
By DaviiLikesYou

262 12 8

Imma write something here at some point :0 Note that if the ColorCrew dislikes my work I will yeet this book... More

Before we start!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

35 2 4
By DaviiLikesYou


This chapter is brutal for some so if you don't like reading about death I suggest you stop here

If you are one of them I will tell you what shortly happened at the end of this chapter (marked in this thicker text)

Warning!: swearing, angst, violence, abuse, death, sad, mental sickness,


"Tell me what happened," Yello said. It was so hard for Kier and Dev to hear.

"Well, he shot me with an arrow, telling me to get away from his territory," Boosfer started.

"That kind of makes sense," Yello commented. "You should've asked him. Send a letter next time." Boosfer nodded.

"He got me down and had me trapped. We eventually came to peace..." Boosfer looked at the ground and scratched his neck. Then he looked up at Yello. "We were going to have sex."

"What?" Yello let out softly. He sounded somewhat sad.

"I didn't want to and told him no-"

"That's a lie," Kier said. "Dev, he wanted it."

"He jerked me off against my will-"

"Lying bastard," Kier growled.

"He turned me on and I gotta admit I wanted him to continue," Boosfer said while Yello looked like he was about to smack him. "He was going to leave, and I asked him to stay. He had zipped down and everything. He wanted more."

Kier gritted his teeth when he saw Dev glance at him from the corner of his eye.

"Then he turned to me. He wanted me inside him. I was scared. I admit it. Kier scared the shit out of me. He killed Baablu, Yello."

"I know. I know he killed Baablu. Kier is dangerous," Yello said. "I would've pissed in my pants if that had been me."

"My mind went blank, and I panicked," Boosfer said. Kier and Dev could see some of his panic return. "I see now that he was just seeking some affection but, in my panic, all I could think about was that he was going to kill me."

"He was going to kill you," Yello said. Boosfer and Kier shook their heads. Yello lied.

"No, listen. I pinned him down. I got on his back, and he started screaming," Boosfer said. "He was terrified. That's when I realized he just sought love. He wasn't attacking me. I let him go and he ran off whilst he cried."

"He cried?" Yello's voice was soft and gentle.

"You cried?" Dev whispered and tried to lock eyes with Kier. Kier didn't say a word. He was a grown man. He shouldn't cry. He wasn't allowed to cry. "When I found you...-"

"Yeah, that was the reason you found me on my floor," Kier admitted. "I thought you were..." His owners flashed before him, and he breathed sharply in. "I thought you were going to kill me."

"Noo... Kier. I would never," Dev whispered and kissed his cheek.

"We have to watch out," Yello said. Boosfer nodded.

"He is unhealthy, and he is strong," Boosfer said.

Kier didn't notice if they kept talking. Something in him clicked. Boosfer is calling me, of all people, strong, Kier thought. I am strong. Why would everyone else fear me then?

I held Boosfer down. I've pinned Dev down too. I could've killed them.

No... I am weak. I've always been weak. That's just how it is. That's what my owners taught me. I could and would never accomplish something.

Kier felt dizzy. He felt like blacking out.

They have been manipulating me. They called me a nobody. I am something. I am someone!

It's their fault I'm so fucked up. They fucked me up.

"Kier?" Dev's worried voice let out. Kier's legs gave in under him and he had to sit down quickly. "Are you okay?"

Dev... The only person who believed in me. That could see-

"Kier!" Dev said a bit louder and shook him.

"Dev!" Kier sobbed. "I'm okay! I'm happy!" It was true. He was happy. He felt so happy. There was a reason for his ill behavior. He knew what it was now. "They are gone! I'm free." He started crying. His family and all the people that had held him back are dead.

He was free from their tortures. He thought it was normal. He wanted revenge on the ones who killed them but why would he want that when all they did to him was feed him just to keep him alive so they could let their frustration out on him?

"I'm actually going crazy," Kier whispered and took himself to the head. "My whole life...- It's all been a lie. Dev, I'm sick."

A wave of anger deep inside him awakened. He was furious at the people who had done him wrong. But they weren't here.

He grabbed Dev harshly and pulled him into a hard and violent kiss.

"I'm going to kill them, Dev," Kier said and got up. He laughed while he brought out his knife. "Dev, I'm going insane. Haha!"

He turned to Yello and Boosfer and ran towards them.

"Boosfer! Yello!" He called. He smiled and waved.

The two immediately saw the insane look in Kier's eyes and the knife he held onto.

Yello fumbled to get his own knife out while Boosfer went for his sword.

"Look how fucking insane I am," Kier said as he stopped running. "I'm so fucking cool. Look at me!"

Kier met Boosfer's eyes, and he lashed out. He sent a fist right into the side of Boosfer's jaw and he fell to the ground.

