Weight Gain And Inflation Sto...

By didigtsyduehjf

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A Growing Love
The Wishing App
Twitch Chat Makes You Fat
Fortune Teller
Unexpected Halloween
Software Glitch
The Growing game
A date with Dan
Smart Water
The Big Date
Office Blob
First Meeting
Cream Filled
Inflated Revenge
Inflation Experience
Male Inflation Day
Pro Gamer
Soda Challenge
3 wishes
Inflate for Me
Will the Waterbed
Only once
Jacob's long night
Caramel Treats
Getting Fuller
Fat spa
Jonah's three wishes
Victor's Demise
Cuddle Time Fwoomphs
The Birthday Cake
Inflated Boyfriend
Big Big Big Boyfriend
Out with a Bang
Big man on Campus
The Bus Stop
The Suit
The Dare
Size Envy
Questionable Decisions
Inflation Suit
Project GAINS
Inflate Me!
The Body inflation Suit and the Inflation Fetish Society
Dan's Discord Show
Champagne Bottle
The ass cream man
The Devil's Due
Private Show
Matt and Theo
John's wish
Accidental Water Inflation
Cursed Chocolate
Water and Chocolate
A special drink
Filled with Chocolate
David's pill
Take a seat
Super stuffed
The pill
Doctor's Visit
Something Tight
Fall Fair
Something Ripped
Pumpkin Spice
Something too Small
Soft Chest
Freshman Fifteen
Stretch Marks
Eating Contest
Mutual Gaining
Chubby Thighs
Love Handles
Full Moon Feast
Chubby Cheeks
Belly Rubs
Big Butt
Chubby Belly
Weight Gain Curse
I knew it was you
Takumi in bed
Two for one
The Princess and the curse
Quinn's Halloween
Biggest Fan
Dave's Cookies
Derek's Cupcakes
A very big little brother
The Tale of the Slime
Donut Magic
The Devil's Doughnuts
Family Curse
Birthday wish
The Blushing Blueberry
The Gainers Love
Trick or Titan
Coffee with cream
Comfort Eating
You deserve it Haley!
The perfect toy
"Intant Dad Bod"
The Wishing Scale: Pushed aside
Easy as a Pie
Finding Out New Things
The Fun Zone
An Engorged Explorer
More Than Offered

A Heavyweight Honeymoon

231 1 0
By didigtsyduehjf

Under a clear blue sky, a rusted out car sped down the highway, creating an awful noise with its sputtering engine and the metal cans tied to the bumper. Through the back window obscured by JUST MARRIED written in red paint, could be seen the driver named Charlene. Charlene was a woman, whose bright red, curly hair, was a sign of her energetic personality, that was contained within her small body. A loose, light blue, sweatshirt, covered up her torso, the left half hanging down on her arm, showing the white top underneath.  A designer pair of jeans, clung to her tiny bottom, it was one of the gifts she had received only a few days beforehand, to celebrate her marriage with her passenger.

    Macy, the buxom, dark skinned, beauty was quietly, sitting in the passenger seat watching the scenery fly by. Her outward appearance of her perky, C-cup breasts and well-rounded bottom wrapped in a white blouse and black skirt, betrayed her true nature. Macy had resigned herself to living a quiet life, trying to stay unnoticed and very, rarely joining in conversations. However, Charlene had a talent for bringing her inner mischievous side out, the shy girl crediting this to the reason she had said “I do” and driven out of her home town.

    “I think I see something up ahead,” Macy said, pointing towards the encroaching billboard.

    “Thicketon, home of the Fast Food Gauntlet,” Charlene read aloud. “Doesn’t exactly, strike me as a lovers’ sanctuary.”

    “True, but I don’t think we can last much longer,” Macy said, over the sound of their engine popping as it tried to stay together.

    “Point taken.”

    Gingerly, easing the struggling car into the turn, Charlene drove into the small town, relieved to see the trees gradually, taken over by brick and mortar structures.  Fortunately, the first building they passed by was a gas station, that doubled as a welcoming center for the town. A large sign in red above the station held the name of the town above, a colorful banner underneath boasting the same slogan they saw on the way in. In addition to the cars lined up next to the gas pumps, the drive thru lane was packed bumper to bumper, with the town’s citizens eager to indulge themselves in the fried chicken advertised the by the signs plastered across the store windows.

