Undetale: One-shots & Lone-sh...

By GzFell

16 0 0

A book about the different ships in the Undertale community. From the earliest to eventual research about one... More

Painted Glitches
A Chemical Romance - I
Positive Negativity
Blueberry Paint

AfterDeath - I

2 0 0
By GzFell

Geno had just gotten finished with some extra papers that his colleagues gave him. It was time for them to go at least 4 good hours ago. He too was supposed to leave but, he was given extra work instead. They were still clipped too, as they had that usual and singular pink sticky note of 'Urgent' on them, as this was also a factor towards him staying. 

Stretching while in his chair, he yawned deeply. His bones popping pleasurably. The popping of bone and stretching of nonexistent, yet ectoplasm muscle being very much needed. Turning off his computer afterward and standing, he added more to his stretches, stretching as far back as he possibly could. A good 3 seconds in he had to quickly lean back forward, becoming immediately and quickly lightheaded. So lightheaded that he almost fell backwards back into his chair. Almost, since his boss, Reaper, came and kept him onto his feet. 
Having no choice but to lean against him to retain his balance, and being asked if he was okay, he nodded his head as he rubbed his head as well, putting his weight back up  onto his feet and leaning onto the desk. 
"Yes, Boss. I am..about as fine as I can be." Geno stepped to the side and proceeded to gather the papers that he had to do overtime for. 
"Are you certain? You didn't have to do all this today." "I wanted to go ahead and do it anyway since it was something urgent. My colleagues also gave me all of their work too so, that was even more work that was put onto my shoulders that I had to do."

Letting out a sigh, "They still doing that?" Reaper asked, holding out his hands, a mild stack of papers being out in them. "Yeah. I don't exactly mind it, since I do need the extra money. Though it is starting to get even more annoying the more and more they do it." "..Understood." Reaper rests the papers off to the side, which simply vanished into thin air the moment they were sat down.

Geno turned, about to get his stuff together, "May I ask you a question?" Geno then went back to getting his stuff put together, sighing gently. Knowing exactly how his questions are sometimes. "Go ahead. Even though you already have." 

Chuckling, looking Geno up and down a bit but, keeping his eyes respectfully to himself. "How..would you like to get a raise?"
Geno paused, letting it fully register before turning and looking at his boss. Looking into his vacant yet always serious eyes, he saw that he was completely serious, though he still had to ask. "Are you serious?" "Why of course. And not just that. How about I add a promotion on top of that?" Reaper leaned against the cubicle, crossing his arms.
It took a moment for it to register, having to rub the scar along his body since it was starting to ache. Not in a bad way though, but In a good way. Leaning against his desk for a moment, looking down in silence. 

Once it all did register though, he looked at his boss. "Are you..certain about that? I haven't even been here for that long. What about the other employees? Haven't they done enough to get a raise and/or a promotion." 
"Yes. I am certain." Reaper's voice had much more of a serious tone to it, his usual smile still not leaving. The scarred skeleton was once again in a small state of shock, though making a small face in the small need of confirmation. Wanting to be absolutely sure that-
"Look. Yes, you were not here for that long. You joined us at least a good year and a half ago, and you've done a very amazing job. In fact.." Reaper stood back up straight, taking a small step towards Geno, the both of them almost being face to face but looking into one another's eyes. 
"You have done more than an amazing job. You've done an outstanding job. In the span of the year and a half you have been here, you've done more work than those that have been here for two to three years tops. Granite, I do have employees that have done a substantial amount of work since they have been here for 5 to 10 plus years- But. Looking at all you have done, you have done at least 10 to 15 percent of their total work. Much more than the ones that simply give you the work that They should be doing." 

Reaper's lowered voice and sincerity made Geno blush a bit. Just a dusting.

"Despite you wanting to go home some days, you still take time out of your day to do the work that you do, and the work that was given to you out of laziness. Shoot. I've even seen you take some work home with you so you can finish it." Blushing more out of embarrassment, Geno looked down a bit, rubbing his stomach softly. "Y-you saw that, huh?" "Of course." Reaper chuckled, wanting to get closer but, he didn't want to impede more into Geno's personal space.
"I have quite the keen eyes, don'cha know." "..Ahh. You're just saying this just to butter me up and smooth me out. I know how this plays out, you know."

