Never leaving my side!! (YIZH...

By LinYizhan237

24.9K 1.1K 240

MATURE RATING!! Wang yibo, 25, Xiao zhan, 23, Wang yibo was a incredibly Wealthy Businessman, and had horribl... More

🔰💠 001 : FIRST LOVE💠🔰
🖤🔱 002 : LOVE TO HATE ME..🔱🖤
🕸️🕷️003 : Just a Friend..🕷️🕸️
🪬🎭004: ANGER ISSUES..🎭🪬
🍹🤍005: PROBLEM?🤍🍹
💍💔006: ANYONE BUT HIM..💔💍
🌹🥂007: The "Wedding"🥂🌹
💮🐇008: This B😡tch...🐇💮
🔥⚡️ 010: WHERE ARE YOU!!!!⚡️🔥
💚❤️011: Found You, Baby Bunny🔞🔞🔞⚠️⚠️⚠️.❤️💚
⛓️💔012: SUCH INSANITY..💔⛓️
💚⚡️013: MY PLAN EXACTED..⚡️💚
💉🪦015: WANG ZI XUAN!🪦💉
🦁🪦016: ALREADY?...🪦🦁
🔥💙 018: TRAITOR...(PART1)💙🔥
😈🕑020: REVENGE...🕑😈
😨❤️021: NOT FEELING SO GOOD...❤️😨
Please view
👶 022: Where is Sean? PART ONE👶
🔞🔪🪬023: Torture🪬🔪🔞(GRUESOME!) PART 2/5
❤️‍🩹🧸024: MERCY, APOLOGY?🧸❤️‍🩹(PART 3/5)
🎊❤️‍🩹025: Baby Shopping (Part 4/5)❤️‍🩹🎊


617 40 2
By LinYizhan237

The Doctors removed the bullet from wang yibo, wang yibo did not flinch or mutter a sound of pain.

The doctors had successfully removed the bullet from Yibo's stomach, he hadn't flinched or uttered a single sound of pain....he had simply kept his mouth shut and endured it.....he had held in his screams and groans....he had been extremely silent and stoic...... it was as if the pain didn't even bother him.....he was completely stoic and unemotional while the doctor stitched up his wound....he didn't even flinch once.

Well that was until the doctor put hydrogen peroxide on it.

The pain overwhelmed Yibo's body as the doctor put hydrogen peroxide on his wound, he let out a short shriek of pain before gritting his teeth and holding his breath....he tried to keep his breathing slow and steady like he had already done before but the pain was becoming too much to handle....his face was filled with tension and he could feel his body shaking uncontrollably.

Zhang Bai Jie and Haikuan couldn't help but laugh at Yibo for trying to act so tough....they were both very amused and mocking him for trying to stay stoic and unemotional through the pain.

"Loser..." yibo muttered under his breath with a sour expression, giving bai jia and haikuan the Stink Eye.

Yibo glared at Zhang Bai Jie and Haikuan with a sour expression... he didn't like the fact that they were mocking him for his reaction to the pain....they had no idea what kind of pain he was feeling....they were being inconsiderate and insensitive....he wanted to get back at them for making fun of him but he didn't have the energy.

"Ma, haikuan is being mean." And with that, carman lee glared at haikuan and bai jia.

Carman Lee immediately turned her attention away from Yibo and towards Haikuan and Zhang Bai Jie...her frown was evident on her face and her tone of voice was stern and angry, she didn't appreciate the way they were treating Yibo.

It was the day they would hold an investigation into who the traitor was....Zhan was outside still thinking everything over, trying to figure out who the rat could be....he was deeply concerned about everyones safety, and he needed to find out who was feeding the information to CiCi Liu.... he needed to protect his friends and loved ones, even if it meant having to sacrifice himself in the process.

"Xiao zhan, Come here..." Xuan Lu said, reaching out for her little brother who she hasn't seen in a very long time.

Xiao Zhan immediately turned his attention towards Xuan Lu, he was happy to see her and he was relieved that she was safe....... he walked over to her and took her hand....she seemed to have something important to tell him...

"Divorce Yibo and come live with me and cheng!" she said.

"....I am sorry what?" Xiao Zhan asked, he was completely shocked and caught off guard by what she said.... she was asking him to divorce Yibo?....was she serious or was she joking?


"Nevermind A-Zhan..."


"....No wait a second, you were serious weren't you?" Xiao Zhan asked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing from Xuan Lu.

