By HJwritesTK

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MARRIAGE/FAMILY SERIES- Book 1. (Arranged Marriage) Angst with HAPPY ENDING. Jungkook and Taehyung were livin... More



986 59 49
By HJwritesTK


Jungkook sighed for the nth time that day before resting his forehead on the steering wheel. He straightened himself and looked at the resumes in his hands, having submitted many earlier that morning. He applied to nearly all available positions in any company without consideration of their size, desperate for a job.

Despite majoring in Business, and having aspirations of establishing his enterprise, he had carefully planned every detail, including enticing projects that were difficult to turn down.

However, the obstacle he faced was the lack of interest from potential investors due to his status as a novice in the field. Facing the reality that he needed to invest his own money to get on track before seeking more investors.

So, he meticulously planned three impressive projects on his own, he believed everything was under control when he set up his own company.

Getting married shortly after establishing his small business with his savings and some assistance from Taehyung's father, the journey wasn't extravagant but steady. However, it wasn't until one year into his marriage that things became challenging.

With the arrival of their baby Jungwon, life took a different turn. Balancing work, family, and household responsibilities was tough, yet he persevered without complaints, putting in extra hours to make up for time spent with the baby and to be there for Taehyung.

Jungkook faced the difficult decision of letting go of some employees due to financial constraints. Despite his dedication and hard work, the results were not as expected, leaving him uncertain about his approach. Eventually, he realized that lacking a certain background made survival in this competitive world challenging.

At a crucial juncture, the expenses incurred on projects surpassed the earnings, leading to the difficult decision to release employees, albeit retaining key personnel. This financial strain even made it challenging for him to provide the essentials for his child.

Jungkook even took on a large loan that he still pays for, to ensure that the remaining employees were paid without any delays. He deeply acknowledges the dedication of his team and expresses gratitude for their unwavering trust and commitment.

Throughout the duration, he exerted considerable effort, devoted extra hours at work, at times neglecting his time with family, and harbored doubts about his capabilities. Nonetheless, he exerted his utmost in realizing that despite putting in his best effort, achieving success was not solely determined by his abilities or hard work. It's just how the world works.

He eventually made the tough decision to sell his company, using the proceeds for some outstanding dues and debts, providing compensation to employees, and allocating the remainder to Jungwon's savings account.

Fortunately, he secured a job shortly thereafter. Jungkook secured a position within the finance sector, even though it was unrelated to his aspirations, purely for monetary gain.

The income accrued enabled them to sustain a comfortable lifestyle, albeit necessitating the sacrifice of his ambitions due to their financial stability not being substantial enough to invest in his dream business.

In allocating 30 percent of his salary for the loan, 40 percent for family expenses encompassing all three of them, 10 percent to their joint account, and 20 percent to Jungwon's savings account, the latter being non-negotiable even in the direst circumstances.

Unfortunately, the situation took a turn a few weeks back when Jungkook's employer filed for bankruptcy, prompting them to seek alternative job opportunities. Despite continuous efforts, Jungkook has yet to secure a new position, even facing helplessness from his previously supportive boss.

His boss gave him a glimmer of hope by mentioning that he would recommend him to the new company, causing Jungkook to eagerly wait all night. This led to him canceling his movie night with his family, consumed by anxiety throughout the day, and forgetting to inform Taehyung in the process. Sadly, his hopes were dashed as the other company had a strict policy against hiring employees from the company they were acquiring.

Throughout all the decisions he made, whether right or wrong, and the hardships he subjected his family to, Taehyung never voiced a single complaint. He consistently remained by his side with a delightful and contagious smile, reassuring him by saying, 'I trust you and I am right here.'

With a partner like Taehyung, Jungkook found solace in knowing that all his troubles, insecurities, worries, and their son were in good hands. He entrusted all his concerns and anxieties to Taehyung, recognizing that the best thing in his life was Taehyung and Jungwon.

Having grown up as an orphan, Jungkook rarely obtained his desires. However, upon marrying Taehyung, he realized that he not only acquired what he wished for but also received something greater than his wildest aspirations. And Jungwon made him feel incredibly grateful and complete, a feeling he didn't realize he needed in his life.

