Meadema One shots


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A new one shot book about Beth Mead and Vivianne Meadema. More

Beth cramps
A/N (Important)xx
Translations ❤️
Im back!
Beth faints
Heyy guys!

Clingy Viv?

996 22 5

Beth's POV:
Golden light glistened through the small gap in the fabric curtains signalling it was time to wake up. I opened my eyes and smiled looking down at the weight on my chest that was Vivianne sleeping peacefully. Glancing at my phone for the time, I begrudgingly decided it was time to wake the sleeping girl.

"Lieverd," I started running my hand lovingly up and down her back, "it's time to wake up."
"Mmm." She groaned in response. "5 more minutes Beth." She tucked her head further into my chest.
"Fine, 5 more minutes but then we've really got to go or we'll miss the coach back to London." I responded before joining her in getting 5 more minutes of sleep.

Around half an hour later Viv and I made our way downstairs to meet the rest of the girls for breakfast. "Hey you two, the bus is leaving in 30 minutes so you better eat quick." Leah told us as we sat down with our plates.
"Thanks le." I responded before digging into my food.

Throughout breakfast Viv was very touchy. I didn't mind as I love having that physical touch but, I did find it odd as she's never usually like that around other people. This morning however, it seemed like she was glued to me, she always kept her hand on my thigh, or her arm around the back of my chair or just anything she could to be close to me. I smiled at her enjoying the extra attention I was getting.

Following breakfast, Viv and I got our bags from our room and made our way onto the Arsenal F.C bus with the rest of the girls. "Can I sit with you today?" Viv whispered into my ear timidly as we stepped on the bus.
"Of course you can Vivvy, you don't have to ask." I smiled in response as we sat at one of the 4-seater tables towards the back of the bus. Leah and Jen joined us sitting opposite and the journey back to London began.

10 minutes into the journey Vivianne put her head on my shoulder, "You tired baby?" She just hummed in response and closed her eyes. As she fell into a deeper sleep, I moved my arm so it was around her causing her head to fall on my chest leaving her in a seemingly more comfortable position.

"What's up with Viv today?" Jen asked, making me look up to see her and Leah smiling at the image of me and my girlfriend. "I'm not sure to be honest, maybe she's just tired." I responded truthfully.
"Yeah it's like you've switched roles, normally you're the clingy one begging for attention." Leah added laughing. I just smiled in response and leant down to place a kiss on Viv's head.

"I think I know why she's being clingy." I announced bringing the back of my hand up to her forehead hoping to confirm my suspicions. "Yep, she's definitely warm." I sighed.
"Oh no, do you think she's sick?" Leah asked.
"It would explain why she's being so affectionate, she never wants to be alone when she's feeling bad. Plus she's definitely got a fever, I wish the medics where on this bus so we could get a thermometer." I responded examining the girl in my arms realising the slight pained expression on her sleeping face.

"Could one of you grab a flannel from my bag and wet it in the bus bathroom? Hopefully we can cool her down a bit with a cold compress until we can get some medicine." I asked and Jen immediately got up doing as I asked.

"Here you go Beffy." She handed me the damp towel.
"Great thanks Jen." I folded it and carefully placed it onto a sleeping Viv's forehead.

"We're stopping at services in a little bit, do you want us to get you some supplies?" Leah offered and Jen agreed.
"Oh that would be great girls. Could you please get a thermometer, preferably one of the ear or forehead ones so I don't have to wake her, a bottle of water and some medicine. I don't actually know what's wrong with her yet so maybe just some different types if that's okay? Here's my card." I listed before handing over my debit card.

Only 15 minutes later we pulled into the service station, the girls all got up to stretch their legs and make their way off the bus. "You not coming meado?" Katie asked as she made her way past my seat.
"Can't you see she's on girlfriend duty?" Alessia laughed nodding to Vivianne asleep on my chest as the two continued to make their way off the bus.

