Closer to you| JJK ON HOLD

By Taekooksnoona

737 56 2

Lost in desires. More

Coming soon


48 5 0
By Taekooksnoona

Ch. 5

"So I heard you hung out with y/n"

She talked about me? it had been a few days since I had a real taste of my girl. My addiction to her only grew stronger after that night, I fell asleep in my car one night outside of her apartment. Part of me was starting to feel guilty, wrong even. But it was a very small part of me. The thirst for her was bigger so I kept to my stalking ways, I had ignored work for two days and today was my first day back. I only came to help out because Namjoon called to schedule a lesson for later in the day, which was now. He had improved some and even drove out on the street today which just about gave me an anxiety attack. But thankfully he survived as well as the pedestrians. I nod as I see the faint smile on his lips "How did that happen?" I chuckle as I lean on my bike.

"What did she tell you?"

He does the same, leans against his own bike, he was finally taking the thing home. Which honestly scared me slightly, we were a bit of ways from his house still. "Not much just that you took her on a ride and had dinner together" I nod, I wonder if she mentioned my pre dinner meal. I wasn't sure if they were those kinds of friends but I guess it's possible. "She's a fun and interesting woman. I like that she doesn't take anyone's shit" Namjoon chuckles, deepening his charming dimples. The man had really grown on me. "Yeah she's always been like that, I'm happy she's doing better and exploring her options. Don't get me wrong I love Taehyung but I don't think she's into him the way he's into her and that's going to get real messy here soon" I nod, happy that he enjoyed me being with her more. "Not to pry but what went down with her ex?" He arches his brow and crosses his arms over his chest "Not sure if I'm the one who should tell you. All I'll say is fuck Min Yoongi" my ears ring at the name, I only knew of one man that had that name and it's safe to say we don't have a good pass.

We used to run in the same crowds growing up and him and Jimin were really close at one point but he got weird after one of our parties and beat the crap out of Jimin. To this day I'm not sure why he did that but seeing as Jimin was my best friend I took it upon myself to go after Yoongi. Things got pretty ugly and we both ended up going to juvy for a bit. I haven't seen much of him since, but I always hear things about him because of mutual friends. He's worse than ever from what I hear, my side hustle is nothing compared to what that man does. I couldn't imagine y/n being with someone like that. She's much too good and pure for that lunatic but maybe it was some other guy. Besides Yoongi had natural dark hair unless he dyed it blonde? "Anyways be good to her, I have to head out. I'm meeting Seokjin at my house" I nod pulling myself from my thoughts as he comes over and gives me a quick hug.

"Alright please be safe, text me when you make it home. I don't want to read about your death tomorrow in the papers or some shit" Namjoon laughs as he gets on his bike "Will do, besides I think I've gotten way better thanks to you" I nod slowly but my face is questionable which makes him laugh. The rev of his bike starts so I hop on my own bike, I watch as he puts the helmet on I gave him, happy that he appreciated it. I put my own on as he waves goodbye to me once more before taking off on the empty road. We practiced in an abandoned part of town, just so he wouldn't hurt anyone. But now he's free and going to be driving with the public so I pray for everyone's safety now that Kim Namjoon is on the loose.


Later that evening I was back at the shop with Jimin and Mingyu, we had been slammed all fucking day once I got back. But now that the shop was officially closed for the day we were sitting back having a few beers, even though I was itching to go see y/n. I was fighting everything in my body though, trying to create some kind of distance. I didn't want this to be super unhealthy and honestly she made me feel some type of way, I wouldn't say I was in love? More like infatuation, maybe. Whatever it was it scared me because I hadn't felt this way with any of the woman I have pursued. Like I said by my standards we should have been fucking like bunnies by now, all day and night until I got bored and found a new subject to jump on. Yet I had only eaten her out and wanted nothing more than to be smothered between her thighs again. But it wasn't just that I was craving, it was the before and after too, I liked our banter and conversations. I liked being touched and looked at the way she looked at me, all that though was the scary parts of this. I couldn't be that kind of guy, I wasn't a good man and I wasn't about to play the role of one either.

"You seem distracted tonight, did you and your girlfriend fight or something?"

I roll my eyes at Mingyu's remark which makes Jimin smirk, clearly he had been filled in about my situation by Jimin. "No asshole, just thinking about all the shit I have to do." I lock eyes with Jimin now "Hey, I have a question" he nods before downing the rest of his beer "Yoongi" I start, I can see the life being drained from his face already "You hear anything about him lately? Has he been around or?" Jimin quickly compose himself before opening another beer. "Yeah, he's been around lately. Why?" I nod, Jimin looks down at his feet while Mingyu looks at me with an arched brow, he knows just about as much as I do about that night. Hell, he even helped me try and Jump Yoongi, but Yoongi had two more guys than we did. I took the blame though and made mingyu leave with Jimin before the cops came. "Why? What's going on Jk?"