    Pulling up to an open pump, Charlene and Macy stepped out of the car and stretched their legs. Opening up their wallets, they very carefully, calculated how much further they could go with the little amount of cash they had left. Hoping the cashier wouldn’t get too angry accepting so many pennies, the two of them headed inside.

    Opening up the front door bombarded the couple with the smell of freshly, fried chicken, immediately, reminding them they hadn’t eaten since the day before. Most of the tables and chairs were taken up by customers, each one weighing no less than 300 pounds. They were greedily, digging into their meals, some stripping entire chicken legs clear in a single bite, while others, took a more controlled approach, only indulging the greasy meat once it was properly, smothered in mashed potatoes and gravy. As obese as they were, the people seemed to have no shame in showing off there fat, with tight clothing that pressed up against their flab or open shirts that freely let their bellies hang out.

    Standing at the counter, was a man in a cowboy hat and a curly, brown mustache, looking like his obese body was stuffed into his shorts and button down, khaki shirt. “Howdy there, welcome to Thicketon,” he said, tipping his hat to them. “The name’s Clyde, how may I help you today?”

    “Hello,” Charlene responded, walking up to the counter with Macey close behind. “Can you put...” she paused, counting out the dollars and coins in her hand, “…$7.36 on pump number three?”

    “Sure thing little lady,” Clyde replied, accepting the money and putting it in the register. “So what brings you to our humble town?”

    “We’re on our honeymoon,” Macy was happy to answer.

    The words took a few seconds for Clyde to comprehend, until he looked down to see the rings on their fingers. “Is that so? Well, lots of folks have trouble finding someone, so congratulations. I’m sure your family is just as happy.”

    Both Charlene and Macy lowered their heads, unable to meet his gaze.

    “Oh, sorry,” Clyde said, “I didn’t mean to bring you down like that.”

    “No it’s fine, it’s just…” Macy trailed off.

    “Our families were both against our marriage,” Charlene cut in. “Macy comes from a very religious family. They wouldn’t even leave us in the room by ourselves after they found out, let along agree to the wedding. As for my family, well let’s just say her being a woman wasn’t the main reason they didn’t want her around,” she said, tightly, grasping Macy’s hand.

    “I’m terribly, sorry,” Clyde reiterated.

    “It wasn’t all bad,” Macy piped in, trying to lighten the mood. “We had a small ceremony with our close friends. I honestly, preferred it to a big wedding.”

    “Yeah right,” Charlene said, playfully, locking her arm around Macy’s neck. “While the dream wedding is a bust, our friends did give us some spending money for the honeymoon. Although, that’s just about been used up keeping that hunk of junk outside running.”

    “Well, you can’t expect me to hear that story and send you packing with just a tank of gas,” Clyde said adjusting his hat. “How about you two take a table and I’ll bring you out a bucket of our special chicken?”

    “Thank you, but we’re really not keen on greasy food,” Macy said.

    “Just wait until you try our chicken, then you’ll change your tune.” Before the couple to attempt to reject the offer, Clyde shuffled his way into the kitchen, his hips, barely making it past the doorframe.

    “I am kind of hungry,” Macy said, rubbing her flat stomach.

    “Okay, let’s just try not to eat too much,” Charlene said, heading towards an open table. “This kind of food goes straight to my thighs.”

    “At least you don’t have to worry about a potbelly,” Macy said, taking the seat opposite of her. “I still remember those days in high school when I could care less about all the sugar I put in me.”

    “If it makes any difference, you ended up with your weight in all the right places,” Charlene commented, giving Macy the childish smirk that had brought the two of them together in the first place.

    Charlene and Macy’s view of one another was blocked as two buckets as big as their heads were placed on the table. Looking over the rim, the girls stared in awe at the crispy, pieces of fried chicken that filled the buckets to the brim. Turning their heads towards the source, they saw Clyde hovering over them, a wide smile across his face.

    “Eat up ladies, it’s an old family recipe,” Clyde said, eager to see their reaction. “It’s been injected with our own special blend of herbs and spices, that are sure to bring your taste buds to paradise. Just be careful y’all don’t catch the Thicketon Fever.”

    “The what?” Macy asked, holding up a chicken wing in her hand and watching the grease glisten in the light.

