𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || C...

By Jay_Hansley2069

32.2K 784 569

-𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || CAIROCC After the disgraceful Man exited a 18 year old high school student's lif... More

Chapter {1}.
Chapter {2}.
Chapter {4}.
Chapter {5}.
Chapter {6}.
Chapter {7}.
Chapter {8}.
Chapter {9}.
Chapter {10}.
Chapter {11}.
Chapter {12}.
Chapter {13}.
Chapter {14}.
Chapter {15}.
Chapter {16}.
Chapter {17}.
Chapter {18}.
Chapter {19}.
Chapter {20}.
Chapter {21}.
Chapter {22}.
Chapter {23}.
Chapter {24}.
Chapter {25}.
Chapter {26}.
Chapter {27}.
Chapter {28}.
Chapter {29}.

Chapter {3}.

1.5K 43 92
By Jay_Hansley2069

CC's P. O. V:


My Coach Kyle kept screaming, encouraging our legs to run more and more. At last, after finishing 6 laps, I ended on the ground, with heavy breathing and my vision nearly clear.

My head was going nuts, from all those running. I panting slowly sat up, my legs fragile, almost sore and broken. 

Then a bottle was offered to me.

-"Thanks mate", I didn't really see who it was but to drink the whole bottle with one gulp.

-"You're most welcome, Walker".

I recognized the voice and immediately looked behind, it was my new friend...Cairo.

She was wearing jeans jacket, with a tight black skirt, matching and finishing the outfit with round deep brown-red shaded Sunglasses. Her lips colored red.

She looked Stunning...

-"Woah, Hey bud!" I instantly stood up on my foot, when she smiled warmly. Her mood seemed quite nice today, as a surprise. 

-"Greetings CC".

-"How are ya?"

-"I'm great, thank you. How about you?"

-"Yeah, alright. Just finished 6 run-laps and then will start practicing with Soccer ball".

She nodded in agreement. Then an awkward silence fall over the two of us, and I barely knew how to make it disappear.



I was stopped, while Cairo showed a small smile.

-"I think we should have our little chat later, go to your practice before you coach kicks your butt out of the team".

-"Yeah, your right. Anyways thanks for the water, Caramel Woman!!!"

I quickly made my way to coach Kyle, while I smiled at the weird nick-name I had for Cairo.

Cairo's P. O. V:

I tried to process, the name that was called out by CC to address me.

Caramel Woman...?
Strange, girl...

I felt myself smiling at the stupid name, and then made my way towards my class. 

While crossing the restroom, I heard some girls talking about something. Though, it isn't really my business to care about what they are talking about, but I chose to put my ear in the Conversation, anyway.

-"Did you see CC Walker, omg she's so fine..."

-"Yep, gotta agree with ya, gurl"

-"For real, like so fucking hot".

-"I can even let her kick me like she kicks the soccer ball"

I smirked at the words, and thought of informing this to CC, after she's finished training.


I went out of the class, and then made my way to library to have some quiet time, but that's when I was caught up with CC, herself.

-"Heya Caramel Nerd".

-"I thought it was Caramel Woman?"

-"Yeah, I like Nerd better".

-"Sure, whatever you say...Carbon Copy".

I offered her a side-way smirk, while she raised her eyebrow. 

-"Carbon Copy? Really, woman?"


She was blabbering about how she hated the name, when suddenly a Girl bumped into CC and turns out this girl really has good reflexes. The blondie caught the girl from touching the ground harshly. 

-"Woah there, watch out..."

They were for some reason looking at each other, while I stood there, neutral.


CC helped her with the books and then she left, giving CC one last thank you.

-"She seemed nice, Don't you think?"

-"Yeah, so nice...maybe you might even want to fuck her up".

I immediately regretted my words, that also arose CC's eyebrow and she clearly looked like she was taken aback by that. 

-"My apologies, I didn't mean to say such inappropriate words..."

 But to my surprise she laughed out and spoke smirking.

-"Maybe, I mean...She viewed pretty hot to me"

-"Really? Are you like into short girls, with freckles or something?"

-"Yep, that's right! I do have something to offer Short, freckled Girls".

-"What exactly do you have to offer them, Carbon Copy? Delivering Addresses by email?"

-"Nope, maybe...One Night Stand~"

Her breath echoed on my shoulders, leaving me speechless. While CC had a grin on her face and with any further minutes, left the library waving me one last goodbye.

I could hear her last day's nervous tone present in her voice. Totally can predict that she also regretted her last words.

CC's P. O. V:

What the actual fuck, CC Walker...!?
Why would you say such fuck!?!?

