Vicious || Aomine D.

By jendarle

155K 4.8K 614

[ Aomine x OC ] "Love is vicious, it tears you apart as soon as you start to believe you could have it all." ... More



1K 57 4
By jendarle

[ A Coincidence ]

Riyo enjoyed the warm water on her skin as she relaxed in the hot spring. It was exactly what she needed. A moment of peace and quiet, and--

There was a commotion on the boys' side, including some yelling. Riyo thought she even heard Aida's voice mixed in there. Something about peeping...?

Riyo's eyes widened. Had the guys seen her get in? She prayed on her lucky stars that they'd started their efforts after she'd been safely hidden under the water.

A couple minutes later Aida stepped into the spring and relaxed against the edge.

"They didn't see anything, did they?" Riyo blurted out.

Aida glanced at her and shook her head. "I don't think so. And I taught them a lesson on proper behavior in hot springs just in case."

Riyo laughed, imagining the beatdown from the coach. She was small but she was tough. "They can still play basketball, right? No permanent damage?"

Aida almost rolled her eyes. "What do you think?"

They shared a smile and a knowing look.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," Aida replied.

Riyo had almost closed her eyes to relax when pink caught her eye. She almost gasped.

"Suki-chan! What are you doing here?"

Satsuki grinned at her. "We came here to relax after a practice nearby."


Her smile widened. "The entire team."

Riyo's heart fluttered and she suddenly got the urge to get out of the spring and get dressed.

"You weren't just practicing nearby, were you?" Aida asked, no more relaxed, her brows furrowed.

Satsuki shrugged and glanced at Riyo, sharing a conspiratory look.

Yeah, this wasn't a coincidence.

"We came to share the news," Satsuki said, conjuring a look of innocence. "We got an email with the tournament brackets, that's going to be officially released tomorrow. We wanted to be the first to tell you..."

Riyo barely resisted the urge to tell her friend to get to the point already.

"You and us. We're facing off in the first game of the Winter Cup."

Aida's eyes widened in surprise. They hadn't expected a match between Seirin and Touou so soon. They were from the same district, so it shouldn't have been possible. Except for the special bracket...

"Bring it," Riyo said, flashing Satsuki a confident smile. "We have a debt to pay."

Satsuki quirked a brow at Riyo. "We? I thought you might be more conflicted about where your loyalties lie, Ri-chan."

Riyo rose to her feet, ready to shower and change so she could see Aomine before they left. "You've won enough games already, don't you think? It's our turn now."

"Ha, you can always try, but I won't be holding back this time."

Satsuki's words reminded Riyo of how talented the Touou manager was and it made her feel small in comparison. Riyo couldn't help either side, no matter how badly she wanted to. She wasn't useful to them.

"Bring it," Aida said in a dare, facing off with Satsuki while Riyo disappeared into the showers.

After a quick wash and getting dressed, Riyo was headed for the vending machine in the hall. Waiting in the hall was her best bet for running into Aomine. If he were still in the spring, she'd wait for him.

An image of him naked and relaxing in the hot water flashed in her mind making her blush.

Nope, not going there.

"Bring it," Aomine's voice drew Riyo's attention.

Kagami, Kuroko and Aomine were standing in the hall, talking, sizing each other up. Guess, Aomine had told them the news about the first game.

Aomine's gaze flicked from Kagami to Riyo who had halted by a corner. His eyes softened and when she started walking again, he smiled.

"I didn't expect to see you here," he said.

"I could say the same thing."

"Did you hear?" Kagami asked. "We're playing against them next."

"Yeah. I heard," Riyo said. "And I told Suki-chan to bring it because we'll win."

Kagami stood a little straighter facing off with Aomine again. "You hear that, Aomine?"

Aomine's expression changed into something more serious with a dangerous undercurrent. He glared back at Kagami. "You are not rooting for the enemy." His words were directed at Riyo even though he wasn't looking at her.

