meet me at midnight


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an anton lee fanfic Jung Yumi knew Lee Anton was way out of her league. But did that stop her from liking hi... Еще

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
new anton lee ff
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26

chapter 12

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Sungchan has been having frequent morning football practice now because of another season of football matches, which means I don't have a free ride to university for the time being. Makes me realize that I really need to get a driver's license soon.

"Anton! You're finally here, come eat breakfast with us." Ma told Anton who was suddenly inside our house now.

I was confused. Why is he always in our house? And why does he only come every time I look like shit? I still haven't combed my hair yet, it still looks like a bird's nest, and he can see my bare face!

"Why are you always here? Get lost." I whined, even glaring at him, but he just laughed at me before sitting down to eat with us.

"I'm driving you to school, Yuyu. I was expecting a thank you." Anton joked as well, but I just glared at him.

It also doesn't help that my parents adore Anton like they're his son as well. Heck, there are times when I feel like I'm the adopted one since Anton and Sungchan are kinda alike in character, making them look like they're actually siblings.

I ate faster than the rest, before excusing myself so I can finally fix my appearance. I may be closer to Anton before, but I still am trying to woo him. So, I need to be more presentable. There are tons of way beautiful girls out there who are trying to make a move on this man, of course, I had to make an effort as well to keep his eyes on me.

After an hour of getting ready, I was shocked to see Anton holding some bandages and a bandaid with a cute little brachio design on it. I smiled. Anton and his love for the brachio really is so adorable, he reminds me of that one tall guy who also loves dinosaurs from haikyuu.

"Come here, Yuyu so that we won't get late going to school," he ordered, before he carefully made me sit on top of the counter while he applied some ointment on my face that had bruise on it.

Anton was too close.

I didn't find it weird, but what if he hears the loud beating of my heart? Would he laugh at me? He looks so calm, while I was already freaking out inside. His hand was soft, like I was some delicate glass he needs to gently take care of. Why is this making my heart flutter? Anton's just helping me with my bruises, so why am I blushing and wanting to kick my feet?

But, I reminded myself that this is another chance I have to flirt. Sungchan isn't around, which is a very rare moment, so I need to make most of the given time to me.

"You look pretty today, Chanyoung." I told him, using his korean name which felt weird to use because it's been so long since the last time I called him that.

Anton stopped for a minute with what he was doing, before staring at me, clearly shocked by what I just called him.

"What? You can call me Yuyu, but I can't call you Chanyoung now?" I joked, but I was the one who got shocked this time when Anton smiled at me. The smile where you can see his dimple and a few smile lines on his eyes. The smile where he looked the prettiest.

I couldn't move for a minute. All I did was stare at him. He looks so good right now, and it's not healthy for my heart.

"Stop staring," Anton ordered, and I was finally back to reality. I chuckled a bit after seeing Anton's red ears. He was getting shy and it's just so endearing.

I don't know, I'm just into guys who are shy and adorable. Like this one in front of me.

"Anton, what's your type?" I couldn't help but ask, but I guess I already have an answer. Anton might like girls who are similar to Iseul, his ex girlfriend.

"MBTI type?" Anton asked, and I fought the urge to tell him he's so adorable. I don't know if he's trying to sound stupid, but he's still adorable so it's fine.

"Yeah. I'm an INFP, how about you?" I asked him, not wanting to find out what his type in girls is anymore.

"That's cool, no wonder we get along really well. I'm actually an INTP." He answered, and I swore that I saw his eyes brightened up just by this conversation about MBTI types. I didn't know he was interested in these things.

I let out a sigh. I guess I still have a long way in getting to know Anton better. Everything I know about him seems like just surface level.

"So, are INTPs and INFPs compatible?" I asked, trying to prolong the convo. Anton laughed at my question, before answering.

"Before answering your question, did you know that most INFPs find INTPs attractive? No wonder you like me," Anton joked. I on the other hand couldn't say anything but scoff. This guy really knows how to tease people.

"Yeah, whatever. Now, are we compatible?"

"The natural partners of INTPs are ENTJs or ESTJs, and INTPs and INFPs may be both on the introverted side, but they have really different interests." Anton explained, while I agreed since I can actually see it.

"But, INTPs and INFPs can work if they try, right? So, wanna give it a try?" I asked this time, and I could only laugh when I saw Anton hiding his face from embarrassment.

"You're going to be the cause of my heart attack, Yuyu. I swear to god. Bring back the shy type Yuyu." He blurts out, while I continued laughing because he really looks so cute whenever he's embarrassed.

"What other things are you interested in, Chanyoung?" I couldn't help but ask. I really want to know him better.

"Skincare. Next time if we ever have a sleep over, let's all wear facial masks." Anton answered, before poking my cheek.

"That's already a given fact, Anton. What else? I just wanna know you better," I told him.

