Rwby AU x male reader

By LordOf_Crimson

4.1K 71 11

Y/n was taken in by the Summer Rose and Tai xiao long he was the youngest of their kids, younger than Ruby an... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 2

352 8 1
By LordOf_Crimson

Y/n was on an airship heading towards Beacon and he had learned that he was joining the first years late so he had to catch up a lot, his initiation would be shown to every student and teacher in Beacon including team JNPR who were close friends with team RWBY. Y/n was kind of nervous since everyone was going to watch him but after calming down he felt fine and confident about it, Y/n was checking his ammunition for his pistol he had 4 magazines of fire dust, 4 magazines of electricity dust and 6 magazines of normal bullets. Y/n then felt the airship slow down meaning that the airship was about to land, Y/n then stood up and walked to the airship's door after a couple of seconds the airship landed and the doors opened. When it did Y/n saw Ozpin and Glynda waiting for him, Y/n just nodded at them.

Ozpin " Hello Y/n are you ready for your initiation? "

Y/n " Ready as I'll ever be. "

Ozpin " Alright then let's go. "

Ozpin and Glynda then lead Y/n to a cliff overlooking the emerald forest, Y/n then was told to stand on a metal plate.

Ozpin " OK you to pass your initiation all you need to do is go into the forest and find the relic I have placed in the abandoned temple, are you ready? "

Y/n " Yep. "

Ozpin then pressed a button and the metal plate flipped up and launched Y/n, the metal plate was a launch pad.


The students and even teachers were laughing cause they were the initiation by using either a classroom's projector, their scrolls or being close by to watch. After a couple of minutes of Y/n flying through the air, he started to fall to the ground but as he did he saw the temple where he had to go, as he got close to the ground he started his plan to catch himself when he got close to a tree branch he took out his weapon that was separated and not combined into the glaive he then threw one sword over the branch then caught it when it came around, and since there was a chain connecting the two Y/n would swing around the tree branch helping to get rid of some of his momentum. When Y/n got to a safe amount of momentum he let go, but he only let go of one sword making it so when he swung around the tree branch the final time he fell off it and towards the ground, Y/n landed on the ground safely then put his weapons back on his back, and could hear people clapping.

Y/n * Thanks I guess now then show time. *

Y/n then used his semblance to speed towards the temple everyone who was watching was in shock to see someone so fast even for someone with a super-speed semblance, Y/n made it to the temple and slid to a stop. Y/n then walked into the temple and saw the relic he needed to take back to Ozpin :

Y/n almost started crying seeing Summer's old emblem she used to wear which she gave to Ruby to wear as a huntress, Y/n picked up the emblem and attached it to his jeans after he did that he heard Grimm roar so he ran out of the temple without using his semblance and when he got out the temple he saw :

Y/n * Well shit. *

Y/n then took out his gun loaded a fire dust magazine into it the shot at the Nevermore Grimm, the camera followed the fire dust bullet :

The bullet hit the Nevermore in the body and exploded, this caught the Nevermore's attention and to looked at Y/n.

Y/n " Yeah that's right take the bait. "

The Nevermore then flew towards Y/n but he didn't move until the Nevermore was level with him still flying towards him, the Nevermore was going to ram into Y/n but before it could Y/n used his semblance to run up a tree then jump off one of Its branches, he landed on top of the Nevermore's head then took out his two swords then combined them into their glaive form. Y/n twirled the glaive around then stabbed into the Nevermore's head then pulled back forcing the Nevermore to fly upwards, when Y/n thought the Nevermore got to a good enough altitude he pulled on his glaive changing the direction of where the Nevermore was flying from straight up to where Ozpin is. A lot of people were impressed to see Y/n use his glaive to control the Nevermore to make it fly him back to Ozpin, when the Nevermore got close to where Y/n was launched Y/n took out his glaive twirled it around then did a massive downward strike in such a way it decapitated the Nevermore. The Nevermore's corpse was still flying through the air but it was gradually falling to the floor it even got onto the same level as the cliff Y/n was launched from, when it did Y/n used his super speed to run off the Nevermore and up to Ozpin.

