Eclipse of Heart

By Silver_Scribblesss

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Samaira Lakshmi Deshpande is caught between two worlds, two masks. Amidst the hunt for her missing twin and t... More

1 | Serendipity
2 | Game of Deception
3 | Identity Crisis
4 | Warm & Cold
5 | Matchmaking
6 | Midnight Plans
7 | Stars Aligned
8 | Rewind
9 | Predestination
10 | Pinky Promise
11 | Aira
12 | Date
14 | Close but yet so far
15 | Engagement
16 | Friends to Lovers?
17 | Worlds Collide
18 | Connecting Dots
19 | Protective
20 | One Step at a Time
21 | Progress
22 | Vulnerable
23 | Singhanias Mystery
24 | Drunk Nights
25 | Enigma
26 | Friend or Foe?
27 | Awkward
28 | Buddy
29 | Amaira
30 | Birthday

13 | Selfish

164 27 13
By Silver_Scribblesss

Mumbai, India

Samaira's POV

I wrap my arms around myself as a chilly breeze passes us, feeling a slight shiver run through me. Despite the cold, I sigh contentedly as we continue walking aimlessly. Aryan takes a deep breath, and I glance at him as he looks towards a nearby coffee shop. "Coffee?" he asks, turning to me, and I nod in agreement.

The café looks cozy, with small two-seater tables outside. "I'll get it," Aryan offers, pulling out a chair for me. I take a seat, and he nudges it closer to the table with a smile. "Cold?" he inquires, his eyes scanning my form. "A little," I reply, hugging myself for warmth. "Do you need a jacket or something?" he suggests, glancing around as if searching for a nearby clothing store. "I'm fine. I like the weather," I assure him, waving off his concern.

We both look at the menu, and I spot hot chocolate. "Hot chocolate," I decide, pointing it out. Aryan heads into the café and returns a few minutes later with two steaming cups. He places mine in front of me, and we sip from our cups in silence. However, Aryan's gaze keeps drifting to me, though I pretend not to notice.

"So?" I begin, setting my cup back on the table. "Let's get to the point. Why do you want to marry me?" I ask, intertwining my fingers and resting them on the table. His gaze meets mine as he sets his coffee down and mirrors my pose. "I like you," he states without hesitation. My heart quickens its pace, and I maintain eye contact with him. "That's not reason enough," I murmur as I lift my cup for a sip.

As I sit there, sipping on my hot chocolate, the warmth of the drink providing some comfort amidst the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. Despite the soothing atmosphere of the cafe, my mind is anything but calm. Aryan's words hang in the air, heavy with significance, and I can't help but feel a knot of uncertainty tightening in my chest.

"Why?" I press, my voice barely above a whisper, but each syllable heavy with the weight of my doubt. "Why me? What is it about me that makes you want to marry me?"

Aryan leans back in his chair, his brow furrowed in thought. There's a palpable tension in the air, as if we're both teetering on the edge of something unknown. "It's complicated," he begins, his voice low and hesitant. "But there's something about you, Aira. Something that draws me to you in a way I can't quite explain."

His words send a shiver down my spine, and I can't help but feel a surge of doubt creeping in.

Is this connection real, or is it just wishful thinking?

I nod slowly, trying to process his words. Despite my uncertainties, there's a part of me that wants to believe him, to trust in the possibility of something more between us.

"But marriage... it's such a big step," I murmur, more to myself than to him.

He meets my gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "I know it's a big step," he admits, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I'm willing to take it with you, if you'll have me."

His words hang in the air, heavy with implications, and I can feel my heart racing in my chest.

The thought of marriage, of committing to someone in such a profound way, is both exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

And I am not even revealing my identity. I can't do it. Not now when we are middle of a mess and lot of things.

I can't reveal it now. Maybe in a few weeks.

But will he still accept me after knowing about the real me?

I take another sip of my hot chocolate, the warmth of the drink providing some solace amidst the storm of emotions swirling inside me. "But what if..." I hesitate, unable to voice the doubts and fears that plague my mind.