Jungkook paused momentarily to take a deep breath as he gazed upon the towering building before him. Drawing strength from thoughts of his family, he proceeded to enter the building after discreetly wiping the perspiration on his forehead, induced by the intense rays of the sun.


Taehyung stood at the entrance of the Kindergarten, glancing at the time displayed on his phone before securely locking it. The arrival of the other parents, driving their luxurious vehicles to collect their children, was in stark contrast to Taehyung's transportation method.

The school was renowned as one of the finest and most exclusive schools in Seoul. Despite enduring ongoing financial challenges, the couple remained unwavering in their commitment to providing their son with an exceptional education. They were resolute in their decision to prioritize their son's needs, even if it entailed making personal sacrifices.

Initially, Taehyung harbored concerns regarding Jungwon's potential feelings of exclusion upon observing his peers being collected in cars by their parents.

It was a rare occasion for Jungkook to drop him off in his car since Jungkook's work usually started earlier than Jungwon's school.

Taehyung's worries melted away when Wonie revealed that he preferred spending bus time with his mama over musical car rides with his Appa.

It was a joyful moment for Taehyung, as Jungwon chose him over his appa for the first time, probably the only time. And you will soon know why.

The kids poured out of playschool excitedly, dashing towards their parents. Taehyung stood on his tiptoes, scanning the distant classrooms in search of his little one among the bustling crowd.

"MAMA!!!" A familiar scream reached Taehyung's ears, despite being somewhat drowned out by the surrounding noise, easily recognizable to him.

Excitedly scanning the crowd, he broke into a wide smile upon spotting his baby. Opening his arms eagerly, he embraced Jungwon as soon as he reached him. Planting loving smooches on his cheeks, he elicited cheerful giggles from Wonie.

With a heartfelt 'I missed you' mumbled under his breath, he held him tightly despite it only being a few hours since they were apart. Jungwon, squirming in his father's arms, indicated he wanted to be put down. Taehyung complied, picking up Jungwon's bag which had been carelessly tossed on the ground. Dusting off the soil from the bag, he glanced at his son's disheveled appearance.

Taehyung chuckled to himself as he observed Jungwon's messy hair, wrinkled shirt, stained attire, and paint-smeared cheeks. Despite the contrast from how fresh and perfect his son was sent to school, Taehyung shook his head with a smile, already accustomed to these post-school shenanigans. Running his fingers through Jungwon's hair to tidy it up a bit, he couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart at the sight of his adorable, messy child.

Taehyung cheerfully extended his hand out for Jungwon to grab as they eagerly made their way towards the bus stop.

"Wonie, have you finished your water?" Taehyung asked while reaching into his bag to check the water bottle.

Jungwon nodded casually, humming in affirmation, before launching into animated storytelling about his day, skipping with excitement.

Upon noticing the empty bottle, Taehyung smiled, focusing all his attention on his little one's tales. "Today I pwainted in oul class. Ms. Choi said I will be a wonderful altist wol day."

(Today I painted in our class and Ms Choi said I will be a wonderful artist one day.)

"Woahh...Really?!" Taehyung exclaimed, already familiar with Jungwon's passion for painting. Initially, Taehyung had attributed it to the vibrant colors Jungwon was drawn to. But over time, Taehyung understood his little one's love for drawing and painting, as evidenced by the colorful creations adorning their walls.

"Mama, can I be a paintel?"

"Of course!! You can be anything you want!! I know Wonie will be the best." Taehyung playfully messed up his hair, causing Jungwon to jump with excitement. To prevent him from stumbling, Taehyung made sure to hold his wrist a little tighter to keep him stable.

Observing the crowded bus stop with no available seating, Taehyung lifted Jungwon onto his hips. The short wait didn't bother Taehyung; he was content with standing. Throughout the wait, Jungwon chatted animatedly with Taehyung, who attentively listened and interacted through humming and nodding.

Upon boarding the bus, Taehyung positioned Jungwon beside him, initiating their shared pastime of identifying shapes in the clouds and attempting to spell out the names of nearby shops. Jungwon delighted in his mama's laughter each time he made a mistake.