Yello quickly attacked the wild person, but Kier ducked and kicked Yello's legs away from under him.

"Aren't I sick!?" Kier yelled with a smile and got on top of Yello. "I'm so-" He sank the knife down, but Yello blocked. "fucking-" He sank the knife down again, but Yello blocked again. "COOL!"

"Arh!" Yello gasped when the knife sank into his shoulder where the arm was.

"Hahaha!" Kier laughed and pulled the knife out. He slammed it in the same place over and over while laughing.

Yello's left arm became limp at some point and he couldn't feel his arm from his shoulder and down.

Yello screamed in agony. Even after Boosfer woke up and pushed Kier off him he kept writhing and screaming.

Dev started running towards them and Boosfer quickly spotted him.

"Dev, help me!" Boosfer yelled.

Dev stopped running only halfway there. He didn't know what to do.

They had planned to kill Boosfer and Yello but Kier was actually insane. He had reached the point of madness.

Dev was still in love with Kier. He loved him! But Kier was crazy. Kier is insane. Kier couldn't get back from there.

Dev had given him so much. But it wasn't enough. Would anything even be enough? Dev knew that he was the only person Kier trusted. He had figured that out. Dev had figured that Kier's insanity must have come from his childhood. The war had probably not done anything good to Kier's broken mind... his broken soul.

Dev just watched as they fought. Boosfer had lost his sword because Kier had somehow stabbed his knife right through Boosfer's hand.

They were both fighting with a knife now. Both bloody.

Dev wanted Kier to win. He loved him. But what would happen if he won?

Kier wasn't clear in his head. He would hurt others.

Dev was lost in thought when Kier hit the ground and groaned as he tried to push himself to lay on his front.

Kier had only turned his upper body when he felt Boosfer right over him.

Kier turned back to face Boosfer. Dev was about to help Kier when Kier wrapped his legs around Boosfer's ankles and rolled over.

Boosfer was forced down and landed hard.

"You want to die, huh?" Kier said as he got on his knees. He was a smirking mess as he crawled on top of Boosfer. Kier leaned down and whispered: "I'm going to kill everyone including Dev after I'm done with you and Yello."

Boosfer genuinely feared for his life. He had a feeling he wouldn't win this fight.

"Dev! Kill him!" Yello screamed as he noticed Dev just standing there.

Who? Dev thought but knew who Yello wanted dead.

"Boosfer, do something!" Yello yelled.

Boosfer clenched his fist and punched Kier on the side of his head. Kier lost consciousness for less than a second and was pushed off.

"Hahaha..." Kier began laughing again when Boosfer got on top of him.

"You think this is funny, Kier!?" Boosfer hissed. Then he started laughing too. His laugh was high-pitched. Then he suddenly turned serious. "You're so FUNNY-!"

Boosfer barely saw the knife before it pierced through his cheek. Kier pushed him off using the surprise attack.

Kier pulled the knife out and punched Boosfer harshly in the stomach before punching him in the head too.

Boosfer fell defeated onto the ground. His face was on the ground, and he wasn't choked by his own blood. He could breathe while he was unconscious.

Kier got up and turned to look at Dev. He didn't care about Yello or finishing Boosfer. His mind was only on Dev.

Fuck he loved that man! Kier was irritated by the fact that it was true.

"Dev, I can't take it anymore," Kier said in a loud voice. He was crying. "Thank you for caring about me. You made me change my mind when nothing else could."

"Kier...-" Dev said and noticed Kier holding onto a wound in his stomach. Boosfer had stabbed him there.

"You made me smile in my last days."

"Last days...?"

"All of you..." Kier looked shortly at Yello and Boosfer. "You made me realize things I've questioned my whole life. Thank you."

"Wait! No!" Dev shouted when Kier brought his knife to his own throat. "Kier, don't!"

"Dev, I never thought I would find peace. I have now," Kier said as he paused with the knife. "I never thought someone would ever care for me. Thank you, Dev... I... love you."

Dev couldn't even let out a sound or move when Kier repositioned the knife, making the point go directly into his throat when he stabbed himself.

Even Yello who was in deep pain stopped screaming when Kier said those words before taking his own life.

"Kier...?" Dev whispered before Kier had even hit the ground. "Kier?" Dev said when Kier had fallen. "No..."

"Dev?" Yello called to get help, but Dev ignored him completely.

"No!" Dev hissed and ran toward the person he had found attractive since the first time they met. "Kier! You're an idiot! Why!? I could've helped you!"

"Dev, please," Yello let out.

"Shut up, Yello!" Dev snarled and got on his knees. He pulled Kier's upper body onto his lap. "I could've helped him. Everything can get treated!"

"You know that's a lie, Dev," Yello said and spoke the harsh truth. "Kier was sick. He was smart though. He chose the right thing-"

"Fuck you!" Dev shouted at Yello. Yello was still lying on the ground in deep pain. He was just watching the sky.

