The Lady of Midgard (Loki x R...

By MistressOTLabyrinth

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Book 1 Your world was your world. Anything exciting happened in books and movies. Magic, monsters and gods di... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Chapter 2: A Meeting of Chance
Chapter 3: Not Cut Out For This Life
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
*Chapter 62*
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 46

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By MistressOTLabyrinth

Finding Thor in the gardens with his friends, Loki walked towards them, however he didn't expect to see you there, asleep, your head in Fandral's lap. Jealousy like he had never felt before coursed through his veins at the sight. Stopping at the edge of the blanket his mood became even darker, your dress had fallen around your stomach, making the fact you were pregnant very obvious to everyone. After the disaster of this morning this would not go in his favour.

"Congratulations!" Volstagg cheered at him.

"Why didn't you tell us!" Hogun said.

"At least this explains her moods," Fandral laughed out. "But I said fuck her not knock her up."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Loki mumbled angrily, pinching the bridge of his nose. Walking towards where you were before standing over you, careful not to hurt the baby he nudged you with his foot to wake you. "Idiot girl," he growled out.

- - - -

The voices around you broke through as you slowly woke up.

Idiot girl

Opening your eyes you looked up into the thunderous face of Loki staring down at you, arms crossed over his chest.

"You really are stupid aren't you?" Loki said in a tone that said he was beyond anger.

"No I'm not!" you said trying to sit up.

"Considering you just gave away your secret!"

Looking down you realised your dress had fallen around your bump while you were sleeping making it very obvious to anyone in the gardens that you were pregnant. You sighed in annoyance.

"You mean our secret," you spat back, raising an eyebrow.

"Who said it's mine? I've never claimed it publicly." Loki sneered, eyes glancing towards Fandral while you shot him a glare.

"How will that work anyway? A baby suddenly turning up is going to cause questions and it's not like I'm getting any smaller," you replied. Loki wanted to play that game. Fine.

"Who says the baby is staying here?"

"What do you mean?" you questioned attempting to stand up face him.

How do you know I haven't organised for it to be sent away," Loki said, narrowing his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare!" Your eyes widened at his words.

"Why not? It's my child, I can do what I want," Loki told you, stepping closer to you, gritting his teeth and getting in your face.

"Oh so now it's yours!" You stabbed your finger at his chest.

"When it comes to that child's fate, then yes it's mine," Loki answered, batting away your hand.

"So I, as their mother, don't get a say? Typical of this backwards place!" Throwing your hands up in frustration.

"If you don't like it here, leave!" Loki shouted at you.

"I'm fucking trying! If you haven't noticed, I'm stuck here!" you shouted back.

"Well maybe if you hadn't been so stu-" Loki grabbed your upper arm.

"-Don't blame me for putting you in this position. You're also at fault!" Pulling your arm away.

"I didn't hear you complaining at the time!"

Your mouth dropped open in shock. "So that's your M.O.? Sweet lies to lure unsuspecting maidans to your bed? So you can just fuck them before discarding them like trash!"

"At least they weren't stupid enough to get pregnant!" Loki yelled back at you.

"LOKI!" You heard Thor yell as he got up.

White hot anger flooded your veins making your ears ring. Before you knew what was happening you raised your hand and slapped Loki across the face.

His face snapped to the side with the shock of it, the slap didn't hurt him but he hadn't expected you to do that. Baring his teeth he turned back to spit some retort only to watch your retreating frame as you stormed off, pulling his shoulders back to stand straight he glared after you before vanishing in a flash of green.

Everyone in the gardens had stopped to watch the exchange silently, you both hadn't noticed anyone in your anger. Shocked whispers from all around filled the silence. The others sat there shocked at what they had just witnessed. Sif and Thor looked at each other, your arguments had never been this bad. They both silently thought that this was worse than your fight after the Ball, only now there was a child involved. Thor walked towards Áedán to play with him so he wouldn't run after you.

"I should go find her," Sif went to stand up.

"Let them cool down first," Volstagg leaned back on his elbow with a drink.

"You sound like you're speaking from experience?" Fandral looked at him, a questioning look on his face.

Volstagg only nodded before looking up in confusion as it started to sleet, it had been sunny a moment ago.