Worst case scenarios starts playing in my mind in a slideshow.

Aryan reaches out, his hand finding mine on the table, his touch warm and reassuring. "What if what, Aira?" he prompts gently, his gaze searching mine for answers.

The way he looks at me as if could see right into my soul and see all the truths it terrifies me Everytime he looks at me like that.

"What if I can't give you what you want?" I blurt out, the words tumbling from my lips before I can stop them. "What if I'm not enough?"

His expression softens, his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand in a gesture of comfort. "You are more than enough, Aira," he says earnestly, his voice filled with conviction. "You're everything I never knew I needed."

His words wash over me like a balm, soothing the doubts and fears that have been plaguing me.

In that moment, I feel a flicker of hope stirring within me, a glimmer of possibility amidst the uncertainty.

The irrational part of my brain chants be selfish this one time.

A decision for myself more than anyone else.

"But what if..." I start again, my voice barely a whisper as I struggle to voice the doubts that still linger in the back of my mind.

Aryan reaches across the table, his hand finding mine once more, his touch grounding me in the present moment. "We'll figure it out together, Aira," he says softly, his gaze unwavering as he meets my eyes, his thumb rubbing soft circles on my palm. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together."

I fall silent, my gaze drifts to my phone, the screen ablaze with notifications, a stark reminder of the world beyond this intimate moment.

"It's not just about liking you, you know," I remark softly, the words tinged with uncertainty as I struggle to articulate the doubts gnawing at my heart.

"I know," Aryan responds, his voice gentle yet firm, his eyes brimming with sincerity as he meets my gaze. "It's about more than that. It's about the connection we share, the bond that's been growing between us."

His words resonate within me, stirring up a mix of emotions that I struggle to contain.

Despite my uncertainties, there's a part of me that wants to believe him, to trust in the possibility of something more between us.


"And what if I fail to fall in love with you, Aryan? What then?" I ask tentatively, my voice wavering with a blend of fear and longing, my eyes searching his for reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

Because that's what eventually everyone will expect from your better half. And if I fail at that? And Aryan definitely believes we will fall in love and I don't want to break is heart.

Aryan's response is measured, his tone calm and reassuring. "Even if that were the case, I would still be grateful for the chance to be by your side, to share in our journey together," he says, his words a soothing balm to my troubled soul, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the storm of doubts and fears that rage within me.

"Isn't that a bit cheesy, coming from the city's most feared cop?" I tease, attempting to lighten the mood, though my cheeks flush involuntarily, betraying the tumult of emotions raging within.

"Enjoy it. Not everyone gets to see this side of me," Aryan quips back, his tone playful yet sincere, his eyes twinkling with warmth and affection, offering a glimpse into the depths of his heart that leaves me breathless with wonder.

"Why me? You could have that relationship with anyone else too." I whisper the question again, my voice barely above a whisper, my heart pounding in my chest as I wait with bated breath for his response, my eyes locked on his, searching for answers amidst the tangled web of emotions that bind us together.

"Because you're not everyone," Aryan replies casually, his words simple yet profound.

Aryan's words leave me speechless, and I find myself staring at him for a few moments before looking away, feeling a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me. With uncertainty and anticipation mingling in my heart, I quietly murmur "okay" over the rim of my cup, pondering the weight of my decision.

For once, I choose to be selfish, taking a leap of faith despite the uncertainties. There's something about Aryan that feels different, something that whispers to me that this could be worth it.

Aryan's expression freezes briefly as he processes my response, his eyes searching mine for any hint of hesitation. Carefully, he repeats his question, his voice tinged with hope. "Okay?" he asks tentatively, seeking confirmation.

I meet his gaze steadily, feeling a rush of warmth spreading through me as I realize the gravity of my decision. With a simple nod, I confirm my answer, unable to find the right words to express the mix of emotions swirling inside me.

A small smile begins to bloom on Aryan's lips as he absorbs my response. "So is that a yes?" he asks again, seeking reassurance.

