The Demon Queen's soulmate

By AgeregressionKitten

294K 14.8K 989

Ruby King is your average young woman who is starting to attend college full time. Everything is going great... More

Little talks
Grandma G
Gran Gran


3.3K 218 4
By AgeregressionKitten

*Ivolethe's P.O.V*

"Anuel is already preparing and making his rounds to make sure all the guards know what to expect. He started after meeting with me and I made sure to stress that they stay away from the west gate, on your behalf, your majesty. He is aware that there will be consequences if they break it... again." He informs me, making me pause in my work.

"Stress to him that I will not be funding a 5th gate replacement so they better stay far away from it!" I tell Rahatiel with a very serious expression.

"Of course, your majesty. I will make sure he gets your warning. Will there be anything else I can do for you?" He asks, and I smile slightly at that.

"Yes, in fact there is. Delivery that message to our dear General and then return to me here. By then our little princess should be out of timeout and ready for daycare. Today, you can take her. I simple can't afford to spend the time doing it today with all this paperwork before my next meeting." I tell him, not missing that special twinkle of excitement in his eyes before he bows deeply to me.

"Of course, your majesty. It would be my pleasure and honor to do such a thing for our young princess!" He says before standing and moving to leave in his excitement.

"Rahatiel... as a warning, I wouldn't tell Anuel about your... special assignment, until after it is done. If you tell him, he will tag along and I see no reason not to let him. Ruby also already has a liking towards her new "uncle" so I'm afraid you will have to work extra hard to be noticed if he is here." I try to warn him, earning a confused look.

"She listened to his request and tried to start calling him uncle, Rahatiel. I shut that down as soon as I heard it. It was in private, luckily, but I don't trust her to keep it private. I know he was joking because I know you both know that amount of requests I filter through on requested titles. My own mother and grandmother have been fighting over who gets grandma for decades alone! Ruby doesn't know that though but I briefly tried to explain it to her. I think she understands not to give titles away for a piece of candy now though." I tell him, earning a grimace from Rahatiel.

"I will make sure to pass both messages on to him, your majesty. He will learn to watch his words while around the princess. I put my honor on it not happening again." Rahatiel says very seriously. I kind of feel bad for Anuel now because he is in for one hell of a lecture if Rahatiel is putting his honor on it. Few things matter more to Rahatiel than his honor, afterall.

"10 minutes and she should be ready for you. If you aren't here by then, she will most likely be on my lap, waiting for you so I would prefer you to be late..." I tell him with a smirk because I know he can never be late to anything.

"10 minutes... I'll be here. I could never keep our princess waiting, after all. Especially not for our first meeting." Rahatiel says before he vanishes. I just roll my eyes at him as I stand because a little miss someone has finally decided to put her pullup on and on backwards of all things.

Should I just fix it for her or just tell her it's backwards? Now that is the true question of the day but first, let me address our little eavesdropper.

"You are lucky Rahatiel doesn't have the heart to point out how much you suck at that spell..." I say into the "empty" room.

"Well it's not my fault I don't ever have a reason to use it... Plus, I really doubt I'm that bad!" Her voice echoes through my office.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to where I know she isn't at. Lifting my hand, I dart to the side of me, grabbing her by the neck before she can react. Walking her back, I pin her against the wall as she shimmers into view.

"That is an assumption I better not catch you testing again... Zerida. Now why are you here?" I ask in a growl. She only smirks at me before overpowering me and pinning me against the wall instead. Instead of holding me by the neck though, she has my hands pinned over my head.

"You know why... I'm here to take our daughter back. She shouldn't be here yet. She wasn't ready. She barely knew what regression was before she jumped into the deep end of it by coming here. Also, you look gorgeous today..." Zerida says as she scans me over before moving in close.

"You always love to make keeping my hands off you so hard... especially for a demon like me. You didn't by chance cast a charm spell on me... again?" She asks so close, her lips brush against mine with every word. Pushing her off me, I fix my dress as I continue to glare at her.

"That was one time... and you asked me to do it! You also enjoyed it quite a lot, if memory serves me right. We also both know you need no spell..." I defend myself before she grabs my chin in one hand and steals a passionate kiss. Breaking the kiss off, I immediately slap her across the face.

"Try starting THAT again with her waiting in the other room for me and next time you will be peeling yourself off the wall!" I tell her before pulling her in for another kiss. I break it off quickly though because I can feel her already getting handsie again.

"Whatever do you mean, dearest? It was just an innocent kiss..." she tries to defend with but the smirk she gives me tells the real story.

"Your mouth and hands should get on the same page then..." I tell her, removing one of her hands from my ass and the other from trying to get inside my bra.

"Also, you can't have her. She's mine until tonight! Come get her then. Just go play with Anuel until then..." I tell her in a not so convincing way. Okay, fine... I was more pleading with her.

"Oh? And what if I don't want to? What if I just want to take her and head home?" She asks with a knowing smirk and that special glint in her eyes that let me know I'm in trouble.

"What do you want for her then?" I ask, already knowing where this is going.

"Let's see... how about a weekend of you know what..." Zerida says, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"... a night! No more!" I counter after nibbling on the inside of my cheek, debating on my options.

"Deal! See you tonight, love. Take care of our precious Ruby until then and try not to be too hard on her!" Zerida says as she escapes out my window before I can strangle her for tricking me.

With how quickly she agreed to it, I just know she was hoping for that outcome all along and I can't believe I fell for it. It was probably the only reason for her coming here in the first place! I just know she will hold me to it too and I absolutely hate doing what she wants. Demons just love honoring their stupid deals though so it is what it is. At least I get Ruby to myself for a bit longer. I just hope she enjoys it as much as I will...

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