Ayanokouji and the Olympians

By angle99999

12.9K 1K 534

***Credit to Devilkouji for the cover. Incredible*** Ayanokouji X Percy Jackson Series (Definitely the first... More

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and The Garden of Hesperides (1)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and A Mother's Love (2)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and The Summer Camp (1)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and The Summer Camp (2)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and The Garden of Hesperides (2)
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and the Claiming
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and 'Capture the Flag'
Lightning Thief: Prologue - The Winter Solstice
Lightning Thief: Chapter 1 - 'A Sticky Situation'

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and A Mother's Love (1)

1.4K 119 29
By angle99999



Ayanokouji POV


My earliest memory was a white ceiling that I stared at for 14 days straight after my birth...

At the age of one, I gained the ability to analyze and draw conclusions from observations in the vicinity. I also realized I was subject to an unusual place of challenges. My father showed himself to me for the first time. He mentioned the word, 'Half-Blood'. I didn't know what it meant but I could infer that it had to be genetic given the mention of the word 'mother' in the following sentence...  

I began understanding the speech of instructors and the meaning of words at an instinctive level at the age of two. This is also where these very same instructors noticed I achieved my poker face. The confirmation of the White room and its goal was understood by me during this time. With the completion of a trial based on creative thinking regarding the hiding of candy by an instructor, I finally met the generation of students I was a part of, a total of 74 students the same age as myself.  

By the age 3, I was already proficient in both reading and writing... and the amount of people in my generation dwindled from 74 to 61. Being the curious child I was, I got into my father's office, to look around, only to be caught and scolded. However, despite it all, my father told me himself at least a snippet of the White room's goal. I knew it had to be focused on myself. The other 73 students in my generation didn't possess the title of Half-Blood, nor could they see the weird monsters kept inside a cage located at the bottom levels. He told me of the premise regarding the Mist, and the existence of higher powers. He left it there, however.  

When I turned 4 years of age, I was already successfully passing tests at the level of high school. The world of martial arts opened up to me at that point as well, starting with judo. They only gave me four months to perfect judo, which I did and began to spar with trained instructors who weren't holding back. At one point of the year, I went on a 64-winning streak of fights helping me to achieve 127 wins from 144 fights. 

Turning 5 years old, karate lessons began, and the numbers once again went down to 50 participants. At this point, college level materials were easy. This was also the point where I started to conceal my academic abilities. I didn't want to keep increasing the difficulty by attaining perfect scores, which would lead to further dropouts. My father caught me doing this and forced me to give it my all. 

Introduced to my creative side at the age of 6, I mastered the piano and violin, all the while excelling in calligraphy and tea ceremony. VR simulations were frequent, which helped me to greatly enhance my perceptiveness of the surroundings that befell me. 

Now 7, the abilities I've accumulated to this point were being demonstrated to other generations, motivating them to become more diligent. I basically became a role model but all it did was make everyone envious of the praise I received. At this point, only 4 students were left from the original 74. This was also when a subsection of the white room appeared, one that built upon the snippets of information my father had been diligently feeding me for some time. Of course, I was already well versed in Greek Mythology, but now I was taught in the ways of a Half-Blood, particularly understanding what reality was and what was farce.  

A year later, at the age of 8, Shiro and I were the only students left. In that same year, after fighting a difficult exam against one another, Shiro decided to voluntarily leave the program, leaving only me in this isolated white room. He urged me to join him, saying that the way of life in this place wasn't conducive for society. However, my father was the one in charge, so what was I to do at such a young age? And besides, now a year into my training as a Half-Blood, I was curious as to who my mother was considering my father was a normal human. I already had my suspicions but until he confirmed it, the question would remain unanswered. 

Mastering all martial arts at 9 years old, I began my training in armed combat, particularly with knives, batons, and swords. I used these items to defeat dozens upon dozens of yakuza and renown martial artists across the world. My father noted that the final form of my cold-bloodedness was achieved. My training as a Half-Blood revamped to an even higher level. After unlocking my ability, granted from my mother's side, I was forced to cultivate it in the face of dozens of Greek monsters, the very same imprisoned in that room I found years prior.  

Finally, at ten years of age, the trials and constant training no longer mattered. Whether it was the first time experiencing it or something thought to be impossible, I defied the odds and exceeded expectations. It was all so easy that there simply was nothing left in the WR that was new. They even tried using a supercomputer as my opponent in a chess match alongside grandmasters across the world to create a level of challenge. It took me moments to destroy them. And yet... I still felt nothing, nothing at all. Even when delving into my Half-Blood abilities, there was nothing else my father could teach in that regard either. Being so young, more powers would materialize in the future, if I had more in the arsenal to begin with. However, he reassured me that there was more in store for me, considering how much my mother loved me. 



