Ninjago reader insert!! (cole...

By roomstinker1

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In the bustling world of Ninjago, amidst the clash of elemental powers and the constant threat of dark forces... More

Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
Bonus Chapter - Powers
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Rise of The Snakes

259 9 26
By roomstinker1

I take in a breath of fresh air as I awake to the usual chirping of birds outside. Spring had finally arrived and I could see the lovely blooming of magnolia flowers from outside of my window. My favourite season had come and I was delighted to see varieties of flowers on my day out today. Taking in the lovely scenery, I lay in bed for a couple more minutes before finally hopping out and stretching, my back and neck aching, oh well, those are the consequences of sleeping on the floor. Fortunately, today was my day off so I had some time to relax and hang with my younger brother lloyd. Today we had to go out and get some groceries for the upcoming week. I look down to my brother, his blonde hair messy and all over the place and his chest heaving softly making the most gentle whistle sound from his nose while breathing as he slept. It hurt to wake him up from his slumber but I'll make it up to him later.

"Lloyd, wake up, it's grocery day," I whisper softly into his ear as I shake him ever so gently.

"Aww 5 more minutes please..." He groans, wiping his eyes groggily.

"Alright but after that get dressed immediately!" I say, kissing him on his forehead, before I head out into the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. Our house was rather small but we made it work, with only 3 rooms, our bedroom, the kitchen/dining/living room area and our bathroom. It was truly a miracle for me and my brother when we met an old man who found us on the streets and offered to give us his old house, this was luckily only a few days after we had been abandoned by our parents. We also lived in a convenient location, on the outskirts of Jamanakai village, just a short 5 minute walk away.

I took in a deep breath, put on my frilly red apron, and got to work, preparing me and Lloyd some strawberry and cream filled croissants for our breakfast. I smiled in amusement as I imagined to myself, the sight of an excited Lloyd ready to gobble all the croissants up. It was a treat for the both of us, seeing how we both loved sweet foods and couldn't afford to eat fancy things like this often.

"Morning Y/N... WHATT!! THOSE LOOK DELICIOUS!" I watched Lloyd, his face brightening up almost instantaneously, as he stepped out of the bathroom. His eyes gleaming in sight of the food placed on the table. I chuckled as I watched him dart towards his seat and start chomping down on the food.

"Thank you sis!" He said, his mouth full of food, and his eyes appearing to be watering in delight of his sweet cravings being fulfilled.

I patted his head, smiling brightly at him and said, "No problem lloyd, and what have I told you about talking with your mouth full! It's disrespectful," He only nodded in response and I finally went off to change as well. I decided to wear a bright purple shirt and a long denim skirt to contrast with today's lovely weather and my bright mood. After I had finished cleaning up after breakfast, I grabbed my bag and my grocery cart with me and headed out with Lloyd to start on today's tasks!

At Jamanakai Village

"Okay, you have your phone with you, so call me if you need help or anything, and don't cause trouble!" I remind Lloyd and leave him at a playground so he doesn't feel bored while I do the grocery shopping.

"Alright! Love you sis! I'll just be rightttt here!" Lloyd replies. I hug him and head off to the shops, despite Lloyd's "good" behaviour I can't help but get a lingering feeling that something might go wrong today...

Lloyd's POV

Just as Y/N turns her back, I smile cheekily as I continue waving at her till she's out of sight. I pull my black hood up and run behind a fountain in the centre of the village. I've been planning my devious plan since the start of the week and can't wait to chomp on some more sweets!! I clear my throat one more time before commencing my plan.

"RAHHH FEAR ME MORTALS!! IT IS I THE DESCENT OF LORD GARMADON I HAVE COME TO TAKE OVER YOUR VILLAGE!!" I yell laughing evilly. I hear gasps and the village becomes engulfed with cries and screams as everyone flees to hide. Out of the corner of my eye I see some speckles of red, blue, black and white, but I ignore it. I smirk as I see how well my plan is going so far.

"I WILL SPARE YOU YOUR LIVES ONLY... IF YOU GIVE ME CANDY!!!" I continue to yell out strutting dubiously away from behind the fountain.

"Huh? Is that Lloyd Garmadon? I thought we were gonna face Lord Garmadon..." says the blue man I had seen from afar, popping up in front of me and standing alongside the red, black and white ninja.

"Go back to where you came from little guy, aw man and to think we could've been doing Spinjitzu already..." The black guy says.