Y/n " Can I keep this? [ points to the rose emblem ] "

Ozpin " Yes and welcome to Beacon. "

small time skip

Y/n was standing on a facing Ozpin.

Ozpin " Due to Y/n arriving late normally we would tell him to try again next year but his performance today shows that he deserves to be here so he will be on a one-man team. "

The students started clapping and cheering for Y/n, Ozpin then sent the digital key to Y/n's scroll.

Ozpin " ( whispering ) Your dorm is team RWBY's old dorm. "

Y/n " ( whispering ) Thank you, sir. "

Y/n then walked off and went to his dorm, he opened the door to see how team RWBY had their beds :

There were no posters or anyone's belongings just the beds set up weirdly.

Y/n " This has Ruby written all over it. "

??? " You're right. "

Y/n looked back to see a team he had heard about from his sisters team JNPR they were standing in the dorm room with Y/n in front of them ;

The leader Jaune Arc :

Nora Valkyrie :

Lie Ren :

and the final member Pyrrha Nikos.

Jaune " You must be Y/n both Yang and Ruby told us a lot about you. "

Y/n " Yep that's me. "

Nora then bear-hugged Y/n.

Nora " Ooo you look like Ruby even though you aren't blood related, did you also like cookies? "

Y/n " Yes I do but I haven't had any in a while, I also like air but you're squeezing it all out of me. "

Nora " Oh yeah sorry. "

Nora let's Y/n go.

Y/n "It's nice to meet my sisters' friends. "

Pyrrha "It's nice to meet you too. "

Ren " Do you have any questions for us about them? "

Y/n " Did they act strangely before they left? "

Jaune " No just the right amount of strange for them. "

Pyrrha " There was one thing they mentioned you a lot, even when they came back from checking up on you when you went into the hospital. "

Y/n " ( confused ) They came back here I thought they went missing on their way back here? "

Ren " No we saw them get back they talked about what happened then went to their dorm, that was the last we saw them. "

Y/n turns to the dorm and takes a picture of it, he then walks up to Ruby's bed and moves the blanket covering the bed slightly, he sees a piece of paper taped to it. Y/n jumps up and grabs it, he opens it to see a message, it was in handwriting he didn't recognize :

' The chase is on Y/n. ', Y/n was confused at this.

Y/n " [ showing team JNPR ] Do you guys recognise this handwriting? "

They looked at the handwriting but shook their heads.

Jaune " No sorry Y/n. "

Y/n " Well I have a lead to follow to try to find them at least. "

??? " Which I'll be taking. "

Y/n and team JNPR look at the doorway to see :

Y/n " Errrr who are you? "

Jaune " That's Weiss' older sister Winter she's been looking into team RWBY's disappearance ever since they well disappeared. "

Y/n " And she never found this note? [ waves the note around ] What is her job? "

Nora " She's General Ironwood's one of his special operatives. "

Y/n " OK. "

Winter " I searched this dorm room yesterday. "

Y/n " Was it before or after I stopped Roman? "

Winter " Before meaning that Roman is possibly involved with their disappearance. "

Y/n " Hmm most likely he's working with someone. "

Winter " We've proved that he has It's Salem. "

Y/n " Salem the queen of Grimm? Didn't Ozpin make an announcement a couple of years back that she was real and everything about him? "

Ren " Yeah he did he said he talked about his real name is Ozma he saved Salem, they fell in love but he died. She went against the two God brothers so they punished her with immortality, she jumped into the Grimm pool trying to die but it gave her, her look and Ozma was cursed to reincarnate until he made peace with all the kingdoms but since he made that announcement it made things more difficult. "

Y/n " Right then so Roman is in Salem's pocket and for some reason Salem has something to do with my sisters disappearing. "

Winter " Your sister Ruby had silver eyes like a silver-eyed warrior if she ever learned how to use them she could petrify any Grimm. "

Y/n " Summer had silver as too so that could be another reason why she left but what about Yang, Weiss and Blake? "

Y/n dragged a chair over and sat down.

