Blue and Green

By GetALife102938

1.5K 48 374

Fitzroy Avery Vacker, is still heartbroken after Sophie. No matter how much he tries to hide it. And it doesn... More

A/N and Characters
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.

Chapter 16.

39 1 17
By GetALife102938

A/N In case you get confused I've always imagined telepathic conversations to have a like a mental body with them. Like if your mind enters someone else's head it has your body to it, if that makes sense.

Also Minnesota gets a new friend, can you guess who?😏 

BTW this Chapter goes to @tianathesophitz her book is absolutely amazing, go check it out! 

Minnesota's POV 

Atlantis is amazing, it's so bright and the water adds a glimmer to everything. There are people walking around every where with all kinds of fantastic things! 

There are carriages with scorpions pulling them, and these sparkling seed looking things flowing through the air. 

The buildings are made up of jewels and crystals, and the street lights look like stars on a dark night. And I can't get over how everything glistens like a dream, and I don't think I ever want to wake up.

I ignore Ro's annoyed comments on all the sparkles, because I love it here. I feel the pull of the water and the lack of wind.

As a kid I always had a problem with water, wind, and fire. They would call to me and I would obey, until Fintan taught me how to control them so they wouldn't control me. 

"Come on, I don't want to be here longer than needed" Ro growls and grabs my arm to drag me into a market square. 

There are a billion signs reading unhuman things. 

Lightning in a bottle! Only three hundred lusters for twelve! 

Kraken Powder! On sale now! 

Limited addition Flavored Air! Get the bundle! 

Take note quills! Writes on their own so you can do more!

New Registry Pendant straps! Get the set today!

And many so many more. 

"What's Kraken Powder?" I ask the group. They all turn their heads to me in awe. "What?" I ask. I read off a sign, why are they staring at me?

"You can read that?" Sophie asks, she looks a little grumpy. 

"Yeah, can't you?" I ask out of confusion. She just glares at me. Ok then.

"No, she can't. Which is why we're a little confused on how you can" Keefe says as he places a hand on Sophies waist to comfort her. So help me if one more person compares me to her I'm gonna commit man slaughter. Well, elf slaughter. 

I hear a buzzing sound and Keefe grabs a crystal meets cell phone looking device out of his pocket. He puts it up to his ear. 

"Yollo" he says weirdly. "Wait, what? Why?" he asks after a minute. "Yeah, we'll be there after shopping" he looks at Fitz and taps his temples. Fitz closes his eyes most likely looking into Keefe's head. "Yeah we'll get her something to wear, and no we won't let her shop like Sophie" he says with a laugh. Sophie glares at him. "Sorry" he tells her. "K, we'll see you back there, no we aren't bringing you something back, I don't care. He won't get far....Sure you can tell him that. I'll come for him if he does that.... Shut up I didn't mean it like that. Bye, B" he says as he finally hangs up. 

"So, what's going on?" I ask as Sophie and Fitz search his mind. No body answers me. I just jump into his head. 

Why does the Council want to meet with her? Fitz asks angrily. 

Well think about it. A strange new elf who has popped up out of now where that has Forkel of all people concerned, that doesn't seem like something to look into? Sophie asks him as I slip into the corner on Keefe's mind so no one see's me. 

Still, how did they find out so fast? Keefe asks. Should we tell her? 

No! Sophie exclaims. We don't know anything about her! She could easily be working for the Never Seen! She was raised by her mom in secret, remember? 

Wait, she was? Fitz asks. 

Oh Forkel didn't tell you did he? Sophie asks. I honestly can't tell if she's making drama or just being herself, I haven't known her for too long so I can't be sure. 

Never mind that, we need to tell her about the hearing. It is today after all. Plus she should be prepared to face them and not walk in blindly. Which one of us should tell her? Keefe says before things can escalate. They both look angry enough as it is.

As long as it's not me I don't care Sophie scoffs. 

Ok then? Fitz you wanna do it? You guy's have a better relationship than me at the moment Keefe gives a sad sigh.

Well we kinda just met the other day, and I've kinda known Fitz for the past year I blurt without thinking. 

How long have you been there? How did you even get in? I blocked my mind as soon as these two entered? Keefe asks. He looks very shocked. And I guess I would be too. 

More important question, what do you mean you've kind of known Fitz for the past year? Sophie interrupts her boyfriend with a pointed look at me.

I've been here the question of what this so called council want with me. And I've been having strange dreams about a pair of teal eyes for the past year. And then pop! There he is I guess I shrug. 

"Wait what?" Keefe asks as he kicks us out of his head. We start walking towards shops, their looking for something specific. I'm just people watching. I don't have any money, so there's no use in even window shopping. 

"Yeah, I know that's like really random. I even painted it on my bed room wall" I say with a small laugh. 

"Oh yeah! I saw that! I just didn't really prosses it I guess" Keefe says. "Oh by the way you aren't painting his eye on your bed room at Shores of Solace" he says with an eye roll. 

"Wait you named your house?" I ask as I hold back a laugh. 

"Finally! Someone else who can see the weirdness of it! They all name their houses, sweet heart. It's weird" Ro says with a shudder.  

"What's your house named?" I look to Fitz as he rushes around looking in different windows trying to find something. He's so caught up in looking in the windows he doesn't even notice I spoke. I feel hurt, but I understand. 

