You Wanna Be a Movie Star?: T...

By Timmy184

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It's been a few weeks since the previous season ended. It started with 22 campers, an after a grueling 8 week... More

Chapter 1: Monster Cash
Chapter 2: Alien Resurr-eggtion
Chapter 3: Riot on Set
Chapter 4: Beach Blanket Bogus
Chapter 5: 3:10 to Losertown
Chapter 6: The Chefshank Redemption
Chapter 7: One Flu Over the Cuckoos
Chapter 8: The Sand Witch Project
Chapter 9: Masters of Disasters
About Kai - New Entry
Chapter 10: Full Metal Drama
Chapter 12: One Million Bucks B.C.
Chapter 13: Million Dollar Babies
Chapter 14: Dial M for Merger

Chapter 11: Ocean's Thirteen- or Fourteen

431 8 3
By Timmy184

(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... We learned that war movies are brutal! At first, our contestants were flying high. But tensions soon ran deep when Grips couldn't capture the footlocker to win the challenge. Despite the inspiring leadership of Admiral Lindsay, Her Hotness. And while the Gaffers technically won that battle, you have to wonder if they lost the war because their biggest conflict is still with each other

Chris remembers the fight Duncan, Katie, and Harold had in the previous episode

(Chris): In the end, even though Kai had a bad headache, his heart was wide open as he faced a voting tragedy. Was it time for him to go? Nah! He got to switch teams! You keep coming back for the explosive drama, I keep coming back for the perks. Car chase this week!

The camera zooms out showing he's in a sports car

(Chris): And with thirteen contestants left, the engines are on and the stereo is set to thump to the catchy opening theme song. It's time for some more Total. Drama. Action!

Chris hits the accelerator and accidentally crashes into a tree

(Chris): Aw, crap!



The Gaffers enjoyed their breakfast, Duncan is carving a skull into the table. He looked up noticing Heather's stare

(Duncan): What?

(Heather): Vandal

She looked at Harold and immediately looks disgusted

(Heather): Nerd

Harold blows a raspberry. Kai and Gwen sat with each other happy to be on the same team again. Though their current topic of discussion was Kai's personalities

(Kai): So yeah, I haven't been able to get in contact with any of them and honestly its worrying me

(Gwen): What do you think caused this?

Mal, was Kai's first thought but he didn't verbalise it

(Kai): Well this started happening after I hit my head in that disaster challenge

(Duncan): So why don't you try hitting your head again?

Duncan offered an idea. He was near the couple and overheard their conversation

(Harold): I wouldn't recommend doing that

Harold stated also being close enough to hear the conversation. As Kai looked around he noticed that a lot of eyes and ears were on him and Gwen. Probably because their a couple on the same team and they want to make sure an alliance isn't happening

(Duncan): And why's that?

Duncan asked with a glare

(Harold): If hitting his head caused him to lose access to his personalities what do you think might happen if he hits his head again?

Harold shot back with his own glare

(Duncan): It'll do a reset

(Harold): No it might cause further harm to him!



Justin Confessional

(Justin): So after listening to Kai, Gwen, and the bickering between Duncan and Harold. I found out that Kai doesn't have access to his personalities. Thats bad and good. Bad because he won't be able to easily win challenges. Good because he's an easy target to get rid of in merge

Justin states with a smirk



Gwen stood up turning to Kai

(Gwen): I'm going to the trailer, you coming?

Kai shook his head

(Kai): Nah, I'm thinking of getting some more breakfast

Gwen nodded and left the tent


(Gwen): Time to- Huh?!

She gasps when a bag was thrown over her head and she was dragged away


The Grips were having a hard time enjoying the loser breakfast

(Ezekiel): I feel so lucky to still be here eh

Lindsay nodded in agreement

(Lindsay): Totally, I thought I was going last time

Izzy stood up grinning. Noah saw her grin and didn't like what it entailed

(Noah): What do you have planned crazy?

(Izzy): Explosivo is going to blow up Chef's kitchen!