" gimme your candy or I'll release the Serpentine on you!" I say angrily at the fact they aren't taking me seriously. I smile mischievously at the huge crowd forming and grab a can from my pockets and scare them with the surprise snakes inside jumping at them and watch as they cower in fear at my villainy self! My smile fades as I feel something being thrown on me and I hear booing from the crowd around me.

"No way! I asked for candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!" I fall to the ground as a number of my least favourite vegetables form around me. These darn villagers! Why aren't they scared?!

"He's gonna have to do a lot better than using an old bedtime story to scare people." Red ninja says.

"The serpentine are real Kai. They're not something to joke about." The very plain white guy says.

"Serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground!"

"Sealed in five different tombs to separate the warring tribes and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there!!" The blue ninja shivers.

"It was an old wive's tale to teach kids not to poke their noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?"

"Well that's because you'd be a fool to look for one. If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes. Rubber or not." The black ninja responds. I suddenly feel myself being lifted up as my eyes meet with the black ninja.

"Unhand me!!! Argh!!" I say struggling to break free of his grasp. I keep kicking and yelling, these darned ninja!! I hate them so much!!

"Don't worry, folks. We'll take care of this. Nothing to see here!"

"Bow down to me or suffer my wrath! I'll give you to the count of three! One! Two!" I shout frustratedly. How dare they think to mess with me?!

"What are we supposed to do? Spank him?"

Y/N's POV:

Alright, time to pay! I thought to myself, lost in my shopping as I finally stepped up to the counter but found the store to be desolate. I swear I even saw a tumbleweed rolling around the shop. Huh where did everyone go? I leave the money for my groceries on the counter and exit the store with my cart. I looked around to see a crowd of people dissolving and found some men talking amongst themselves whilst surrounding a blonde kid screaming and yelling, hanging from a sign in an edgy black jacket. Wait...Lloyd???

I sprint towards Lloyd and push through the colourful men. I look confused at the men, eating candy in front of Lloyd. What have you done this time Lloyd!?? I placed my cart and started climbing the building to bring Lloyd safely down from the sign.

"Lloyd what did you do?! I told you to stay at the playground!" He looks away from me so I turn to face the men who were surrounding my brother.

"Hey what are you doing! We're in the middle of disciplining the brat!" The blue ninja says.

"Who told you you were allowed to discipline other people's children?!" I yell back at the blue ninja offendedly. Who do they think they are??. I squat down and look at Lloyd to make sure he's alright, checking his face and neck to make sure they didn't hurt him at all.

"Listen lady, I don't know whoever you are but that brat needed to be taught a lesson! He's the son of Garmadon!" The red ninja talks back to me.

"First of all, I am his sister! Second of all, that's not a good way of discipling a child! He's only 10 he wouldn't have known better! You should leave whatever happens to him up to his guardian! Thirdly, who cares that he's his son? Not all children are like their parents. And what did he do that was so deserving of this humiliation?" I shout back at him furious at how they could treat a child like this.

"GARMADON HAS A DAUGHTERR??!!" The blue ninja yells in shock. The red ninja steps angrily towards me before the white ninja interrupts his speech.

"We're sorry for troubling you and Lloyd Miss, we'll be on our way." The white ninja said bowing politely. At least some people still have some respect...

I watched as they walked away, huffing at how disrespectful they were.

"Are you okay Lloyd?" I ask him, hearing him mumble something to himself

I ruffle his hair and say to him, "Look, I don't know what happened, but we are talking about this at home, you hear me?" He looks down and nods shamefully as I hold his hand leading him home. I sighed in disappointment as I thought of how careless I had been to let Lloyd go do his foolish evil plans yet again. I made a mental note to further discipline him later at home, I couldn't let him wander off and let him get hurt again. The last time he got hurt because of his plans was when he snuck off late at night to try and look for an "evil lair" and got caught trying to break into someone's house! This boy and his obsession with becoming an evil mastermind like our father... It hurts me to think that Lloyd probably thinks that our dad might come back for us if he impresses him with his "evilness".

- - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - -

Lloyd's POV

I packed my stuff into my bag as I looked at Y/N's sleeping body one more time before I went off to look for the serpentine's tomb. Sorry Y/N but I want revenge on those ninja! I snuck out through the window to find the dark sky and the millions of stars shining back at me. This will begin my venture for the first tomb!

