Envious Desire /bkdk/ College...

Af pinkcloudsxt

13.1K 258 101

Dive into the intense world of Katsuki Bakugou, a rising rockstar and college drummer, whose fiery spirit is... Mere



734 19 5
Af pinkcloudsxt


By now it's only a month before the festival and I train my ass off. My arms are sore and my back aches. Some evenings I visit Izuku when he's dancing alone. The first time I saw him dance ballet, my mouth dropped. He is so damn flexible and light on his feet. It's like his whole demeanor changes. Apparently he's doing a group dance hip hop for the festival but he's stressing about an audition coming up. We even started hanging out at each other's dorms to help each other study. It's weird this whole friends thing, but I can't seem to let him go.

After our argument and the start of friendship? he had this big audition with the routine I let his body through. He begged for me to be there at every practice for it so I could give him tips. And as much as I acted like I hated being there, I couldn't help but ache for the sight of him moving or stroking, gripping his skin while helping.

Every single time we'd end up looking at each other too long for just being friends and I'd walk him back to his dorm. He nailed the audition and came with the news by giving me a big hug and buying drinks. Since then hugs have become more familiar between us and he's the only one to ever do so. Any excuse to be able to have him close is good to me. I've really gotten it bad, fucking embarressing.

Every time we hang out, tension grows and I swear it's the same for him. I really fucking hope so.

He'd thank me for whatever by chilling at practice of my own or sending me notes on my drumming. Just like today, the rest of my friends have already left the practice room, but I'm still playing. I'm so close to perfecting it.

Izuku texted that he'd come by. It's a late Wednesday night and I'm exhausted.

I'm hitting the last bass before the door opens.

"Hi, Kacchan." He smiles and the nickname takes me by surprise. Is he making fun of me?

"What the fuck. Where did that come from?" He laughs and I ignore how my eyes linger on the freckles covering a button nose and puffed cheeks.

"No where, just thought you needed to be called something sweet to balance out your cockiness."

"Oh so that's the game we're playing at? Since you're oh so kind but oh so dumb, I'm reclaiming the name Deku." I smirk and he pushes his fist on my shoulder. "But that's a mean one!" "Nah, I don't have a mean intention with it." I don't miss the way a blush creeps on his face. I hate the way it makes me want to create it again.

"Why don't you try playing something? Let's see if all you watching me kick ass paid off."

And knowing him, he doesn't back out from a challenge. "Sure. Be prepared to be amazed, Kacchan." He puts on a daring face and I give him the drum sticks.

He sits down and he's fucking terrible at it. A child could play better.

"Wow you're actually horrible, Deku." He pouts. "No I'm not! You just don't recognize talent since you have none. Not my fault." He raises his shoulders and ticks the two sticks together.

"Get off. Don't even try me or I'll beat your ass."

He rolls his eyes and moves off so I can sit down again. He watches my every move as I pull my sleeves up. "Like what you see?" I grin. "Shut up!"

I look at him and he just stands there smiling, not understanding.

"Well come on, then. I'll teach you."


"Get on Izuku, or are you too scared?" I smirk and he fumbles.

"I'm not afraid."

"Prove it then." He takes a deep breath, moves and carefully sits down on my lap.

"Come on, put your weight into it. You're like a feather to me, nerd." Fuck I like teasing him.

His body finally pressed onto mine, I give him the drum sticks back. My hands fold over his and I move them to the drums.

"See you start here and at the same time you press for it to kick the bass." I try to keep my voice straight, but it's hard as I'm breathing him in. His hands are soft and small, opposite to my rough ones. He lets me lead him. We've been here before, letting me control his every move.

"See, not so hard right?" He keeps quiet and nods.

I don't realize what I'm doing, but my lips press a kiss on the back of his neck.


He gasps and I pull my lips away even though I really don't want to.

"You're like a drug to me, Izuku."

He quickly stands up and the lack of warmth makes me ache for more.

"Kacchan, we really shouldn't.."

"Why not? Fuck, we both know this being friends game isn't what we really want."

He bites his lip, looking away.

"Come here, Izuku. Please." I hate how my voice cracks. I hate how he makes me feel, but I also need him to keep doing it.

"I-I can't."

"What's stopping you?"

"You don't really like me, Katsuki. I'm just temporary enjoyment for you." I see his eyes water.

"Is that what you really think? I thought we talked about this."

