Weight Gain And Inflation Sto...

By didigtsyduehjf

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Twitch Chat Makes You Fat
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Cream Filled
Inflated Revenge
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Weight Gain Curse
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Takumi in bed
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The Princess and the curse
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The Fun Zone
An Engorged Explorer
More Than Offered


194 0 0
By didigtsyduehjf

Warning: Weight Gain. That’s the kink. And there’s a lot of it. Don’t like it? Leave please.

Takumi couldn’t get enough. He didn’t know what had happened, what switch had flipped in him, but he simply couldn’t stop himself from eating. He would eat until his stomach was red and tight, aching and hurting as he rubbed it and still the Hoshidan would crave more. He was certain if it wasn’t for Leo watching out for him he would have already eaten himself sick on more than one occasion.

“Takumi, slow down,” Leo urged his lover, watching him struggle to keep from inhaling his plate. They were at one of the more formal banquets his brother had called together for some treaty with some other neighboring nation that finally wanted to trade with Nohr, but Leo was more nervous for Takumi than any trade agreement. Was it the stress of being the sole ambassador from Hoshido that was driving this frenzy?

“I- I’m trying,” Takumi muttered, fiddling with his fork to keep from stabbing another chunk of potato, “this is so boring… I don’t even like going to these meetings in Hoshido. Why do I have to be here?”

“Because you’re supposed to be concerned with the happenings of Nohr too. I shouldn’t have to remind you of this,” Leo sounded upset, but he was mostly worried.

This thing had started off so small, Takumi only taking an extra serving at dinner, him indulging in sweets when he snacked, but now it was as if Takumi was starving, and the only solution was more food than one man ever could have eaten. A month’s worth of this curse had really taken its toll too.

Takumi had gone up two sizes in clothes already. Anything he had brought from Hoshido refused to fit around his large stomach and wide hips, even his extra baggy yukata he had brought over for comfort. The Hoshidan robe would fit his shoulders, and length wise it was enough, but Takumi had enough of a stomach now to press through the opening and still be revealing. His chest seemed to suffer the same fate as his sisters, remaining small and perky despite how much weight he had gained, leaving Takumi looking very feminine and bottom-heavy.

Leo hadn’t been bothered by this change at first either. Their sex life hadn’t taken a hit either, not until Takumi tried to ride him one night and they found it almost impossible to gain a rhythm like they had before. But having a softer Takumi to hold onto wasn’t a bad thing. In fact, it was nice, his body warm and soft to cuddle against, arms still strong as they wrapped themselves around Leo’s neck to hold him close.

But despite that fact, Takumi’s own opinion of himself was beginning to suffer again, and that was when Leo decided he didn’t like this curse. His own happiness was one thing, but to have Takumi finally gain some confidence, only to have it slip away due to something so simple… It wasn’t right. And so, Leo began to pour himself into the literature, trying to find some sort of counter-cures to ease Takumi’s rabid hunger or even take care of this all together.

“If it gets any worse, Ryoma said he’s going to force me to return to Hoshido,” Takumi muttered after the dinner, lying on his stomach. Their large bed was enough to contain his girth and leave room for Leo to still be comfortable, but the Nohrian prince didn’t know how long that would last.

“But it’s not our fault that this is happening to you,” Leo countered, nuzzling up against Takumi, “what in Hoshido could they do to make it any different?”

“They can’t! But brother thinks this is some Nohrian curse and that’s not an idea he’ll just get out of his head because we ask him to,” Takumi whined, pressing his face deeper into his pillow, “I don’t want to leave… Not that I don’t want to see Hoshido, I just… Don’t want them to see me like this…”

Leo remained silent, knowing he would feel the same way if this had happened to him. But, it didn’t, and he had to do everything in his power to help Takumi return to his original size.


Another week passed and Takumi was yet again forced to go up another size in clothing. His belly was beginning to fall over the hem of his pants, draping across his groin and making his clothes even tighter. Fingers which had once been deft and agile with a bow string were now becoming round sausages, and the only parts of his body that could still be called small were the Hoshidan’s joints. Leo had never seen a person this big before or even heard about it in literature and he grew increasingly worried.

