Cole Brookstone x Reader

By Jennida03

854 10 19

Y/n is the daughter of a villain but not all know of her except her father and her uncle she was abandoned as... More

1.The Golden Weapon
2. King of shadows
3. Rise Of The Snakes
4. Home

5. Snakebit

144 3 3
By Jennida03

(As Y/n was sleeping peacefully she heard a gong down the hall she get's up to check it out and see the boy's room and they had 2 bunk beds)

Wu: Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you *the boys begins to wake up groning* in order to reach your full potential we must treat each day as an opportunity

Kai: Okay, okay *jump off from top bed* we're up but if you want us to reach our full potential should we at least get a full night of rest *yeon tries to close blinds only for it to fall to the floor*

Cole: *stretch* Ugh can you call that rest? I think my back has more lumps in the mattress

Jay: *stretch out his arms holding his toothbrush in front of the sink* We were up so late talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters I guess we lost track of time *turned on the water only for sand to come out onto his toothbrush* since the serpentine burned down the monastery I'm just glad we have a roof over our heads *uses toothbrush immediately spits out the sand*

Y/n: Ehh I got nothing to complain about

Zane: *stretch out his legs* what is a lesson for today sensei? Mastering a strike of a scorpion? Or perhaps the great- *the floor board broke underneath him*

Wu: I think today's nothing will be chores

4 boy's: Chores!?

Cole: Ninja's fights and say they do not clean

Y/n: That's with you think

Wu: In order to respect ourselves we must prospect our new home and where we are from and this place is long way from becoming a ninja's headquarters I expect things to be spotless when I return and put your backs into it *bang on the gone before leaving Cole and Y/n help Zane from the whole he feel in*

Kai: *sigh* This is going to take forever to clean and fix up

Jay: Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?

Y/n: You guys do you *leaves there room*

(As boys use their spinjitzu to cheat in cleaning Y/n clean the deck using it as training her mind and body Cole was walking back on deck after taking some stuff off the ship he see's Y/n easily hangs up clothes, blankets and sheets to try underneath the Sun she's a broom together barrels she kicks them to the side she waved the broom to turn off the lanterns and sleep the deck he was amazed by how quick she cleaned without using spinjitzu soon they finished cleaning)

Jay: Yeah, we did it anybody up to play video games?

Kai: Yeah

Zane: Sure

Cole: *look's at Y/n* You joining us Y/n?

Y/n: Nah in gonna keep training

Cole: Oh, all right we'll let us know if you need anything

Y/n: Will do

(Cole walks away joining the other's Y/n was in a room going over some baguazhang till she heard a honk coming from outside she steps at a room and goes to the deck seeing everyone there she walks over between Zane and Sensei Wu seeing a car)

Y/n: Guest?

Kai: Jay's parents *Y/n nod's*

Jay: *arms in the air* Mom, Dad *lowers his arms Nya follows behind him then Sensei Wu Cole had waited to go after Y/n* what are you doing here?

Edna: Oh look at my baby boy it's been so long since we heard from you

(The other stood behind Jay in order by Zane, Cole, Y/n, Nya, Wu and Kai)

Jay: Ma I called you 2 days ago

Ed: *chuckle* Well it's not soon enough when are you coming out to the junkyard? You say ya come and you don't

Jay: Dad do you have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?

Edna: He hates it when we tell people he was born in the junkyard *oh push Jay to look at Y/n and Nya* and who are you both? You're both so cute you're just my son's type

Jay: Mom

Y/n: *bows her head* Hello

Nya: It's a pleasure to be meeting you I'm sure if you want Jay could give you a tour *look's at Jay* you worked very hard on it

Walkers: We love a tour

Jay: *sigh* Follow me *his parents follow him so does the others*

Y/n: *small smile Cole stood by her* You can tell they love Jay so much

Cole: Very much *both chuckle following the group*

(Jay shows his parents mostly the most important rooms soon they go into the main room)
Jay: And this is the bridge *gestures to a metal pipe attached to the ceiling* this extends to a periscope this tells us what's going on in Ninjago and this *gestures to a machine* if a serpentine is not giving us the answers we want and we're up late at night-

Y/n: Basically it's a cappuccino machine *walk's the opposite side of the room*

Ed: Amazing son we're so proud of you

Cole: Why don't you tell them about the button

Jay: *chuckle* It's not ready yet

Edna: Oh what's the button?

Zane: He's working on a special defense system

Kai: Something every ninja headquarters needs

Ed: Oh really? What does it do? Can I help?

Jay: No it's okay I don't need your help Dad let's just leave this alone *looks at his wrist that has no watch* hey would you look at the time don't you need to go back before it gets dark? I told you there's dangerous serpentine out there

Ed: *exhale* I suppose we could get back

Cole: Edna it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time

Edna: Aww if you thought that was good wait till you hear the story of the time I caught him kissing his pillow

Jay: *exhale* Snakes ma! Snakes!

Edna: Okay we're going we're going

(They all walk out to Jay's parents car Ed started his engine)

Edna: So you promised to come to the junkyard to visit your mother and father?

Jay: Yes I promise but only if you leave I don't want you to get hurt it's getting dark your headlights are working right?