Izzy disappeared into the kitchen. No one bothered to stop her


Inside the kitchen Izzy sneaks around trying to avoid Chef. Only to realise Chef wasn't anywhere in sight. She stood up scratching her head

(Izzy): What happened to Chef?

Suddenly a bag was thrown over her head and she was dragged away


A knife digs into the roof of the tent and cuts a hole big enough for Chris to fit through. He slides down a rope smiling

(Ezekiel): What an entrance eh!

Chris dusted his shoulders with a smile

(Chris): Consider it a hint as to this week's movie genre!

(Duncan): Is it lame-o, rock-climbing, wannabe host movies?

Duncan asked which made Chris look a little annoyed

(Chris): No. This week, we're paying tribute to the action-packed bank heist gangster caper film!

(Justin): Uh, Chris? Our team is missing a player

Justin states as Gwen was no where in sight

(Noah): So is ours

Noah adds as she hasn't heard a word from Izzy or any explosions. Chris grinned

(Chris): Gwen and Izzy are gone, people. Because rescuing them is the first part of your challenge!

The campers gasped at the news

(Chris): They've both been locked up in state-of-the-art safes, along with all the tools each team will need to commit a movie perfect bank robbery. Your job is to crack the safes, rescue your teammates, grab the equipment, and try to be the first ones to rob the First National Bank of Chris. Let's kick it, gangstas

He grabs onto the rope and it gets pulled on and he leaves through the hole


(Izzy): I don't know who you are but you better let me out before Explosivo gets mad!

Izzy warned as she kicked the vault door


Gwen throws the bag off her head looking scared and when she realised where she was she looked annoyed

(Gwen): Great

Gwen sighed as she sat down and waited


The scene changes to Harold who is using his stethescope to try and figure out the combination

(Heather): Let me do it!

Heather says while shoving him aside

(Harold): Were you the captain of Picky Steve's Lock Picking Camp? Huh? No

Harold and Heather glared at each other. They began slap fighting. Duncan and Kai exchanged concerned looks



Duncan Confessional

(Duncan): The H-Bombs, Harold and Heather, were so busy trying to figure out who's the wold's biggest dweeb that they totally forgot I'm an experienced criminal! Frankly, it was a little insulting

Duncan said with crossed arms



The four members of the Gaffers watched Heather and Harold fight. Heather had him in a headlock, Harold then sticks his fingers in her eyes. The two fell onto the ground. Kai glances at his former team who were figuring out how to access the safe

(Lindsay): Do you think it's like cracking an egg?

Lindsay asked Noah who was trying to figure out how to access the lock. Noah ignored her and  he stood up and shook his head

(Noah): Nothing


Harold was once again trying to open the safe. His hair was a mess, his shirt had some holes, his face was decorated with some scratches and a bandage. Heather didn't have a single injury on her. Heather started tapping her foot impatiently. Harold looked back with a glare

(Harold): I need concentration and silenece! The numbers aren't talking to me

(Heather): Maybe they don't speak moron!

(Katie): Can you stop distracting him? He's the only guy who could pick this thing

Katie states with a glare, Heather returned that glare


(Cody): It's an expression. "Crack open". As in, we need to find the combo

Cody explained her earlier confusion

(Lindsay): Oh. My junior high locker combination! It didn't change the whole three years I was in grade eight, so it must be standard!

She went over to the safe and twist the nozzle putting in her code she tried turning the knob only for it not to work. She stepped away from it and crossed her arms

(Lindsay): Oh, well, that's just bad school spirit!


Kai leans against the wall listening to the argument that's happening before him. He closes his eyes desperately trying to find his personalities. He was sure Manitoba would be able to figure this out. But alas nothing it's like a wall is blocking him from reaching them. Kai opened his eyes burying his concerns

(Heather): The obvious way to do this is to think of combinations Chris would've come up with. What is his favourite thing in the whole world?