    “It’s a little wives’ tale passed around to scare tourists. They say no one leaves this town without going up a few pants sizes. Course, it’s just superstition, but just make sure you don’t go overboard or else you end up like old Clyde,” he said with a laugh, slapping his impressive gut. “Anyway, enjoy the chicken ladies, it just a small taste of what my wonderful town has to offer.”

    Faced with such generosity, Charlene and Macy held their tongues as they tried to silently, talk to one another with their eyes. Guessing Clyde wouldn’t leave until they at least tried the greasy meat, they both picked up a chicken leg from their respective bucket and took a bite. All the worries about the massive amount of calories and grease, packed into a single leg was put to the side as they savored the taste. Stripping their first helping clean, the two of them indulged in a few more pieces, chewing through, breasts, thighs, and wings, all while, Clyde watched in satisfaction. Leaving a pile of bones in each of their buckets, Charlene and Macy leaned back in their chairs, massaging their stuffed stomachs.

    “I see y’all like my cooking,” Clyde said, collecting the buckets.

    “Yeah it was pretty good,” Charlene forced out, as she pulled her shirt over her stomach.

    “Although, we might need to walk our way to the next town to work off the calories,” Macy added, unwilling to move an inch, for fear of disturbing her overstuffed gut.

    “Nothing wrong with a little extra weight,” Clyde said, patting his own belly.

    “It might be more than a little,” Macy, quietly, said to herself.

    “Do you have any toothpicks?” Charlene asked. “I think I got some chicken skin stuck in my teeth.”

    “Sure thing,” Clyde said, picking up a small, plastic package from nearby server and handing it to Charlene.

    Reaching out, Charlene groaned, feeling more of her stomach, peek out from beneath her shirt. Settling back in her chair, Charlene opened up the wrapper and started picking at her teeth. Feeling something metal, scrape against her tooth, Charlene took out the toothpick, to see it was made of gold.

    “Well what do ya know,” Clyde said, clapping his hands together. “Aren’t you the lucky one.” Waddling back to the front counter, he pulled out a small bell and rang it, getting the attention of everyone in the store. The people put aside their meals for a moment, to all stand up and clap their pudgy hands together.

    “What just happened?” Macy asked.

    “You two, lucky ladies just found the golden toothpick,” Clyde said. “That means that you’ve won unlimited access to all of Thicketon’s fine eateries, free of charge.”

    “Seriously?” Charlene asked, eyes going wide as she realized what that meant.

    “Sure am miss,” Clyde replied. “I’ll put a call out to the other restaurant owners about it. You show them the toothpick and they’ll give you whatever you ask for. Just make sure you don’t end up like me,” he said, with another hearty belly laugh.

    “We’ll try,” Macy said, tapping her fingers against her stomach, wondering how real the Thicketon Fever was, watching the crowd stuff their faces with one hand as they continued to applaud.

    With the phone calls made and the car’s gas tank filled up, Charlene and Macy slowly, walked outside, still carrying a bit of weight from the chicken. Entering the car, the two of them had two suck in their guts to get their seatbelts secured, feeling their fat ooze over the belt. Their sorrowful mood over their bodies, was lightened as they started the car to see the fuel gauge filled to the top.

    “Guess Clyde added this as a bonus prize,” Charlene said.

    “I wonder if everyone in town is like him,” Macy said.

    “Must take the term fat and happy to heart,” Charlene added. “So, where you wanna go?”

    “Well I’d hate to turn down that prize, but,” Macy replied, trying to adjust her seatbelt, “I don’t think I can handle another helping of food like that and be able to move.”

    “Right, but that doesn’t mean we can’t explore the town a bit. At the very least, we might find a cheap hotel for the night.”

    “Sounds like a plan.”

    Turning out of the gas station, Charlene drove through a series of side streets to get on what Clyde had told her was the center point of the town. It was a long stretch of road that cut straight through Thicketon, with each building surrounding it devoted to serving the town’s citizens whatever fattening food they desired. In an effort to stand out, each restaurant toted large billboards and advertisements, with some even affording statues of their various mascots to entice passing drivers.

    “Hey can you pull over?” Macy asked.

    “Why? We’ve only been on the road for five minutes. Did you forget to go to the bathroom?”

    “No, look over there.”

