Ninjago reader insert!! (cole...

By roomstinker1

1.7K 70 200

In the bustling world of Ninjago, amidst the clash of elemental powers and the constant threat of dark forces... More

Rise of The Snakes
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
Bonus Chapter - Powers
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Not an update but 😓😓😓


209 6 32
By roomstinker1

I had been wandering aimlessly around the monastery once I knew that all the ninja were asleep, trying to shove down unwanted memories that started surfacing in my mind as I walked past familiar spots. I sat and stared into the deep midnight sky and watched all the stars above glisten in the night. Why have I been brought back here? What do you have in store for me this time?  I jumped at the sudden touch of someone behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't know you jumped easily!" It was the black ninja who I had found out a couple hours earlier, was called Cole. He joined me in my star-gazing and sat close to me. Shit should I say something? Goddamnit it the way I'm sitting is probably really weird huh... Wait, should I scoot over? Does he have enough spa-

"Sorry for hanging up Lloyd on the sign." I looked at him surprised he actually would apologise. Maybe it really is just the Kai dude that's mean.

"Thanks for apologising I guess."

"Can I ask why you don't wanna be a ninja?" I flinch at that question. Nah you better not vent to a stranger...

"Uh um so uh- yeah sorry I don't feel comfortable telling you that..." Argh you're stuttering again!

"Can I ask why you decided to talk to me? I mean, once I get Lloyd back I'll be leaving immediately. You all seem to hate me too..."

"Oh. Well, I was just curious about your situation. It's not like you meet the spawn of the Dark Lord everyday. Plus it's not like we hate you. It's just Kai that is skeptical." Ah so he only wanted to talk to me because of that...

"Yeah Kai seems like a dick honestly... How did he not see me fighting the serpentine earlier? I literally saved your ass from being hypnotised!" Cole chuckled at my words.

"Yeah he's like that... You know on our first mission he would not stop running off to do his own thing?! He even tried fighting Garmadon on his own!" I laughed a bit at that.

"He's hopeless huh..." I add.

"Yeah but once you get to know him he isn't the worst," He remarks.

"Isn't the worst..? Are you implying that your friend is still bad?" I ask teasingly.

"Yep he's super hardheaded,"

We both laughed with each other and I felt some peace for the first time in a while. It's been so long since I've had a proper conversation with someone my age that did not end up with me feeling like they hated me.

"Well we should get some shut-eye, it's so late. I look forward to your training master!" I giggle as he raises his hand to his forehead to give me a salute.

"Thank you my diligent student! I look forward to giving you a proper teaching tomorrow! Remember, do not put off tomorrow what can be done today!" I copy his actions as we end up in a laughing fit. I'm sure we might've woken up some of the others. Cole walks me to my room as I wave goodnight to him. That night was one of those very few occasions where I didn't have any nightmares.

- - - - - - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up with a smile this time feeling pleased with my conversation with Cole yesterday. It had been a while since I've talked to someone my age, let alone joked with them. It felt so refreshing and relaxing. Suddenly the sounds of knocking interrupt my thoughts and I stand up to open the door.

"Y/N? I'd like to speak with you." I felt a sinking feeling in my heart when I saw Wu at the door. I was dreading having to talk with him after what had gone down years ago. He led me to his room and I felt a sense of nostalgia seeing his insane amount of scrolls that remained on the shelves.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened with Misako, and for not helping you and Lloyd. It was wrong of me to leave you two like that so suddenly. I was simply trying to keep you safe from your father." I stared at him taking in his words as more rage fills me up. Tears trickle down my cheek and I prepare my words in my head.

"That's what you have prepared..? After all these years? YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY EXPLAINING WHEN YOU KICKED US OUT! I know you wanted to help dad and protect us, but saying it's for our safety? Me and Lloyd could have DIED, I wasn't even a teenager yet and you expected me to give everything up to take care of my brother. I feel disgusted just looking at you." I hiss at him. I storm out of the room into where I was currently staying. I sit behind the door as I cried, my childhood room reminding me of the shards of my shattered dreams, each piece a reminder of who I once was and could have become, tears mingling with the fragments as I try to piece myself back together again.

After quite a while of crying I exit my room and quietly head my way to the stables, wanting to look for my old dragon. He was one of my only friends I could count on. I spot Cole and hide behind the corner, my heart beating nervously. I'd be so embarrassed if anyone saw me in my current state, especially someone I just met.