Still, Takumi was able to get around just fine, if not just needing a few minutes extra to get out of bed or off of a chair. Whatever this curse was, it didn’t seem to be impacting anything other than his self-esteem. And size, of course.

Leo grinned as he slammed a book down onto the library table before Takumi, startling the other out of a nap. That was something else that had become different- Takumi could finally sleep through the night without his nightmares waking him. And… He slept on and off during the day too, but at least this curse had one benefit. Not that it’d last for long.

“Gods! What the hell was that for?!” Takumi shouted, a hand to his racing heart, “I could have had a heart attack and you’re laughing!”

The blond was laughing, his grin now a smirk as he opened the book and thumbed through, “Well I have good reason to be! I think I may have found your cure.”

“Wait- really?” Takumi asked, his features becoming bright.

“Of course. I wouldn’t bring this before you if I didn’t think I could make something of it. It says here there’s a counter curse for any ailment- emotional or physical- that is definitely caused by a curse! It’s not even that hard of a spell to cast, really-“ Leo was suddenly cut off as Takumi wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. Being squeezed by such a strong grip left Leo breathless, but Takumi’s padding still made it enjoyable.

“Thank you Leo!” The Hoshidan grinned, pulling Leo into a kiss after their hug was through. He savored the feeling for a moment before Takumi pulled back and continued to beam, “Now I don’t have to go back to Hoshido- I can stay with you, and… Are you sure you can do this?” Ah, there was the worry Leo was missing. It was understandable for Takumi to distrust magic, especially after what had happened in the war, but he didn’t say that.

“Of course I can do this. The only issue would be if this wasn’t actually a curse, but that’s fine,” Leo said with a shrug, “I don’t know what else could cause your symptoms and not be a curse.”

“Well… If you say so, then go ahead,” Takumi said, sitting up in his chair a bit, “Will… This make me smaller again too?”

Leo shrugged, “I don’t know. It may just curb your appetite enough so you can lose the weight. But… We can do that together.”

Takumi nodded, watching as Leo began to recite the spell. And aura formed around Takumi, matching the color of a sphere of energy in Leo’s hand, and as the rune formed beneath Leo’s feet, Takumi could feel a sharp sensation in his chest before the spell dissipated. Opening his eyes, Leo looked to his boyfriend.

“Do… You feel any different?” Leo asked softly, feeling a little crestfallen that Takumi’s appearance hadn’t changed at all.

“No… Maybe it just takes time,” he said softly, “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…”


Leo’s next week felt strange. He was used to hearing snide remarks about the size of his lover, his nationality and cold attitude towards other Nohrians, but surprisingly, no one had anything ill to say of Takumi. Even the nobles, who had issues with himself and his brother, didn’t say anything.

In fact, even Takumi’s attitude had grown better after the countercurse had been used. If anything was still the same, it was Leo, his perception just as sharp as ever.

“Oh Takumi, you look so cute when Elise does your hair. Why don’y you let her braid it more often?” Camilla’s voice could be heard from the dining hall, and Leo picked up his pace. Takumi wasn’t supposed to be in there, they were supposed to be going to the training yard to run laps. Not like it had been helping, but every step was supposed to help.

Takumi’s soft laugh could be heard, however, and that made Leo feel just a little better. At least he was finally enjoying himself at his size…

“I usually don’t let anyone do my hair, but it’s been getting so difficult recently,” he said nonchalantly, as if his weight no longer bothered him, “I figured if anyone was to do it, she could. It’s better than the last time Leo tried anyways.”

“Don’t make fun of my lack of hair knowledge,” Leo entered the room with a blush, “I’ve never had to do anything fancy with my hair or my sisters.”

