Cittaja || Indian Historical...

By SparkleTopaz

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Part 1 in Kalika Empire Series Shakrajit, the Crown Prince of Kalika Empire is infamous for his battle prowes... More

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Book 2
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By SparkleTopaz

Mayurakshi realized that she had messed up big time. She had gotten the wrong conclusion from Saahiti and Abhijit's little outburst. She proceeded to Rani Anvesha's chambers.

Reaching there, she asked for an audience with her. The maids let her in after having the Queen's permission. She entered and saw her looking through several paintings of princesses.

"I wanted to talk about Rajkumar Abhijit," she said. Anvesha quickly sent her maids out.

"About Abhijit? That's new." She chuckled.

"You know Abhijit loves Saahiti. You are still looking for princesses for him." She pointed to the paintings. Anvesha sighed.

"Love, Mayurakshi? What love? A man doesn't know love for long. All men make promises of forever loyalty, but they're not so well known for their promises. Do you know any man except Sri Rama who has never looked at any other woman in their life and has stayed true to their promise of only loving one woman? At least I haven't. Abhijit is no different. Today, his attention is caught by her because the girl has a pretty mouth that speaks out whenever she pleases. When it stops amusing him, then what will she do? Suddenly change who she is and become the little submissive wife he would want."

Mayurakshi did not expect the queen to talk about Abhijit not being able to keep up. She thought that the queen disliked the idea of Saahiti.

"How can you declare it for yourself, Maharani? Abhijit also deserves to prove himself."

Anvesha chuckled at the innocence in Mayurakshi's question and then sighed. "Men are fickle, Mayura. They change their minds like the wind. No matter how much you want to believe the sweet honey words, doesn't history show anything? Saahiti and Abhijit are two very different people. Like the sun and the moon. Saahiti is in love. Naturally, the poor girl believes every word that Abhijit will spill to get her. But doesn't truth have any weight?"

"I believe in love because I know it," Mayurakshi argued. "I know a man who will stay true to the word made about loving me forever. I know Yuvraj."

"You believe that he will never love any other woman?"

"I don't just believe it. I know it. For 8 years, he has stayed loyal to me. Even when I have continuously refused him. He was still loyal to me. I know he touched no other woman because I know when he touches me, it isn't just because he saw a woman."

"You poor girl..." Anvesha chuckled. "I've been in your position, Mayura. Believe me when I say that these are dreams and hallucinations. I love Saahiti too much to hurt her like this. Even if I were to believe that Abhijit will be loyal to Saahiti, will Abhijit always look at her the same way when her tongue is unleashed at him? Can he subside his ego when she starts arguing against him? Saahiti will fundamentally speak out about what she believes to be right. Her relationship with anyone is secondary. She isn't shy about voicing her opinions. When her father believes the opposite, then what do I need to say about Abhijit? Saahiti is a proud girl. Abhijit has an ego greater than the sun itself. You and Shakra work out because you know how to play a little submissive and work your way out from beneath. You fooled him in the same way. Saahiti cannot act to save her life."

"Maharani, at least give them a chance before you turn it down completely. At least test it out to see if it pleases you. If Abhijit truly loves her, I don't want him to be denied his feelings because of the opinion that men cannot be loyal. How will you know there is no loyalty in men if you don't give them a chance? Your experience is true, but that can't be the only reality. If there are bad experiences, then there are also good experiences. If you want to discredit everyone based on a collective average being higher, then every individual is not trustworthy. This way, the whole world should be doubted. Then we should never get married at all because loyalty is not present at all."

Anvesha looked at Mayurakshi, trying to argue for Abhijit. "Why are you suddenly taking his side?"

"I am just taking the side that makes sense to me, Maharani. I believe that he deserves to at least show you that he will love and care for Saahiti. Don't just discredit him based on doubt. I know you have the final right to decide on his behalf because you are his mother. But before you do, at least give him one chance to prove his case. Where is justice in completely denying him the chance to prove himself?"

"Mayura, if things escalate from here and people get to know about this little affair, and suppose I'm still not convinced, then what will happen to Saahiti? People will say that Saahiti has some faults because of which she was rejected. She is a young girl. I don't want her reputation to be ruined because of anything. I don't want to put it in a precarious situation at all. She is a proud girl. That silly girl is in love, but I care for her reputation more. She has worked hard in life to get where she is. Her opinions are measured equally against those of men. People didn't spare Sitamma from slander. Who is Saahiti, then? The universe knows that we need to empower the women around us. I don't want any accusations to touch Saahiti. A little dreamy love affair shouldn't take away things from her that she deserves because of her intellect."