    Glancing towards where Macy pointed, Charlene was met by the friendly, smile of a giant hot dog man statue, on top of one of the buildings. Held in its hands, was a sign reading Hank’s Hotdogs written in bright, red and yellow lettering.

    “Yeah that’s a pretty neat statue and it’s definitely, doing its job,” Charlene said, noticing the lineup of cars slowly, going through the drive thru. “Did you want to stop for a picture?”

    “Actually, I was wondering if we could get a bite to eat,” Macy said.

    Charlene responded with a slight, chuckle at the absurd request from the woman whose taut stomach, could be mistaken for pregnancy. That was until, her eyes passed by the sign again and the fullness she felt just moments before, was replaced with a feeling of emptiness. Glancing at the approaching restaurant, Charlene found herself licking her lips, wondering how good the hotdogs must be to garner so much attention. Before she realized what she was doing, Charlene turned into the parking lot.

    “There’s no harm in trying out the local flavor,” Charlene said to convince both Macy and herself. “Besides, we can always save what we don’t eat.”

    “R-right,” Macy said, undoing her seatbelt and giving her bloated stomach a chance to breathe. “It would be rude to not accept the town’s gift.”

    Walking into the restaurant, Charlene and Macy were again treated the sight of obese people, happily, munching on food. The popular choice among the crowd were plates consisting of three hotdogs, buried under a mound of chili and condiments. Approaching the order window, Charlene held up the golden toothpick and the hostess immediately, dropped what she was doing to show them to a table. Moments later, a waitress brought them their own plates of delicious hotdogs, alongside cups of soda as big as their heads.

    Picking up their hotdogs, Charlene and Macy tapped them against one another in a mock toast before simultaneously, taking a bite. The flavor did its job of justifying their little detour, both of them agreeing it was the best hotdog they had ever had. Considering this, it was no surprise that they finished off their first hotdogs in no time flat and moved onto their second and third. Before they realized what had happened, they stared down at each other’s empty plate, wondering how the other could fit it all inside their taut stomachs. Without asking, the waitress brought in another order of hotdogs, garnished with extra onions. Even with their bellies, pressing up against the table, Charlene and Macy weren’t going to deny such hospitality. Steeling their nerves, they dug into their second helping, trying to ignore how painfully, full they were.

    With their plates cleaned again, Charlene and Macy slipped out of the restaurant, just before the waitress returned with a third serving. Making their escape to the car, the two once petite girls, were slowed down by their bulbous guts, that could no longer be hidden by their tops. Slowing down, Charlene took a moment to tug at her jeans to get them comfortably, around her rear. While she attempted to fix her waist, she couldn’t help, but notice how Macy’s skirt pushed out a little farther, giving a glimpse of her thighs weighed down by more than a few extra pounds. Shaking her head, Charlene told herself she’d have plenty to time to stare at her wife’s butt after they got to the hotel, and continued her slow march to the car.

    “That was tasty,” Macy said, noticing a bit of extra tension around her chest as she strapped herself into the car.

    “Yeah, too bad about our leftover idea though,” Charlene added, adjusting her seat so her belly didn’t block the steering wheel.

    Finally, at a comfortable distance from the dashboard, Charlene started up the car again and got back on the road, fully intending to make a beeline for the hotel. However, stopping at a traffic light, her eyes were drawn to a pizza place next store, with a sign boasting about Mama Pagonia’s Perfectly Peppered Pizza. When the light turned green, Charlene’s hands moved on their own and drove them into the parking lot.

    “Why did you stop here?” Macy asked.

    “I’m curious,” Charlene said, gripping the steering wheel as she tried to make her lie convincing.

    Finding a spot near the entrance, Charlene turned off the engine, but neither she nor Macy made a move to get out. Turning towards one another, they silently, acknowledged that something was happening to them, although neither was brave enough to speak up about the added weight. However, their stomachs did all of the talking needed, with audible pangs of hunger, telling them, they were nowhere near full. Hoping to silence their growling bellies, Charlene and Macy, squeezed themselves out of the car and stepped into the pizzeria.