I regretted my words, and kept cursing to myself when suddenly my ears fell over a Classroom. I thought of giving it a shot and listen to what those students have to say.

-"Did you see the new Latina Student?"

-"Come on, dude there's like a thousand of Latina's here, which chick are you speaking off?"

-"Uh...maybe her name is Cairo Sweet? Yes, CAIRO SWEET!!!"

-"Holy motherfucker, she is such a hot mess, like for real speaking".

-"Oh yeah, I saw her...can't agree more on that", A girl joined the conversation.

-"I mean, how can someone look so sexy without even trying hard!?"

And they kept on praising Cairo like a Goddess.

I smiled to myself, while my ears filled with their thoughts over my friend. I thought of telling her after we were finished with our classes.


The small Latina was sitting in the open field, with her earphones plugged to her ears. She seemed to be distracted, and that's what I took advantage of.

I went near her and surprised the Brunette.


Even if she's smaller than me, she literally twisted my arm from behind and threw me on the green grass, with all her strength. 

I was out of my words, when I landed on the ground. 

-"Holy fuck!! CC are you okay!!?"

She helped me up and looked concerned.

-"I'm miserably sorry, I...Wait why the fuck are you smiling for?"

I didn't know why I was just smiling like an idiot. 

-"I don't know, I just am...Ma'am".

She didn't seem to be surprised from the name, sighed a relief and gave me a 'Are You Serious' look. 

We sat there for a while.

-"Where are you gonna head at?" I asked, curious about her answer.

-"Nearby forest, care to join me?"

-"Sure, but may I ask why you are going to head at a...Forest?"

-"I like Insects and am deeply drowned in love for nature and nature only".

"Wow, Sick...Alright let's head to the forest then, woman".

We were walking side by side, and Cairo really meant what she said. She was only looking at the greenery and didn't even think of staring at me, for once.

 -"You know today I heard, some students praising you at a class", I spoke, having a slight grin.


-"Yeah, and they were saying of how you're such a Hot mess and viewed sexy to them without even trying".

-"I see..."

-"Well, I also heard some girls at the restroom speak about you and how they will love, if you kicked them like you kick the Soccer ball".

I raised an eyebrow, while she gazed at the nature smiling, sarcastically. 

-"Wait, really?"



After we arrived, at last she turned to me and our eyes locked. Her eyes were indeed the most beautiful ones.

-"You have gorgeous eyes, woman".

-"Why thank you...You have too".

I offered her a warm smile and then we walked on our own lanes, that led us to our house.

Cairo's P. O. V:

I opened the door, freeing the earphone from my ears, inhaling the Cigarette for the last time and threw it in the dish. 

I turned the lights on and stared at the room, it looked so lonely...

I couldn't care less, but to get distracted to my poem writing.

Had an idea of writing about a Girl crushing over another, while the crush didn't really look interested and made her suffer a lot, by rejections and words. 

But maybe understood her mistakes later...?

"Will she love me, if I was a Boy?"
"Will she love me, if I could fly in the Open Sky?"
"Will she let me hold onto her like a hurt Bird?"

"Those answers, will come for her, and her only"
"And She will cross her arm, with mine"
"Leaving me gay"
"In the dark stormy nights, as thunder rumble"

"But all those are my instinct imaginary"
"Imaginations that will never be the Beginning"
"Memories that I want to create, is tough and hard"
"And Oh, I'm such a loser"

"As I fell for someone, who wouldn't be here forever"
"Will leave me burn into ashes and let the humiliating-"
"Have the best of me..." 

-Cairo Sweet.

I closed the notepad, and stared outside, my eyes meeting the droplets of water falling from the grey, black sky. 

It was raining and created a very relaxing atmosphere.

I stood up and went out, only to find a beautiful view of such a wonderful scenario.

-"Only if I could be a part of nature, I would be ready to even sell my own values for that opportunity to come in  my life...at least for once..."

-"You're so lucky and beautiful, nature...It's extremely unfair..."

CC's P. O. V:

I was drinking Coffee, in just a sport bra and a Black pant. The necklace chain tugging to my wet skin, after working out.

I was standing in the open balcony, raining, with the breeze hitting my skin.

It felt, comforting. 

 I stared at the gloomy sky, filled with the grey, black and white shades, from my tenth floor apartment.

I stared and wondered of how gorgeous my friend, Cairo looked...

-"Beautiful, like the nature, itself...", I whispered to myself while thinking of the look.

Change the topic, CC...
You're being a Creep.
I mean, thinking about your friend, is Not Creepy, right...?

I thought to myself, while sipping more into my coffee and started focusing more into my Soccer plans.



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