"Hey," I hear a voice say. I toppled over onto the ground in fear. Blush forms on my face in embarrassment and I look up to see Cole standing in front of me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry for scaring you again... Here let me help you up," He reaches his arm out and I grab it.

"Thanks..." I say timidly

"Yeah no problem, are you okay though? All of us heard the yelling that, you know, happened earlier..." He smiles at me reassuringly, trying to make himself more open and trustworthy.

"Yeah... Me and Wu have a rough past- I just wanted to look for some comfort in my old dragon." I reply, pointing shly to D/N. His brown and black scales still looking the same.

"Sorry to hear that... I get having family issues. I don't have the best relationship with my father," Cole replies. I smile at him for trying his best to comfort me.

"Well wanna join me? I was about to feed my dragon Rocky, I just ordered him some new stuff from Creatures, Beasts and Beyond." He asks cheerfully.

"Yeah sure,"

We both walk together and stop at D/N. Why didn't I piece together that D/N became his dragon... God I'm stupid. As Cole is unboxing his package I pet D/N. He let out a soft growl, moving his snout closer to me, sniffing my familiar scent. I giggle and hold him close.

"Wait... Is Rocky D/N??!" Cole shouts.

"Yeah, I knew all the dragons, Wu took me to see them frequently when I was younger. I couldn't get enough of them. I had names for them too, the fire one was Smokey, ice was Breeze and lightning was Shock. D/N over here was my favourite... You better have been treating him properly!" I lightly scold Cole teasingly.

"Wow I didn't know you knew them! How old are you??" I punch his shoulder as we both giggle.

"Say, why don't we take Rocky on a ride after we get your brother back?" He asks. I smile and nod at his suggestion.

"Correction: Why don't we take D/N on a ride. That is his name and I will stick by it since I was basically his mother!" I reply cheekily.

"How dare you! I am basically Rocky's father! If you were a good mom you wouldn't have left him in the a cave! He was worried sick for you and was terrified by the Skeleton army!" Cole huffs while folding his arms sarcastically. I gasp at his remark and put my hand over my mouth. We burst into another laughing fit before finally returning to our respective rooms.

- - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - - -

"Mmm. Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook." I sigh in relief at what Jay said. I like Cole but his food last night was terrible...

"Hey. I didn't hear any complaints about my duck chowder last night."

"That's because it glued our mouths shut. You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?" Ah so it wasn't me! I silently punch my fist up in joy.

"Yeah. Please don't make that again."

I watch Zane walk in with a turkey and I smile excitedly as I smell the fresh aroma of the buttery meal. I'm gonna need some lessons from this guy! Lloyd would've loved to eat this...

"Dinner is served." I watch as everyone except me and Zane burst into laughter. I frown at everyone's actions. This poor guy! I've gotta give him a new apron after this.

"What's so funny?"

"Zane. You're wearing a... Even I wouldn't even wear that."

"You laugh because I take steps to ensure I'm clean after cooking?"

"Haha! No! We laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!"

"I guess we don't share the same sense of humour."

"Well, how about this?" I watch and smile at Cole as he throws a full plate of shrimp on Kai's face. Everyone laughs again as I pitifully watch Zane's sad expression

"How could you not find that funny? AH!" Everyone laughs again as Wu pours soup on Cole's head.

"Now you are brothers." My smile fades as I watch a food fight slowly start. I quickly grab some food and stand and pull Zane to the kitchen.

"Oh Y/N what do you need?" Zane asks me sadly. I continue chewing on his food and swallow it quicker.

"Oh yeah, this food is really good like REALLY good! Could you give me some of your recipes! I wouldn't mind cooking with you sometime as well! Lloyd would appreciate this food." A small smile creeps onto Zane's face and he nods.

"I'm sorry about what happened just now as well... All your good food, wasted! Well on a more serious note, try not to take what they said to heart. Your brothers are all weird in their own ways as well. I would have praised you for wearing an apron, you don't see a lot of people taking extra safety steps anymore. Plus I do think pink is your colour!" I smile at Zane and give him a thumbs up.

"Thank you Y/N... I'll take note of that." He grins and walks away. I watch him walk away and smile softly. What a wonderful dude.

- - - - - - - - - Next Day!! - - - - - - - - - -

"I don't even think Zane knows where he's going. Uh, tell us again how you stumbled upon Lloyd's secret headquarters?"

"I followed a bird."

"Why did you follow a bird?"

"Because it danced."

"Oh...okay. Was it a cuckoo bird?" I watch as everyone laughs again. Sorry Zane, I'd stand up for you right now but...