"Damn, hun your boyfriend isn't the brightest!" she gives a laugh. 

"Woah, slow your horses! We officially met two days ago, we aren't dating!" I tell her as my sneakers come to a screeching stop on the sparkly pavement. 

"Wait, but what about that soulmate thing?" she asks as she stops as well. 

"The what thing?" I ask. What does she mean? What soulmate thing? 

"Oh, shit I just said something I wasn't. Nothing, forget I said anything" she waves her hand dismissively.

"No, tell me. This is my boyfriend we're talking about after all" I say bitterly.

"No, now come on" she says and starts walking again. 

I walk left instead. 

It's been about an hour and no ones found me. Which I'm ok with. I blocked my mind so they can't reach me either. I've been in and out of stores for a while now, just checking things out. 

I see a dress shop and I can't not go in and check some things out. 

I walk in the little bell on the door makes a small crystal type sound. There are rows upon rows of dresses hung right above each other, like a fancy library. They even have a rolling ladder. There aren't many people here right now, which is nice. 

"Hello Miss! How may I help you?" the girl at the counter asks. She has dark brown frizzy hair and pretty navy blue eyes. Her name tag reads Alicia.

"Hi! And nothing really, just browsing. Thanks though Alicia" I tell the girl with a smile. 

"Shoot sorry, my name isn't Alicia. It's my friend. She's sick today but had to work. I didn't have anything going on so I stepped in, I don't even work here! Wait, why did I share all that?" she seems a bit shocked. 

"I'm not sure, but that is super nice of you! I'm Minnesota, Minnesota Berk!" I tell her and walk over to put my hand out to shake. She grips it tightly. "Woah you have a strong grip!" I laugh. 

"Thanks, my family owns a unicorn preserve so I have to do a lot of difficult work. That might be why. I wish my hands were soft like yours" she says with a sigh. 

"Really? That's so cool! I've always wanted to live some where you get to take care of animals!" I tell her with a impressed smile. 

"I'm Stina by the way. Do you go to Foxfire? I've never seen you before" she asks me. Last night I heard Forkel and Fitz talking about a school named Foxfire. 

"No, but I start there Monday. I'm excited!" I tell her with a little happy dance. 

"Minnesota! There you are! We've been looking for you every where!" I hear some one say as they barge in. The upset voice is in big contrast with the pretty sound of the crystals. "What are yo doing talking to Stina?" I turn and see the voice belongs to Fitz. 

Sophie and Keefe quickly follow after him as Ro leans against the glass display window outside. All their faces are red as if they've been running, plus Keefe's hair has gone flat. 

"I went to look around and I wandered in here. Are you guys friends?" I ask hopefully. I know that's probably not the case by the glares going around, but hey maybe it's a big misunderstanding. 

"Not really, we just work together on a council team" Sophie says with a bit of disgust. 

"So your friends with them too?" Stina asks with a defeated sigh. 

"Yeah, but I'm also friends with you!" I tell her, hoping she doesn't feel to bad. "And you guys, stop being dicks" I point a finger at my friends who walked in. 

"What? You don't even know her!" Keefe says angrily.

"I know her enough to know she's nice! Her friend Alicia wasn't able to work today because she got sick, so Stina came and worked for her! She doesn't even know how and yet she still did! And she takes care of animals, like actually does. And not just a little. I've felt her hand shake!" I'm practically shouting at them, but I couldn't care less. They are being rude and insensitive for no reason! 

"Stina's mean! She's bullied me for years! And only stopped last year!" Sophie exclaims as she shoots the cowering girl behind the counter a nasty look. 

"Look, I'm sorry ok? I was jealous of the attention and how everyone loved you. But I've changed. I've realized just how much of a horrible person I was, but I'm not the same person any more!" she says. I see subtle tears prick the corner of her eyes. 

"Oh please-" Sophie starts but I interrupt her. 


"Minn what-what is going one with your skin?" Keefe asks as he steps back quivering. I look in the glass and I see my reflection. 

My skin has the same pale and glowing look as after the last experiment. My veins are black and sticking out, contrasting my pale skin. My eyes are glowing slightly, the bags under my eyes almost purple. My feet floating off the floor by maybe an inch? An inch and a half?

"Not again" I whisper. I look and see Keefe holding Sophie behind a display case, Stina is ducking under the counter. I can hear her scared whimpers. Ro has rushed in by this time but just stares at me from the door way.

Fitz is standing looking at me in awe and terror. I meet his eyes and he gives me a comforting smile, as if i looked normal and not like a freak. 

"Come on, let's get you back on solid land, yes?" he asks as he holds out his hand to me. I look at it. 

"W-what if I hurt you?" I whisper out of terror. I could never live with myself if I hurt him. 

"You won't, Love. Just take my hand. Everything will be fine" he reassures me. I let out a sigh and slowly grab his finger tips in my palm. "Come on, you've held my hand before. Don't be sigh" he teases. I let out a light giggle and grab his hand. 

He pulls me to the ground and puts my hair behind my ears. He leaves his hand resting on my cheek. Next thing I know he's pulled his forehead to mine and there it sits. 

"Your beautiful by the way" he says. 

"That's so random!" I laugh. He grins at me. 

"All true non the less" he winks. I laugh more. "Come, let's get some food" he says. My eyes light up, but not like before. He laughs as I squeal and jump up and down. 

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