Four Days Before My Quest at The Garden of Hesperides



My room was incredibly barren, just a bed and a small closet containing seven sets of the same, white clothes. I awaited an instructor to appear at the front of my door to escort me to the final trial of the day. 

However, surprising even me, my father opened the door, brandishing a gray suit, combed over hair, and a suitcase. 

Atsuomi Ayanokouji: I have a convention to attend in New York. I'll be back in a week. In my place Tsukishiro and Shiba are going to proctor your examinations. There better not be a drop-off just because I'm away. 

Me: Not at all, father. I understand

Atsuomi Ayanokouji: Dinner will come to your door as per usual in 10 minutes. Then you'll be brought over to the final testing site today. Once I return, I'll reveal everything, including our allegiance. You will finally know exactly what I've trained you for. 

I nodded. 

Leaving immediately after, my father's footsteps became quieter and quieter until they were silent. I was all alone again. 

I've been pondering for a while now, but what is it like on the outside? I know there are cities, schools, parks, farms, wildlife, and all the rest. I've studied on it all ever since the creation of mankind. It would be fun to give it a try, if only for a while. 

Despite my father's insistence on revealing his goal for me, I've already known the basis it entails. Kronos has a play in all of this. And the way he's been talking about him is akin to a cult member. He's either a disciple or a worshiper of Kronos. Raising me wasn't out of love, it was for the sole purpose of helping his idol, Kronos. 

And with the White room now being obsolete for someone like me, it's about time I'm used as just another product towards my father's goal. Well, I don't feel like listening. 

Being able to see through everything and everyone with those eyes of his, formulating an escape plan was pointless. However, with him gone, I can just walk out of this facility. Biding my time, holding back my grasp on the abilities I've cultivated, understanding the layout of the area, and knowing the password to the underground elevator, was all going to be worth it. 


And so, it begins. 

Tsukishiro entered, holding a tray of bland food. 

Tsukishiro: Dinner is served. 

Me: Thank you. 

Tsukishiro: You sure are as calm as a cucumber. 

Walking past the man, I made sure we didn't meet eyes. What he was seeing in front of him was a figurative image of me eating that bland food. I answered. 

Me: I always am. 

He thought nothing of it all, leaving my room soon after and going to his office. I was right to assume only my father could see through me. His lackeys don't have any cool powers.

I had 10 min to get to where I needed to go. 

The paths in all directions were littered with researchers and instructors, patrolling given it was already night. But none of them could see me. It was impossible, since they weren't my father. 

One researcher, with his flimsy clipboard, passed by my shoulder. Since he couldn't see me, I cautiously snatched the I.D. around his neck, immediately turning a corner and opening a door into a long hallway. 

My footsteps, appearance, and even presence was kept under the guise of a higher power, allowing me to pass by the incoming instructors. 

When I finally reached the end of this long and narrow hallway, I used the card again, opening the door and entering the main section of the facility, rooms upon rooms of offices, lounges, and trial centers.  

The card in my possession now was useless. It's time to exchange. Going over to the receptionist desk, I flicked off a pen, throwing it over the counter and onto the white, marble floor. 

Receptionist: Ah, not again...

She exited her cubicle as I entered, carefully going through her drawer and snatching her I.D. card. She always complained about the rash her skin undergoes when wearing the lanyard around her neck. So, for most of the day, the lanyard and card are left in her top drawer. I've taken all the necessary precautions. 

Walking through the many offices and rooms until I reached a row of elevators, I used the card and called down an elevator. 


The doors opened, a duo of instructors, one of them being Shiba, walked right out. I casually pushed forward, as he didn't realize the White room's essential masterpiece, was about to walk out the front door. 

Now inside alone, I pressed the top button, as the entire contraption took off. 

A minute later, I could hear sirens coming from downstairs, as my ten-minute window was up. Shiba had entered my room to take me to my final trial of the day, but it didn't matter. 

I was already at the front door. As soon as I exited the elevator, I meandered through a crowd of people until two glass doors were in front of me. 

Finally, I opened them up and exited the building, stumbling on a busy night street and many buildings. The temperature was perfect, not too hot, and a slight breeze. Looking to my left, I could see the border of the ocean, completely calm just as the night sky was. From the many reports I looked through from the facility, I knew the facility's location was in Malibu, Los Angeles so naturally there would be people all over the place. 

But I didn't have time to enjoy the scenery. I need to get far enough away from this building. 

Still masked from normal mortals, I walked through the busy streets, passing by civilians particularly teenagers going to late-night parties. 

 That must be fun. I've only read about parties. Maybe now I can have a birthday party for the first time? Eh, better keep my priorities where they're needed. 

From the building I exited, I saw dozens of instructors bursting through, looking around for any sights of me. But it's a shame. They don't have the blood to see me. 

Being in Malibu, if I could, I would really like visit the beach, see the ocean for a while. But getting my feet covered with sand is just annoying. Ah...there we go, a clothing store. 

