Paradise Falling (ONC 2024)

By SallyMason1

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"Thirty seconds. That's all you have to stop the bullshit, or your son is dead." ~~~~ Six years ago, Chelsea... More

Yeah, I Know I Shouldn't Be Writing This
1 -- Butterfly Effect
2 -- A Little Tea Shop in a Sleepy Town
3 -- Complications
4 -- On Enemy's Turf
5 -- Two Different Kinds of Proposal
6 -- Miscalculations
7 -- Passion Unleashed (I)
8 -- Passion Unleashed (II)
9 -- Pulling the Wool Over Their Eyes
11 -- Vitaly
12 -- Monsters of my Dreams
13 -- Raw
14 -- Clearing the Air
15 -- Quiet Before the Storm
16 -- Anger & Despair
17 -- Playtime
18 -- Ground Rules
19 -- Jackson Pierce
20 -- Candlelight Dinner
21 -- Debugged
22 -- Heart-to-Heart
23 -- Collapse
24 -- Rekindled
25 -- Old Wives' Tales
26 -- Yan Du Xian Soup
27 -- High Stakes
28 -- Tying Up Loose Ends
29 -- Turning Tables
30 -- Putting It Out There
31 -- Plan Set in Motion
32 -- On Razor's Edge
33 -- Resistance
34 -- Last Best Hope
35 -- It's Something Worth Protecting At Any Price

10 -- Detour

122 28 160
By SallyMason1

This chapter is dedicated to ThePerfectChild13 whose ONC entry Love & Other Curses is a refreshing coming-of-age story set in the mid 1980s. Adam and Thomas face many challenges, including the AIDS pandemic and navigating a relationship in a hostile world. A read that will pull your heartstrings! Go and check it out.

Dublin Airport, Ireland

February 2024


Anton pulls the Ford Focus right next to the front steps of the jet and kills the engine.

I turn around and grin at Chelsea on the backseat. "That's us."

She gapes at the plane with her mouth open. "It's huge."

"It's a Gulfstream G650ER, the most modern private plane on the market. Accommodates up to thirteen passengers and has sleeping spaces for six."

Shit, I sound like a marketing brochure.

"There are bedrooms? Wow, you travel in style." She cocks her head. "Who are you working for? I'm sure a plane like this isn't cheap."

Woman, are you still trying to get information out of me?

I can't satisfy her curiosity, nor would I want to. Nagging people are annoying as fuck. "Let's just say you won't ever have to worry about breathing the same air as hundreds of other passengers or staying in a dump. First class travel and accommodation are a given."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"No, but it eliminates half the players on the board."

For now, that should be good enough.

As I get out of the car, Anton hauls Chelsea's suitcase from the trunk with a groan. "Why do women always pack so much luggage?"

"Stop whining and get the bags on the plane. I want to leave within the hour."

"What about the rental car?"

I glance at Chelsea; she hasn't moved. "Park it next to the hangar and text Nico to come and get it once we are in the air. I don't want to see his face around here before then." Chances are that Chelsea would recognize him, and that could blow the whole thing.

"Got it."

"And Anton, be nice. She is our guest, and I don't want any snide remarks that could make her feel uncomfortable."

He rolls his eyes.

Huffing "moron" under my breath, I open the door for her. "Let's go."

She walks up the stairs in front of me and swoons over the plane as soon as she steps inside. "Oh, wow, look at all this space." She plops onto the couch with a sigh. "And this is so comfy."

I chuckle. She's like a freaking kid in a candy store.

Beth, our main flight attendant, pulls back the curtain separating the passenger section from the crew. "Good evening, Mr. Artino. Can I take your coat?"

Slipping out of my wool coat, I offer her a smile. "Sorry that you have to pull an all-nighter."

"It's fine. The other girls and I took a bus tour through Dublin and had a Guinness at the Temple Bar. That was a treat, and I'm sure we'll be back one day."

When Anton bursts through the entrance, she steps aside, but he still manages to bump her shoulder in a rather rough way. "Double whiskey for me, and take it easy on the ice or you can do it again."

"Straight away, Mr. Worcheck."

