapes to shame!

The guy passed out from from the pain , max just sighed in satisfaction and then cocked his plumber blaster , and joined the kids in the fight against the gigantic threat

The tick grow angrier each passing second , until it spread its giant wings and flew up into the sky and sucked up all the nearby chemicals present in the ozone layer , the sky changed to a dark red , strange things were happening all over the world , there were earthquakes, mini tsunamis , volcanic eruptions , the news was broadcasting all of this . The tick fired off a giant beam , coming from it's mouth , claws , and it's arms . The beams combined into one and headed straight for the team . y/n , still humoungosaur , shielded them from the impact and after it died down , y/n turned back and fell to the ground exhausted .

Danny: (rushing to him and catching him) you okay cuz?

Y/n: (rubbing his head) yeah.....I'm fine.....

Gwen: (looking above) that things really invincible! There's nothing we can do about it!

Y/n: (getting up) well , I do have one more plan........if we cant destroy it from the outside , we should attack from the inside!

Danny: meaning?

Y/n: (groans) I got inside and rip it apart inside out!

G.Max: not a full proof plan , but it's the only one we have , are you going to use grey matter then?

Y/n: nope! He's to small and abit weak , and omni kix won't work alot with him since it's all about technical stuff , instead (activating the watch and stopping on an icon) it's this guy! (Slamming down)

(Transformation sequence and art made by me)


Danny: woah! What's this guy?

Y/n: well , I read about him in the dictionary app , apparently this is an arburian pelarota . These guys are like pangolins , they roll into a ball and attack!

Gwen: suprised that you actually study , but how are you even gonna get in "that" , doofus!

G.Max: I think that won't be problem anymore.....look , it's coming down!

Y/n: alright , here's the plan , the moment bug face comes down , Danny and gwen will throw me towards its , um , face....area

Gwen: and a life long dream comes true....

The tick landed to the dying ground and let out a loud roar . Gwen and Danny got into position , got a good distance far and knelt down , projecting a shield above his head . Gwen used her levitation spell to pick up y/n and hurl him towards the shield , he bounced from the impact and was flung upwards . The tick was unaware of the plan , and opened its mouth , revealing its two sets of yellow sharp teeth reeking of mucus

Y/n: (in thoughts , disgusted) oh.....gross , but I gotta do it for the world....I guess....

Y/n was devoured whole and sent deep into the digestive system , for a tiny bit everything was normal , and it began to charge up another mouth beam . But then, the tick began to groan in pain and clutched it's stomach , it felt itself being torn apart from the inside out , it felt every bone being broken , it's claws , legs , arms , began to disconnect and fall down to the ground . But the finishing blow was dealt

It's eyes glowed green , before it was torn open by y/n , who looked to be in his omni kix form , burst out from the top . The face exploded to millions of pieces , blood splattered all over and the remaining part fell to the ground , dead . Y/n landed safely on the ground

Y/n: (doing his victory dance) oh yeah! Who's the boss? I'm the boss! Woooo!

He then timed out while doing the victory dance , and joined up with his family and friend

Gwen: that actually worked! How'd you plan something so smart with that tiny brain of yours?

Y/n: uh rude!

The sky and trees were slowly returning to normal . But then , a another ship arrived , and outcome 3 unknown individuals

(This is also done by me)

Ultimos: oh my....what happened here?

Tiki: the tickets dead!?!?

Synaptak: it seems so.....but who is the one?

Y/n and the others called them out , and the mysterious trio introduced themselves as the galactic enforcers , well , the milkyway galaxy branch of the galactic enforcers . Theybe been sent by their surperior , xylene , to assist with the threat of the tick , but it seems that its been taken care of . Ultimos thanks the team for defeating the tick and savung the universe from further harm

Ultimos: and it seems the omnitrix is in the righful hands , till we meet again , y/n! Maybe sooner than expected ! (Extends hand)

Y/n: me too! (Takes it)

They shook hands and the enforcers departed . Danny hung out with them for a few hours , but them , they had another problem . Y/n was ambushed by kevin

Y/n: woah dude! , what happened to you?.....

Kevin: what happened!?!?! What happened huh?!?!?! This is all you! You did this to me! It's all because of your watch......but thanks to you , I have this incredible power~.....so I'm gonna rip that watch off of you....and use it for myself!

Y/n was about to transform, but realized he was timed out . But then he remembered something , he pulled out the energy dagger from his pocket , which was gifted to him by tetrax

Y/n: I totally forgot about this......

Gwen: you had that with you the whole time!?!?!

Danny: heh....classic y/n , he's always been that way

Y/n: (ignoring them) alright Kevin....catch these hands!

Kevin and y/n began fighting . Y/n was an expert in dodging , but got hit by a few times by him . Y/n was a bit hurt , but then he got an idea , he hit the button in the middle , and the dagger transformed into a full in energy sword

Y/n: (swinging it around) cool!!!

G.Max: focus sport! Don't let the enemy get your enemy get the upper hand , that's the basics in combat 101!

Y/n nodded and charged forth , he was a natural at sword fighting and combining his sword in combat . Kevin was a bit overwhelmed by the force of the band, and it was energy powered , which was even more painful . Danny then took the right moment and trapped Kevin in his energy constructs. Max got out the null void projector and blasted it at Kevin. Kevin was struggling to free himself from the sucking

Y/n: can I?

Danny: (nodding) go for it cuz!

Y/n charged forth at Kevin and dealt a kick to the fell , and Kevin was sucked into the portal . Danny called his dad to fire up the teleporter again , and soon enough he was back Amity Park. Y/n and gang were off to deal with another problem , Dr animo was at the zoo and trying to steal the animals . Looks like this day will get even crazier for put heroes .


And that wraps up this episode . I hope you enjoyed it , and I'm sorry for taking so long , I was occupied with doing the art for this episode mostly and thus the episode had to be postponed . But , I have an announcement, this will be the line of films for the third arc , which will mainly consist of movies:

Y/n 10: Race Against Time

Steel : The Reckoning

(A solo film about Carl in his younger years as a superhero , and how he retired)

Max Tennyson: Adventures Of The Past

(This film will be all about grandpa max in his younger years , all the way to current date)


(This film will solely focus on gwen , and how she will discover her alien ancestry and grow into her roots into becoming a powerful sorceress)

Y/n 10: Titan Resurgence

(This film , as I said said in the chapter , will be about y/n visiting Paradis and discovering the truth of titan era)

Danny Phantom

(A solo film about Danny, obviously , which will focus more on his life and will be more grounded and a little street level)

And finally , to end the third arc off ,

Generator Rex

(Rex will be introduced in his own film , and will meet up with our heroes in the fourth arc , which will be the limax war arc)

And that's all from me , and also , thank you for showing your support , and I'm happy that I passed 9k reads , also , if you have any suggestions or ideas, leave them in the comments or 9n my message board . But thats all for now!

See ya!

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