Thor had tried to talk to you about it later that day but you asked that he left you alone. You said the same to Sif when she had tried to comfort you that night as you cried yourself to sleep. Searching the palace he found Loki sitting in the downpour on a balcony, noticing the marks on his face it was clear he had been crying. Thor decided to try and fix what had happened.

"Why must you destroy anything good that happens to you?" Thor asked as he sat down next to his brother.

"It is better this way."

"No it is not! She makes you happy. Do not throw that away."

"I'd rather her hate me now then after the baby is here and they are taken from me."

"What did father do?"

"Odin yet again seeks to punish me." Loki stated mournfully.

Thor just sat in silence next to him, doubtful that he would get an actual answer he sighed and stood up. "Apologise before she spends another night crying herself to sleep," walking away to leave his brother to his thoughts.

- - - -

After your very heated argument you decided that maybe staying low would be the best option. You shouldn't have slapped Loki, but he had said he wanted to send the baby away and basically insinuated you had done this on purpose.

What had happened with his father that morning to put him in that mood? He was a completely different person to the one you thought you knew and you didn't know how to feel. That was the person Sif had warned you about. The cold heartless persona that did not care for anyone, the complete opposite of the person you had come to love. That person was kind and mischievous, always making you smile. Yet that is not who you saw now.

Loki had tried to see you a few times after but in your hurt and anger you had just slammed the door in his face.

The baby was getting much bigger now and you refused to admit that doing anything was getting more and more difficult. Eir was happy with the growth, you had hit the seventh month and no signs of labour so there was a chance you would make it to a Midgardian pregnancy term rather than a Jotunn one.

Heading to the archery targets alone one morning a week after your fight, you grabbed some arrows before walking over to set up. You couldn't find your bow that morning so thought you had maybe left it up there from yesterday. Finally getting there you dropped the basket taking a moment to catch your breath.

Looking around you swore you left your bow up here but couldn't find it. Looking back towards the targets you noticed something sticking out of one of them. 'What the?' you thought slowly making your way over, gasping as it came into view. Your bow broken in half was stuck into the target. The hair on the back of your neck stood up. This definitely felt like a warning, and you didn't want to think who could have done this.

Backing away, your eyes darting around the area suddenly fearful of being alone. You felt so stupid right then to put your child at risk, you should have asked someone, you only hadn't as you wanted to have some time to yourself. You turned as soon as you were able, walking as fast as you could in your state the rest of the way to find Thor.

Sitting at dinner that night you ate slowly trying to not let what happened to your bow get to you. If any of your friends found out you had gone there alone you would never hear the end of it. It had scared you, it had to be Balder. He always found a way to get to you, but your brain supplied it could have also been Loki after your fight.

Listening to the conversation around you it seemed like your secret had gotten out and it was a mix of surprised joy and anger. Honestly you weren't surprised everyone now knew after the show you both had put on. You wanted to blame your hormones for taking Loki's bait instead of walking away but knew it was a lame excuse. Looking back down at your plate you tried to work out what else you wanted to eat. Everything tasted like ash tonight.

Looks like Helena was back and had found out as well, at least she hadn't seen it herself; you'd definitely be dead by now. You tried not to look but her argument with Loki was starting to get everyone staring at them and some not in a good way. Looking up again you managed to catch the end of their argument.

"How long has that been going on for?"

"Since when do you care who I take to my bed? You have never before."

"You got the mortal pregnant!"

Loki muttered something angrily to her you couldn't hear. Looking back down you missed the slap Helena gave Loki, a chair scraped back before footsteps sounded near you. Looking up you came face to face with a very mad Helena.

"I will make sure you stay dead this time!" Helena shouted, pulling a hand back to punch you. Sitting there frozen in fear you waited for her fist to hit you, Fandral stood and reached out, grabbing her arm to stop her.

"Don't even think about it." Fandral gritted out, you had never seen him this angry and it shocked you.

Pulling her arm out of his grip Helena stomped from the hall, not before sending you a look that could kill if she had the power. The target on your back felt like it had just gotten bigger.

Trying not to panic, you sat looking at your plate, shaking, trying not to let Loki see your tears, while he just stood where Helena had been, having not made it in time to stop her, looking at Fandral in thanks.

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