At the Glacier Barrens

"These stupid ninja! I'll show them who they're dealing with" I shiver from the coldness and kick a rock but hear a strange sound. What was that? I sneak up towards it and find a strange carving on the ground, completely dry of snow. I see a lever and pull on it, the carving starts opening before I get engulfed by the huge hole opening below me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" My body makes a thud on the ice ground I fell on. Did I make it to the first tomb??

"You are out of your mind to venture so far away from home, little one. Look into my eyes. Give up your mind. I will control you." I turn around to find a serpentine?!? It slithers towards me and I back up before slipping on the wet ice. I push myself up to my feet again and find that he had hypnotised himself! I chuckle and look towards the rock I had bumped into as well.

"No. I will control you from now on." I say smiling at my deviousness. I have done it! Those pesky ninja can't get away from me now!!

"What shall you have us do, Master?" The serpent asks. Huh? Us? I turn around to find more serpentine emerging from the icy darkness. My smile forms as I take in the sight around me.

"My own army of snakes! MUAHAHAHHAHAA!!!"

Y/N's pov

"Hickery dickery dock! A mouse went up the clock!" I sang as I played with my baby brother. He let out a cheerful giggle as I made funny faces at him. Even without many friends I was overjoyed I finally had someone to keep me company. I wouldn't have to fear being alone. My smile faded until I heard screaming bellowing from the corridor. My heart sank to my stomach and I picked my brother up, peeking out of our room to inspect the noise.

I stood frozen, paralyzed in fear. My dad's final evil transformation had been completed. I traced his face, no longer finding any familiarity to the man I once knew. My mom laid against the wall, blood staining her head. My uncle stood his ground, trying his best to protect me and Lloyd from harm. I pressed my brother's head against my chest, not wanting him to watch what was going on. I trembled as tears fell down and ran to my room, I grabbed my spear and daggers as I placed Lloyd down. His cries left my heart heavy and I patted his head.

"Lloyd, stay here okay? Sis will be back soon. I promise." I whispered to him as I gave him a box of toys. I exited the room and locked the door, sprinting to help my uncle fight.


I ran to the study and found a vial containing white liquid, darting back to the fight.

"Uncle Wu!" I yell throwing the vial towards him. He pins my father down and feeds him the vial. I watch as he uses his staff to cast a portal, pushing my father into it. I'm startled as my mom places a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N, take care of your brother, i'll be back soon." She puts on her sling bag and grips onto the scroll in her hand.

"W-wait, where are you going?" I grab her hand, my voice quivering.

"To help your father," She says as she runs out of the monastery. I stand in shock, my mouth agape, debating on running after her. I look to my uncle, looking for any answers from him.

"You cannot stay here, niece. I'm sorry but I need as much focus as I can to get your father back," He says. Rage bubbles within me as I ball my fists.

"What do you mean? Wh-How am I supposed to take care of Lloyd? How am I supposed to continue with my training?" I shout, my throat feeling like it's being ripped into shreds.

"You can leave in the morning, I'll give you time to pack." He says nonchalantly. I stand there in silence, glaring at him.

I jolted awake and clenched my shirt, that familiar pain in my heart appearing once again. I laid hyperventilating with sweat and tears dripping from my face. I pulled my knees towards my chest and sat with my head resting in between my knees. My chest tightened up and I sat there trying my best to breathe through the tears.

I wept silently before I looked up to find an empty bed next to mine. LLOYD?! I hurriedly stood up and wiped my tears. I ran throughout the house and searched everywhere, the cabinets, closets and in the small forest behind our house. I ran back inside the house and got changed. No no no no no...Lloyd please don't leave me too I can't live without you. I paced around our bedroom coming up with possibilities for his disappearance. He probably left something at the playground at the village right? But what if he was kidnapped and killed? Breathe Y/N. How many times have I told you to stop coming up with the worst possibilities? Check the village, he's probably there okay? I ran out of the house fighting with the voices in my head and prayed silently that Lloyd was safe and was just trying to do something stupid again.

I ran into the village and my ears were filled with the screams of villagers. I looked in fear at the citizens fleeing into their homes. I looked and found a bunch of...serpentine? Weren't they sealed? Did father unleash them? How? Was he let out of the Underworld?

I saw a blonde boy in a black hoodie following the serpentine with a candy-filled cart. LLOYD. NOT. AGAIN. The lengths this boy would go through to get some candy... I sighed in relief before I felt myself being pulled by someone. I looked to find a beautiful girl, appearing to be around my age. She had sleek black hair framing her face and a mole under her vibrant red lips. She's so pretty I wish I looked like her...

