The Family Origin

By masonfitzzy

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Origin story to the Family Comes First series by Mason Fitzgibbon. The Wilcox family's horrifying and twisted... More

Chapter One: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Two: MAISIE POV
Chapter Four: MAISIE POV
Chapter Five: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Six: MAISIE POV
Chapter Seven: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Eight: MAISIE POV
Chapter Nine: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Ten: MAISIE POV
Chapter Eleven: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Twelve: MAISIE POV
Chapter Thirteen: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Fourteen: MAISIE POV
Chapter Fifteen: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Sixteen: MAISIE POV
Chapter Seventeen: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Eighteen: MAISIE POV
Chapter Nineteen: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Twenty: MAISIE POV
Chapter Twenty-One: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Twenty-Two: MAISIE POV
Chapter Twenty-Three: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Twenty-Four: MAISIE POV
Chapter Twenty-Five: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Twenty-Six: MAISIE POV
Chapter Twenty-Seven: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Twenty-Eight: MAISIE POV
Chapter Twenty-Nine: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Thirty: MAISIE POV
Chapter Thirty-One: JOSEPH POV
Chapter Thirty-Two: MAISIE POV

Chapter Three: JOSEPH POV

1K 76 29
By masonfitzzy

 Bram was not lying. He never returned to the house after our fight. I was convinced that on Tuesday morning, he would apologize for his ridiculous plan. The week passed without contact from my brother, and reality had sunken in.

He was never coming back. He abandoned his family forever.

Clara and Miles were smart enough not to say anything to me. The empty bottles of whiskey were piling on the porch. My brain was foggy from the alcohol, but my thoughts remained on Bram.

Did he actually go to the city? Did he turn around halfway when he realized his mistake? Was he stuck in New York and wanting to come back? He must have realized this was wrong.

One thing was clear: he needed to return to the farm.

I had to keep this family together. Our father would be so disappointed to know what had become of us.

Clara and Miles were quiet but snuck glances at me as we ate breakfast. My eyes were focused on Father's empty chair. How could Bram sit there and squirm as he explained his betrayal?

I dropped my spoon in the empty bowl. Clara looked up at me as I raked my fingers through my hair. I shook my head as I muttered a curse.

"I can't do this," I said.

"What are you talking about?" Clara asked.

She already knew why I was upset, but I gestured to the empty chair.

"Bram knows he made a mistake," I said. "He's too embarrassed to come back."

"There is not much we can do," Clara said.

"I'll go to New York and get him myself."

Miles chuckled. Clara and I furrowed our brows as we looked at our son. When was the last time he laughed? I have not heard the sound since he was a child.

"Good luck," Miles said. "You'll be bringing him back kicking and screaming. He's not coming back here."

I drummed my fingers on the table. Miles had a point. I would not have to give him the option.

"I'll have to make him unconscious," I said.

"There is the medicine in the barn," Miles said. "It knocks the horses out."

"Joe, you can't be serious?" Clara asked. "What about Mary and the girls?"

"They will follow when I have Bram," I said.

Clara opened her mouth to speak, but I raised my hand to silence her. Miles looked up from his bowl, and I could see the corner of his lips tugging into a smile.

"I'm going to get Bram," I said. "When I return, this family will be back together."

There was an ache across my temple. I stopped drinking so I would have a clearer mind. My horse's hooves clicking against the road was the only noise I had to distract myself. The haunting thoughts of Bram replayed on repeat in my mind. My grip on the reins was tight and caused my knuckles to ache.

I had left the farm shortly after breakfast. Hours were spent on the road, and the horses were exhausted when the sunset. I stopped when I saw a tavern because the horses needed a break. I could also use a drink but would have to limit it to one. My mind needed to stay clear.

The tavern was small and full of cigar smoke. A group of men were gathered around the bar. I went to the far end, not wanting to be forced into their conversation. Their booming laughter caused jolts of pain to run through my skull. I leaned against the counter and ordered a drink.

It was painful to sip the drink slowly. I limited myself to one, but I needed to be here long enough for the horses to rest. I was stuck in this cramped bar, making this nightmare worse.

My thoughts lingered on Bram and how I would confront him. The perfect scenario of him coming back to the barn voluntarily was unlikely. He would probably not listen to me as I explained why this was a mistake, so I had to prepare for the worst. Miles and I had poured the tranquilizer into a bottle. A blanket was in the back of the carriage so I could hide his body. Bram's wife and daughters would have to follow once I have him. They would have no other choice.

I was deep in my thoughts when a hand touched my back. The fingers delicately grazed around my ribs. I looked to the side to see a girl standing beside me. The girl leaned against the bar and smiled. She was young, probably close to Miles' age. Her blonde hair was braided and pinned back. She did not reek of alcohol like the men in this filthy tavern.

"I have not seen you here before," she said.

"I stopped for a bit," I said.

"Where are you going?"

I raised a brow as I looked at the girl. Why would she approach a strange man in a bar? Why was she even in this bar? One of the drunken patrons howled with laughter, and I cringed as he intensified my headache. This girl would at least be a welcome distraction from Bram and this loud tavern.

"New York," I said.

She scanned my body as she looked at my clothes.

"You don't look like a city person," she said with a smile. "What is waiting for you in New York?"

"I have to see some family," I said.

"That's exciting," she said. "I have never been able to go."