Mayurakshi sighed. It seemed pointless to convince her. She seemed to have made up her mind. She stood up. "Then this is just my opinion, Maharani. It will not matter which bride you bring for him. He will never love them, either. Why do you want him to marry then? If you argue that Abhijit cannot be loyal, why do you want another woman to be sacrificed to a man who doesn't know loyalty? Why look for princesses at all? Just because you and I want Abhijit to have an heir, you want a woman to suffer her whole life having a man as a husband who will never love her."

Mayurakshi was reminded of the conversation she had with Gurudev a few days ago. Her own words were resonating with Maharani Anvesha.

"When I met with Gurudev, he told me that if we make a hasty decision, we involve the life of someone else as well. I had made the same mistake of deciding on Yuvraj's marriage before properly judging the situation. He said that it will lead to the destruction of everyone around us if we make a hasty decision. If we want to remove a mass of decay from a patient, it has to be done carefully by making sure everything around it is safe from the blade's violent movement. If we carelessly try to rip it off, it will cause more destruction in the nearby tissues than before. Similarly, if you want him to forget Saahiti and prove your point, you can't do it by forcing him to marry someone else. That's how I ended up here, Maharani. I made a hasty decision that Gurudev had to fix."

Anvesha sat there, her brows scrunched in confusion.

"I can only offer suggestions, Maharani. The decision is yours. I can only suggest that you give them a little time before you force him to marry someone else."

"I wish we had the luxury of time, Mayurakshi. Saahiti doesn't have that luxury. I worry that this little news about the affair will spread like wildfire and consume her. She is a lovely girl to be consumed by kitchen politics gossip. People aren't always kind. They are honestly cruel in their judgment of women. Although our dharma prescribes respecting women, it doesn't always translate to the ground."

With that, Mayurakshi left the queen's chambers. She indulged herself in reading the files she was given. Disha came into the room running. "Rajkumari...." She looked horrified.

"Disha? What is going on?" Mayurakshi held her as she was about to stumble after stopping suddenly.

"Rajkumari Yuvika is here."

"Akka? Without a warning?"

"Yes. The guards have seen Krishneri's caravan arriving close."

"There was no information on her arrival. I was meeting Mavaiyya just this morning. He couldn't have forgotten to inform me." Mayurakshi stood up and walked out to confirm with Karma. "Did we get a message about Akka arriving here?"

"No, Rajkumari. It is surprising to me as well. I would have surely informed you if I knew it. No one was informed about it. She just popped out of nowhere." Karma sighed. It seemed like a hectic and chaotic few days.

First, it was Mayurakshi bursting out into tears, then Shakra proceeded to a sudden war, and then Abhijit and Mayurakshi had a huge fight. Mayurakshi possibly could have angered Rani Anvesha, and now suddenly Yuvika entered the scene.

"Why is she here??" Mayurakshi started pacing around.

"Why else would she come here? You put us all in this position. You had Maharaj let Yuvraj marry Yuvika. So, it still stands. You might have married him first, but your letter is still standing. It hasn't been abrogated." Karma squared her eyes at Mayurakshi.

"Karma, I will kill you!!!" The sudden reaction shocked her. Karma almost stumbled and fell to the ground, no matter how quick it turned. Disha caught her and steadied her before she could fall.

"Rajkumari!!!" Meena exclaimed at the sudden outburst. Karma then began to see the emotion behind the reaction. She was scared. Mayurakshi almost felt cornered with her sister showing up for her husband. Mayurakshi didn't want to let go of him now that she had begun to accept it.

"Rajkumari, screaming and getting angry at the poor eunuch isn't solving our issues at hand. Relax and think about how to handle Rajkumari Yuvika. We don't have a great reputation with the royal siblings here. Suppose, just out of spite for you, they start siding with her, then we will be in deep trouble." Bahula sighed, worrying for Mayurakshi.

"It also seems that Yuvraj and Rajkumar Ameyajit are returning to Ambikapuram soon," Karma added.

"Of course. That's why she chose this moment to show up unannounced!!"

Just when Mayurakshi was thinking of changing their dynamics, Yuvika showed up to disturb her peace. There hasn't been a moment of peace since she arrived here. One after the other, something keeps happening.

"Rajkumari, Krishneri's caravan has arrived at the fort. You are expected to welcome the caravan." One of the maids came to announce it to her.

