Broken Hearts

By Fierydragon26

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The two were inseparable never seen without the other. Until one day everything changed. Their friendship sha... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Childhood
Chapter 3: Lucy's POV
Chapter 4: Natsu's POV
Chapter 5: Third Person POV
Chapter 6: Shopping secrets
Chapter 8: Fantasize
Chapter 9: Girls day!
Chapter 10: Tears and sorrows
Chapter 11: Confrontation
Chapter 12: Sex
Chapter 13: Truth and Lies
Chapter 14: Mother and son
Chapter 15: Birthday blues
Chapter 16: Rejection with Acceptance
Chapter 17: Hospital
Chapter 18: Gender reveal
Chapter 19: Baby shower!
Chapter 20: His name is...?

Chapter 7: Tension

51 4 3
By Fierydragon26

Thursday 8:00am

"Mmmm! What time is it?" The Heartfilia yawned and stretched her arms up high, over her head. She had a peaceful dream smiling at her picture of the pinkette on her dresser. She got out of bed, starting her morning routine. The time was eight o'clock she had to be at work for her novelist job at nine. She decided to stop by the pet store soon to get herself a cute little friend. She always wanted some company in her home mainly the man she desires but an animal best friend wouldn't hurt. She walked into her bathroom preparing a hot shower. After cleansing her body of dirty particles she was nice and clean. The steam fog covered up the mirror.

'I wonder what Natsu's doing right now? Maybe at work?' He did leave me on read... Probably with that thing again. Why can't he be mine already? Why is it so hard to get him...?' Lucy sighed quietly and finished getting dressed. She brushed her teeth and applied her lipgloss a shiny light pink shade. She walked into her kitchen making breakfast for herself a nice plate of strawberry pancakes, eggs, fruit and coffee. She ate but that sudden feeling of loneliness struck her instantly. She couldn't help but think about him. She made him the center of her world and heart. It breaks her knowing she can't have him but she wants him there isn't another. Sting popped into her head but she only did that to gain attention from her everything. Making him jealous was the goal but she seemed very indecisive to stoop so low.

"Alexa play thinking about you." The music machine lights up as the song begins to play. She wanted a few minutes to think and sing to herself. One of her favorite hobbies to do more-so what she plans to do on Friday. She couldn't wait to start her self care day for just relaxation. She thinks back to her dream briefly.

"I try to make it through the night
But, I can't control my mind
I'm just thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I'm just thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
Got these thoughts in my head
Ain't no way to forget
Got me losin' my breath
Nobody got me the way that you did
Had my eyes rollin' back
Had me archin' my back
Now you love me so good
I wish you would hurry up, and come back
Oh, I don't have you here with me
But, at least I have the memory
I try to make it through the night
But, I can't control my mind
I'm just thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you (about you, baby)
I'm just thinkin' 'bout you ('bout you, ah)
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you (I'm thinkin' 'bout you)
(I'm thinkin' 'bout you)
I'm just thinkin' 'bout you
I'm thinkin' 'bout you (say you don't, baby)
I'm thinkin' 'bout you ('bout you)
Baby, I don't want no one, no one else
So hurry, 'cause I need some, need some, need some help
And I've been waitin' patient, patiently
'Cause I don't have you here with, here with, here with me." The blonde breathed even musical tunes were making her uneasy and sad. She didn't want to move on she just wants to be with her best friend. Even the term alone burned a patch to her heartstrings. Each string was set ablaze chipping away into smoldering ashes. A blackened pile on the floor. She turned it off and placed her dishes in the sink. She locked the house up getting into her car. Her outfit consists of a white v-neck long sleeve, brown skirt, black stockings and light brown Ugg boots due to the cold. Starting the engine the lady was on her way to her job.


"Thank you so much! Happy reading!" The golden woman smiled waving and gave the man her next chapter completed peace. He nodded and disappeared into his office to go read her paperwork. More people were lining up to get their hands on the Adventures of Iris Book wanting to get a copy. She looked up thinking a new person was coming in but it ended up being someone she didn't expect. Her face was blank and confused yet hopeful.

"Luce? Sorry I came by without letting you know firsthand. Lisanna's a huge fan of your book and I wanted to surprise her with a signed autograph by the author herself! If it's not too much trouble?" Natsu asked staring at her nervously holding one of his wife's copies of the novel outward. Brown pupils shattered and became cold between the warm feeling she displayed prior. He swallows thickly noticing a shift in the room with tension so thick a knife could cut deep into it. For a minute there she thought he had come to see her but that was short lived.