(Justin): Chris

Justin answered. Heather twists the nob putting a combination in

(Heather): Exactly! His birthday

She tried turning the wheel only for nothing to happen. Harold pops in imitating an incorrect buzzer. Heather glared at him

(Heather): Okay then. His measurements

She puts the numbers in and nothing. Harold appears from below once again makes an incorrect buzzer sound

(Heather): The barcode number on his favourite hair gel?

Heather once again twists the nob and pulls the wheel it doesn't budge. Harold appears from above making the incorrect buzzer sound. Heather grabbed his neck

(Heather): Stop doing that!

Heather snapped at him. She let go and he disappears the same way he came in


Chris watched Ezekiel and Lindsay jump on the wheel trying to get it to turn. Justin pops up behind the host

(Justin): You know, Chris, I was thinking. Super hot guys like you and me have to stick together. So why don't you tell me what the combo is? And then we can talk about guy stuff and I'll give you a shoulder rub, huh? Huh?

Justin starts massaging his shoulders

(Chris): Justin?

(Justin): Uh-huh?

Justin has a smile on his face

(Chris): You're making me kind of uncomfortable here

Chris said with a concerned look


(Harold): A bobby pin?!

Heather is jamming a bobby pin into the nob

(Heather): It worked on my sister's diaries!

(Harold): You're pathetic

Heather gets in his face

(Heather): You're pathetic-er!

(Duncan): You're both losers!

Duncan calls out from his spot next to the safe


The Grips sat on the ground figuring out how they'll get Izzy out of there. Cody perks up as he hears something

(Cody): You guys hear that?

The Grip's raise their heads hearing a soft hissing sound

(Eva): Yeah, I do it sounds like-

She was cut off by a powerful explosion. Covering the room in smoke. Both teams watched the smoke fade away and saw Izzy standing in front of what used to be the door to the safe

(Izzy): You guys were taking a while so I decided to break myself out

(Noah): How'd you manage to do that?!

Noah asked looking shocked

(Izzy): Oh Explosivo is always carrying TNT. I just used some pieces from the cameras to ignite it!

Izzy explained as if it was a totally normal thing. Ezekiel grabbed a bag that was in the safe

(Ezekiel): Here's our bank-robbing kit eh!

Ezekiel lifts up the bag with a grin

(Cody): Alright, let's go rob a bank!

The Grips ran off causing Duncan to look annoyed

(Duncan): Great, now they're in the lead

(Justin): At this rate we'll never break Gwen out

Justin states trying his best not to look annoyed. Justin spotted Kai stepping out of what used to be the safe that Izzy was contained in

(Justin): What were you doing in there?

Kai holds up a stick of dynamite

(Kai): Izzy left something behind. Duncan, you thinking what I'm thinking?

Duncan grinned and pulls out his lighter

(Duncan): Definitely


Gwen sat on a chair that was next to the bag she looked annoyed

(Gwen): This sucks

She grumbled and suddenly the door explodes. She lets out a noise of shock and saw Kai stick his head through a cloud of smoke. He smiled at Gwen

(Kai): Hey babe, we're here to break you out!

Gwen smiled. She got up and headed over to her team. The Gaffers rushed off, they needed to gain the lead. Katie looked back at the broken safe

(Katie): Shouldn't we grab the props?

The Gaffers stopped. Duncan scoffed

(Duncan): I don't need a bunch of stupid prop equipment to rob a bank

(Heather): Then what exactly are we waiting for?

The Gaffers rushed off in an attempt to retake the lead


Duncan is seen cutting eye and mouth holes into Harold's socks

(Harold): Those are my lucky socks! ...Were

He corrects himself as Duncan finished cutting them up. He then cuts out letters from Harolds magazines to make a note

(Harold): You cut up my karate magazines for a stick-up note?

Duncan is seen holding two bottles

(Harold): Not my foot spray and deodorant! I need those!

Gwen sticks her head into frame

(Gwen): It's true. There are limits

Duncan rolled his eyes and began taping them up to look like a gun

(Justin): Duncan my friend, you're one evil genius

Duncan grinned as he threw everyone a makeshift mask


The Gaffers then march into the set of a bank

(Duncan): Yoo-hoo? Anyone home? This is a robbery!