    After flashing the owner of the restaurant the toothpick, Charlene and Macy soon found themselves seated across from one another, with a pizza as large as the table between them. Without asking, Momma Pagonia had made them her specialty deep-dish deluxe pizza, a monstrous beast made up of five different kinds of cheese, mushrooms, garlic, sausage, ham, pepperoni, bacon, olives, green peppers, and black olives, caged in by crust that was about to burst from the amount of cheese stuffed into them. The plump, Momma Pagonia herself brought out a little side table to place two glasses of soda, wishing the girls a happy honeymoon, before leaving them with her creation.

    Gripping the edge of the table, Charlene just stared at the greasy pie, wondering if eating it would finally, stop her binging spree. The perfect pizza was besmirched, as a dark skinned hand pulled away a slice. Trying to keep herself from drooling on the pizza, Charlene titled her head up and watched Macy swallow half the slice in a single bite, pulling away with ropes of cheese still connected to her mouth. Licking her lips, Charlene picked up her own slice and rolled it up, biting down and splattering her sweater in grease stains. In minutes, the two girls had reduced the pizza to a single slice, leaving behind only a puddle of grease.

    Charlene reached for the last slice at the same time as Macy, their pudgy hands pressing up against one another. “It’s all yours,” Charlene said, backing off.

    “No, no, you go ahead I think I’ve had enough,” Macy replied, grabbing her blubbery gut and shaking it for emphasis.

    “Are you kidding?” Charlene asked, leaning across the table and accidentally, dipping her engorged breast into the grease puddle. “If anything I’m the one who needs to stop. I can feel my ass practically falling off the seat with how big it’s grown.”

    “Well…that’s not exactly a bad thing,” Macy said, the outwardly flirtatious language something new for the usually, reserved woman.

    “I guess not,” Charlene said, settling back into her seat. “I could say the same for your belly. Makes me wonder what it’ll feel like once we seal the deal on our marriage,” she said, reaching out and touching Macy’s hand.

    “Then why don’t we share it,” Macy suggested, picking up the pizza with her free hand.

    Charlene and Macy leaned into the slice, each of them biting down on their half of the pizza. They both nibbled away at the pizza, holding back their appetites for fear of accidentally, biting one another. Chewing away at the crust, the two girls’ plump lips met each other at the middle, pressing up against one another for a kiss. Parting ways, Macy took it upon herself to clean off Charlene’s grease soaked face with a napkin, even while Charlene was content to clean it off with her tongue.

    “That was really good,” Charlene said, rubbing her stomach, “but I think it’s time we head out.”

    “Yeah,” Macy said, pushing against the table to get up from her seat. “I just hope we can get to the hotel before- “A loud ripping noise, stopped Macy short as she felt a draft blowing against her skin. Looking down, she saw that her top had split down the middle, giving the restaurant goers a good look at the frilly, white bra underneath.

    “Guess we ate more than we thought,” Charlene said, trying to laugh off the sudden exposure. With a single tug, she pulled off her sweater, revealing the white tank top underneath that was just one more meal away from bursting open. Careful not to destroy her jeans while she moved, she tossed the sweater over Macy’s head and pulled it down. “There, that should keep you covered.”

    “Thank you,” Macy said, unconcerned about the food-stained attire. Pulling it further down, she felt the sweater snag on her hips, making her stop before she ripped another hole. “Although, I don’t know how much longer this will last.”

    “It’s fine, I think I saw a mall down the road, we should be able to find something there.”

    “But, we don’t have any money.”

    “We’ll think of something,” Charlene said, carefully, getting up from her seat and offering a hand to help Macy out of hers. “If not, I don’t’ think the folks here would mind too much if we show off a little skin.”

    Driving a few blocks down, Charlene and Macy waddled their way into the tiny shopping center, that shared the same focus as the rest of the town. The circular building had, at most, two clothing stores and a sparse collection of carts and huts, meant to ensnare tourists into buying souvenirs of the town’s various food mascots. The majority of the circle, was devoted to the food court, with droves of people standing in line to get through the lunch rush, with one of the many quick meals offered by the hard working employees.

     With holes forming in Charlene’s jeans and Macy’s sweater not too far behind, they held back their appetites for the moment, to go into the nearest of the two clothing stores. To their relief, everything they found was sized up to their new weights, with nothing smaller than a size XL. On a whim, Charlene showed an employee the golden toothpick, hoping it would give them some kind of discount. What she got instead, was the entire workforce, chaperoning her and Macy around the store, as the workers picked out as many outfits as they could, before pushing them into a changing room. Moments later, Charlene and Macy strolled out, adorned in a matching pair of white sundresses, that covered up their corpulent forms. Waving goodbye to the employees, Charlene and Macy walked as fast as their chubby legs would allow back to the food court.