"Ummm... You want me to sign this for your wife? Is that what I'm hearing Natsu?" A brow was arched since in her mind he belongs to her so this wasn't something she wanted to hear at all. He doesn't realize the pain it brings to her. Natsu scratched his pink hair feeling a shiver down his spine. The icy glare she's giving the book concerned him. His green eyes were saddened and she didn't like seeing them dim she loves his bright forest orbs.

"Yes. Can you please sign it for her? I'd really appreciate it!" The man waited and she refused shoving the literature gently off the table. He was confused on her behavior and why she was acting so moody and looking at him like she wishes he had never step foot in the vicinity.

"I politely decline please leave." Lucy's voice was venomous and low, wanting him to get away from her. She could feel her waterworks pricking her eyelids but held them in strongly. He sighed not understanding what he did wrong to her? Nonetheless he left it there and folded his arms.

"I'm not gonna leave till you sign it." The firefighter stubbornly waited staring her down for emphasis. They were both looking deep into the other's eyes until she bit her lip, wishing to jump him but they're in public. She gave in to his smoldering gaze it made her palms sweaty his serious face does something to her in a naughty way.

"Fine! I'll sign the book but on one condition?" The blonde put up a finger and he blinked eager listening. "What's up? This isn't weird or anything right that you're gonna ask for?" "No silly!"

"I want you to send me a hot picture of you just one and only I can see it." She whispered in his ear and his eyes widened but he obliged. He whipped out his phone sending her an image and she signs her signature with a forced appreciation note.

"There you go weirdo!" The pinky ruffled her combed flat down hair. She glares at him and shooed her away, as he leaves back to his day off. He made a phone call to meet up with the guys to go hangout at a bar or go go-cart racing. They didn't tell each other goodbye keeping it short and sweet.


Afternoon 12:00pm

S: Lucy? Are we still on for tonight?

Blondie is typing. . .

L: Yes of course! I just have to go home and get things ready for our date!

Sting is typing. . .

S: Great! 7:00 I'll come by and pick you up! You put your address right?

Blondie is typing. . .

L: l believe so! See you tonight! :)

Sting is typing. . .

S: Bye catch you later. : D

Once that conversation came to a stop the brown eyed female signs that last book. She opened her laptop, typing away the next chapter to the sequel. She has been working on each page diligently, not trying to mess up a single thing. She closed her software, and began to think about her husband the salmon headed man. Her eyes became fixated on the picture he sent. His gorgeous muscles rippled in all the right places, his face, neck, hair, emerald irises, tan skin and lips then his pointy fangs. She loves that boy so much it was impossible to separate her dreamy stares to her blank voided ones.

"I wish you were mine..." Lucy whispered and changed her phone wallpaper. She put him as her lock-screen and smiled cutely blushing. She makes it outside with her belongings heading home needing to sort through her clothes, and choose an
outfit for her rendezvous with the blonde male.


Lucy's House

"Hmmm... this one? No that's ugly. Too last season!" Lucy was currently trying on her clothes, in front of her full-length body mirror in the walk in closest. She stood proudly with confidence in her style and features admiring how beautiful she truly was inside and out. She was very hygienic with herself. She smiled a closed smile. The time was 6:50pm she decided to go with a black cami top, skirt, tights that were thin and white heels. She picked a matching purse to compliment her look.

After her change in clothing the blonde headed model seated herself at the makeup dresser. She turned on the light, and started moisturizing her face and around her eyes. She hummed a song about 'fantasizing' to herself. She was a girly girl so things like this were important to her. "I'd give this—" She didn't finish her sentence getting a text ting sound, from Sting saying he was on his way soon.

She applied strawberry lipgloss to her lips, giving them a light pop and blew kisses to herself with a giggle. She grabbed a makeup brush blending her blush to her cheeks and sprayed a mod vanilla scent along her neck, collarbone and smelled it satisfied. She couldn't help but feel happy somewhat. "I'm so excited!" She beamed to her square clean mirror. She combs her hair letting it flow out, and curled the ends amazed with the result.

Beep beep!

A pair of footsteps arrived at the front to signal Sting was there. Lucy hurriedly got up and fixed her skirt clearing her throat. She opened her door greeting him with a bright smile. "Wow! You look amazing!" The nicely dressed male smiled similar to the one who captured her heart. He gave her a bouquet of dandelions. "Thank you! You don't look bad yourself!" She complimented him back and placed the flowers in a vase.