Duncan shouts as he looks around not seeing a soul. Chris pops out from behind the desk. Duncan rolls his eyes as everyone but him and Gwen hide under the counter

(Chris): Welcome, Gaffers! You've beaten the Grips to the scene, so... You'll get first crack at the teller

Gwen looked surprised

(Gwen): How is that possible? They were way ahead of us!


(Noah): Where did crazy go?!

Noah questioned as he looked around in confusion and disbelief

(Ezekiel): I think-

An explosion occurred behind him

(Ezekiel): She's over there

He points at the explosion

(Noah): Forget it, we'll continue without her

He looks around

(Noah): Where are our bank robbing tools?

The Grips look at Ezekiel who last had them

(Ezekiel): Izzy took them from me eh!

Ezekiel shouts he was intimidated by Eva's glare


The Gaffers approached a woman with long blonde hair who is sorting out paper

(Duncan): Afternoon, ma'am. That's a great set of legs you got there

He uses his gun to point at her legs with a smile. His smile quickly dropped

(Duncan): But right now, I'd like to focus on those lovely hands of yours. I need them to start filling this pillowcase with cash

Once he finished his demands, Kai drops a pillow case onto the table

(???): Anything else I can do for you today...

She turned around pulling her blonde hair revealing it to be a wig

(???): Duncan?

The fake bank teller turned out to be Courtney. The Gaffers look shocked, Duncan had the worst reaction as he collapsed. Chris pops up grinning at the camera

(Chris): Looks like Duncan's gone from cool as a cucumber to in a pickle. He can run — well, in this case, pass out — but he can't hide, because... Total Drama Action will be right back!


Both teams were standing around waiting for Chris to finish reading a piece of paper given to him by Courtney. Noah slaps Izzy to snap her out of whatever she's thinking of doing. Chris finished reading and looked up

(Chris): Teams... It is my...

Chris looks at the paper

(Chris): "Honour"... To report that Courtney is back for the duration of the game

Courtney waves with a smile

(Chris): And we're all...

He once again looks at the paper closely

(Chris): "Exceedingly happy" about it

All the contestants weren't happy with what they heard

(Heather): She got booted out fair and square

Courtney smirks at her

(Courtney): Sorry, Heather. But myself and the law firm of Fleckman, Fleckman, Cohen, and Strauss would beg to differ. We filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against the producers. And won

Harold nudges Duncan with a smile

(Harold): Good news, eh, Duncan?

Harold said raising his eyebrows. Duncan responded by shoving him

(Chris): So, Courtney, since you were our bank teller in the challenge — great job, by the way — you get to decide which team deserves to win first prize. Your bag of loot

He throws her a bag which contains said loot

(Courtney): The choice is obvious. It's Duncan. I mean... the Gaffers. Since they were the only team that managed to get to my wicket. Congratulations

Duncan walked up grabbing the bag he looked unsure

(Duncan): Thank you?

(Heather): I've seen manlier men trying on women's shoes

Heather said with an eyeroll

(Chris): So, this means the Killer Grips win second prize!

(Noah): What's second prize?

(Chris): Courtney! For the rest of the game! Or... Until she's eliminated!

The Grips weren't happy with their prize



Courtney Confessional

(Courtney): Those Total Drama dirtbags have some nerve making me second place! They will definitely be hearing from my lawyer

She pulls out her phone and dialed a number

(Courtney): Again!



(Chris): So, Grips, Gaffers, your getaway cars are waiting. Better get a move on before the cops arrive

No one made a move which caused Chris to look annoyed

(Chris): That means go!

He shouts which caused both teams to run out of the set


(Harold): Getaway cars are always cool! That's the rule of heist movies!

(Justin): Aston Martins maybe?

(Lindsay): Or those groovy Mini Coopers!

(Cody): I'm hoping for a Porsche!