Mingyu asks, Jimin finally looks up as well awaiting an answer from me. "Turns out y/n's ex is Min Yoongi, now how many guys do we know with that name" Jimin shakes his head, eyes staring into my soul "Don't even think about it Jungkookie, leave that shit be. If they broke up and he's staying clear of her you need to do the same." I sigh, I know he's right but the obsession of knowing it all was pushing me for answers. "He's dangerous Jk, we all know that and from what I heard he's only gotten worse. He's kind of untouchable it seems. So just think everything through" Mingyu adds. I nod, I know they are both probably right and maybe for now I'd push it away.

"I'll let it go, if you tell me what went down that night"

Mingyu looks at Jimin, he was just as curious. Jimin never told us much, just that they were drunk and got into a fight, then Yoongi swung but I know there is more to the story. Like I said they were close, Mingyu and myself were a few years younger than the two so we didn't always get to go where they went and the two snuck off often back then. "That was years ago, why does it matter?" I hate to throw this back at him but I wanted to know. "Because I did time for you" I can see the instant guilt on his face, which hurts me, but desperate times. "I said I'm sorry, we went over all this already. Do you still hold it against me?" Jimin says, I can see he's on the verge of tears so I sigh. "No but I'd feel better if I know why I was locked up with that asshole for a year" Mingyu stays quiet, just waiting to see where this lands. "Fine, but you both have to promise me you won't judge or look at me differently" I nod as does Mingyu, honestly we both had our theories' and both seemed pretty similar. And even if they were true we wouldn't look at him any different.

"Before that party me and Yoongi sort of fucked around" I can see Mingyu quickly look my way, our eyes only lock for a brief moment. This topic is one we had discussed a few times but neither one of us fully believed it I guess. "Well I guess I was more into it than he was, at that party I walked in on him and some girl so I got upset. I was also a little drunk so you know how I get" we both nod as Jimin runs his fingers through his hair for the millionth time, it was a comfort thing for him when he was anxious. "Anyways, he threw the girl out and we started arguing, I tried to kiss him to salvage the night but he pushed me off and called me a few names, so naturally my smart ass started calling him similar names and that's how the whole fight started. I didn't think he'd actually hit me but clearly I was wrong and by time you guys were alerted he had tried to leave but we all know what happened next" I nod, as does Mingyu.

We had always had our suspicions but Jimin was always so weird about it for whatever reason. "So do you both hate me now to?" Jimin nervously asks, I laugh as does Mingyu which makes Jimin's head shoot up and look at us "Why the fuck would we hate you? I can care less who you fuck as long as it's not any of my women" Jimin's eyes get glossy "Yeah what JK said, we will always love you Jimin. You're our big brother it really doesn't matter who you love or fuck" Jimin lets out a breath and laughs a little as a few tears escape his eyes "Thanks guys, I love you too and I'm glad this doesn't change anything." He mumbles as he quickly wipes his tears away "I really am sorry Jungkookie, I never meant for you to get in trouble and go to Juvy for me" I shrug "It wasn't your fault, I threw the punches Jimin so let that shit go and besides that was years ago." He nods as I check my phone, still nothing from my girl, I wonder what she was doing tonight.

"So does that mean Yoongi is...?"

Mingyu asks "No he's bi, but from what I hear he mainly dates woman now. Y/n is lucky she got out of that relationship. So what is the deal? Did you two finally fuck? I haven't seen or met this mysterious woman yet" "Yeah usually Jimin or I would have walked in on you and your new fling by now" I shake my head at the two and sigh, she was playing hard to get these days and it was driving me crazy, she should have been begging me to come over by now. "We fucked around once, she's playing hard to get which I usually don't mind but I don't know this time it's driving me a little nuts" they both snicker as I glare their way.

"Maybe she can sense what an asshole you are"

I chuckle as do the guys, it was true even though with her I hated being portrayed as that. "Nah, Jungkookie is different when it comes to this one. I'm telling you I think he may actually have feelings and not just sexual ones" Jimin smirks, I rolls my eyes and get to my feet "I do not" they both laugh now as I kick the leg on Jimin's chair making him fall to the ground as the chair folds up. He's still laughing even on the floor which makes me laugh before walking away. "Don't be such a baby!" Mingyu shouts my way in between laughter. I wave them off as I head up into the studio apartment. I sigh when I look at the fixed bed, I can still see y/n laying there spread open for me. "Fuck it" I mumble before pulling my phone out, I pull up her contact and hit call. It was late and I'm sure she had work tomorrow but I just needed to hear her voice.