Taehyung picked up Jungwon and settled him in his lap as more passengers boarded the bus at the next stop, giving space for adults to sit.

"MAMA!! LOOK!!" Jungwon suddenly screamed, pointing excitedly at an animated movie poster. Taehyung, looking around, smiled sheepishly at the people nearby, apologizing for any disturbance.

The crowd always responded with reassurance in situations like these, showing their understanding. They knew how playful kids could be. And even if there were a few subtle glares or sighs sometimes, Taehyung was grateful to be surrounded by kind people today.

Jungwon kept talking about anything that crossed his mind, and people watched with fondness, cooing over the adorable bunny boy.

Taehyung warmly took care of Jungwon as soon as they arrived home. Despite the challenges, he successfully fed Jungwon his lunch and then engaged in playful activities with him before tucking him in for his afternoon nap so he could proceed with his work in peace.

While softly soothing Jungwon by patting his belly and humming, the child began to drift into sleep until the doorbell rang. Taehyung cursed inwardly when he saw Jungwon open his sleepy eyes, awake from his drowsiness.

He made his way towards the door and looked through the peephole before unlocking the door.

Jungkook wearily entered, visibly fatigued as he relieved the constriction of his tie that had persisted throughout the day.

Observing Jungkook's weary gait and heavily burdened steps, Taehyung got worried and was about to speak when a loud voice echoed through the walls.

"APPAA!!" There goes his sleep.

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat as he heard his son call out excitedly. He couldn't help but grin widely as he saw his little one running towards him. With a playful toss in the air, he caught him, eliciting giggles from Jungwon.

"You are home!!" Jungwon exclaimed, wrapping his arms tightly around Jungkook's neck.

"Yes, Appa missed Wonie so much!" Jungkook expressed with a wide smile, planting a kiss on his son's cheek before taking a seat on the sofa. Although Taehyung noticed Jungkook's weariness, he knew Jungkook never let it show in front of their child.

Understanding the situation, Taehyung gently offered to set the table with Jungwon's help, giving Jungkook a moment to freshen up.

"Bub? Let Appa go freshen up. Will you help me set the table for Appa?" he asked.

"Yes!!" Jungwon eagerly agreed, releasing himself from Jungkook's embrace and darting off towards the kitchen.

"Mama!! I can't reach the plates!!!" He screamed from the kitchen. "Coming!!"

Jungkook nodded at Taehyung before walking to their room to freshen up.

Upon returning from his shower and changing into sweats, he was joined by Jungwon and Taehyung as he began to have his lunch. Jungwon sat on his lap showing off his painting, and Jungkook praised him at every opportunity, beaming with pride.

"Appa, why al you home early?" Jungwon asked innocently, causing Jungkook to momentarily freeze with worry.

With a hopeful glance at Taehyung, who nodded in understanding, he gently explained to Jungwon, "Bub, dada works for a company right?" Jungwon nodded waiting for him to continue. "They had to remove the company. So, appa can't work there anymore."

"Appa doesn't have wolk to do?"

Taehyung nodded before adding, "Yes, but he'll get one soon. Appa is going out for that." They sat in silence for a few moments, hoping Jungwon understood what he was saying.

"Yayyy!!!" To their surprise, Jungwon cheered with his hands in the air, almost hitting his appa in the face. "That means I can spend more time with Appa!!!!"

Taehyung smiled with amusement, nodding his head. "Yaaaay!!!" He cheered and jumped off Jungkook's lap to do a joyous parade around the house.

Jungkook smiled at him, realizing he was worried for nothing. Taehyung walked over towards his husband and hugged him tight from behind. "Little things," He whispered placing a kiss on his cheek and Jungkook nodded with a smile.

They both looked at their little star lovingly, realizing how quickly things can change with a positive perspective. Now, Jungkook can't wait to utilize his free time to spend with his family before he can find another job and gets busy.

End of Chapter 2


(A/n: VOID is not for people with weak hearts. I warned you. Don't complain later.🙃)

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