Obsessed With You (GoYuu)

By SugarDucks

6.2K 204 41

For the past year, 20-year-old Yuji Itadori has had the strange feeling that he has been being watched. Alon... More

Author's Note - PLEASE READ
Chapter 1: Mysterious Man in the Night
Chapter 2: A Perfect Date
Chapter 3: Ugly Truths
Chapter 4: Jealousy
Chapter 5: Knowing Me and Knowing You
Chapter 6: Euphoria
Chapter 7: Toxic Tendencies
Chapter 8: The End of Something Wonderful
Chapter 10: Come Back to Me
Chapter 11: Breakthrough
Chapter 12: Bad Habits
Chapter 13: On a Deeper Level
Chapter 14: Crazy Together (FINAL CHAPTER)

Chapter 9: An Unexpected Ally

234 9 2
By SugarDucks

All characters belong to Gege Akutami

The atmosphere surrounded him is thin as he is in full focus back at the classroom where he last spoke to Yuji. Satoru empties his mind and activates his six eyes to the fullest extent in order to track down where Yuji's cursed energy had gone. His icy eyes glow brighter than usual as he sees a blue path only visible to him that will lead him to the man he needs most. Satoru is quite used to using this ability as he had done is any times before while stalking Yuji if he lost track of him. If he wanted to, he could catch up to wherever he is in an instant, but he strolls leisurely in locating him, using the free time to come up with what he can say to win him back.

I've been following this path for damn near an hour, I always forget how fast Yuji is. But still, where could he be going? It doesn't help that a lot of it he's been going in circles...

As he walks to the outskirts of the city, he gets a familiar feeling of the area. He spots a cafe.

This... this is where he first found out.

The path leads to the forest.

No way, why would he go back there!? That was like... my most embarrassing moment ever.

Satoru enters the forest and sure enough, he spots Yuji lying by the dead tree where he first hid behind him. His eyes soften. Yuji looks so sad, so heartbroken. It pains Satoru to know he is the reason behind this anguish. But for some reason, his cursed energy feels different. Much different. He steps closer.

"Yuji? Yuji, can I talk to you?"

The closer he gets the more he notices something strange. Slicked back hair, tattoos, and those slits under his lower lids are now open, revealing two tiny eyes. Could it be?

Red irises tinker over to Satoru as a malevolent grin creeps along with it.

"So, you've finally arrived, Sorcerer." A deep raspy voice exits Yuji's mouth.

Satoru's eyes narrow and he gets into a defensive position. He knows all too well he is not speaking to Yuji right now. This is the man who has him locked up in his own flesh, the reason for his inevitable execution. Ryomen Sukuna. His aura is menacing, merciless, and above all pure evil.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!? Let me speak with my Yuji!" Satoru demands.

"Your Yuji? Let us be real for a second, this brat's body belongs to me, understand? After your little outburst, he asked me to switch out and bring him somewhere far so his soul could rest. So, I brought him back here where he could remember one of his most terrifying moments! How weak and pathetic, right~?  That's what the twink gets for thinking I was going to play nice about it." Sukuna rolls his eyes at him and leans his head back without a care in the world.

A vein pops on Satoru's forehead. "What did you say!? How dare you talk about him like that! You think he's an idiot? You think he's just weak and pathetic and he deserves all of this? WELL, THAT'S NOT TRUE! My Yuji is a wonderful person, and he deserves the world! It's only a scum curse like you who can see him that way. You deserve to be irradicated off this planet for more reasons than one."

"Ugh, give me a break with all your lovey-dovey shit! As much as I hate to say it, the kid has grown on me. The truth is, he brough himself out here to bite the fucking dust on himself. I forcibly switched out on him, mainly because if he dies, I die too. And I'm not going through that again." Sukuna scoffs and stands up, wiping the dirt off of his pants.

Satoru stays completely silent for a few seconds after hearing what he said.

Yuji was... he was going to do what?

