VaΕ‘a dama bez maske (Chat Noi...

By kreativnaa2

1.2K 89 80

when she moves to Paris, she falls into a tornado of emotions, romance, adventure, and secrets. "how could I... More

FIRST CHAPTER-Welcome to the Paris!
SECOND CHAPTER-Already akumatized?
THIRD CHAPTER-Rich kids in ordinary school?
FOURTH CHAPTER-Le Grand Paris Party!
FIFTH CHAPTER-His dearest girl fans
SIXTH CHAPTER-Letters of the past
SEVENTH CHAPTER-Pancake of manipulation
NINTH CHAPTER-Sweet date and ice cream man
ELEVENTH CHAPTER-Sweet smelly camambert
TWELVTH CHAPTER-Agreste's and Graham de Vanily's
THIRTEENTH CHAPTER-Broken heart and ego

EIGHTH CHAPTER-Trocadero and huge baby

55 6 4
By kreativnaa2

Trocadero is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited and seen. Although it's really crowded, it's worth it because it's one of the best ways to see the Eiffel Tower properly.

Dorothea is as enthusiastic about Trocadero as I am. Mom likes it too and finally all three of us are happy. There really have been a lot of problems in the relationship since Hermoine's accident. And then everything with Mathias.

The whole time I was trying to paint the Eiffel Tower as best as I could. I will never stop admiring his beauty.

"Take a picture of me and Dorothea," I said, handing the phone to my mother. I sat on a nearby bench and Dorothea on my lap.

"Say, cheese..." At that moment, a baby started crying so loudly that the whole place echoed with her cries. What a brat, goodness.  Mom continued taking pictures of me and Dorothea as we struck different poses. 

Then I saw akuma. 

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, there was a commotion, and when I turned around, I saw a gigantic baby dressed in a purple hoodie with a pink mask on their face. But not a baby like a granny. A baby giant. 

Is it realistic that Hawk Moth just akumatized a baby?

People around us started running. Mom grabbed me and my sister's hand, and we started running too. The baby wasn't paying attention to where it was going, just yelling for a lollipop.

I wanted to get far enough away that I wouldn't get hurt, but not too far that I couldn't see when Chat Noir and Ladybug arrived. I want to thank him for the pancakes and for tidying up my room.

"Now Ladybug and Chat Noir will come!" Dorothea exclaimed excitedly, as if she could read my thoughts.

"Girls, let's go home. It's not safe here."

We both ignored what Mom was saying. We just wanted to see those two. Ah...

And indeed, Chat Noir appeared at the scene. He jumped onto a pole and rang the little bell he had on his outfit to get the baby's attention.

The giant baby then turned around, and he started spinning his tail.

I couldn't stop staring. I think drool would have started coming out of my mouth if it were open. I have a huge crush on him, definitely.

The baby then tried to grab him with her hand, and he skillfully jumped and did a somersault, landing on his feet each time. Chat Noir then leaped and hit the baby with his staff. He started hopping around the street, taunting the baby.

"Catch me if you can, you big brat."

The baby started chasing him.

"Where is Ladybug?" Dorothea asked loud. For real, where is she?

When I looked back at the kitty, I saw the baby grab him by the hand and prepare to put him in her mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from laughing. It looked so hilarious.

At that moment, I spotted Ladybug. She jumped with her yo-yo, trying to catch Cat Noir.

"Ladybug!" Dorothea happily shouted, waving her hands. She always does that when she's excited.

"I see you fell easily into the baby's clutches," Ladybug teased him.

"Don't worry, m'lady, we've only just begun the game."

He freed himself from the baby's grasp with the help of his staff and jumped towards her.

When he called her m'lady, I felt jealous. Actually, I hadn't really thought about their relationship at all before.

When I met Chat Noir, he told me that Ladybug loves someone else. And it seemed like he loved her... My heart skipped a beat at this sad idea. Sad, and very true as well.

I looked at them again - Ladybug had wrapped her yoyo around the giant baby's arm. He started crying and spun her so forcefully that she ended up on the other side. She clumsily landed on her feet, looking confused.

Honestly, I don't feel sorry for her.

Chat Noir then approached her and they started talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but they were probably devising a plan to defeat this villain baby.

They headed towards the Eiffel Tower, with the baby following behind. There, they captured the baby and Ladybug used her lucky charm and he the cataclysm.

After a few minutes, they managed to capture the baby's akuma and Ladybug fixed everything as always.

Well, not just her, with the help of Chat Noir. But it seems like everyone treats Chat Noir as just her aide. Like he doesn't do anything, even though it's pretty clear that she wouldn't be able to defeat any villain without him.

But apparently, people underestimate Chat Noir because much more attention is given to Ladybug. That's unfair. Chat Noir deserves all the gratitude just as much as she. It's just that nobody cares.