"And you," she poked his side, "are not telling me what to do."

Kagami laughed while Aomine's attention shifted to Riyo. "Fine. Root for them if you must. I'll just have to win to prove you wrong."

Riyo scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'd like to see you try."

His gaze slid down her body until he quickly looked away muttering something incoherent under his breath. He unzipped his Touou jacket, handing it to Riyo, leaving him in his navy blue t-shirt.

"Put this on."


His eyes darted down to her chest then back up to her face while he bit his lower lip. Riyo looked down only to find out her still wet hair had turned her white t-shirt seethrough and that Aomine, Kuroko and Kagami could now see her bra.

Embarrassed, she slipped the jacket on, snuggling into its warmth.

"Aho," she muttered.

Aomine gently tugged a piece of Riyo's hair. "It's your fault."

Riyo glared at him but couldn't argue. And she appreciated the jacket since she hadn't brought one.

"Now about which team you're cheering for--"

"OI! Don't try to poach her," Kagami interjected, scowling at Aomine. "Miyo-chan's been with us all season. She's a part of the team."

Riyo let out a light-hearted laugh. "I wouldn't go that far. You're the ones doing all the work. I'm just cheering you on."

She could feel Aomine's eyes on her but she stayed focused on Kagami and Tetsuya.

A crease formed between Kagami's brows. "Don't do that. Don't sell yourself short."

"Kagami-kun's right. You've been a big help for us," Tetsuya said, his expression as serious as ever.

"I should go. I'll see you on the court. Don't let me down," Aomine said turning on his heel and heading for the door.

Riyo followed after him, only catching up once he stopped by the corner of the building and slammed a palm against the wall. He leaned his forehead against it, eyes closed.

Should she go to him or leave? Would he want her to leave him alone? What if left because he couldn't stand her anymore?

A knot formed in her stomach at the sight of him like this. Had she done something wrong? Something that upset him?

Riyo sucked in a breath and gathered her courage. She wouldn't let him run away from her. Not after everything they'd been through. Riyo inched herself into the space between his tall frame and the wall. Aomine made room for her.

"What--What are you doing?" he asked.

His eyes were glimmering in the dark.

Riyo placed a hand on his cheek and he leaned into her touch. She slid it down the side of his neck, to his chest. She felt the rapid beat of his heart against her palm, in sync with her own.

"Why did you leave?"

The blue in his eyes captivated her, it swirled with emotion she couldn't read and with undeniable affection. There was a hint of the old Aomine in his gaze.

"Which time?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

Riyo's heart broke a little at his response. He was hurting and even though it had been him who'd decided he didn't need her anymore, his pain was her pain. She had let go of her anger, and she had forgiven him, but the wounds were still there, for both of them. Her hand fell to her side.

When she didn't reply, he continued, "Tetsu, Kagami, and the rest of them..." He nodded at the building behind Riyo. "They've been there for you the way I should've been. When you downplayed your role with Seirin, all I could think about was that I'd made you think that way. Me and the others."

He slammed his palm against the wall again, a little to the side of Riyo's head. She didn't flinch, or even blink. Aomine's frustration rolled off him in waves. "I'm selfish. I can't let you go even though I know I'm not good enough. I haven't made anything up to you, just forced my way back into your life."

"Aho." Riyo grabbed a fistful of his shirt and tugged him closer. He caged her against the wall. "I told you already. I forgive you. I wanted you back in my life, it was a choice. Don't act like I had no say in this."

He stared her down like he was trying to see if she'd falter and send him away. She wouldn't.

"I want you, Daiki. No one else." And it finally sunk in for her too. Even if she'd wanted to walk away and hate him, she couldn't. The corner of her mouth lifted. "But you'd better promise me that the next time your ego gets out of hand, you won't push me away.

He reciprocated the smile. "I'll do you one better. I'll prove it."

When his lips crashed onto hers, they got entangled in a deep, desperate kiss.

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