"Uh are you done looking at me now?" She asked. SHIT AAA WHY DID I DO THAT.

"Ah I'm so sorry! Wait why did you pull me here?" I looked down in embarrassment.

"Well for starters there's a bunch of serpentine trying to hypnotize everyone!!" She whisper-yelled at me. Oh yeah.

"Huh. Nya. You're okay." I turn around and see the blue ninja from yesterday.

"What are you doing with Garmadon's daughter?" The rude red ninja asked the pretty girl I could now identify as "Nya".

"Garmadon has a daughter?" She turned to me in shock as I gave a small smile.

"Wh- Nevermind! Can we focus on the serpentine? They've hypnotised everyone in town!" She said again.

"Mind control. How is this possible?" Blue asked.

"When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look them in the eyes. That's how they get you." She answered.

"Well, what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha, perfect." The blue guy said. How is someone still joking in a situation like this?!

"The snake with the staff is the General. He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff from him, it holds the anti-venom. If we get that, we can save everyone." She answered. I love this girl.

"Look, guys. Forget about the whole Green Ninja thing. Let's make Sensei proud. The four of us. We're a team." My heart dropped immediately at the mention of the green ninja. Did it get to them too?

"Now you're talking." The black ninja said.

"Oh. And Nya, you can be our honorary member." I raised my brow AGAIN at this guy. Seriously, why is he so dense?

"Gee, thanks. Will you be alright staying here?" Nya turned to me and asked.

"I can help you guys out, don't worry about me." I said to her with a smile. I ran towards the serpentine and pulled out my dagger. I struck them down in an attempt to get to Lloyd and kicked away all the villagers.

"Lloyd! What are you doing?!" I yelled out when he finally was a short distance away from me. He turned to look at me.

"Sorry Y/N I won't be home any time soon I've gotta take care of these ninja! Plus this is wayyy more fun than staying home all day!" He replied, smirking at me. My blood boiled with anger.

"LLOYD GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW THOSE SERPENTINE AREN'T TO BE TRUSTED! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT AGAIN!" I yelled angrily at him and sprinted towards him. He looked at me in fear before turning to the serpentine.

"RETREAT!! QUICK!!" I watched as his stubby legs ran away from me. I was so close to reaching him before being blocked by a serpentine. The black ninja kicked him down and got his staff.

"Look into my eyes. I control you." The snake said as he pinned him down.

"You control..." He said before I immediately butt in and kicked the snake off him. He regained consciousness and I took the staff out of his hands.

"Quick the fountain!" Nya yelled at me. I sprinted towards the fountain and the anti-venom started unhypnotizing the villagers.

"We're sorry, Sensei. If we dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would've been necessary." I turned around to find the ninja huddled around...Wu?

"Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned. Mmm... a great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come. This is only the beginning." I tried my best to sneak away from him as his conversation with the ninja continued, but accidentally made eye contact with my former sensei.

"Niece?" He asked and I turned to look at him shyly.


"Would you still be keen on being a ninja again?" He asked. I clenched my fists trying not to make a scene.

No, how are you? No, I'm sorry? I stared at him in disbelief at his thoughtless words. How could he stand before me and ask me that as if nothing happened? So nonchalantly like he wasn't part of why I had to start raising Lloyd on my own as a kid.

"I'm sorry for what's happened Y/N but if you wanna get Lloyd back you should come train under me again. So would you like to stay with us?" I stared at him one more time, collecting my jumbled thoughts and stopping myself from crying.

"I will stay with you but only to save Lloyd. I don't ever wanna be associated with you again." I snarl at him. He looks at me with pity in his eyes but I remain emotionless.

"Sensei! How could you let Garmadon's daughter stay with us?! I know she's your family but what if she rats us out to Lloyd? She won't even help us at all. I doubt she'll be able to keep up with us." I hear the red ninja say snarkily while he glares at me. These ninja keep getting on my nerves, i swear... Was he completely oblivious to what went on around him eariler??

"I know my niece and she wouldn't do such a thing. And in fact, I'll have her train you all since she is more skilled and disciplined than all of you combined at the moment." The red ninja stares at me with his jaw wide open as I looked away, trying to calm myself down from bursting in anger. I grit my teeth as I think about wu, how dare he stand before me and not give a shit about what me and Lloyd have been up to.


Almost 4000 words is crazy sorry yall 💀

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