"The bird."

"Of course not. Everyone knows cuckoo birds are not indigenous to these forests." Everyone sees the bird above and we all follow it as Zane leads.

"Watch it! No, bigger! Come on, we don't have all day! It's not time for a lunch break." Lloyd! He is so grounded once I get him. There's no way he actually decided to make a huge treehouse with his army. And not giving them a lunch break? Has he not listened to me complain about my jobs before?

"Lloyd oh my god!" I say.

"We can't let that brat and those snakes get a foothold of Ninjago. We gotta destroy that thing before it becomes operational."

"Whoa! Are you sure? It looks like a pretty cool tree house. There's a ropes course... Ooh, a tree swing!" I facepalm at Jay.

"Hey! Remember who's team you're on. Alright, guys. What do we do?"

"It looks like the entire place is being supported by those three trees. Once those ties are severed, the whole is gonna fall like a house of cards." I say to them

"But why would one make a house of cards? Such construction would be careless."

"It's a metaphor, Zane. You know how cards are very light right? So it means that when we break the ties they're gonna fall down very easily like blowing down a house of cards. They aren't ACTUALLY made of them." I explain.

"Oh. Thank you Y/N. You'd truly make a good mother." I raise my eyebrow at the weird compliment and smile nervously back.

"Travel in shadows, guys."

I climb up one of the trees, sever the tie and sneak closely out of Lloyd's view.

"It's almost finished. Soon, my fortress will be complete. You! Hold up that sign for me!"

"Lloyd, I never taught you to be this rude!" I whisper to myself as I watch the serpent hold up a sign saying "No girls or Ninja" and Lloyd makes him crash down to the grass floor with a booby trap. I hear Jay and Zane yell out "Ninjago!" So much for being sneaky guys... The treehouse crumbles down and sends everyone flying. Oof sorry Lloyd I promise I'll get you some candy next time.

"I said no ninja! Attack! Wait Y/N??!" Godamnit now my cover has been blown too. I try getting close to Lloyd before feeling myself being stopped by... a hypnotised Cole??

"Cole cmon I need to get Lloyd!" I say as I fight him trying my hardest to not give him any serious wounds. My mind tunes out everything happening around me as I focus on not hurting Cole.

"Guys! They're gonna get the staff!" I hear Kai yell out.

"Y/N! Help! They trapped me!" I turn to see Lloyd in a cage and anger takes over me.

"Lloyd, I'm coming!" I try to run to Lloyd but Cole strikes me down with his scythe leaving a nasty cut. Ah fuck Cole...

"Okay, now come on. Friends don't hit friends. Ow, okay. I-I-I-I'm gonna ignore that." I hear Jay as he fights Cole. I turn but find that the snakes had fled. I'm so sorry Lloyd I promise I'll save you soon.

"What're we supposed to do? If I use my sword, this place will turn up into flames, faster than a tinderbox."

"Isn't the anti venom in the staff?" Zane asks.

"The only thing that can cancel his abilities is the ancient flute at the monastery, so we have to pray Sensei Wu gets over here quick enough!! Keep stalling him guys" I yell at them.

"Jay! You heard her! Use your lightning! Try to shock him out of his trance!"

"Oh, sorry, Cole, but this is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me." Jay shocks Cole but somehow just makes him even more angry!!?!?!?

"Shit Cole! What are you made of??" I question as he starts fighting more aggressively. I watch as Jay manages to catch one of the ropes but the tree house still continues to collapse.

"That is a serious safety hazard!" Cole attempts to sever the last rope as we all look at him in fear, as we stand, still on the rooftop. Suddenly a familiar tune plays and I sigh in relief... Thank you Sensei...

"Huh? Where-where am I? What are we doing?"

"We're getting outta here because this whole place is coming down!" I hear Nya and look up to see her on a dragon. Cole gets on and gives me his hand so I get on as well.

"The flute!" Kai exclaims.

"It's as old as the Serpentine themselves. But we must hurry! The Monastery is unguarded! Quickly!" I immediately panic as I hear Sensei's words. I grab tighter onto Cole's back for comfort as I silently mumble and pray to myself the monastery remains unharmed.