Mayurakshi took a deep breath. She had to handle this calmly. Gurudev was right. She had started this mess herself by getting ahead of herself. Now, she had to handle it calmly. Hyperreaction will yield nothing good. She cannot let any emotion be seen in front of others. Especially not to Yuvika. She would use those very reactions and emotions to her advantage. She came for that reason. She wanted a crack, and Mayurakshi could not afford any.

She went to the welcoming area. Her face was plastered with a trained expression. The palanquin was set on the stands, and Yuvika stepped out. There was no doubt that she had arrived intending to impress. The brilliant decorations and the perfect appearance. Mayurakshi could read every single body language sign in her half-sister.

Yuvika touched the Emperor's feet and then the Queen's. Her buttering was quite brilliant. "I know I am a bit unannounced, but I hope you all are doing well."

"It is alright. I hope the journey was easy."

"Oh, it was a pleasant journey. The Kalika Empire has beautiful scenery on the way here."

Yuvika met with Mayurakshi, who stood behind her father-in-law and mother-in-law. "Welcome to Ambikapuram, Akka. It is nice to hear that the journey was relaxing." She put the tilaka on her forehead. The two sisters looked at each other. They've known each other since their childhood. It isn't very difficult for them to figure each other out.

"I hope you don't mind me staying with you, little sister," Yuvika said with a smile. Mayurakshi smiled back.

"Of course, Akka. Rang Bhavan's guest wing has always been loving towards guests. It has seen so many guests."

Yuvika chuckled. "Yuvraj is warm in his welcome, I see."

Mayurakshi nodded back with a smile. "I can't even count the number of times I've been on the side of his warm welcome into Rang Bhavan. It has always been warm. But I must say that it took 8 years to move from the warmth of the guest wing to the heat in my husband's private chamber." She chuckled, saying the last phrase.

Mayurakshi didn't miss her father-in-law placing a hand over his mouth, amused by the graceful catfight. She gave him a look. He nodded with a smile to convey that he was impressed.

"Vadina, why is it hot in Anna's chambers? I've slept in his chamber many times. It has such pleasant, cool winds." Rudrajit asked a question, confused about her comment. Mayurakshi picked him up.

"You'll understand when you grow up a little more." She told Rudra and pointed Yuvika at him. "This is my Akka. Rajkumari Yuvika. So, by association, she is your Akka too."

"Namaskaram, Akka." Rudra greeted Yuvika. "I'm Rudrajit. I'm Vadina's favorite brother-in-law."

Yuvika just watched Mayurakshi with Rudrajit. Holding Rudrajit in her arms, Mayurakshi showed Yuvika the way to the guest chamber. Yuvika followed Mayurakshi. Seeing Rang Bhavan, Yuvika was astonished. It was a beautiful palace. As Mayurakshi showed her a guest room, Karma opened the doors to the room. "I hope the guest room is satisfactory to you, Akka."

The room was extremely beautiful. There was a pavilion at the end of the room. Over the pavilion, a four-poster bed was covered with a pink translucent curtain. The pillars in the room were carved with beautiful flowers. Floor-length banners were hung in the room. A balcony graced the room.

"It is beautiful." Yuvika nodded. Her things were brought inside the room and placed in the right place.

"Let me give you a tour, Akka." Mayurakshi and Yuvika exited the room. Mayurakshi gave a tour to Yuvika of the whole palace. The gardens, the courtyards, the study rooms, the libraries, and all the rooms except her and Shakra's chambers.

"Did Anna also give you a tour of the palace like this?" Rudra asked sweetly. "You so nicely showed all the rooms to Rajkumari Akka."

Mayurakshi thought of it. "I don't think I did."

"Then how would you know all the places?"

"Because she stays here, little Prince. She must have explored." Yuvika chuckled at the innocent question.

"She's right. I have explored the palace before."

Karma laughed. "She's known Rang Bhavan like the back of her hand because she's stayed here for so long."

"Vadina just came here a few months ago, Karma."

"She became your Vadina in just a few months. She's been here before that as well. She has been his guest every time she has been to Ambikapuram. All of those times, she has lived here. I think that by now she must have memorized the whole layout of the palace before she became the Queen of Rang Bhavan."

Rudra laughed at the way Karma pointed out the fact.


Wow!!! Things are picking up in Krishneri. It seems that Mayurakshi is in for a great ride. 

What do you guys think is going to happen? 

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