Dev grabbed Kier's hand, wanting to see if he was still alive. Dev didn't know if it was something he desperately imagined but he was sure Kier's hand gave him a small squeeze before Dev was a hundred percent sure he was gone.

Dev didn't care much that the pressure in his chest sent him crying. He wanted to hold it in when the rulers were around him, but he couldn't.

"Oh... Kier, I'm so sorry," Dev said and hugged him. He was about to kiss him when Kier's head fell limp. It sent Dev right over the edge, and he didn't hide his sorrow at all. "No! KIER!" He began crying harder. He could barely control it. He didn't want to control it. He just let it all out.

Three rulers were left. There had once been so many more.

The three rulers had become good friends after Kier's death. Maybe even more than that. Yello and Boosfer really found each other. They tried to let Dev in, but Dev pushed them away from time to time. They knew why but they didn't understand how he could feel anything for Kier. Kier had been a dangerous man.

Together the three rulers had found out what was going on up in Kier's head. They couldn't tell exactly what but close to what might have been going through his head and why. They had even found out that Kier was their enemy from the war.

They found out Kier had been sick before the war even started. The reason was being abused as a child till he grew up.

They suspected that Kier had been trapped and had only come out a few times. When the war started, he could escape and see the world for the first time. He had probably thought it was better than his home but because of the war, he got a bad first impression.

The abuse had been a big part of his life. There hadn't been much love so to try and feel love, Kier had still cared for the ones that had caused him pain. When they died he wanted revenge. He had wanted to kill Dev, Boosfer, Yello, and Baablu.

Because of abuse, he was used to submitting. He had sought dominance when he was free. Even just in the smallest things.

Over the years Kier had gotten even sicker while the other rulers changed for the better.

In Kier's head, all the rulers were like they were back then in the war: cold monsters who everyone feared.

Only panic and when they fear for their lives their old self will make them behave as they did back then.

Kier experienced that with Boosfer, and he was sure of their cruelty. But at the same time, Dev had shown him love and affection. He had been confused because in his mind they were just as heartless as him.

Kier was insecure, thinking he was weak, and needed others to help him. When Boosfer had called him strong something in Kier had switched, sending him over the edge. He had realized everything at that moment.

It took years before Dev could really be a part of Yello's and Boosfer's relationship. Sometimes he still thinks about Kier and how he could've saved him. How their life could've been if he had saved him. Maybe it had been too late for Kier to be saved. But Dev couldn't let the thought go.

Dev felt so bad for what Kier had to go through in his lifetime. Kier should still have decades to live. Kier had known nothing but pain and fear. He couldn't have acted any different than he did. To be fair it was actually amazing how he had still seemed so humane despite everything that had happened to him.

Dev could still remember the last words Kier had said to him: I love you.

The words had been filled with emotion and Dev knew it had been true. Dev was sure Kier had never really been in love before. He was sure Kier had never had someone that really cared for him.

The thought of that made Dev even sadder. But as said... Dev had moved on. Thoughts of Kier sometimes came but they went quickly again.

The three rulers found peace in each other and a few years later they adopted a few kids. They settled in Boosfer's territory and made nine others they trusted kings and queens, dividing Dev's, Kier's, and Yello's land into smaller territories.

Dev never forgot about Kier. Even when he got old and fragile Kier still passed his mind occasionally.

Dev could smile when he thought about Kier now. The few good times they shared and the thought that Kier was in a better place. Kier had found peace.

Kier hadn't been born without a heart. He had probably been born with the cleanest of all. Any other person would've lost their mind long ago. But Kier kept a bit of his humanity. And because of that, he knew his death was the best for all of them.

"Rest in peace," Dev said as he let his fragile body drop a few flowers on Kier's grave. "See you soon."

Words: 2613

What happens in this chapter is that they all end up fighting and Kier realizes that he loves Dev but Kier is too far out (he crazy). He sees no other way but to end his own life. Dev, Boosfer, and Yello survive.

At the end (kinda prologue) you read about how the three of them slowly find each other and they move in together to live their life together. Dev's and Yello's lands are given to others but they keep Boosfer's land.

Dev is thinking about Kier constantly (also when he is with Yello and Boosfer). They don't get it but Dev knew he could have saved Kier's life if he had known how bad Kier had actually felt.

Dev thinks about how Kier ended up the way he did and smiles upon the thought that Kier must have had the purest heart before all the bad stuff happened to him. (Kier was tortured physically and mentally as a child) (REMEMBER THIS IS ONLY A BOOK - NOT REAL!!)

Dev is getting old and visits Kier's grave to place flowers

Words: 183

And remember to check out my other works!

Words if u read it all: 2803

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