"You already know me better than anyone else. You're the one I want to get to know, Yuyu. You're the secretive one. But, it's fine if you don't like to share anything. But, incase you want to, I'm all ears."

I wasn't able to say anything to what Anton told me. I was the secretive one? All along, I thought I was an open book, but I guess I was wrong. Oh well, there are times where I really don't want to say anything to anybody, because of the fear of getting judged.

"What are you doing here? And when did you even get here?" I asked Seunghan and Sohee who were already beside the car of Anton. They both cheered when they finally went inside the car. I was just glad that I'm able to sit in the passenger's seat.

"Just a couple minutes ago. Anton's giving free rides." Seunghan answered, and he really looks so happy today.

"And no one dislikes free rides, dude." Sohee backed his best friend up, while Anton just rolled his eyes at the both of them.

"Yo, guess what? I got invited to this cool party that are only for upperclassmen in my major. I am slowly getting into the cool circle," Seunghan suddenly brought up.

"You thought you're the only one? I got invited by my upperclassmen too." Sohee bragged as well, so I glanced at Anton who was busy driving, waiting to see if he also got invited, but I already know the answer to that.

I mean, Sohee, Seunghan, Anton, me, Jiwoo, and Rina are all freshmen while my older brother Sungchan, Eunseok, Wonbin, Shotaro and Dohee are all 2nd year college students, so it makes sense that they're all already in their own cliques too together with their own fellow students in the same major. We don't have frats or sororities like in other countries, but we have that which is kinda similar.

That's just how college works around here.

"Stop acting like you didn't get an invite, tell us already." Sohee bugged Anton, and I was right when Anton just answered us with a thumbs up, but he didn't look like he was proud of it. Instead, he looked like he was  already stressed out about getting an invite.

I let out a deep sigh as I glance at my phone. I still didn't get an invite, and I know that I don't really fit it with the cool kids, but I can pretend to be like them if I wanted too. I mean, how else am I able to fit in with my friends who are way too ahead of the curve, right?

And as if God answered my prayers, an email popped out in my phone.

"I got an invite too!" I squealed, and it was the first time in years that I did it, making the guys in here laugh at me. But I didn't care anymore with their teasing, all I care about was the fact that I am already given the chance of having an amazing college life just by this simple invite.

"I knew you would get one. Campus crush in the making," Anton joked, but he has this proud smile on his face so I had no choice but to let it go since he looked handsome with that kind of smile.

"Really not fair whenever you let him go, but when it's us you freaking tore us apart." Seunghan whined again, but I just flicked him a middle finger.

"See that? Anton is the favorite!" He whined again, but I was shocked when Anton just flicked him a middle finger too, making the rest of us laugh while Seunghan just returned the favor at both me and Anton.

"You know what? You should just go and date each other." Seunghan told us, before flicking his imaginary hair before getting out of the car.

"Yeah, I guess you should date, guys." Sohee joked as well even giving us that teasing smile of his, and before I can even react, he was already out of the car, catching up to Seunghan.

"I love our friends, but sometimes, I just want to strangle them." I couldn't help but blurt out, causing Anton to laugh.

"Same here." He added, making me grin. Anton might be on the quieter side than the rest, but he can be real savage if he wanted to. And that's just one of the many reasons why I like him.

"So, are you going to take me home later too? I might go home at around midnight though, and yes I know it's early, but you know me. I don't even like partying, only going tonight for the experience. So, it's fine if you can't since I'm sure you'll be with your fellow music majors too." I asked, and I was hoping he'd say 'no' because if I ever get drunk, I don't want Anton to see it. He'd be the last person that I would want to see my wasted side.

"I'm not really in the mood for a party tonight, so I am picking you up. Midnight it is, Cinderella. See you later at ARTS 1." Anton was already walking away while waving his hand at me, so I had no chance to say anything more because I didn't want other students to see me running after him.

It's already one thing that Anton can see me being desperate for him, but other students seeing it as well is not just in my bingo card, besides, there are a lot of students already looking at him, even staring. He's just that good looking and so goddamn tall that it's really impossible not to notice him in a crowd. And I'm not ready for the public to see how much of a loser and a desperate bitch I am when it comes to Anton Lee. So, nope, I am going to first class instead.

And while doing so, I changed Anton's name in my contacts from stupid brachio to stupid fairy godfather, even editing his face on fairy godmother's face, as a payback for him calling me Cinderella before actually heading to my first class.

* * *

My arts 1 class that I share with Anton already ended, but he didn't show up.

There wasn't any messages too, and I already texted him why he was absent during our class. I was getting worried, but then I realized what if he just wanted to chill for a few hours? He also might be sleeping in the library and just forgot to wake up. Or, he's not feeling well so he's in the nurse's office.