Winter " It's likely that Salem used them to get to Ruby and Summer. "

Y/n " No doesn't seem right I met Yang the day before she left she didn't look like she was in trouble ... what if they went to Salem by their own choice? "

Winter " To do what? "

Y/n " Don't know but I'm going to find out Junior might know seeing as some of his men worked with Roman the other day. "

Winter " Then that's where I'm going. "

Y/n " I'm going to. "

Winter " No you aren't you're too close to this case. "

Y/n " And you aren't? "

Y/n and Winter stared at each other.

Jaune " OK OK you two need to calm down what about you both work together It could help to make things work quicker. "

Y/n " I don't mind that. "

Winter " Fine. "

Y/n " We should hand this over to Ozpin he might know how's handwriting this is. "

Winter just nodded and they both walked to an elevator then took it to Ozpin's office :

Y/n and Winter saw Ozpin sitting on his chair with holographic screens in front of him working on something, Ozpin saw them enter so he turned off the screens.

Ozpin " Hello Winter, Y/n everything ok? "

Y/n " Yeah we found this note in my dorm room on Ruby's bed do you recognise the handwriting? "

Y/n passed the note to Ozpin and he read it.

Ozpin " No I don't I'll ask the teachers and other schools if they do. "

Winter " Thank you, sir. "

Winter and Y/n went back into the elevator and took it down.

small time skip

Winter and Y/n were stood outside Junior's bar it was closed but they entered it anyway, they saw Junior sitting on a chair at the bar so they walked up to him.

Y/n " Hey Junior we need to ask you something. "

Junior " [ turns around to face him ] What is it? "

Winter " Why did Roman have your men working for him when he was robbing a dust store? "

Y/n and Winter could see him slightly panic, he tried to stand up to run but Y/n used his semblance to speed behind him. Y/n put his hands on his shoulders and then pushed him back down on the chair.

Y/n " Just answer the question before Winter loses her patience. "

Junior " OK OK Roman didn't want to use any white fang members to rob the store cause he wanted to recreate what happened with your sister two years ago. "

Y/n " How did he know I'd go to that store? "

Junior " I don't know seriously. "

Winter " Have you seen Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, Summer, Roman or Neo here recently? "

Junior " Yeah after I heard about Y/n stopping Roman Ruby and Yang walked in and asked questions about you. "

Y/n " ... Fuck. " 

Y/n walked off to the entrance to the bar and saw Winter ask a couple more questions, he then felt something in his pocket. He looked in his pocket to see a small device with a note saying :

' Put it on a camera ', Y/n then used his semblance to run to the nearest camera and put the device on it then instantly the device activated, and when it did Y/n ran back to where he was standing and not long after Winter walked toward him.

Winter " OK let's go. "

Y/n and Winter left the bar and started to head back to Beacon.

Y/n " So I'm being followed by someone and they're telling Salem and her lackeys. "

Winter " Most likely It's one of her lackeys. "

Y/n " Hmm well I'm going to go back to my dorm and unpack my bags, see ya. "

Winter " Bye. "

Y/n then used his semblance to run back to his dorm he also used It to put all his stuff away, when Y/n was finished he turned to the beds that team RWBY set up to see them all gone and replaced by a king-sized bed with a note beside it :

' So you don't have to pick which one you can use from Ozpin ', Y/n then put the note on a table then fell on the bed. He stared at the ceiling to see another note saying :

' You better not drink anything when you try to find us at Junior's or when you go there for information '.

Y/n " [ sigh ] God damn it. "

Y/n stood on his bed and ripped the note off the ceiling, Y/n then got ready for bed and went to sleep and as he did the screen turns black as this chapter ends

Author note :

I hope you enjoy

see ya next time bye

Words : 2654

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