"We're too late. Those snakes." I hear Kai say. I look up in fear. Great. Another place filled with memories, all gone. Why does the universe hate me? I know I deserve it but come on? Tears fill up my eyes as we land before the monastery. Cole rushing to free he dragons as Zane goes to try and put it out. My eyes take in the sight of my childhood home, destroyed.  I run towards the flames before Zane's dragon puts it out. I giggle and cry again. It's all my fault. I let Lloyd get away, I couldn't stop the serpentine and now my memories will be gone and I can't relive them. I squat and bury my face in my knees the pain in my heart returning. I feel someone pat my back as I continue crying, oblivious to whatever the rest were saying.

"The training equipment, gone." Kai says sadly.

"Our video games, gone!" Jay yells.

"They stole their staff back." Wu says concerned.

"What do we do now?" Cole asks.

"If you hadn't followed that silly bird, none of this would've happened!" Kai yells at Zane.

"Kai..." Wu says worriedly.

"No, Sensei, he's right! Because of you, my high score has been deleted!" Jay shouts.

"This is a teaching moment. We must learn from this." Zane remarks.

"A "teaching moment"? What's wrong with you? Don't you get it?! EVERYTHING IS GONE!" Cole remarks furiously. I flinch as I hear his harsh words from above me.

Enough! We are all at fault. Zane is your brother. Apologise at once." Wu demands.

"I'm sorry, Zane, I... " Jay stuttters.


- - - - - - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - - - - - - -

I continue sniffling and lay my head on Cole's shoulder as I continue trying to take in what happened. He taps my shoulder repeatedly as comfort.

"Wh-what are we eating again?" Jay questions.

"Mud newt. Not bad for something that lives underground." Kai tries to joke.

"What? Yeah! A new high s-sc-score!" Jay says as he throws a can into a bin.

"Remember, we must be thankful for what we still have." Wu reminds us all.

"What do we have? Our home is gone, and Y/N over here is still crying like crazy," I blush in embarrassment. Cole, they do not need to be reminded of my predicament.

"You know, I don't miss our home. What I really miss is Zane," Kai says. I'm shocked because for once he isn't saying something extremely rude and out of pocket.

"For once I agree with you Kai." I remark.

"Zane?"  Nya asks.

"Yeah, Zane. You know. White Ninja. The smart, strange one." Jay replies.

"No. Zane!" Everyone looks to where Nya is pointing and we all get up and run to him.

"Zane. We're so sorry for everything we've said. We're a team and that means we're all responsible." Jay apologises to him.

"You don't need to apologise to me."

"But what about all those awful things we said? Isn't that why you left?" Kai asks. I look to Zane confused as well.

"Of course not. I saw the Falcon again and I followed him." I smile again. What a peculiar guy.

"That's our Zane." Cole says. I hug Zane as the other follow too.

"We're happy to have you back." Nya says.

"Why? Is it my turn to make dinner?" Zane asks. He made a joke!

"Yes, Zane. Cole decided to cook for us again," I say, giving Cole a sarcastic glare.

"But I already made it. Come. I want to show you what I've found. I think you will all be pleased." We all follow Zane curiously as he leads us.

"I can't explain it, but I feel a strange connection with the Falcon. I think he's trying to help show us the path we need to take. Here. Our new home." Everyone gasps in surprise. I stare at the ship in shock. I look at it feeling bittersweet.

"Do I smell pie?"

"Cobbler berry. Oh, and I made myrtle berry and apple and—" Everyone else raced to the Bounty before he could even finish as I stayed back with Wu and Zane.

"I'm proud of you, Zane. One day, I promise. We will find your family." Wu says.

"But I've already found them. Y/N provided me with some valuable advice as well." He looks at me and gives a thumbs up and I return the gesture.

"I feel there's more to you than meets the eye. There's something special about you, Zane. Now go ahead, we can't have them finish the pie all by themselves." Wu replies. Zane runs off as I try and run after him before my uncle stops me by grabbing my wrist.

"Y/N, please talk to me. I know you don't forgive me but please, I just wanna talk. I wanna know how you and Lloyd have been doing. I still wanna be a part of your life. You don't have to live independently anymore." I stop in my tracks as my eyes glisten from tears threatening to fall. I turn to Wu and he passes me an old photo of me with lloyd in my arms as well as him, dad and mom. The sides were black and burnt but the picture remained intact.

"I'm sorry niece, i'm so sorry."

"Thank you Uncle." I say in between my sobs. I found some solace in my uncle's words but I felt unsure if I could trust him again.

"Now why don't you tell me about some memories you've made with Lloyd. I wanna know what I've missed." I held onto my uncle's hand and felt like a child again. Back when my life wasn't falling apart.


Ooouuu did that eat yall anyways stream one spark by twice !!!

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