After walking a half an hour through the streets of Malibu, I finally entered a small store with a small choice of clothing. I needed to be as conspicuous as possible.

What captured my eyes were a couple of oversized gray t-shirts and small khaki shorts. That might work. It's better than going around with just a white ensemble. 

 I didn't have money in hand, so I'll just steal these two... and this underwear. Oh, and a couple of socks.

[[Author's Note: She's ten so if the image looks like she's older, she's not. Thank you.]]

???: Oh, can I have some of these candies?

Me: Hm?

Looks like there was someone else in the store. A small girl around my age with a tan complexation, brown eyes and chocolate brown hair, was talking to the clerk of this shop. She wore slightly baggy clothes and boots. Isn't it strange to be going about the streets at this hour and age?

Clerk: Of course! Here's the rest. Actually, just take the whole jar~!

There's a certain radiance around her, something that isn't normal. It's like she's unknowingly forcing him to give over the store's entire candy supply. Candy... I wonder how that tastes like.


That was my stomach. Since I didn't eat dinner, of course I'd be hungry. There's a lot of street food around. I'll just pick some up from the many shops ar-

Girl: Here! Hold out your hand!

Just as I was entranced in my own curiosity again, the very same girl from before playfully walked over and grabbed a handful of candy from the jar she got from the clerk and handed it over to me. 

Girl: You look like you need it more than I do, hehe. 

Interesting, she can see me. I know I'm not using much in the form of manipulation but even so, it isn't something even a normal human could tell apart from reality. At the very least, she's a half-blood. And if that ability before was her unconsciously using charm speak, then potentially a daughter of Aphrodite but I can't confirm it without more proof. 

 Me: Oh... thank you. 

Girl: No biggie. Too much candy is bad for kids like us this late at night. 

Me: Then why did you get a jar full of it?

Girl: He just gave me it. I'm not gonna say no when I get free candy. 

Me: Where's your father? It looks like you're alone. 

Girl: I can walk the streets just fine on my own. And besides, he's probably too busy at work to care. 

Me: Alright. Thanks for the candy. Bye. 

Taking the clothes, I left the store, making sure my manipulation was a bit stronger. 

As I exited the store, the same girl chased after me. 

Girl: AH! Wait! You didn't pay for those clothes!

Me: I don't need to, just like you didn't need to pay for those candies. And besides, can't you tell? The only person that clerk is seeing is you. 

Girl: What, no way?! Hey mister! That kid is stealing!

Clerk: What other kid? You're the only kid I see. And... hey where'd you get those candies from?! Stealing a jar of candy this late at night? Where are your parents?!

Girl: Not again! 

So, her charm speak wore off when she pointed me out. She can get caught and I can walk away. Good for me. 


Girl: See he's right here!

Clerk: Where'd you come from? And that's more of my product. Get back here you little thieves. 

Girl: Now we're both gonna get in trouble-

How annoying. I took her too lightly. By grabbing my wrist, she plucked me back into reality, hence why the clerk just saw me. It's time to bolt. 


In one sudden motion, I scooped up the small girl easily with both my tiny hands. I ducked into the side corner of the street and past another building. When the clerk eventually turned the corner to see where we were, he saw nothing. 

That was because I masked us from his gaze, sitting on the cold ground right next to him. To make sure she didn't go running that mouth of hers, I covered it with my hand. We were both incredibly silent. 

Clerk: Fuck, where did they go? The manager is gonna kill me for this!

After what felt like an eternity, he left, leaving the two of us alone. 

I uncovered her mouth as she breathed heavily, faking the 'mistreatment' I caused her. 

Girl: You grabbed my mouth too hard!

Me: I couldn't take the chance you'd give our position away. 

Girl: I don't get it. Are you a wizard or something? I thought for sure we were done there. He didn't even see us.

Me: I'm not a wizard. It's just a power I have just like the one you did to that clerk a few moments ago.

Girl: What power? 

Me: Never mind. Forget I said anything.  

With that, the conversation stagnated, most because I caved in and consumed the candy given to me by this annoying girl. It was sweet and delicious but also addicting. I only ate a couple of pieces, but I was finding my hand getting closer to the candy jar, amply getting seconds. 

Finally breaking the silence, she started to get into more personal stuff. 

Girl: You know, this is usually the part where I'm busted, and my dad has to come and save me from trouble. But this time, you did, so thanks even though you have a pretty boring voice. 

Me: You're welcome? 

She held out her hand. 

Piper: I'm Piper, Piper Mclean. 

Since she told me her name, it only made sense I share mine. I shook her hand. 

Me: Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. If my name is too hard for you, Kiyo works just as fine. 

Piper smiled. 

Piper: Alright, Kiyo, nice to meet you. '




Meant to write it all in one chapter but decided to turn it into two parts...

A 'Mother's Love (2)' coming out soon...

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