"I guess so...." Xiao Zhan responded in a monotone voice.... it seemed like he really wasn't in the mood to see anyone right now, he was too busy thinking to himself....but he felt obligated to see Wang Yibo.....

Yibo lie on the hospital bed with a sour face, wanting to get back to business in his office but he was forced to lay in a hospital bed for a week.

Yibo was lying in the hospital bed with a sour face, he felt like his time was being wasted and he wanted to get back to his business but he was forced to stay in the hospital bed for a week....he wasn't used to being this vulnerable and weak.... he felt like he was losing control over his own life..... he was annoyed and frustrated with the situation.

Zhang bai jia was in the corner, throwing a toy bouncy ball at wang yibos face repeatedly, everytime it hit his face it bounced back at her in which she caught it and threw it again, this was going on repeatedly nonstop and wang yibo is currently letting it happen.

The ball would bounce back at her whenever it hit his face...This was going on relentlessly and Wang Yibo was just letting it happen...he seemed to be resigned to this fate and he wasn't even trying to make her stop.

Wang Yibo grabbed the ball from his face once it hit it again, he was aggressively frustrated with the situation and he popped it...this pissed off Zhang Bai Jie who seemed pissed by this.

She threw her phone at wang yibo in which wang yibo shot her phone.


"MAKE ME YOU FUGLY SHRIMP!!!" Zhang Bai Jie yelled back, she was pissed AF and she was ready to beat his ass....she had been holding this grudge for a long time and she was done with him.

The two sibling fought and bickered until haikuan told them both to shut up.

The reason Haikuan had to step in and tell the two siblings to shut up because things were getting out of hand....he was sick of their constant bickering and was getting old, and he wanted both of them to calm down.

Yibo turned to Haikuan and he said "Gege! Tell her to shut up!" He was asking his big brother to step in and make Zhang Bai Jie shut up....he was getting tired of all the arguing and bickering and he wanted it to end.... Haikuan was always the one who had to break up fights between them so he was used to this.

"No! gege! Make HIM shut up!!!" bai jia said.

"Bai jia, stop.." Kuan-ge said, Yibo smiled smugly at his sister....he was convinced that she was the one who was in the wrong here....he felt like he had done nothing wrong...Haikuan just sighed and walked over to them to break up the argument again.

Xiao Zhan walked into the scene and he saw three toddlers bickering and jumping each other.... it was a ridiculous sight and he couldn't help but roll his eyes....He was amused by their behavior but he also felt like he had stepped into a kindergarten....they were acting like children.

Xiao Zhan just shook his head and looked around the room... he couldn't believe what he was seeing....he felt like he was watching a live action version of Toy Story...he wondered if he should break up the fight or if he should just let it play out.

Xiao Zhan just got even more amused....Wang Yibo took his mouth and bit into Zhang Bai Jie's arm, which she clearly did not appreciate.... Haikuan was trying to pull her away from Yibo, but she was determined to make him go was an absolute mess and Xiao Zhan was laughing quietly to himself...this was quite entertaining.

Haikuan bumped into the wall by accident, which caused Wang Yibo to lose his balance and fall backwards, taking Zhang Bai Jie down with him....this resulted in a big mess of a human body pile, with everyone piled on top of each was a comical sight and Xiao Zhan couldn't help but chuckle as he witnessed the mayhem....they were all acting like children, this was ridiculous.

"" haikuan muttered weakly.

"Sure." Xiao Zhan responded, he quickly walked over and helped Haikuan up....he was surprised by just how weak and powerless his brother in law seemed in this moment....Xiao Zhan was used to seeing a powerful and dominant Haikuan.... he had never seen him so helpless and vulnerable was a completely different side of him.

Zhuo Cheng was watching the scene unfold from a distance, it was hilarious how they were all acting like children....he couldn't help but roll his eyes at how ridiculous they were acting...they were so immature and childish....he wondered if they would ever grow up.

Xiao Zhan walked over to Haikuan and pulled him aside out of the room, he was serious and he had something important to talk about....they were no longer engaging in the childish bickering and fighting that they had been doing just a minute ago. Instead, they were talking about something much more serious....they were discussing the traitor and who it could be.

"We should hold an investigation, interrogate everyone." haikuan said.

"Agreed, we should definitely investigate this more carefully. We can't trust anyone right now...." Xiao Zhan said in a serious tone...he was getting down to business, he wasn't here to play games....he wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery as soon as possible.

"How do I know you're not the traitor?" Xiao Zhan shot back, his voice was still serious but he was jokingly accusing his brother in law of being the traitor... Haikuan is known to be a bit of a joker....he was just messing around, but Xiao Zhan couldn't help but indulge him for a moment...they were just playing around now, but they were going to get down to business and find the real traitor soon.