Everyone was trying to figure out what cool car they'll be driving away in


Both teams ran up the prop hill and were disappointed to find two piles of junk

(Justin): What's all this junk?

They hear a car honking the tune "I wanna be famous". Chris pulls up in his car grinning

(Chris): These are your getaway cars, just waiting to be assembled!

(Katie): That is so not cool!

Chris smiles at their disappointed face

(Chris): If the vehicles were ready to go, it wouldn't be much of a challenge now, would it?

Everyone voices their thoughts with what he said. Chris decided to hit the accelerator and once again crashes into a tree

(Chris): Aw, crap!


The Grips haven't started building their getaway car they looked very confused. While the Gaffers had almost finished making theirs. Kai and Duncan were just doing some final touches

(Harold): They're not even getaway cars! They're go-karts!

Harold voices his disappoint at what their getaway car is 

(Duncan): Stop whining and gimme the lugnut's

Duncan demanded with an open hand

(Gwen): You're not bad at this

(Duncan): It's just like stripping a car, except in reverse

He goes to put a wheel on and glanced at Courtney. Since he wasn't looking he accidentally jammed his hand between the wheel and the rod it connects to

(Duncan): AHHH!

Duncan shouts in pain. Noah glanced over at him

(Courtney): Ignore the sideshow and start putting together the chassis!

Courtney ordered while holding said piece

(Noah): Who died and made you leader?

Noah said with an annoyed look. He patiently waited several weeks to usurp Kai as their leader and he wasn't going to give up the role to her

(Courtney): You're kidding, right?

Courtney said with an annoyed look

(Noah): Do you see a smile?

Courtney glared

(Courtney): Well clearly this team needs a proper leader since you guys lost the first part even though you had the lead, and now we haven't made any progress! Grrr god! How did I get stuck over here?!

She looked around and saw no one but herself, Eva, and Noah

(Courtney): Where are the others, anyway?!


Cody, Ezekiel, and Lindsay ran away screaming as Izzy chased them. She rolled on a bar connected to two wheels

(Izzy): Explosivo is coming for you!

(Ezekiel): What do we do?!

Ezekiel fearfully looks at Cody and Lindsay

(Cody): Run! Just run!


Duncan and Kai had just finished the go-cart. Duncan puts the wheel in, Kai jumps into the passenger seat. Duncan drives up to his teammates

(Duncan): Hop in!

With smiles the Gaffers quickly got in and Duncan hit the accelerator. He glanced back and hit the breaks. He looked over his seat with a grin

(Duncan): Hey, Courtney! Maybe you'll get to see more than just the back of me when the teams merge!

Courtney looked back at Noah and Eva pretending to be useless but she didn't think they were pretending

(Courtney): At this point, I'd take it!

She said while clenching her hand around a wrench. She clearly was annoyed

(Gwen): Let's go, Casanova

Gwen calls out to Duncan who drove off

(Courtney): We need to be starting this challenge yesterday! Where are our wheels? Where is our team?!

Courtney questioned looking like she was about to lose it

(Cody): Here we are!

Courtney turned and saw Cody, Ezekiel, and Lindsay walking up to them looking tired. Behind them was Izzy who's hands were bound by chains

(Cody): We had to tie her up with some chains that we found. But that's the good news...

(Courtney): W-What's the bad?

Courtney asked looking nervous

(Lindsay): These are kinda bombed

Lindsay held up the bar with the two tires attached to it. The bar was bent. Izzy raises her head with a smile

(Izzy): Bomb?!

Ezekiel smacks her

(Ezekiel): No bomb!

Izzy looks down sadly

(Izzy): Aww...

(Courtney): No wheels does not mean it's over for us! We are going to have to improvise!


The Gaffers were making great pace. They cleared half of the fake hill

(Justin): Look out!

Justin points at a clothing wrack filled with various costumes. The Gaffers scream as they collided with it. Everyone had a variety of costumes on. But everyones gaze locked onto Harold who was wearing a rather large bra

(Gaffers): Hahaha!