There could be a lot of possible reasons why he's suddenly not here, but I'm trying my best not to be so pushy to know it because as much as I would like to know Anton better, I do value his privacy. And, from what I can remember and from what I had observed during the last years we've been friends, he's the type to just silently go into a corner whenever he's not feeling good.

And since earlier, I noticed how much tired he looked. But, I did text him that if he needed a friend, I'm all ears.

He also didn't eat lunch with us, and all our friends don't know where he is. But, they don't seem that worried because they know Anton loves to do this anytime he's out of social battery. But, I can't help it, okay? I wanna know if he's fine or he even ate during lunch time which he probably didn't.

God. Where could he possibly be?

Classes had already ended, and it was already time for me to go and meet up with my fellow creative writing majors, but there was still no sign of Anton. So, I sent him another text.

"Let's go, girls!" One of the 3rd year girls told us freshies, so we all cheered before following her towards the entrance of our main headquarters where we'll all be drinking and eating until we forget this night even happened.

Of course I was bluffing. I don't know if I can even eat anything tonight, what more with drinking beer. I wanted to throw up even though nothing's even inside my stomach right now. I was worried, and I know I shouldn't be too worried.

But that's the freaking problem with me, I always feel too much. I always do things too much. I fucking overreact over the simplest things.

Goddamnit, Anton Lee. Where the fuck are you?

Time check, 11:55.

I have already kissed up my upperclassmen's asses by telling them that their literary works were the best even though I haven't read any of them just so I can get to their good side. Awful of me, right? But, I didn't know how to act, but from what I saw, they seemed to have bought, especially since they're already so drunk to even care or even remember what I was talking about.

It was almost midnight, but Anton still hasn't replied to any of my messages. Sungchan was also already asking me if I needed a ride home, but I turned him down, saying that I already got one and that he should just enjoy his own party with his fellow majors.

You know what? I'm a big girl now. If Anton Lee isn't showing up, then I am going to take a freaking cab.

I already told the other freshies that were still sober that I'll be going now, and with enough strength, I was finally able to get out of our headquarters without a person clinging to me. I don't know what I even do back there that made the other freshies cling to me like I'm their best friend. But, it still works for my favor that I won their good side, so it's fine.

It was exactly midnight, so I tried to wander my eyes, hoping to see a familiar car, but, I heard a familiar voice instead.

"Right on time, Cinderella." It was Anton, and he looked like he'd been crying for a whole day now with his red puffy eyes and red nose, and his messed up hair.

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I hugged him. Tight. I was so worried, and I'm so glad that I was able to see him.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned, but I was shocked when Anton just dragged me to his car, still in a gentle manner, before he drove away.

"Why didn't you answer any of my texts? I was so worried. Even the others got worried. I know you have your days like this, but I hope you'll at least tell me what's up-" I was cut off from what I was saying when Anton showed me his phone.

"I'm sorry. Deadbatt. I didn't mean for it to happen, just got carried away by the situation. I'm sorry." He answered, and he was still as soft spoken as ever, making me feel a bit guilty for raising my voice a bit at him.

"What situation?" I asked again.

"Just confused, you know? I'm really sorry, Yumi." He just called me Yumi.

What the fuck is going on? I like Anton, god, I could list a lot of things why I like him so much, but I sometimes hate how freaking secretive and dodgy he is. And I know it's up to him if he wants to share something, but it gets tiring at times.

Fuck it, Jung Yumi. You need to toughen up. Understand Anton more like how he tries to understand you.

"You know I'd listen to whatever you'll be saying with no judgments, right? I'm here for you, Anton." I told him sincerely, and this time I was glad when he smiled a bit. Progress.

"Thanks, Yumi. I swear, next time, I'll tell you. But for now, you need to sleep." Anton told me, same time he parked his car in front of my house.

"I'm not sleepy yet. We can talk while drinking tea in the kitchen," I tried to stop him from leaving too soon. It was only midnight after all. The time where it's just the 2 of us together.

"I'm sorry. I can't today, Yumi. Maybe next time?" He asked, and I caught sight of his eyes that looked like he'd been crying for hours now, so I had no choice but to nod my head before getting out of the car.

"Good night, Anton. And for the record, I'm yuyu so stop calling me Yumi. Also, text me when you get home please," I told him, acting all pissed off but in a joking manner, and I was so glad when he finally chuckled. I finally saw a glimpse of the jolly Anton I'm used to.

"And you know what?"

"Yeah? What is it, Yuyu?" He asked, and he made sure to emphasize my nickname in a teasing way, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Whatever you do, I still like you, you stupid brachio." I told him, and not even waiting for his response, I closed his car's door right in front of his dumbfounded face, before finally heading inside my house with a huge smile on my face. Serves him right.

to be continued. . .

thoughts??? ;)

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