"I am only going for my brother. I hate the city."

The girl smiled wider, and it softened the features on her face. She was a pretty girl. Her skin was pale, with a splatter of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her blue eyes were round and soft. What was she doing in a place like this? She seemed so innocent.

"That's nice of you," she said. "Most people do not care about family."

I pushed myself off the counter so I was standing straighter. Clara and Miles had been rolling their eyes when I talked about the importance of family. They did not understand what I was trying to say. A random girl understood this more than my wife and son.

"Family is important to you?" I asked.

Her smile wavered, but she kept her composure. She let out a shaky breath and broke eye contact.

"It was," she said.

"Was?" I asked. "What happened?"

The girl bit down on her lip and closed her eyes momentarily. What thoughts were haunting her brain?

"They're all gone," she said. "My grandmother was the last person I had. She died a few months ago."

Her words caused my stomach to twist, and I lost my breath. This was what I feared. My family was dwindling, and soon, there would be none of us. I could be left stranded like this girl.

A man came up behind the girl. She jumped when he placed his hand on her shoulder, but she did not turn around.

"You've been keeping me waiting, Maisie," he said. "I haven't seen you for a few nights."

Her eyes widened in fear. She rolled her shoulder to shake him off, but he did not move his hand. He chuckled as he ran his other hand over his greying beard.

"Let go of me, Amos," she said.

"You owe me for last time," he said.

Maisie ripped herself free from the man. She crashed into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. My body stiffened at her odd and sudden movements. She did not let go, and the man glared. This could not have been her husband. He was probably a few years older than me.

"I'm busy tonight," Maisie said.

He shook his head as his scowl deepened. I put my arm around her body, feeling a need to protect her from this man. Emily would have been close to her age, and I would have never let a man look at my daughter this way.

"You're just a whore," he said. "You'll be crawling back to me tomorrow."

"Go rot in hell," I said. "You cannot talk to a young woman like that."

"I hope you enjoy her," he said. Sarcasm was heavy in his voice. "Every man in this bar has already paid and took his turn."

He stormed away before I could respond. Maisie sighed as she let go and took a step back. A deep crimson blush was on her cheeks. She stared at her feet and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry," she said.

I looked around the bar. The drunken men were snickering as they looked at Maisie. She was young, and these men were twice her age. They stared at her like she was vulnerable prey that they would destroy.

"How long?" I asked. She looked up at me, wanting me to clarify. "How long have you been doing that?"

"Since my grandmother was sick," she said. Her voice was low so that only I could hear. "She needed medicine, and we needed the money."

Maisie was unable to maintain eye contact because she was flooded with embarrassment. She did not deserve this. Her sacrifices were for her family, and now she was stuck. It was rare for people to devote their lives to taking care of their blood. She was the kind of girl I had always wanted Miles to marry.

Clara had been upset when she talked about our son. She was right. He was never going to get married. Girls had avoided him, and he had trouble making friends. We had not been able to return to church in years. They blamed Miles for all of their troubles.

Maisie was the kind of girl that he needed. Her focus on family would revitalize our household. If I brought Bram back, he would never appreciate us. Maisie would be thankful for us giving her what she had lost. She would strengthen this family.

"Come with me," I said.

Maisie raised a brow. "Where to?"

"I'm going to give you what you need."

Maisie's smile returned, and she nodded. She stayed close behind me as I walked to the door. Amos glared at us, so I put my arm across Maisie to ensure she was safe behind me. Once we were outside, I stared at the carriage. The bottle of tranquilizer was under my seat with a rag. This would be the easiest way to get her to the farm.

"Wait here," I said.

I rushed over to the carriage. My body blocked her view as I poured the liquid onto the rag. I hoped this would work. Farm animals and humans were quite different. I clutched the rag and motioned for her to come forward. When she came close, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close to my chest. She gasped, and I placed the rag over her mouth and nose. Her movements were jerky as she tried to get out of my hold. The rag muffled her screams. I kept glancing at the tavern entrance to ensure no one saw us. Her body went limp in my arms.

Maisie was unconscious as I placed her in the back of the carriage. I covered her with the knit blanket, pulling it over her head. Without another word, I pulled the carriage away from the tavern and returned to the farmhouse.

The sun was rising when I pulled up to the farmhouse. Maisie remained unconscious during the trip, but I regularly checked her breathing. I pulled the blanket off her body. She let out a slight groan, but her eyes did not open. I picked her up bridal style and carried her into the house.

Clara was at the sink washing the dishes from breakfast. She wiped her hands on the towel when she heard me. Her brows knitted together as she rushed toward me. She looked down at the unconscious girl in my arms.

"Joey, who is this?" she asked.

"I did not go to New York," I said. "Bram can stay there as long as he likes."

"Why do you have a girl?"

"Where is Miles?"

"He is outside."

I kept walking to Miles' bedroom. Clara followed close behind as I carried Maisie. I nudged Miles' door open with my foot. Maisie let out a soft moan when I set her down on the bed. How long would the tranquilizer affect her body? Clara grabbed my arm, but her attention did not leave Maisie.

"Who is this?" Clara asked. "Joey, why do you have a sleeping girl?"

"She's for Miles," I said.

"Are you crazy? What are you talking about?"

"You said yourself that he is never going to find a wife. This is how we are going to preserve the family."

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