A warm smile fell over Takumi’s face as he saw his lover and he motioned for the blond to join his side. This week had boded no better for his figure, as soft, creamy skin was showing beneath his shirt. Takumi’s pants were at their limit, pulled tightly over his plush thighs as the button and zipper were left untouched. Plates were scattered across the table, ranging from full of food to empty and anywhere in between, Camilla sitting at one of the chairs beside the Hoshidan prince.

“Do you want to join us Leo?” Takumi asked, surprisingly calm around Leo’s older sister. He had thought they didn’t get along, but this meeting was obviously proving otherwise.

“Um… In a minute, yes. Can you excuse Camilla and I for a second?” He asked, motioning for his sister to follow him back into the kitchen.

“Camilla, you know you’re not supposed to be indulging him like this,” Leo hissed, but his sister simply clicked her tongue and moved around him, rooting around in the pantry.

“Darling, have you seen him? Takumi looks absolutely in heaven now, and I’m not going to take that away from him. Not after everyone was treating him so awfully for how much he enjoys his supper,” Camilla hummed, pulling out some chocolate candies no doubt left by Laslow for some maid. Oh well, they were hers now. “Just let us dote upon him. It’s obvious he’s not getting any smaller.”

There was sense in her words, for some reason, and Leo nodded, walking back out to join Takumi at the table. When his sister joined, things felt warm and nice, as if this was how their lives were meant to be.


Leo enjoyed doting on Takumi as much as the Hoshidan enjoyed being taken care of. Whatever the countercurse was supposed to do, decrease his appetite was not one of those things. In fact, it seemed that Takumi was eating more since that day, but maybe it was just because he felt comfortable enough to do so. Days between Leo and Takumi were spent in fewer and fewer places, the two main ones being the library and dining hall.

During the day Takumi would snack as he read, enjoying the books of a culture he had never gotten the chance to learn from before, and after dinner he would be the last one remaining in the dining hall, finishing platters others hadn’t touched and allowed Camilla to bring him dishes to test and taste as she grew into her role as one of the lead chefs.

Soon it was more than just Camilla bringing Takumi plates to try. Peri realized he was critical even in this area, and gave her advice just as he would Xander to the politics of Hoshido. Soon other chefs began asking Takumi to try their food and give them advice too, and while he was flustered from all the sudden attention, his ever hungry appetite couldn’t say no.

Leo too found himself unable to say no to Takumi more and more. “Just one more of Camilla’s pies, please?” “I’ll only be a minute, I really want to grab another chocolate bar before Laslow steals it.” “Could we do breakfast in bed again Leo?” That day they ended up staying in bed the whole day. It was a good thing Xander hadn’t needed him.

With each day they woke and cared for him, Takumi grew, soon eclipsing his size at the beginning of all this worry. He was nearly too large to get out the door in the mornings, his hips brushing along the sides of the door frame as he waddled his way to the dining hall. Takumi’d complain, saying that would never happen in Hoshido with their sliding doors and Leo refrained from pointing out that this would never happen if he hadn’t started eating so much.

As much as it still worried him, though, Takumi showed no signs of distress. As his stomach grew to overtake his lap, he simply joked about how big he was getting, noting his need for a new wardrobe and having the forethought to think and ask for an extra set of larger clothes as well. His hips were too large for most of their chairs with armrests, and after an embarrassing (yet strangely erotic) scene with Takumi becoming stuck in one of those chairs, he simply decided to sit in ones where the fat of his rounded ass could spill over the sides.

Leo felt lightheaded, just from how much was going on. This was a slippery slope, he knew, as Takumi’s increasing fatigue and lethargy was only causing his weight to go up even more. One day soon he would’t be able to get out of bed, and then what would they do?

Takumi didn’t think it was that big of an issue.

“Of course that’s going to happen Leo,” he hummed one night, lying on his side to make sleeping easier, “one day I’ll be too big to walk out your door. I may even get too big for this bed. What are you going to do then?” His tone was so casual that the Nohrian prince was surprised. His cheeks heated at the idea, and it was obvious Takumi picked up on that. He leaned forward, his soft hand rubbing Leo’s cheek.