    “You know what this will do to us right?” Charlene asked, as they stood in the center, considering their options. “If Thicketon Fever is real, I don’t we’ll ever lose the weight.”

    “I’m not too concerned,” Macy said, her eyes drawn to the corndog stand, featuring the same smiling hotdog mascot from earlier. “Even if we do gain a few pounds here and there, I’ll be fine with it. Especially, if it means seeing you become much plumper and cuter.”

    Locking her arm around Macy’s, Charlene started walking towards an open table in the center. “Then let’s see just how big we can get.”

    Taking their seats, Charlene held up her toothpick in sight of the various food stands and awaited the incoming onslaught of servers. A stack of twelve corndogs started off their meal, decorated with generous amounts of ketchup and mustard drizzled on top. The girls had just enough time to eat through the corndog platter, before it was pushed to the side to make way for four, overstuffed burritos, leaking with excess meat, cheese, and grease. Two baskets of garlic fries did the trick when it came time to clean up the residue from their triple stacked, deluxe burgers, letting them hand over the empty platters in exchange for a platter of ribs doused in barbeque sauce.

    Sucking the last bits of meat from the ribs, Charlene and Macy wiped their hands clean on their besmirched, dresses, realizing too late that they weren’t the best clothing choices for a feast. The once, oversized dresses were skin tight upon their forms, pressing into the rolls of fat that had taken over their bellies. Outlines of their new bras, were could be seen through the fabric, letting any passerby see the way their breasts looked like they were trying to escape from the constrictive undergarments. Their skirts were just a few inches too short to fully cover up their butt cheeks, letting them hang out over the edge of their seat. Finishing the feast, Charlene and Macy realized the mess they had made of themselves, both of their sets of chins, with trails of sauce left behind. Staring at how each other’s clothing choices could no longer be considered decent even in Thicketon, a decision was made to head back to the clothing store, hoping the employees would be willing to help them pick out another set of clothes for their new sizes.

    Another toothpick funded shopping spree, outfitted Charlene and Macy in something they could actually, walk around on the street in. However, outside of Thicketon their clothing choices would be seen as strange, as both of them had decided to follow the local flavor when picking out what to wear. Even knowing what had happened to her last outfit, Charlene settled on a thin, white blouse, that did little to hide the black, F-cup bra cradling her bosom, that matched the pair of black short shorts, that hugged her chunky rear. While a bit more, conservative with her black, button down black shirt, Macy freely left enough buttons undone on the top and bottom, to let everyone see her belly button and G-cup sized cleavage, with a purple skirt acting as a curtain for her wobbling, rear.

    With bags of chips taken to keep their appetites at bay, Charlene and Macy finally, reached the hotel, just as the sun was starting to set. While, Charlene was capable of squeezing herself out of the car, Macy had a bit more trouble, her rear getting caught in the door and leaving her to jiggle her fat self around in an attempt to free herself. Charlene tried and failed to hold back a laugh watching Macy struggle, but was more than willing to offer a free hand to help her out. After a solid minute of pulling, Macy plopped out of the car and landed on top of Charlene, smothering her face in Charlene’s cleavage. Charlene’s padded rear took the brunt of the fall, with her belly still shaking from Macy’s impact.  With Charlene pinned underneath her, it was Macy’s turn to laugh, both of them realizing how fat they had become and enjoying the feeling of being so close to one another.

    “Excuse me,” a large man in a button down shirt and vest said, “do you ladies need any help?”

    Rolling off of Charlene, Macy stood up and fixed her clothing. “Yes, we were hoping we could get a room for the night.”

    “I’m sure this will cover it,” Charlene said, sitting herself up to present the golden toothpick.

    “For the buffet yes,” the man said, examining the toothpick, “but, unfortunately, we cannot accept it as payment for a room.”

    “But we’re the winners,” Charlene whined.

    “Of unlimited food yeah, but my manager says that doesn’t include room and board. Sorry.”

    “Excuse us for a moment,” Charlene said, grabbing Macy’s wrist and waddling back to the car.