"K-kacchan I know about your reputation. Gosh I heard about it the second I stepped into college. I don't want to attach myself to you just for you to let me go. I know better.."

"I wouldn't. Fuck, Izuku. You are the first person who I ever felt the need to be connected to at all times. I always want you in eyesight, I want to touch and comfort you, I want you, Izuku. You're not just somebody to me."

"Come to me, Izuku."

I hope, I really hope he listens. "Okay.."

He slowly heads over and goes to sit on my lap, facing each other, his legs resting over mine.

"You're so beautiful." My hands hold him close.

"Please don't make me regret this." He sighs and his hands are on my shoulders.

"I promise."

My hands hold his face and I lean in to kiss him. He melts into it and he feels so soft. We move with each other, finding a rhythm. He tastes so good, so sweet. He feels so good, perfectly connecting with me.

I take it slow at first, I can tell he's out of breath.

We pull away and his face is flushed. His lips, fuck, I need them.

I don't give him another second more before I kiss him again, rougher than before. We lean into each other, hands exploring the other. He moans into the kiss when I grab his hips to pull into mine. A hand finds my hair and the other grabs the fabric on my back. It feels euphoric and our breaths match when we part. We press our foreheads together.

"I really like you, Kacchan." I brush his hair behind his ear.

"Likewise and don't you dare forget."

I walk him back to his dorm. "I want to do this properly with you, Izuku."

"I really want that too." He answers leaning onto his door, not daring to enter yet.

"Do you want to go somewhere this Friday?"

"What do you have in mind?" He leans close.

"Just let it happen, I'll pick you up at six, is that good with you?" He hums.

"S-so is it like a date?"

My hands pull him flush against me and I kiss him. He's taken by surprise.



Of course I told Ochako the news the moment I saw her. She's really happy for me, but she's also worried. "Did he really change?" She asks me as our legs are on the bar.

"I believe so. I mean I'm willing to give it a chance, he's been really sweet since we made up." "If you say so, but if he even looks at you the wrong way, I'll cut his dick off."


It's Friday and I throw my clothes all over the room. I don't even know what we're doing, so what should I wear? Aghh I hate this!

I've settled on some black jeans and a 'fancy' white top, it really isn't that neat. He'll probably tell me to change when he gets here. I've defined every single curl and put some lip balm up. Spraying on my favorite perfume, he knocks. Shit, shit, shit. Be calm. You can do it!

There he is in all his glory. He's wearing a dark red blouse with the first three buttons unbuttoned and black pants.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks and I move in frame.

"Kacchan..is this appropriate to wear? If not, tell me right now please!" He laughs, looking me up and down.

"You look gorgeous. Stop overthinking." I huff and close the door, stepping out with him.

"You look quite handsome today." I mumble as he opens the passenger door for me.

"Not everyday?"

"Oh shut up, you know what I mean."

"Maybe I don't, I think you'll have to explain it to me." I blush and ignore him.

He's driving and I can't help but focus on his arms. He has the sleeves pushed up, showing strong tattooed arms. There's a head of a snake, but I can't see the rest. Flames and multiple designs fill in the empty spots. "You're staring." He keeps his eyes on the road. "No I wasn't."

"Hm keep telling yourself that."

He pulls up to a restaurant. I really am hungry.

Walking in we're led to a table in the middle. It makes me feel very observant.

"Do you do this with everyone on the first date? Go to a restaurant?" I don't mean to start our date like this, but I can't help it.

He frowns. "You're saying this because of Camie."

"Maybe?" I sip on my white wine.

"She forced me to, I didn't have a choice. She chose the place."

"Oh. Sorry.. I shouldn't have bringed it up."

"It's fine, you're allowed to be skeptical. I want you to." I flush.

It's the way he talks, acts and reacts that makes the worry leave my body.

We spend the rest of the night getting to know each other better.

I learned that he danced, is an only child, loves cooking, likes the color green and way more.

He pays even though I offer to split.

When he parked on campus, we didn't bother to leave.

Tension grew between us since he's been stroking the inside of my thigh while driving.

I quickly unbuckle my belt and he pulls me into his lap. Shit, he really likes me.

His eyes are beautiful. They're bright red on the outside and dark on the inside. He stares at me as if he's starving.

"Thank you for tonight" I run my hands through his undercut.

"Show me how grateful you are, Deku." He whispers and I kiss him. We kiss as if it's the last time. He's so good at it. He dominates over me and I turn into putty.

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