Once more, I nod, silently confirming my decision. Aryan chuckles softly at my response, his eyes reflecting a blend of joy and relief. "I'm going to make this worth it, Aira," he says softly, his words brimming with sincerity.

As his promise sinks in, a sense of warmth envelops me, dispelling any lingering doubts or fears. In that moment.

"So," Aryan pushes back his chair, standing up and I look at him curiously, "That's decided." He says, gesturing to the green sign for the marriage proposal and I nod in agreement, "How about we celebrate it?" He asks wiggling his eyebrow and does a gesture of drinking. 

Its been a long time since I had alcohol in my system so I decide to go with his plan, "Sounds like a plan." I agree getting up from my chair and try to keep excitement within me.

Aryan helps me back into my knitted sweater and we both google map the nearest club or a bar. We find one in the next street and decide to go there.

As we step into the vibrant atmosphere of the bar, pulsing with neon lights and the infectious beat of Bollywood tunes, Aryan and I exchange excited glances. The air is alive with energy, and we can't help but be swept up in the lively ambiance.

"Looks like the perfect place to celebrate, don't you think?" Aryan shouts over the music, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

I nod enthusiastically, feeling a rush of exhilaration coursing through me. 

We weave our way through the crowd, the scent of alcohol and laughter filling the air. Aryan grabs my hand, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me as we navigate towards the bar.

"Two shots of tequila, please!" Aryan calls out to the bartender, flashing a charming smile as he leans against the counter.

The bartender nods, pouring two generous shots and sliding them towards us. Aryan raises his glass, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "To taking chances and seizing the moment!"

I laugh, clinking my glass against his. "To new beginnings!" I reply, before throwing back the fiery liquid with determination.

The tequila burns down my throat, leaving behind a warm trail of exhilaration. Aryan grins, his eyes shining with excitement. "Ready for round two?" he teases, a playful glint in his eye.

I raise an eyebrow, matching his playful demeanor. "Bring it on, Mr. Daredevil!" I say gesturing the bartender to bring more.

We order another round of shots, the alcohol adding an extra layer of courage to our spirits. At least it is doing wonders to my guarded personality. I let myself lose in the moment.

As the music shifts to a lively Bollywood track, Aryan grabs my hand, pulling me towards the dance floor."Time to show off those dance moves, Aira!" he exclaims, his voice filled with infectious. 

My joyous mood immediately turns off at his words.Dance?Its been so long I danced. The only thing I loved so much."I don't think so." I say hesitantly swallowing hard looking at the dance then back at Aryan. 

His burrows in confusion, "What?" He shouts over the music as he leans his ears toward me to hear better, "I don't know to dance." I shout the lie to him over the loud music. He looks up with shock as if he can't believe that I am saying that. 

 "How can you not know to dance? When you have a twin who is a dancers." He shouts in disbelief. My mood sours further when it reminds me I am not Samaira but Amaira to him.

 Swallowing past the guilt, I shout again, "That doesn't mean I should know to dance too." I reason a lie.Aryan still looks at me in disbelief, "I will teach you." He says over the music. I just shake my head in disagreement and stand grounded to my decision. 

 I am never dancing. 

 "Pretty please?" Aryan pouts as he wraps his hand around one of my wrist, "No." I say pulling out of his clasp, the bartender nears us and I order another round of liquor. 

 I need some more if I want to forget the swarming childhood memories. Which makes my heart physically pain.

 As soon as the bartender slides the shots, I take one and gulp down, the burning sensation soothes the pain in my heart a little. Aryan gulps his one and wipes his mouth with the back of his palm before glancing in my direction.

"Come on, Aira," Aryan insists, his tone pleading as he gestures towards the dance floor again. "It'll be fun, I promise."

I shake my head stubbornly, my resolve unwavering. "I told you, I don't dance," I reply firmly, trying to mask the turmoil churning inside me.

Aryan's expression softens, his eyes searching mine with a mix of concern and understanding. "Okay, I won't push you," he concedes, his voice gentle. 

"You don't have to dance if you don't want to."

I offer him a weak smile, grateful for his understanding. "Thanks," I murmur, feeling a twinge of guilt for lying to him about my dancing abilities.