I mouth "I'm sorry" and she acknowledges the gesture with a timid smile. "Would you like something to drink, Mr. Artino?"

"A peppermint tea would be fantastic." I rub the space above my nose. "And if you could find any more of those prescription painkillers . . ."

"Are you having migraines again?"

"On and off." Not surprising considering the stress I'm under. I glance at our guest. "Chelsea, would you like something to eat or to drink?"

"Just water, please."

Compared to Anton, she seems low-maintenance. I watch Beth sway away, appreciating her curves and firm ass that are emphasized by her tight uniform skirt. Icarus tends to hire women who are easy on the eye.

I drop across from Anton into the cream leather chair. "Do you always have to be so rude to the staff?"

"Oh, did the bitch complain?"

"No, but I'm complaining. When you are around me, I expect some professionalism."

He smirks. "Like the way you were with Murphy when you slammed his face into the table."

"C'mon, you know exactly what I mean."

"Those private flight attendants are just calculating whores. They take the job in the hopes to catch a rich man. When that doesn't work out, they file a HR complaint for sexual harassment and walk away with a fat settlement. It's always the same."

"Beth isn't like that. She has never made a pass at me."

"Because she knows we are in a relationship and probably thinks you are a lost cause."

"Anton, we aren't in a relationship."

"Oh, yeah? Keep telling yourself that when you moan into your pillow the next time I stick my cock into your ass."

My gaze flicks to Chelsea. "Keep your voice down."

"Why? Are you afraid she won't give you more of her pussy?" He snorts. "Don't worry, she's a woman. Their sole purpose is to spread their legs."

"You are a misogynistic dick."

"Yep, and proud of it." With the smuggest sneer, he takes the offered whiskey glass off the tray Beth is balancing on her palm. "Thank you, dear, and you look absolutely lovely tonight."

Beth tosses me a confused look as she sets the tea and the saucer with honey in front of me. "Can I get you anything else?"

Anton takes a mouthful of whiskey and smacks his lips. "This is perfect, dear."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Worcheck."

I kick him under the table. Stop it, my eyes warn.

He laughs under his breath.

I grimace at Beth. "Nothing else for now, but we will probably retire for the night as soon as we are in the air."

"No problem. I'll get the beds ready."

As she walks off, I shoot Anton a glare.

He shrugs. "What? I was nice, wasn't I?"

"You couldn't have been any more fake if you tried." I rub my forehead. The headache is getting worse.

About to sip from the tea, the buzzing phone in my pocket distracts me. I check the caller ID. It's Lydia, my son's nanny. My heart stalls for a couple of beats. Why is she calling me at this hour? It's after midnight in Nicosia.

Panic colors her voice. "Apologies for disturbing you so late, Mr. Artino, but it's about Vitaly. He's in the hospital."

I take in a sharp breath. "Why?"

"It's his knee. He tore his meniscus, playing soccer, and the doctors believe he might need surgery."

Fuck. "When did this happen?"

"This morning."

"And why am I only hearing about this now?"

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Pappas didn't want me to call you at all. He said you are on an important assignment and didn't need the distraction."

Such a typical Icarus move. He has been trying to keep me out of my son's life as much as possible.

"Thanks for going against orders, Lydia. I owe you."

"And please don't tell him that I was the one who called you."

"Of course not." Otherwise, she'd be gone and I'd lose my last communication line to Vitaly. Tossing the phone on the table next to the teacup, I stare through the window into the night. My chest hurts. As a dad, I'm a total failure. "Anton, go and tell the pilot that there's a change in the itinerary. We are flying to Nicosia first."

His brows furrow. "Why?"

"Because Vitaly is in the hospital."

"And Icarus is okay with the delay?"

I massage my temples to fight the stabbing pain in my head. Why is he always so confrontational? "Do what you're being told or get the fuck off my plane."

WP total word count: 9,496

Detour to Nicosia to check on Bastian's son, which will poke the hornets' nest. I hope you enjoyed the softer side of Bastian to make him somewhat redeemable. A visit to the hospital will the next before you will meet the big boss himself. Please don't forget to comment and/or vote and thanks so much for reading.

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