They laughed at Harold who tried covering the bra



Harold Confessional

(Harold): All right, that was humiliating

Harold said with a frown. He raises his head with a smile

(Harold): But the extra support was nice



They managed to reach the bottom and scream as they are about to hit a truck carrying logs

(Gaffers): AHHH!

They crash through it revealing to be a poster. They scream as a unfinished road leading to the water came up

(Gaffers): AHHHH!

They crashed through revealing it to be another poster. They scream as they saw police cars parked in a way to block them

(Gaffers): AHHHH!

They crash through revealing to be another poster. They saw they were going to drive into saturn and screamed

(Gaffers): AHHHH!

They crashed through revealing to be another poster. They saw an old man with a hook standing in the road. The Gaffers screamed and crashed into it revealing it wasn't a poster and the old man went flying


The Grips ran down the hill. It was revealed they hadn't finished their golf-kart and were just carrying what little they had

(Courtney): Faster, you deadbeats! The teams aren't called the Gaffers and the Slackers! Now move! Mush, mush!

(Ezekiel): Mush? We're not sled dogs eh!

(Courtney): Of course you aren't. Because if you were, this one would've eaten you!


(Chris): It looks like the Gaffers are about to make a clean getaway and win the challenge!

As he said that the car started to slow down making some unhealthy noises

(Justin): What's happening?

(Duncan): I think we're out of gas!

Duncan tried hitting the pedal but nothing

(Chris): I may have spoken too soon, ladies and gentleman. Talk about a real holdup

Harold turns his head and gasped

(Harold): They're gaining on us!

Duncan looked back and saw the Grips getting closer. He continued trying to start the go-kart back up. None of his attempts worked

(Izzy): Vroom! Vroom!

Izzy calls out as the Grips passed them. Courtney smiled thinking she might actually win this

(Courtney): I knew I could win this. Even with a team of complete duds!

Courtney's teammates weren't happy to hear this. The cameras switch to the Gaffers who had got up and decided to push the go-kart

(Harold): This is hard!

(Gwen): Try standing downwind of you without deodorant!

Heather grunts and looked at the go-kart in annoyance

(Heather): It would be easier if you helped

Justin was the only one not pushing. He sat in the go-kart with his legs propped up

(Katie): Oh don't worry I didn't want him to strain those legs of his so I'll do the work for him!

Katie said with a smile. Justin winked at her which caused her to giggle. The other Gaffers raised their eyebrows in confusion


(Courtney): Faster! Faster!

The Grips were inches away from victory and the Gaffers were quickly gaining. The Gaffers overtook them and managed to get past the finish line first

(Chris): First off, I'd like to congratulate both teams for choosing to go green. But in the end, the Gaffers are the winners!

Chris said with a grin.He clearly wanted the Grips to lose and it showed. The Gaffers cheered

(Courtney): Dang! I'm can't believe I got second place! I'm I refuse to be second place!

Courtney throws her poorly built go-kart and stomped her foot on the ground angrily

(Chris): Another set of news, tonight is non-elimination! So Grips enjoy your slop and crappy beds. And Gaffers, even though you committed the anything but perfect crime, you get to enjoy victory

He takes the bag from the Gaffers go-kart and throws it at the winning team

(Chris): And your bag of loot


Inside the spa trailer Duncan tips out the bag revealing to be a lot of cash

(Duncan): We're rich! Oh-ho! Look at all this–

Heather suddenly reads something on the money

(Heather): Non-negotiable Chris cash. Accepted only in the Total Drama Action Craft Services Tent towards the purchase of water from the tap?!

Heather shouts in shock and disbelief. Everyones smiles quickly went away. Gwen looked at the money which had Chris's grinning face on it

(Gwen): Sometimes I really hate that smile of his

For the first time in probably forever Heather agreed with Gwen


Here's the first big change of my rewrite, Gaffers win and Harold stays. I decided to make this non-elimination since I wanted to keep Harold around a bit longer and wanted to keep everyone around for one more chapter.

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