As the phone rings I step out of my shoes and throw myself down on the bed "Come on" I mumble on the fifth ring, I was just about to give up when I hear a whispered hello. "Why are you whispering?" I ask as I sit up, she yawns and then I hear the rustle of her bedding? Maybe. "Jungkook?" "Mhm, why haven't you called me? Do you not miss me?" I hear a faint giggle which makes me smile, maybe I was a bit tipsy? I usually wouldn't say some dumb shit like that without some banter or something. "Have you been drinking?" I smile as I listen closely, it sounds like she had gotten up, and the close of a door confirms it. "Maybe, were you sleeping?" I ask as I pull the covers back on the bed so I can sit down. "I was, it's...four in the morning after all" she yawns again "Did you miss me that much? Or was I the last person on your list to drunk call?" I smile at the playfulness in her voice "You were the first actually and I may have missed you a little."

She softly chuckles before a silence falls between us, I remove my shirt and lay back on the bed just listening to her gentle breaths. "Did you not miss or think of me these last few days?" I finally ask, I sounded so pathetic right now but I would simply blame it on the alcohol if she ever brings this up. "I may have thought of you once or twice I guess" I chuckle, she was so refreshing and cute. I simply needed her. "Good, next time call or text me then" "But then I wouldn't get these lovely calls in the middle of the night" I smirk, I can hear the smile in her voice "I knew you missed me beautiful, you're just playing hard to get aren't you" she yawns once more before she laughs lightly "Maybe, or maybe you remind me of someone so I had to take a step back" I sit up and nibble on my lower lip, what did she mean by that? "I like you Jungkook, I had a lot of fun with you honestly. But things seemed a bit familiar with you and I don't want to jump into anything like my last relationship"

Fucking Yoongi, and how dare she compare me to him. "I would never hurt or rush you into anything y/n I hope you know that. Besides I'm not looking to be in a relationship, I don't do those really. But I enjoy getting to know you and spending time with you" It's silent for a moment, but I can still sense a smile in there somewhere. "Look baby girl, I had fun with you and if you want to just have fun in that sense I'm okay with that, we don't have to do or be anything other than friends if you want. Besides Namjoon gave me his stamp of approval so there is that" she cutely laughs now as I lay back down, feeling less panicked now. "Oh he did huh?" "Mhm, told me he prefers me getting to know you than Tae, that's all I'm saying" I smile at her gentle laughter "Good to know, but that's just one approval you have to get Seokjin's and worst of all My approval" I tsk making her laugh some more, I honestly loved her laugh.

"I already know I have yours, Seokjin however might be a bit harder but I'm working on it" "Oh really? What makes you so confident you have my approval? And Seokjin is ruthless so good luck with that" I loved this, I loved the harmless banter and the fact that she even answered and stayed on the phone this long, she could of easily hung up and told me to fuck off. But she got out of bed and let this conversation linger, so deep down a part of her wanted this just as badly.
"I'm confident because you're still talking to me, part of you wanted to call me too but I know you're over the moon that I made the first move here. Which I'm okay with but just you wait beautiful, the next time it's going to be you who begs me for attention. Whether it be a text, phone call, lunch date or even a late night call that ends up with me coming over and you suffocating me between your glorious thighs again" I smirk as I hear her breathing change, I had her and she knew it. "All you'll have to do is say when and where and I will be right there ready to worship that glorious body the way it deserves to be"

She clears her throat, which only strokes my ego "I guess we'll see about that. But I think we both know it will be you who is begging to touch me again, I mean clearly I got you all worked up and I haven't even touched or tasted you yet" I close my eyes and listen to the sultry seductive tone in her voice, she was good. "I love a good challenge" I husk, I listen to her inhale quickly before we speaks again "Good Night Jungkook" I chuckle "Meet me for coffee in the morning?" "You mean in a few hours" I chuckle again at her sudden annoyed tone "My treat beautiful" "I'll think about it" she yawns which finally makes me yawn.

"Who are you talking to? It's almost five in the morning"

My ears perk up at the deep voice, my blood runs cold. It sounded familiar but not at the same time. Who the fuck was at her house?

"Goodnight" she mumbles before the line goes dead. I felt beyond irritated now, no wonder she left her room. Someone else was preoccupying her bed. The voice was deep and vaguely familiar but I honestly couldn't think right now. I felt good talking to her only to have some asshole ruin it last minute. There was no way I'd be able to sleep now, plus the coffee shop opens in a half hour so I might as well get ready and head over there to wait for her.


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