(Y/n quickly closed her eyes turning her head away before Ed turns on his light she hears the others groan from the brightness)

Ed: Like them? I use a little extra juice *turns off the lights reverses and drives away* bye son I couldn't be more proud

Edna: And bring Y/n or Nya with you will ya? I can see why you like them

Jay: Mom

(Nya and Y/n looks at each other both quietly giggled)

Wu: Now that they had left perhaps Jay can teach us the art of... Kissing pillows *couldn't stay serious Jay groan in frustration walking away the other's laugh*

Y/n: Come on Jay it's not bad

Wu: It reminds me of the time Y/n would-

Y/n: *embarrassed blush* Sensei!

Jay: Wait what?

Zane: Huh?

Kai: What?

Nya: Tell us

Cole: What happened?

Wu: She-

Y/n: If you tell them I'll tell something about you

Wu: *clears his throat* Well then nevermind off to bed now *walk's away*

Team: What? But-

Jay: That ain't fair

Y/n: Life ain't fair

(The next day Nya was in Y/n's room training together)

Nya: So *dodging Y/n's fist and kick's* what was Sensei Wu going to say yesterday? *try's to punch Y/n*

Y/n: *blocked Nya's fist she throws kick's to Nya* Nothing important

Nya: Oh come on Y/n *barely dodging Y/n's kick's* you can tell me

Y/n: Nope *throws punches* not happening

Nya: Come on Y/n *dodge Y/n's punch but get's knee in the stomach*

Y/n: *taking off her gloves stepping away* Not gonna happen Nya

Nya: Grrr rah! *throws punches and kicks twords Y/n*

(Y/n blocks Nya's attack's while walking backwards they got to the deck now Y/n entered the bridge Nya had lunged forward to punch Y/n but stop's spotting the boy's not wanting them to know she's secretly training with Y/n she glares at Y/n as Y/n just grin)

Jay: Hi Nya *shy wave*

Cole: Hey Y/n *smiled*

Y/n: *small smile nod's* Hello Cole

Nya: *look's at Jay* You're gonna visit you're parents today?

Jay: Hm yeah sure am just about to leave

Nya: Tell them I say Hi *look's at Y/n* I will find out N/n

Y/n: I have no clue what you're talking about *leave's with a amused smile*

(Later Y/n exited the ship she goes to her dragon and can hear Wu and Jay's conversation)

Wu: It is as I expected the dragons are molting they're shutting their scales

Jay: What does that mean?

Wu: Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult you must allow them to migrate to the spirit Coast for their transformation

Jay: Will we see them again?

Wu: It is hard to say

Y/n: We need to allow them to follow their path *pet's her dragon*

Cole: Rocky's going east? *next to Y/n*

Y/n: All the dragons are

Cole: *goes to Rocky that's next to Y/n's dragon* Say it isn't so Rocky

Jay: *walk's twords Nya* Well I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself sure be nice to have company *Nya nod's with a smile*

Kai: Of course we'll go buddy

Cole: I could use a break

Y/n: Me too

Zane: All you have to do is ask

(They all begin there walk under the hot sun as Wu play's the flute)

Jay: *sigh* Of all the day's to lose our ride

Zane: That flute you never told us why it was so special

Wu: Long ago there were many flutes created to combat powers of the serpentine and drive them underground but over time Ninjago forgotten it's ancestors was dumb and to now this is the only one *play's the flute twords Jay*

Jay: I get the lesson respect you're elders or suffer the consequences boy you guy's are laying it on thick *stop's seeing his family junkyard's gate's*

Wu: *chuckle* Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear *Y/n and Nya noticed something seems off with Jay*

Nya: What is it?

Jay: It's quite

Y/n: Too quiet to my liking

Jay: My family is never quite*puts on his hood rushing in followed by the other's they look around hearing stop sounds coming from me broken down fridge he kicks the pool to open the fridge revealing his parents chained up with tape on their mouths* what happened? Who did this? *take's the tape off his mother's mouth to see she has fangs*

Edna: Oh sweet heart you came *Jay take's the tape off his father's mouth seeing he also has fangs*

Ed: Oh you gotta get out of here you shouldn't have come it's the ssssnake's

Wu: The bite of the fangpire once they sink there teeth in there venom can turn anything to a serpent it's only the matter of time before the full transformation is complete

(They hear hissing they see the snake's walk twords then with a evil wrecking ball)

Cole: Uh is that wrecking ball staring at me?

(The wrecking ball swing's twords them)

Jay: Duck! *push his parents out of the way as the others dived into different directions*

Ed: Thanks sssson

Wu: Lloyd

Lloyd: Hello Uncle and sister looks like we're not the only family reunion I'm glad you brought the Ninja's I could use some help taking out the trash *evil laugh*

Nya: If we want to turn your parents back we need the Anti-Venom from the staff

Y/n: *sees the wrecking ball* If we can get to it

Cole: *points at the wrecking ball* Second dose, hit the dirt *they duck and they see the snakes going to them*

Kai: Easier said than done sis we're a bit outnumber

Jay: Nobody messes with my family *goes to fight the snakes the wrecking ball swings towards him he leans back to dodge it*

The other 4: Ninja Go *used spinjitzu to fight snakes*

(As Y/n fight she hears music she sees the Lloyd playing music on a boombox)

Wu: Young nephew must I teach you whose side you should be on?