"No, no, no. That is not at all what I'm doing." There was a bit of sarcasm and playfulness in his voice, Geno picking up on that and that still serious overtone, not even able to hold back a smile and chuckle. 
Seeing that Geno needed a bit more convincing, Reaper decided to sit in his chair for a moment, facing towards him. Wanting to make this talk about as proper and sincere as it could be. Geno sat up a bit, still needing his space.
"Look..in even more seriousness..I think you deserve it. You are committed to your work, despite how much you may dislike it. You get all of it done, no matter how tired you are and how much it may clock into your sleep schedule. And you always make sure that all of it is turned in on time, nice and neat, and proper. You don't too much find people like you in the workplace these days anymore."

Geno couldn't help but blush more. He wasn't really able to handle the work-related compliments that were being thrown his way, once again rubbing at the back of his neck. Reaper smiled more, holding back a snicker. 
"T-thanks..f-for the compliments but..I'm still not sure. You have many other employees that would need it. Like the once that have been here for 5 to 10 plus years." Geno was still a bit adamant about this, still thinking that he didn't too much deserve something like this. 
"I could but some of them have already tapped out of the job. Both physically and mentally, and have already put in their two to three week notices by this point. Even those that I have offered this to have declined it." "A three week notice? That's a thing?" Reaper nodded, shrugging his shoulders in a way that made him question it too but, it was true. "But..what makes you think that I am any different though?" 

"..Can I be honest with you?" "Hm.." Geno found that a bit suspicious but, "Go ahead." "This..may push you away from the offer more but..another reason why I want to give this to you is because..I like you." 

'..Like. Work-Like? Or..personal like-like?"

"Personal like-like." It was now Reaper's turn to blush. Speaking of, Geno couldn't help but blush more. He was almost a tomato in the face, wanting to hide his face but he tried his best to keep his composure. "How..does that add to this offer of a promotion?" "It doesn't really. I've been wanting to get this off of my chest since the first month of your arrival here." Reaper blushed more, as it was now his turn to rub at the back of his neck, All of this was a tad bit too much for the scarred skeleton.He didn't really pay attention to his boss like that. Both out of finding it improper for the workplace, and focusing on himself, both inside and outside of work. 
Looking off to the side, he found himself relaxing a bit but, still tense.
"..I uh..the first day you arrived, I couldn't really keep my eyes off of you. And then..following with you working here, I still kept my eyes on you."

Geno looked at Reaper, who was looking at him. The both of them catching eyes.

"You're smart, handsome, beautiful. You have a sarcastic funniness about you. You have an air about you that I can't quite describe. And..your voice and your eyes are truthfully one word in the same. ..Sweet."
Now there were actual compliments being rests in his lap, now being the time to hide his face with a hand. His scarf was at home, in the washer. He had spilled something on it and it would take a while for it to clean.
Reaper was just as embarrassed as Geno, politely sliding back in the chair a bit, rubbing his face a bit to calm himself down. 

"..I..I'm sorry if this is too much all of a sudden. This doesn't really add onto the offer at hand but..I really wanted to get this off of my chest for a year and a half now." Reaper stood, haven rolled Geno's chair back to where it was before he pulled it over and sat in it. Speaking of the scarred skeleton, he had to hide the lower half of his face, not able to hide the embarrassed smile on his face. 
"..That's another thing that I like about you." Reaper brought up, causing Geno to quickly look at him in question. "When you smile..your eyes smile with you." 

"..O-okay. T-that's enough.P-please." Geno was on cloud eight by this point
"S-sorry, sorry." The blank-eyed skeleton chuckled, the blush on his face not leaving. Nor the smile. 

They both stood in silence for a moment. Reaper looking at Geno, with Geno looking down, still hiding his face. Though, the silence was broken when the scarred skeleton slowly looked into his boss's eyes, needing to build up the nerve to say what he was about to say. "..W-what you say n-now..may add to the offer that you just proposed." "How so, if I may ask?" 
Gently gripped at the desk, he forced himself to maintain eye contact. Not wanting to seem insincere with what he was about to say. "Is it okay if I..think on everything for a while..?" 

It was now Reaper's turn to be shocked. The shocked-ness quickly turning into surprise, which became happiness and excitement. Which he had to quickly contain. "Sure, babes" It wasn't able to be completely contained though. This making the both of them blush up a storm. A tomato, and an ocean. 

"..S-see you tomorrow?" "Y-Yeah. See you tomorrow."

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