    Speaking in hushed whispers, the young couple tried to think of a plan that didn’t involve spending the night in the car. As they were discussing whether or not they could convince the manager to exchange a dozen buckets of fried chicken for a night’s stay, they simultaneously, noticed the small shop next to the hotel. It was an ice cream parlor by the name of Freezie Frida’s, with a, upside down ice cream cone bearing a smiling face, attracting people to its sweet treats. While the mere idea of drowning their sorrows in ice cream was enough to warrant a second glance, what got them shuffling towards the front entrance, was a sign out front that seemed like an answer to their prayers.

    The door opened with a single push from Charlene, a bell alerting the plump woman working the counter. “Hi welcome to Freezie Frida’s,” the woman said, a pleasant smile stretched out between her chubby cheeks and the name Jess on her ice cream stained, name tag. “I’ve heard about you two and I am more than ready to serve you whatever you want. If I may make a recommendation, we just made a new batch of caramel chocolate ice cream mixed with-“

    “Give me the Fearsome Freezie,” Charlene announced, much to the shocked expression of the worker.

    “While the contest is open to everyone,” Jess said, trying to keep her composure, “I have to advise against it. Not that I doubt that you could eat a lot, but I’ve yet to see anyone, traveler or local, able to finish the whole thing.”

    “That’s why I’m here,” Macy added, placing her hand on Charlene’s shoulder. “The contest specifies that the challenge can be taken by two people.”

    “Yeah, but at the cost of nearly, doubling the size. Are you sure you don’t want to just have a nice waffle cone and be on your way?”

    “No, we want the Fearsome Freezie,” Charlene repeated, “and we’re not leaving here without it.”

    Jess shrugged her shoulders and pointing towards an open table. “Take a seat and I’ll bring it out to you. Just remember, I gave you fair warning.”

    Planting their wide rears on the reinforced chairs, Charlene and Macy sat in silence, trying to mentally, prepare themselves for what they both agreed was a foolish idea. The door to the back door opened up again after an hour of waiting, with Jess leading the way for two other employees, carrying a large bowl, its contents hidden beneath a metal cover. The procession ended with the platter being dropped onto the table, making both the restaurant and all of its patrons’ flab shake.

    “Last chance to back out,” Jess said, her hand lingering on the lid of the platter.

    “We’re not giving up,” Charlene said, staring first at Macy and then back at the server.

     “Very well,” Jess said, lifting off the cover.

    Charlene and Macy’s eyes went wide as they beheld the enormous tower of ice cream before them. No less than 30 different kinds of flavors were piled into the bowl, each one contributing at least two scoops to the monstrosity. Mixed into the madness, were gracious helpings of sprinkles, nuts, cookie dough, candy bits, and full brownies that could be their own meals. On top of all of this, the workers drizzled a gallon of chocolate syrup over the mountain, before enshrouding it all underneath a thick layer of whip cream.

    Approaching the peak of the Fearsome Freezie, Jess placed a single red cherry on top. “When I say go, you will have one hour to finish the entire bowl. If you complete it in time, the meal will be free and you will receive a cash prize. However, if you fail, you must pay the full amount. Do you accept the challenge?”

    Charlene and Macy locked their fingers together. “Yes,” they said in unison.

    “Theeeeeeeen go!” Jess said, hitting a button on a stop watch to start the competition.

    With spoons in hand, Charlene and Macy dug into the ice cream, starting with slow, careful bites, for fear of collapsing the tower. Getting through the first layer of whip cream, already gave them an aching, ice cream headache, making them pause to wipe away the chocolate sauce splattered across their lips. With their eyes on the clock, they worked through the pain to resume the challenge, periodically, taking bites from the brownies to ease their pallets. Half-way through the pile, Charlene and Macy were starting to feel the effects, Charlene’s waist, further spilling out over the edge of her shorts and few more buttons coming undone on Macy’s shirt. At the thirty-minute mark both women started to slow down, for the first time in hours starting to feel full.

    Leaving a slurry of cream and leftover toppings in the bowl, both Charlene and Macy stopped to catch their breath. Watching the clock tick down, Charlene shook her head back and forth, swaying about her multiple chins, to try and get herself back in the right mindset, but couldn’t ignore the way her stomach hurt at the mere thought of eating more. Macy leaned back in her chair and undid a few more buttons, letting her belly plop out between her thighs, to let her massage away the pain. Both of them groaned at the thought of continuing the frozen feast, their hands limply, gripping their spoons for a moment, before putting them back down.