Despite the pain and uncertainty that still linger in the depths of my heart, being with Aryan in this moment feels strangely comforting, as if I've found a temporary respite from the turmoil of my past.

And as we raise our glasses in a silent toast to the night ahead, I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker to life within me, a belief that maybe, just maybe, there's still a chance for happiness amidst the chaos of my tangled emotions.

As the night wears on and the shots keep flowing, Aryan and I find ourselves in a state of intoxication, giggling like schoolkids as we sit by the bar, making silly jokes and commenting on the people around us.

"Did you see that guy's shoes? They're brighter than my future!" I exclaim, pointing towards a man wearing neon-colored sneakers.

He burst into laughter, I clutch my stomach laughing as tears of mirth well up in my eyes. 

As our laughter subsides, I feel a sudden urge to use the restroom. "I'll be right back," I tell Aryan, grabbing my purse, "I will pay the bill by then. Anyways its late." Aryan says at his past 11 I nod saying a okay and stumble towards the bathroom making sure not plant my face to the ground.

Inside the restroom, I'm met with a line of impatient women waiting to use the facilities. Sighing, I join the queue and try to distract myself from the wait. My gaze falls on the wall of mirrors, and I catch a glimpse of my tattoo peeking out from behind my cropped top.

The sight of the tattoo brings back a flood of memories, and I find myself lost in thought until it's finally my turn. I quickly make use of the facilities before stepping out and attempting to fix my appearance. However, to my dismay, I realize I've applied the wrong shade of lipstick.

"It was supposed to be nude," I mutter to myself in frustration, cursing my drunken clumsiness. With a sigh, I smooth out my hair and apply the red lipstick properly before exiting the restroom.

As I emerge from the bathroom, I collide with someone, my face pressing into their chest as I stumble backward, mortified by the realization that I've stained the person's shirt with my lipstick.

"I'm so sorry," I apologize profusely, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I look up to see Aryan standing before me, his white shirt marred by the red stain from my lips.

"It's fine, relax," Aryan reassures me, his chuckle easing my nerves as he moves closer to me. But as the crowd pushes past us, I find myself pressed against the wall, Aryan's intoxicating scent enveloping me.

His gaze flickers to my lips, and I feel a surge of nervous energy coursing through me as I wet them unconsciously. Aryan's breath hitches audibly, his dark gaze locking with mine, sending shivers down my spine.

"Your lipstick is different," he whispers, his voice low and husky, sending a wave of heat coursing through me.

"It is," I murmur back, my heart racing at the intensity of his gaze, my mind spinning with a thousand unspoken thoughts and desires.

Caught in the magnetic pull of Aryan's gaze, I struggle to form coherent thoughts, my mind clouded by a heady mixture of alcohol-induced euphoria and unspoken emotions.

The space between us seems to shrink, filled with an electric tension that crackles in the air around us. I can feel the heat radiating from his body, warming me from the inside out, igniting a fire that threatens to consume us both.

Aryan's hand hovers beside my shoulder, his touch tantalizingly close yet maddeningly out of reach. Every nerve in my body is on high alert, attuned to the slightest brush of his skin against mine.

Aryan's gaze softens, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he reaches out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "It suits you," he murmurs, his touch gentle against my skin.

I feel a rush of warmth spreading through me at his words, a flutter of butterflies in my stomach as I meet his gaze once more. Aryan eyes locked on mine with an intensity that steals the breath from my lungs.

My heart pounds in my chest, a wild rhythm that echoes the erratic beat of my thoughts. I'm drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the pull of his magnetic presence.

Caught in the whirlwind of emotions, I'm unable to resist the magnetic pull drawing me closer to Aryan. My alcohol-clouded mind takes control, urging me to seize the moment, to indulge in the intoxicating allure of his presence.

As our eyes lock in a silent exchange of longing, I can feel my resolve slipping away, replaced by a primal urge to lean closer, to bridge the gap between us and lose myself in the intoxicating heat of the moment.

