[Complete] Restless mind, Emp...

By Rose_Romantica

511 1 0

Luna Reina is a twenty-three year old woman, who has had to deal with raising and taking care of her sister L... More



17 0 0
By Rose_Romantica

"I know it's breaking me down It's driving me insane So, baby, tell me if I just had a minute with you. Would our wildest dreams come true? Tell me would you feel it too? All I want to hear is that you Love me, love me, baby Oh yeah."

Reina was singing to herself in one of the dance practice rooms only to stop as she saw two males come into the room. She got up and bowed her head. "Sorry did you need this room"

"No-no, we heard a pretty voice and wanted to see where it was coming from." The brunette male said with a smile

Reina scratched the side of her face flustered. "I-I'm Reina sir...S-Shining found me and wanted me to be here. J-Just earlier this afternoon I signed up to be here."

The brunettes eyes lit up hearing that she was the new comer in the agency. "Oh! You're the girl he's taken in huh? Well you defiently have talent! Ranran here and I both heard you from the hallway!" The brunette said before he smiled at her. "I'm Kotobuki Reiji."

"I'm Kurosaki Ranmaru, you have talent kid that's for sure. Where are the seven morons who are supposed to be helping you out?" The silver haired male asked

"Dunno, and I don't care. Two of them still need to earn my trust after thinking that I was over dramatizing the fact that I was a literal maid for literally all of my life. That doing this is the first bit of freedom from the life I loathed with all my heart." Reina said with a shrug

"We heard you were having a disagreement. Who ended up not agreeing that you have talent?"

"The two blondies. I never got anyone else's name but Hijirikawa who was sweet enough to escort me to Shining's office earlier today."

Both of them face palmed themselves before Ranmaru sighed out. "Hold up kid, stay put. We'll get them and the other two from our group. We'll settle this maturely." Ranmaru said seriously

She nodded her head before the two males left out, Reina took a deep breath before she sat back down where she had been and went back to practicing until she saw the seven males come into the room as well as two males she hadn't seen before who stood by Reiji and Ranmaru.

Ranmaru looked at the seven males unamused. "You seven severely messed up with this girl here. Only one of you chose to introduce yourself to her. I believe it's only right that if she is to work with you morons that those who haven't do so."

"Sorry none of us introduced ourselves, we forget sometimes that not everyone will know who we are. I'm Ittoki Otoya." Otoya said with a small smile

"Apologies we didn't do this sooner Reina. I'm Ichinose Tokiya."

Masato smiled at her. "I'm pleased that you had told Kotobuki and Kurosaki that I had introduced myself to you already Reina."

Reina nodded her head. "You have been rather kind to me, so I wanted to repay that Hijirikawa." She said with a smile

"I'm Jinguji Ren, I do sincerely apologize for not introducing myself previously to this." Ren said with a smile

Reina's eyes then narrowed seeing that Natsuki was the one who spoke up next. "I know that Syo and I chose Kayla over you, but please do take our apology from earlier. We didn't mean to upset you. I'm Shinomiya Natsuki."

"Kurusu Syo, we really are sorry Reina."

"I'm Aijima Cecil." Cecil said with a smile

Ranmaru let out a sigh before Reiji spoke up. "Rei-rei...wait is it okay for me to call you that?" Reiji asked reina curiously

Reina smiled at Reiji. "It's more than fine Kotobuki." She said happily "You'd be the first to give me a nickname."

Reiji smiled "Alright then! Rei-rei, you were given a task by shinning right?"

"Mhm, I had to have the seven males help me do a song that would be empowering of love that would blow him off of his feet...but I struggle with it. I don't have much if any experience in loving...of any kind." Reina said sadly

Reiji looked at her shocked "Really? Not even familial?"

"What family?" Reina asked with a scoff

Ai could tell something was off with the female and walked up to her. "I'm Mikaze Ai, from what you said and your body language you give off the statement you had stated was not only true, but a sad revelation within your mind set. What exactly happened that made it be so?"

Syo and Natsuki both looked at each other sadly and wanted to speak up but Reina chose to speak up bluntly as she looked the male directly in the eyes.

"I have a speculation that I was adopted, the people who I knew as my parentals didn't treat me well and ordered me around like a little maid. I was only able to go through school only to be able to help their 'rainbow child' Kayla strive and 'be the best person she could be' without her lifting a finger to do anything. From putting on her clothes and waking up to bathing and going to sleep. I had to help that child with everything. I'm not even being dramatic about it either. Since I was a mere child of five years of age I was given tasks to do until recently when I drew the line and left without looking back." Reina explained bluntly

"I see...and this Kayla girl. She's had a negative impact on you yes?" Ai asked

"Indeed she has, her mother told her that her only 'job' per-say was to make sure that I never loved and left the place that I was supposed to clean and keep up. Her job was to keep me to do what I've been forced to do like a little obedient servant-which I am not." Reina stated

"Shinning had told us of Quartet night that Kayla's parents both have tried to make you leave here within hours of one another. Why?" Ai asked

"They don't cook, clean or take care of their child-I had to do all of that on my own. That's the only reason I was even around for. Without me around they wouldn't know how to function properly."

"Shinning also mentioned that she didn't have talent like you, is that true?"

Reina nodded her head. "Yes, that is factual."

"I see..." He said before he went up to Syo and Natsuki before he hit both of them on the tops of their heads "You both chose to ignore the talent before you, you two need to earn her trust and respect. I do not see why she has to be friendly towards either one of you for being idiots. I thought you two knew better."

"Ow! Ai! That hurt like hell!" Syo whined out holding the top of his head

"Then don't do stupid things Syo, as your senior I need to keep the two of you in line." Ai said seriously

"Senior? Wait...are the four of you the seniors of the seven?" Reina asked curiously

Reiji smiled and nodded his head. "Yup! All of us but myu-chan has two juniors! Mine are Toki and Otayan." Reiji said happily

"Mine are Masato and Ren." Ranmaru said with his arms crossed "thankfully neither one of them are stupid enough to ignore the talent you have."

"Both of them have been nice Kurosaki senpai."

"Glad to hear it, I don't want to do unnecessary work by scolding them if I don't need to." Ranmaru said with a sigh 

"And as you can see I have Syo and Natsuki." Ai stated

"Which means...that guy has Cecil yes?" Reina asked as she motioned to Camus

"Oi Camus, introduce yourself!"

"I'm Camus, my junior is Aijima. Tell me what exactly is your full name?" camus asked

"I refuse to have my family name be a part of who I am due to truly not being a part of that family. So I prefer everyone just calling me by my given name." Reina stated

"I see, then I will be calling you by that then. In the future if you decide to change your family name do let me know."

"Yeah...sure thing." Reina said confused

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