    “20 minutes left,” Jess said, keeping her eye on the watch.

    “I can’t do it,” Macy said, pressing her hand against her swollen belly. “Let’s get out of here and see if we can squeeze in the back seat of the car.”

    “I’m not giving up yet,” Charlene replied, picking her spoon back up and bringing a miniscule amount of ice cream into her mouth. “Besides, there’s no way we can afford losing, literally.”

    “You don’t need to do this,” Macy said, popping off a few buttons, as she leaned forward and put her hand on Charlene’s knee. “I’m fine without sleeping in a hotel tonight. We’ve done it before.”

    “That was before we put these on,” Charlene said, stuffing her face with one hand, while she held up the other, to show Macy the silver ring squeezed around her plump finger. “When we made those vows, I know we said we’d be with each to other through the good and bad, but I’m not going to settle for that.” Going in for another scoop, Charlene dripped in what remained of the raspberry swirl. “The woman I love is going to have the best that I can provide for her or I’ll die trying.”

    Macy sighed, a combination of her overstuffed gut and knowing how futile it would be to try and talk Charlene out of it. “At least don’t push yourself so hard,” she said picking her spoon back up and taking another bite. “We’ll do it together.”

    Grasping each other’s meaty hands, Charlene and Macy continued their war of attrition, forcing down every spoonful. With less than five minutes left and a lake of melted ice cream still lingering in the bowl, they put aside their spoons and dunked their heads in to slurp up the mess. With faces splattered in a rainbow of different flavors, they licked up the remaining drops, Macy ending the challenge by swallowing the cherry at the bottom of the bowl.

    “I don’t believe it,” Jess said, stopping the clock much to the joy of the two gluttonous women. “Congratulations, on becoming the first survivors of the Fearsome Freezie. Do you have anything to say?”

    “Can you give us a lift to the hotel?” Charlene asked, through stunted breath, as she rubbed her overstuffed gut.

    “And maybe a few half-gallons to go? Especially, that chocolate caramel one,” Macy added, focusing her mind on her next meal, rather than the pain encompassing her overstuffed body.

    “Right away, just let me get a photo for the wall,” Jess said, taking a camera from one of the other workers. “Say cheese.”

    Charlene and Macy managed to hold a pair of weak smiles long enough for the picture to be taken, just a few seconds before they felt nausea take over. True to her word, Jess had a van parked outside within minutes, loaded up with a collection of the parlor’s ice cream tubs, shoved into the trunk. Holding onto each other for supports, Macy and Charlene shuffled their way to the car, with a crowd of onlookers congratulating them on their victory.

    A short drive later, Charlene and Macy waddled up to the front desk, returning to the uptight clerk with larger bellies and even larger wallets. Thankfully, they were just barely, under the elevator weight limit, but even then, their combined 943-pound weight, made the lift shudder at every floor. Opening up the door to the honeymoon suite, they were greeted by a well-decorated room that included a full entertainment center, a bubbling hot tub, and a trail of flower petals leading towards a king-sized bed with bright red sheets.

    Pushing aside the flowers, Macy kicked off her shoes and planted her wide rear on the bed, rolling onto her back to give her belly some breathing room. “Hey are you hungry?” she asked, noticing the take out list by the phone.

    “A little,” Charlene said, jumping onto the bed alongside Macy. “But I think I want something more than food right now.”

    Before Macy could ask, Charlene rolled on top of her and planted a kiss on her lips. The feeling of Charlene’s fat body weighing down on her, sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. Grabbing onto Charlene’s thick butt cheeks, Macy pushed her in closer, feeling up her plump wife.

    Charlene eventually, broke out of the kiss, just at the two of them were about to run out of air. “Hey, what do you think about spending our honeymoon here?” she asked. “Our winnings should more than cover anything fun we want to do here.”

    “Including eating so much we’ll have to be moved around by forklifts?” Macy, cheekily, asked, groping Charlene’s love handles.

    “Of course,” Charlene said, lowering herself down for another kiss, to properly, start their honeymoon.

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