“Will you get me a bigger bed? Do you think I’ll even need one at that point? I’m sure my ass will be soft enough to sleep on,” he mused, tone low and sultry. He leaned forward, and Leo was suddenly aware of Takumi’s large stomach pressing against him, soft and warm and just so comfortable, “Looks like you already want to sleep on me. Will you, once I get big enough?”

The blond gave a shaky nod, and Takumi grinned. His face looked more round than the last time Leo remembered, his chin pudgy and neck thicker.

“Do you like this Leo? I did this for you,” he murmured, leaning back from the Nohrian to show off his naked body. Takumi was actually bigger than Leo remembered, just from them coming to bed earlier. His stomach was covering his lap completely, even laying down, and Leo found himself inexplicably attracted to him- more than he ever had been before.

“I want you to make me bigger,” Takumi murmured, rubbing his stomach with a soft moan, “I want to keep growing for you.”

Leo nodded, taking Takumi’s hand to lead him to the library. There… There was a spell there, he knew of, he could make Takumi bigger, just had to, had to make him bigger…

They were there before he realized it, the Hoshidan prince sitting in his favorite chair. It was the only one big enough to really contain him, but as Leo came back with the book he realized even that wasn’t true anymore.

Takumi’s naked body spilled out around the confines of the chair. His thighs met their entire length to his knees, which were already overtaken by thighs and calves bigger than Leo’s own torso was. Even his feet seemed fatter, rounder with his ever growing size, and Takumi gave Leo a look glazed with lust.

“So?” He asked, shifting uncomfortably, “are you going to do it?” His stomach was spilling over the armrests, chest softer than Leo remembered it being when this all started. His breasts had to be as big as Camilla’s now, and Leo couldn’t help but enjoy that fact. All it took was a few hundred pounds.

The spell seemed to fall from his lips without him ever even reading it, and Leo watched as Takumi let out a moan and grew. He grew big enough to crack the sides of the soft chair, pushing it away from his body. His stomach was large enough to appear like it was melting, running slowly down his legs as he continued to swell. Takumi was clearly enjoying this, his eyes shut and mouth open as soft moans fell from his lips, his body growing too big for the chair to hold as it broke.

Leo’s own trance was broken and he joined Takumi’s side, rubbing at his stomach as it began to press against the floor, Takumi’s legs spread wide to try and keep it from pushing him back to far. All Leo could see and feel was heat and warmth and such a soft body it couldn’t be real. Takumi continued swelling, easily taller than Leo due to the padding in his thick thighs. He was growing faster, so big Leo knew he’d never fit back into his room, let alone through the door, and there didn’t seem to be an end in sight.

“Leo,” he moaned, stomach developing rolls to contain the mass the spell was pumping into him, “Leo~” The Nohrian prince moaned in unison, body pressed against Takumi’s as he grew, and he heard the other continually calling his name. His eyes were closed in ecstasy, a warmth coming over his body and knotting in his stomach before—

“Leo!” Takumi’s voice sounded so far away, how big had he grown? Was he still growing? “Leo what the hell?” Was he hurt? Was he mad Leo had just made him bigger? Maybe he didn’t enjoy it, maybe-

“Nohr to Leo, are you ever going to get the hell up?” Takumi’s voice called again and Leo found his eyes opening slowly. Why… Why were they in his bedroom? Why was Takumi… So small?

“What?” He muttered, voice heavy from sleep, “No, let me sleep, I was-“

“-having a good dream?” Takumi asked, pulling up the covers to expose Leo’s naked body, “you were moaning like we were having some pretty great sex. What were you dreaming about?”

As the dream came back to him, Leo blushed, looking away. Takumi had been putting on weight since the end of the war- they all had, to some extent, but… Leo hadn’t realized he’d enjoy it that much.

“Just you,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss his lover, “that’s all that matters.” And maybe the idea to help him get a bit more plump… Just a bit.

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