"Oh Vivianne." I sighed once we were alone on the bus. She looked adorable with her face smushed into my chest, her cheeks rosy from the fever. I ran my fingers through her tied back hair, being careful not to wake my poor girl. I should've know she wasn't feeling right, she's rarely that affectionate in front of others unless she's got a reason to want to stay close. Plus she always turns into a baby when she's sick.

As I finished my thought, the girls started to make their way back onto the bus. "So we got everything on the list and more." Leah said as they both placed bags on the table sitting down.
"Thanks so much girls." I began to go through the bags and took out the thermometer. Taking the cloth from Viv's forehead, I held the device in front of it waiting for a reading.

"How bad is it?" Jen asked.
"39.2" I sighed, placing my hand on her forehead.
"Really that high?" Leah seemed shocked.
"Yeah and that's after having a cold compress on for half an hour." I started concerned. "I don't know what to do, I don't want to wake her up in case she can't get back to sleep but I want to make sure she's gets some medicine."
"I'd say wake her up Beth, if her temperature is that high we need to try and get it down." Jen reasoned and I nodded in response.

"Vivvy." I whispered lovingly whilst stroking her hair. "Wake up for me love."

Vivianne began to stir. "Mmmph." She groaned.
"You feeling okay?" I ask.
"Not at all." She burrows her head further into me.
"What's not feeling well hun?" I eyed Leah and Jen.
"My throat and head, feel all congested too."
"Okay, well at least you've not got a stomach bug then so you won't be throwing up. Sounds like the flu schat, you've got a fever too." I rubbed her back as Leah handed me a box of cold and flu tablets clearly having heard me speaking with the brunette. I smiled at her in thanks, before getting two pills out and handing them to Viv along with a bottle of water.

"Thank you mijn meisje" She took the medicine then settled back down on me. "Ughhh I can't get comfy."

"Want to lay down properly?" I asked straightening my legs so she could rest her head on my lap. I brushed my fingers through her hair until she fell asleep.

"You two are so sweet." Leah smiled, bringing me out of my trance.
"Hmm I guess we are." I smiled back, returning my attention to the sleeping girl in my lap.

Around half an hour later we arrived back at the training grounds. I reluctantly woke Viv up, "Come on love it's time to go home." I slipped my arm around her waist, allowing her to lean on me as I lead her to my car and got her settled in the passenger seat.

After going back to the bus to get our bags and putting them into the car, I began the drive to mine and Viv's house. "We'll be home soon, get you all comfy in bed with a cup of tea yeah?" I gently squeezed her thigh with my spare hand.
"Yes please." Viv agreed testing her aching head on the cool window.

As soon as we pulled up at the house, she made her way up into our bedroom getting herself ready for bed. I brought our bags into the house and boiled the kettle, making two mugs of tea.

Grasping the two mugs, I journeyed up to our bedroom with the bag of supplies the girls bought on my arm. "How you feeling?" I placed one mug on her bedside table then sat down on my side of the bed.

"Terrible." She sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling bad this morning?" I questioned getting the thermometer out to check her temperature again.
"I didn't know I was sick this morning, I felt off but it wasn't till we were on the bus I felt bad."
"Well the medicine is working babe, 38.9 so it's gone down a bit." I stroked her head.
"Mmm, what was it before?"
"Ahh. Well can we go to sleep now?" She asked sweetly.
"Of course baby, let me just get changed." I kissed her forehead and stood up.
"Noooooo. Stay, come cudleee." She whined causing me to laugh.
"I'll be two minutes babe, drink your tea." I chuckled.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked climbing into bed and laying down.
"Friends." Viv lay her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I put Friends on the tv and ran my hands up and down Viv's back. I heard soft snores and looked down to see her sleeping. "Goodnight lievard, feel better. Ik houd van je." I whispered before falling asleep myself.

A/N: Ok this is my first WoSo one shot, please let me know what you think and if you've got any recommendations of what oneshots you want to see I'm happy to hear them. Thank you for reading :)

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