Lloyd: *turns up the music* Sorry Uncle can't hear you

(Y/n sees the wrecking ball swinging towards her way she jumps on using it to take her to the sky Lloyd screamed as Y/n falls towards Lloyd and the snake holding the staff only for a mental nunchuck hitting her she rolls on the ground stopping at the Cole, Kai, Zane and Jay's feet she sees a tall metal ninja)

Y/n: What the? *Cole helps her up*

Jay: What is that thing?

Ed: It was supposed to be in your honor son but do you like it?

Jay: Thanks but no thanks

(All 5 of them run away to be blocked by the wrecking ball)

Cole: Oh why did you have to be born in a junkyard

Jay: I know tell me about it

(The wrecking ball swings their way they all dodged it)

Kai: Uh weren't there five of us?

Y/n: Look up

(They see Jay on the wrecking ball he jumps in the control the metal robot swings it's nunchucks Cole stop's it with his scythe)

Cole: Don't worry I got it

(Then Jay used the wrecking ball to knock the metal ninja down Jay then joins the group)

Cole: I told you I had it

Lloyd: Retreat *a snake helicopter appeared from behind them he and the snake use it to retreat as the others run*

Nya: He's getting away with the staff

Jay: Right now we be a good time to have our dragons

Ed: *his skin green* It's okay sssssson

Wu: There is still a way

Jay: How?

Wu: A part of reaching your own full potential is understanding your weapons potential once it is in tuned with a focused heart its secrets and power will be unlocked

Jay: Oh this is not the time to be crypted

Zane: He's saying our weapons are vehicles themselves

Kai: Don't tell me I have to ride this like a broomstick

Wu: Jat concentrate on unlocking your golden weapon let your heart guide you imagine you're taking flight

(Jay looks at his golden nunchucks he does a few tricks with them then he gets striked by lightning he is now sitting in a jet)

Jay: Whow! Haha did I just do that?

(Kai looks at his sword giving it a try his turn into a sports bike Zane also gives it a try turning it into a motorcycle Cole gives it a try his turns into a car)

Cole: Ha I hate to hurt Rocky's feelings but I think he just been replaced

(Y/n also gives it a try turning her weapon into a hoverboard with rocket boosters)

Nya: Nice bored Y/n

Y/n: Thank's Nya

(Y/n turns on her boosters taking off into the sky with Jay behind her and they soon pass by Lloyd's helicopter)

Jay: Oops hehehe overshot that a little *turns back with Y/n*

Y/n: We're still learning Jay

Jay: *locks onto Lloyd and the snake* let's see what this baby can do *soon his jet is moving everywhere*

Y/n: *dodge Jay's jet by pulling back* Hey watch it Jay

Jay: I got it

Y/n: Huh?

Jay: *show's Y/n he has the staff in his hands* I got it

Y/n: Alright way to go Jay *as Jay who's celebrating all of a sudden in his jet disappeared and seeing his golden nunchucks Jay begins to fall* Jay!

(Y/n fly's down towards J seen the others trying to catch him from under only for their vehicles to turn back into their weapons she then spotted something before Jay could hit the ground Y/n cought him and placed him in a seat next to Nya who's driving his parents car she then sees the army of snake running towards them she flies towards the boys seeing they're struggling with their weapons)

Kai: Huh why isn't it working?

Wu: Your weapon is nearly an extent of your mind if your line is input so is the weapon

Ed: Oh boy, oh gossss, oh golly, oh duck, get in boy's

Cole: Mind if I ride with you Y/n?

Y/n: *get's low for him to get in* Come on *Cole goes behind her*

Jay: We have to get back to headquarters

(Nya and Y/n take's the others back to the ship the ninjas and Wu go to the bridge)

Jay: Man the stations everyone *goes up to the button*

Kai: Jay we better hurry

Jay: I've been waiting for this moment *hits the button nothing happened*

Kai: They're gaining on us

Jay: *banging on the surface of the button* I don't get it what's wrong I spent forever on this it's supposed to work

Ed: *back to human* Son *scared Jay* maybe I can help

Jay: Dad you're okay

Ed: You darn tuton uh let's have a look *messes with the buttons wires* that should do it try it

(Jay pushes the button shift begins to power up and lifting in the air rocking a bit Y/n lost her balance before she could hit the floor she felt an arm wrapped around her waist and feeling a hot breath against her neck she glanced to see it was Cole)

Cole: I got you Y/n, just hold tight

(As the ship steady in the air it begins to fly away from the snakes later Y/n walks up to Wu seeing the sight of Jay hugging his parents)

Y/n: You I'm kind of jealous of him... having loving family

Wu: *nod's* Well you have me

Y/n: *smile* True... I just wish the Lloyd could see and change

Wu: Don't worry Y/n he'll pull through I know it *walk's away*

Y/n: *looks at the sunset* I hope you're right uncle

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