Satoru feels his heart shatter. The world feels dizzy.

Why would he want to do that!? Is he fucking stupid!?!?

Sukuna crosses his arms and stares him down cockily "So let's talk. Strongest sorcerer to strongest sorcerer."

Satoru nods, still not being able to take in what he just heard.

"Tell me, what exactly is your issue, Sorcerer? You're some piece of shit, right? Some crazy bastard? Don't get me wrong, I had known you been stalking the kid the entire time. I just didn't care enough to tell him."

Satoru seems caught a bit off guard by this at first, but after a few seconds he finally regains his composure and he answers back. "Y-yeah, that's right. I hate to admit it but if things got any worse, I might have abducted him and taken him far away where no one would ever find him so he could truly be mine. He is my target, and I will never back down from that."

Sukuna gives him a dirty look. "Yikes... But you have him as your... boyfriend now, right? Is that what you would have done if he rejected you?"

His jaw tightens and he feels a spike of anger within him at this comment. He wants desperately to snap back at this guy, but he also knows Yuji can see and hear it all and does not want to scare him any further.

"He's much more than my boyfriend. He's mine... he belongs to me and only me. Besides, it was him to proposed to be my boyfriend! He wanted it too!"

"Tch, it's extremely unsettling that you actually see something in this brat. Personally, I hate sharing this ugly mug. I used to be better looking when I was alive. But now I share this body with this pathetic excuse for a sorcerer." Sukuna yawns.

Satoru's eye twitches as he takes on step forward. "Did you just call him weak again!? Do you want to die!?"

Sukuna wags his finger. "Think again, Honored One! If you hit me, you're also hitting the brat, remember?"

Satoru takes a breath before calming himself down "Okay, you've got me there... that is true, if I were to attack you, that would mean that I am attacking him as well... however..."

Sukuna raises a brow, enjoying the buttons he is pushing on modern days strongest man in the world.


"However, that doesn't mean you get away with disrespecting my boyfriend like that. Just because I'm forced to keep him alive, that doesn't mean I don't want to rip your head off right now."

Sukuna nods and closes his eyes. "Very well then. So, tell me how you feel. Take a deep breath and tell me how sorry you are for hurting him. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Oh, and by the way, just so you remember, he can see and hear everything that I can right now. So go ahead! Apologize! We're waiting~" Sukuna is relishing in making the man before him grovel at his feet.

"I- Um...." Satoru is hesitant, not wanting to admit just how much his actions have hurt his only love. He stares down at the ground before slowly looking back up at him, finally speaking again. "Y-Yes, I'm sorry."

"Tch, do a better job. Express your love with everything you got, and don't hold back. If your apology is not to my standards, I'll never let him out again."

The limitless user rolls his eyes with a slight growl, and he takes a deep breath before starting to speak again, this time, with a lot more emotion.

"Yuji, I am so sorry that for the entire time that I've been stalking you, I've acted nothing more than a complete maniac. I should've been more respectful, and I shouldn't have hurt you the way I did. What I did was completely unacceptable, and I can never fix what I've already done. After that I forced you to feel as if the only way you could be safe from me was to engage in a relationship. I threatened you, manipulated you, sheltered you, and... I hurt you. I know there is nothing I can do to make you love me again. However, I hope that maybe one day, you can forgive me."

Sukuna eyes him quietly. It is as if he is listening to a voice that is not there. He then sighs.

"...He says he wants to know why you didn't believe he didn't... ugh, cheat on you. God, this is so childish... what an embarrassing excuse for my vessel."

Satoru ignores that last comment and answers. "Because I'm an insecure fool! He would never cheat on me, and I should have known that all along! I had finally received confirmation of his love for me, and my actions are completely and utterly unjustified."

Sukuna listens again. "...He doesn't like that response. Try harder, Sorcerer."

"God dammit you are so frustrating! Just let me talk to him! You don't understand just how much I love him! Yuji belongs to me and nobody else can ever take that away!"