"Shall we go? Do you have everything?" The jewelry store worker asked his date closing the doorway behind her being a gentleman. The maiden nodded as he opens the passenger side for her. She smiles politely thanking him kindly.


Ariccia Cucina Italiana Restaurant

"This is lovely! Ooh! Wait let's take a picture together!" Lucy tells Sting as he does a peace sign and she leans near his shoulder poking her lips outward cutely. She uploaded it on her Instagram story and wrote a caption. The doors were opening but he informed her. "The movies are closed they just announced it on the website. That's why we're having dinner a bit early! I hope that's okay with you blondie?" The other blonde grinned.

"That's perfectly fine! I love the lighting in here!" The pale yellow hair girl exclaimed in admiration as the waiter escorted them to a table. The light headed blue eyed boy sat in his seat. The menus were distributed for them to scan over the choices and specials, appetizers and beverages.

"Hi my name is Dan and I'll be your server for tonight! What can I get for you and whoa baby! You are gorgeous!!" The waiter shouted seeing Lucy instantly feeling awestruck by her beauty.

"I think I'll have the fettuccini Alfredo with breadsticks and a pink lemonade." Sting ordered his food and noticed his weird behavior. He snapped his fingers feeling annoyed. The woman sweat dropped, and straightened her posture. She told him her choice as well. "I'll have a peach tea and steak with mashed potatoes please make the steak well-done thank you!"

"I'll have that right out for you both!" The brown haired man left to the back kitchen.

"Well, he sure as hell took a liking to you." Sting made conversation with Lucy while she checked a certain someone's socials. "I'm sorry to let you down and all but that is totally out of the question! He is not my type!" She grimaced and saw an unknown number pop up checking it later.

"Hahahaha I'm just messing around with you blondie! You're way out of his league. Anyway there's one thing I should tell you..." The male coughed awkwardly and thanked their waiter as the food was presented to them and drinks following after.

She raised an eyebrow and attentively listened. "What is it Sting? Is everything okay?" Her nervousness was getting the better of her.

"I don't do well with committed relationships... I also have my work over anything else. I'm not looking for long term things." He admitted letting her know beforehand not wanting something serious. Lucy's smile dropped but she masked it down. "I understand your reasoning. We can be friends just out having a nice time! Thank you for being honest with me." She took a few bites of her Alfredo twirling the silver fork in one motion.

"I apologize if that hurt you L—"

"I'm fine. Please take me home after we're done here." The woman said frowning and ate in silence for the remainder of the dinner. She wanted some dessert to-go asking for a chocolate fudge cake. She sets that aside disappointedly. Wishful thinking she could move on finally but fate says otherwise.

The rest of the night was uncomfortable and the drive wasn't so great after all.


Sting drove Lucy home and she walked into her cozy apartment slamming the front entrance shut. Her heart felt broken again and she threw her shoes off angrily. She hated this life everyone was happy but her. She received a message from Levy immediately.

Lev: Lu-Chan! How's your date going? Is Sting treating you well? Details please!?

Lu is typing. . .

Lu: N-No... Sting isn't looking for commitment or long term relationships! W-Why am I so pathetic? You go out with a guy a-and h-he just says things like that?! I'm never going to find love! Maybe I-I should give up on it?

Lev is typing. . .

Lev: Poor Lu-Chan! :( I wish I could comfort you but I'm on a date with Gajeel! I'm so sorry! No don't talk like that! Stay strong! I gtg ttyl!

Lu is typing. . .

Lu: Alright! Thank you Levy-Chan! I'll try. I think I'll just rest for the night... ttyl!

Lucy sighed heavily cleansing her eyes with tissues ruining her mascara. She wiped the makeup off with a wipe and changed her attires wearing cute bunny pajamas to bed comfortable. She wasn't tired in the least listening to selections of music on Alexa. She saw that Dan guy blowing her up, as the caller ID revealed his name and Sting ignoring them. She sobbed wishing someone could hold her.

Elsewhere in another home a pink headed fireman was scrolling on his social media just coming back from a guys night. He saw the post and was feeling a lot. He was infuriated seeing his woman who wasn't but in his head she was with another man. That didn't sit well with him. He left to his car for a nightly drive glaring holes into the rearview mirrors, his mind was jumbled up in jealousy and possessiveness. He needed to clear his noggin despite his marriage he wanted her bad. Only one thing crossed his mind while speeding down the highway.

'What the fuck?'

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