Aryan's lips part slightly, his gaze flickering between my eyes and my lips, a silent invitation that sends a shiver down my spine. Without conscious thought, I lean forward, drawn inexorably towards him by an invisible force that I cannot resist.

Our lips brush in a tantalizingly brief contact, sending a surge of electricity coursing through my veins. For a fleeting moment, time stands still, the world around us fading into insignificance as we are consumed by the intensity of our shared desire.

But as quickly as it began, the moment is shattered by the harsh reality of our surroundings. I gasp, pulling back in shock, my heart pounding in my chest as I reel from the suddenness of our impulsive actions.

Aryan too recoils slightly, his gaze dropping to the floor as he grapples with the weight of what just transpired between us. The air between us crackles with unspoken tension, heavy with the weight of our shared embarrassment and uncertainty.

I take a shaky step back, my cheeks burning with humiliation as I struggle to regain my composure. The alcohol-induced haze that had clouded my judgment begins to dissipate, leaving behind a stark clarity that only serves to amplify my feelings of vulnerability.

Aryan looks away, his expression unreadable as he takes a deep breath, his jaw clenched with tension. We both stand there in the wake of our shared moment, grappling with the overwhelming rush of emotions that threatens to overwhelm us.

In that moment, I am acutely aware of the boundaries that separate us, the lines that we had crossed in a moment of reckless abandon. I wrap my arms around myself, a feeble attempt to shield myself from the raw intensity of my emotions.

As the harsh reality of our impulsive moment settles in, I feel a pang of regret pierce through the lingering haze of alcohol. Just because I said yes to the marriage doesn't mean we can simply ignore the invisible boundaries we've set between us.

"We should leave," I mutter, my voice barely above a whisper, the weight of the situation bearing down on me like a heavy burden.

Aryan nods in silent agreement, running a hand through his tousled hair as he grapples with the aftermath of our impulsive actions. The alcohol-induced haze begins to dissipate, leaving behind a sobering clarity that only serves to magnify the awkwardness of the situation.

I turn on my heels, heading towards the exit, with Aryan following closely behind. Once outside, a sudden realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Oh, shit. I left the bouquet inside," I exclaim, glancing back towards the bar in dismay.

"I'll get it," Aryan offers without hesitation, darting back inside to retrieve the forgotten item.

When Aryan returns with the bouquet and my phone in hand, I make a feeble attempt to muster a smile. "Thanks," I mumble as I accept the bouquet from him, feeling the weight of the awkwardness between us.

Quickly, I pull up the ride-sharing app on my phone, booking a cab to take me away from this awkward situation. We stand in awkward silence until the cab pulls up beside us.

"Bye," I say softly, looking at Aryan and offering a hesitant wave.

"Be safe. Share me your location," Aryan instructs, his concern evident in his voice as he opens the door for me.

"Sure. Good night, Aryan," I reply, my voice tinged with uncertainty as I climb into the backseat of the cab.

"Night, Aira," Aryan responds, closing the door behind me.

As the cab pulls away, I steal a glance at Aryan through the rearview mirror, watching as he stands there until the vehicle disappears from his view. He then pulls out his phone, presumably to book a cab of his own, and I can't help but wonder what lies ahead for us, now that we've crossed this unspoken boundary.

Despite the awkward situation caused by our drunk senses I can't stop my brain from wandering back to the moment.

I could still feel the brush of his lips.

I sigh and tell the driver to drive fast so that I can get to the hotel before Aryan sees me.

I didn't expect the night to end like this.


Officially the Slow burn as began guys and I can't wait to write more.

And I can promise you this, the future chapters is going to be little spicy, intense, romantic then my first story.

Because Samaira and Aryan are that type of couple. Romantic and Intense kind.

And Samira seeks such physical gestures to drift her mind away from her thoughts. So....

Expecting a good number of Votes and Comments on this.

Depending on that I will decide whether there will be another update this Sunday.

So do shower your love on this chapter. Also follow to get notifications on updates.

Have a good long weekend guys.

And Happy Shivarathri Y'all.

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