"But seriously, who should we interrogate first? Who was the closest to the scene? Did you notice anybody around when yibo got shot? Like before anyone got up." haikuan said, leading them behind a wall so nobody heard.

"I was actually already thinking about that while we were arguing.... the person we should interrogate first is Bai Jia....she was close to the scene....she is suspicious in my for who was close to the scene before everyone got up....I need to think about it for a moment." Xiao Zhan said, he was genuinely considering what Haikuan suggested and he was trying to think back to before Yibo was shot.

"But...his and my own sister?" Haikuan said, even tho they couldnt trust anyone anymore.

"Right? That's the thing that's tripping me up......she was so close to the scene....and she acted suspicious after it, but...she's your own just doesn't make sense that she would betray him like that..." Xiao Zhan said, he was clearly conflicted about was just so bizarre to think of her betraying Yibo in such a way.


Xiao Zhan and Haikuan had Zhang Bai Jie in a room, she seemed nervous and anxious....she was fidgeting with her fingers and she couldn't stop moving....she was acting suspicious and she just didn't seem to be acting her usual self.

Carman lee walked up, asking why was she so close to the scene if she have any part in it.

"Im sorry i just get really nervous in intense situations, i swear i had no part in it! I love my brother and i'd never do anything ill mannered toward him! Never! I didnt even know who this "CiCi Liu" girl was until she was brought up! I swear!!" Zhang bai jia exclamed, showing that she wasnt crossing her fingers and she swore she really didnt do anything.

Carman lee studied Bai Jie for a moment....her expression was serious, but She saw something in her...she wasn't acting in a way that She would normally expect a person who committed something so serious would act...she was clearly in a state of panic, but she wasn't acting like a guilty person. She believed her when she said that she had nothing to do with it, and she understood her nervousness and anxiety...these circumstances were serious and was understandable that her emotions would be all over the place in this situation.

Zhuo Cheng was the next one on the interrogation list, he had been very close to the scene as well and they all agreed that he would be one of the first ones to investigate..he has a bit of a temper, they had all better be careful when questioning him.

Zhuo Cheng didn't waste any time getting up...... his face was set in a stoic, neutral mask, but they all know how quickly he could start yelling. He walked up to the investigation team with a cold, serious expression...He was already irritated that he was being questioned at all.

Zhuo Cheng: "You think i want to kill your husband? I dont even care about him! After he broke your heart when we were young, i found no reason to bother with him, i never did in the first place! But you xiao zhan, were so naive and strong headed that you could not see he was playing with you and using you for his own amusement!! If i were you, i wouldn't care if he were dead, but i did not do it, even if i wanted to i could not try and kill that man." Zhuo cheng said, bitterly, but honestly.

Zhuo Cheng didn't hold back at all...he said everything that he was feeling, without holding back at all. He didn't hold back, even if it meant being brutally realistic about his feelings towards Yibo.

"I hate him, I never liked him, you're the naive one for thinking he could ever truly love you, I don't care if he dies, I didn't do it, but I wish I could have..." Zhuo Cheng said bluntly, he was clearly very bitter over his experience with Yibo...

"Im surprised Jie doesn't hate him either, she has a bigger heart than mine anyways." zhuocheng said, glancing toward Xuan lu, sighing and checking his nails.

"It's obviously not cheng, if he wanted to truly murder yibo we would all know." Haikuan said with a nervous laugh, then calling in the next person to be interrogated.

"Yeah, he's not the person we're looking for, I mean, he really doesn't hide how he feels about Yibo." Haikuan said, they weren't going to waste anymore time questioning him when it was obvious that he had no involvement in the shooting.

After Zhuo Cheng had been fully eliminated as a suspect, everyone in the investigation team had decided that the next person to be investigated would be Meng Ziyi.

Meng Ziyi was next on the list....she walked up to the interrogation team and she was very nervous and scared...she was very fidgety and she just seemed completely and totally terrified and she looked like she was going to nervous laughter at any moment.

Meng Ziyi stood awkwardly in front of the interrogation team, she couldn't keep still and she was fidgetying with her hands, she seemed really nervous and she was constantly glancing around the room, looking for an escape to get away from the situation.

Xiao zhan: "Wh-" before xiao zhan could finish, the power went out.

︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
(Who do you think the traitor is? Say in comments if you want.)

(Working fast on next chapter, since its weekend.)


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