Ladybug and Chat Noir then arrived at Trocadero. Chat Noir had the baby in his arms. He looked so adorable while holding him. He handed the baby to his mother.

"Thank you, Ladybug. Thank you, Chat Noir."

Ah, that's what I'm talking about. The woman thanked Ladybug first, and then him. And Chat Noir literally handed her child back to her.

Dorothea then ran towards him and Ladybug. I followed her with a huge smile on my face. Ladybug and Chat Noir turned around, and when he saw me, his green eyes widened.

"Ladybug!" - my sister shouted, hugging Ladybug. She lifted her up while Chat Noir and I stared at each other. It felt like the world paused for me in those few seconds.

"Hello Nell," Ladybug said to me. I forced a smile at her and then rolled my eyes. She didn't see that.

"Oh, I have to go before I transform back" Chat Noir said and jumped far away from us using his staff.

I can't believe it. He couldn't even say hey to me...

"I have to go too. It was nice seeing you, girls. Goodbye!"

"Nell, I saw Ladybug again! I'm so happy."


I sighed, trying not to cry. That's when Mom came over to us.

"Well, now you've seen Ladybug and Chat Noir. Can we go home now?"

I nodded. I walked slowly behind Mom and my sister, dragging my feet. He really toys with me and is in love with Ladybug.

He only comes to me when he's bored, otherwise, he's busy saving the world with his 'lady.'
I wonder when I'll stop looking stupid and falling for male manipulation.

Probably never. I'm naive and stupid. I was like that with Mathias.  I'll always be like that.

As the three of us walked towards home, someone jumped in front of us.

Of course, it's him.

"Oh, hello, miss. Schneider. Would you mind if I borrow your daughter for a second?"

My mom turned to me, looking at me strangely. I shrugged because I didn't understand what was happening either.

Then Chat Noir approached me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Can we talk?" he asked. We moved away.

"What?" I asked rudely, trying not to look him in the eyes.

"What did I do now?"

"Just a moment ago, you couldn't even say hi in front of Ladybug. Are you serious?"

"I had to leave because I would have detransformed. And then I transformed again, to find... you. I needa ask you something, Nell."

Oh Gosh, what does he want to ask me?

He scratched the back of his neck and said,

"Would you maybe like to go on a date tomorrow?"

My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks flushed. Did he really just ask me out on a date?

"What do you mean by a date?"

"You know, like I pick you up and we go somewhere. And we talk. Have you never been on a date before?"

I am. Mathias used to take me everywhere. I just can't tell him that, of course.

"I know what a date is and what you do on it. Just the two of us?"

"No, you, me, and Ladybug."

My eyes widened, and he started laughing.

"I'm kidding. Yes, just you and me. I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven in front of your building. See you then."

I was in shock after he said this.

A superhero just asked me on a date? Me? I'm going out with Chat Noir! I can't believe it. I'm so lucky. He... he wants to hang out with!

"Nell Nell. What did he say?" Dorothea asked me cheerfully.

"Something for school," I said, the first lie that came to mind.

I won't tell mom that I'm going on a date with Chat Noir. She wouldn't allow it and would lecture me about not going out with 'strangers'. I don't like lie to her, but sometimes I have no choice.

Besides, I never do anything I shouldn't. Now I'm a good and obedient daughter.


"Dad, you should have seen how Ladybug saved a giant baby today. She's incredible!" Dorothea said as we were having dinner. And she obviously belongs to the group of people who think that Ladybug single saves Paris.

I remained silent throughout the meal, smiling to myself. I can't wait to go on a date with Chat Noir! I'm so excited!

"I don't know if it was a good idea to move here..." Dad said. I looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about, dad?"

"Just, you see how dangerous it is with all those akumas. Sometimes I worry about you when you go out. Especially you, Nell..."

"Why me? I don't even go out. I just go to school."

"Because your mom says you seem close to... that Chat Noir. Your mom and I would prefer if you stayed away from those superheroes or whatever."

Or whatever? What's wrong with him?

"Dad, they literally save people every day. And in doing so, they put themselves at risk. Why are you talking about them like that?"

"Because nobody knows anything about the two of them. It's nice that they save the city, but we don't really know who they actually are..."

"Well, of course we don't know because they're superheroes. They can't reveal their identities because of Hawk Moth..."

"I forgot about that crazy guy too. I don't know, this city is too weird and unsafe for people. I don't understand why people don't move away."

I understand what you're trying to say, but I'm not afraid because Chat Noir is here. He successfully saves people. Of course, with the annoying Ladybug.

"I get what you're saying, dad, but Chat Noir and... Ladybug saved me and Dorothea when we moved here. So show some gratitude."

I got up from the table and took the dishes to the sink.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

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