[Complete] Restless mind, Emp...

By Rose_Romantica

511 1 0

Luna Reina is a twenty-three year old woman, who has had to deal with raising and taking care of her sister L... More



17 0 0
By Rose_Romantica

After hearing what she said, the three of them took her to see the other four so they could do what they could to help her out. When the other four heard from Tokiya, Ren and Otoya what was going on Syo and Natsuki really didn't think that Kayla was that bad. Reina hated that they even thought she had talent as an idol. Reina ignored Syo and Natsuki as she paid more attention to the others instead. 

The others had good idea's for her to go off of, but she still had no idea if she'd ever have the talent to be able to convey 'love' of any kind. They could tell that Reina was still unsure of herself, so Masato spoke up. "You seem unsure of yourself, what seems to be wrong?"

"As I've mentioned to the others that brought me to this room...I've never known what it's like to be loved. Be it by family or other wise. Kayla has seen to it to make sure that no one cares or loves me. She's made very sure that people hate me instead." Reina said sadly

"She was a sweet girl while she was here until you pissed her off." Syo stated

Reina narrowed her eyes at Syo. "If you aren't going to help me shut up!" She said angered

Syo placed his hands up. "Whoa, no need to be hostile!"

Reina grabbed her phone before she let a recording she had done play for all of them to hear. 

They could hear Reina singing before they hear the sound of glass shattering. "Ouch , what the hell Kayla?! That hurt!"

"You aren't supposed to be singing you ugly bitch! You're supposed to be helping me! Now do my homework and make me dinner!"

"What no manners?"

"I don't need to use my manners with an ugly bitch like you! Now go!"

"Tch, with that attitude you'll be lucky to get with anyone. You can't cook, you can't clean and you surely can't do anything a 'regular' human being should be able to do. You can't write your name let alone spell it."

"Well that's what you're around here for, I don't need to do anything with you here."

"What if I end up getting with someone in the future? You're going to need to learn how to do things on your own. You couldn't even graduate school because the schools wouldn't allow you to have me be your stupid proxy."

"You're never getting a boyfriend or hell a husband! You're too ugly! Not to mention I'm supposed to keep you here so you'll never be able to find love in anyone! Now go what you're supposed to you stupid bitch!"

The recording then stopped as she placed her phone down. Syo and Natsuki looked at one another before they looked at Reina sadly "But she was so nice..."

"Pft-a mere act so she could get what she wants. She does that all the time. Do you really want to be with someone as stupid as her. She has no brains to even think for herself, she never went to middle school or high school because the schools wouldn't allow me to be her proxy. She doesn't know how to write or spell her name let alone anything else other than to be a big pain in my butt." Reina said annoyed

"I get that you are angered at her, but that's just cold and mean."

"It's the truth...y'know what...I'll deal with my issue on my own. I obviously can't have the support of all of you like I'm supposed to." Reina said seriously as she got up and left out with her phone in hand.

She went to her apartment and found all of the papers from when she was in high school. She then packed up what little she knew she needed and moved herself into the dorms with the boys. When she went to the females side she was roomed with another female named 'Nanami Haruka.' She had no idea there was another female in the dorms, but it made her smile as she realized that she wasn't going to be completely alone. 

When she went into the dorm room, she saw the female already in the room. When she saw her Haruka got up and smiled. "You must be the new female idol!"

"Mhm, I am. It's a pleasure to meet you." Reina said bowing her head respectfully "I hope I'm not intruding into your space."

"No! No! Not at all! I'm happy to see another female here! So would you rather be called your family name or given?"

"Given please, My family name is a mere formality. It means nothing to me."

"Oh...I see. May I ask why?"

Reina sat down on the bed in the room that was hers before she placed her bag down beside her. 

"Sure, you might wanna sit down it's a long explanation."

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