"...Keep going."

"He is my entire world, and I could never imagine my life without him! I can't handle it when he's not with me and I just want to have him all alone... just me and him."

"Give him more!"

"Yuji is the most precious person in the entire world! He is my everything and I don't want anyone else to be near him or dare try to take him away from me. Everyone else is worthless and they don't deserve him! I deserve him!!"

"Now finish it off! Tell him what you love! And don't leave any shit out!"

"Yuji is the most beautiful person in the entire world!! Every part of him is perfect and I can't get enough of him! He's my oxygen and without him I cannot breathe! His personality, his smile, the way he is so kind and caring to everyone... he's absolutely magnificent and there isn't a single thing that I don't adore about him! I love everything about him! I love Yuji!!" Satoru is blushing maniacally by the time he finishes expressing his true feelings.

Sukuna nods and closes his eyes tight. "Now promise... Promise you will never hurt him again. Swear your life on it."

"....I swear, that from now on, I will never hurt him ever again! I promise that with everything in my heart and body, I will keep him safe, and I will never let him feel hurt or pain again by my own hands or anyone else's!"

Sukuna is silent for a moment longer. He opens his eyes and gazes into Satoru's. "He wants to talk to you. Don't fuck this up."

The appearance of Ryomen Sukuna vanishes, and the body before Satoru looks like his Yuji again. Relieved, Satoru runs up and pulls him into a tight embrace. Yuji allows the hug, but does not return it. Satoru buries his face into his neck, whispering "I love you" over and over. Yuji feels nothing but emptiness. Much to his dismay, he still does love Satoru, but is unsure to whether he can ever trust him again. Satoru notices the lack of emotion but puts it aside for now, just grateful that he can hold him again. Finally, Yuji breaks the silence with a sigh.

"Take me home."

Within a split second, they are standing in their living room, still in the same position. Yuji looks up at Satoru and caresses his cheek gently, his only expression being the softness of his eyes.

"I am going to change." Yuji breaks away carefully and goes into the bedroom, locking the door behind him. He just stares at the floor for a few seconds before he takes a deep breath, and he looks down at his hands as they slowly start to shake a little bit. "I... I can do this." Yuji takes a moment to cease the nerves and changes into something more comfortable. He emerges.

"Aren't you going to get ready for bed?"

Satoru is already standing directly outside the room. "Oh, uh... yeah... I should probably go do that."

Yuji curls up on the couch, hugging his knees looking out the window as he waits for Satoru. It is raining tonight. Moments later, Satoru returns and sits next to him, keeping about a foot of distance. Yuji turns his head to him, a bored look on his face.


Satoru clears his throat. He looks around the room anxiously "Is there anything you want to talk about before we go to sleep?"

Yuji turns back to the window. "...No. I'm tired."

Satoru rubs the back of his neck. "Haha, yeah. Me too. I'll see you in the morning?" Nothing had to be said for Satoru to know he is sleeping on the couch tonight. And probably for the next few nights after that.

"Mhm." Is all Yuju replies before excusing himself to the bedroom and going to sleep.

Satoru lays down on the couch. No pillow. No blanket. Just as he is.

I don't deserve comfort...

His breathing slows until he eventually falls asleep. In his dreams, he sees Yuji's happy smile. The one that lights up his dull world.

Yuji's dream is similar. Except in his dream, they are both happy because Satoru is normal.


I'm still alive guys. Sorry for my four days of radio silence. Been busy but I promise you I will not be abandoning this story. Anyways, did y'all expect Sukuna to come in clutch?? Me neitherrrrrrrr. Plot twist!! Now, to my estimation, we're like 3/5 through the story! Maybe idk like I know what is going to happen next, but it depends how detailed I write it and how long each chapter will be. But I hope you guys enjoyed! And almost 300 views! Can you believe it!? That's all for now! Peace out girl scout~

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