Heart of Steel

By Archdrive

8K 332 66

Goddess of Victory: Nikke X Male! OC Vulca Ilmarien, as he likes to say, is a mechanic first and commander s... More

Some Background Stuff
Chapter 1: Commanding Pains
Chapter 2: Tools of Might
Chapter 3: Brew Wars
Chapter 4: Maiden and the Abyss (1)
Chapter 5: Maiden and The Abyss (2)
Chapter 6: Power Source
Chapter 7: Request
Chapter 8: With Allies Like These . . . (1)
Chapter 9: With Allies Like These . . . (2)
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Interactions
Chapter 12: Joint Operation (1)
Chapter 13: Joint Operation (2)
Chapter 14: Pep Talk
Chapter 15: Lost Dog

Chapter 11: Outer Rim

340 22 2
By Archdrive


"I always hate coming back here." Vulca said walking through the crowded dirty streets of the Outer Rim. It wasn't so much that he hated it because of any prejudice that most Arkians had, it was more or less the fact he hated the smell, even if he had been coming here more frequently to hang out with Jackal. Still, he had some parts to pick up from a mechanic nearby that sold materials most Inner Rim mechanics didn't sell. Turning to go through an alleyway, he came across a rather frequent sight of the Outer Rim; a gathering of gang members exchanging illicit goods. Sighing internally, Vulca tried his best to diffuse the situation that was about to happen.

"Oops, I'll just pretend I didn't-" 

"Well, well, well if it ain't the Outer Rim Commander. Bet you're here to rub it in our faces, eh?" The head of the group gloated. Vulca tried to back away subtly but found them closing in on him.

"I'm sure his organs will fetch a pretty credit, whaddya say, boys?" The two groups looked more than happy to set aside their previous conflict over the drug prices in exchange for catching Vulca. Vulca took another step back and instinctively reached for his Central Government-issued firearm, only to remember he left it back at his workstation. As he backed away again, he found himself bumping into someone else.

"These people aren't giving you a hard time are they?" A rather deep woman's voice asked. Glancing back he saw a woman with what looked to be a triad outfit.

"I guess you could say that?"

"Relax." She put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll handle it." 

In the blink of an eye, the woman quickly dispatched all the would-be organ traffickers in one punch each. She dusted her hands before turning round to flash Vulca a huge smile. 

"They probably won't bother you ever again. Names Moran. Happened to be walking by when I couldn't help but overhear their little business proposition for you. Couldn't stand idly by and let something bad happen to you on my turf." 

"Wait . . . Moran? As in Moran of the Peoony Association?" 

"Yup, that's me." 

"Huh, I thought ya woulda been scarier . . . " Vulca mused to himself. Then a thought popped into his head. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothin', Say you wouldn't happen to know where this seller is would you? I'm supposed to meet him to get some machine parts and I can't navigate these streets well for the life of me." Vulca showed Moran the name of the seller. Moran mused for a bit before nodding. 

"Yep! I can take you to them, for a fee." 

Right, she's the head of one of the big three underworld organizations. It would make sense for her to want compensation for helping. Vulca's pockets could probably handle it . . . 

"There's this new food place that opened up nearby, but Jin won't let me use the organization funds to splurge on food. Think you can help me out? They don't even cost that much!" 

"That's it?" Vulca was a little dumbfounded that she'd be willing to help with some food.

"What do you mean that's it? Are you in or-" Moran said as her face darkened with anger.

"No no, I was just sayin' with a deal like that hell yeah I'd be willing to get ya some food." 

"Great! I like you already, cadet." She smiled. 

~. . .~

"Yeah . . . in hindsight I don't think my pockets could handle that." Vulca muttered as he watched Moran wolf down the food. A small price to pay for s some protection. Normally he'd be accompanied by Sugar when he comes down here, but she was busy today so that was a no-go. As Moran continued to wolf down the food, two people entered the joint and scanned the "restaurant", before their eyes landed on Vulcaa and Moran's table. They made a beeline for them and sat on either side of Vulca, trapping him. 

"So. This is where you've been, huh Moran? We've been trying to get a hold of you for the past hour." The white and black-haired one said. 

"We were supposed to have our meeting,  and your lack of appearance concerned us for the most part. Now then, who is he?" The other one asked, dressed in more traditional attire. They were staring daggers at Vulca causing him to shrink a little. Judging by how they spoke, they were most likely Sakura and Rosanna of Seimeikai and Hedonia respectively. Moran glanced at the situation before swallowing her current mouthful. 

"Well, he's Vulca. He's a commander from the Outer Rim here to pick up something, so I figured I'd escort him, considering he almost became a target for organ hunters. I couldn't just leave him to be defenseless you know?" Moran proclaimed defensively. 

"And that seriously trumped our meeting? I get he's cute, but come on Moran. Think for once will you?" Rosanna said, annoyed at Moran's dismissiveness. Just as the two were about to butt heads, Sakura brought both of them down to earth. 

"Now now, It would be rather uncouth for us to bicker in front of our little guest. We'll have to discuss this when . . . Vulca was it? Right, when Vulca isn't in our vicinity. As for now . . . it wouldn't hurt for you to buy me and Rosanna meals, right?" Sakura asked innocently, flashing a rather sweet smile. 

"Yeah, sure. Uh . . . Thanks for not flippin' out?" 

"We're annoyed at Moran, not at you Mister." She said putting an arm around him. "But truth be told . . . I think that annoyance is waning and being replaced by something else." She whispered. Moran shot Rosanna a glare and kicked her from under the table.

"Hand's off." 

"What? Don't tell me you've laid claim to, Mister here already?" 

"I'm just saying, hands off my cadet." 

"Who said he's yours?"

"I did!" 

"I don't see your name on him." 

"Same goes for you!"

"Hey uh . . . I still need to get those parts . . . " Vulca said sheepishly. From nearly having his organs stolen to now being amid the leaders of the criminal underworld bickering over him. Just his luck. 


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