Osea in our world

By nacolitomahawk

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A few days prior to the attack of Kingdom of Erusia on the Osean Federation,the entire Osea was gone in an ey... More

Chaotic Morning
Carrier Strike Group
Angel Birds
First Impression
Chinese Encounter
Pacific Tensions
Gathering of Aces
Unplanned Battle
Battle of South Japan Sea(I)
Battle of South Japan Sea(II)
New Approach
Su-47L Berkut
Secret Weapons
Surprise Attack
War declaration
Open fire!
First Strike
Sword of Justice
Golden Eagle
Big stick diplomatic
Peaceful day
Sky of Felon
Zone of Endless
Yellow Terminators
Preparation stage
Coastal city(I)
Coastal city(II)
Coastal city(III)
After the battle
Marine Destruction
Snow Rainy Day
Wall Breaker(I)
Wall Breaker(II)
Joint Operation
Experimental Unit
Mach 3.5
White Wings Angel
Flickering Nation
Economic Crisis
(Side story)-Escape from Vladivostok
Osean Coup d'etat
The Song of Sirens(I)
The Song of Sirens(II)
Capturing Oured
At Other Sides
Above a War
Belkan Impression
Osean War
Global Shift
To Belka
Europe Air War
Battle of the High Sea(I)
Battle of the High Sea(II)
Before the Journey

uNGreeted Aerial Dominator

78 6 3
By nacolitomahawk

"I get it"

In the wooden cabin of an abandoned village,two men are sitting down enjoying their cups of wine.

As Chasles requested,only General Johnson was allowed to enter the house,the rest of the team stayed outside.

Around the cabin,there's not much furniture inside it,if one thing could stand out,there would be the wooden shelf that sits in the corner of the house,each layer carrying a photo,or books,and one helmet with a phoenix wing on it,the part of history that this old pilot still carries with him this whole time.But aside from that,nothing particularly caught the eyes of the general.

23 years after the Usean coup d'etat,no one ever knew about him,until today,when Johnson and Heinrich decided to take this man back into action.

"So,you want to hire me as a mercenary in this I right?"

"You got my intent quickly,I'm glad that we don't have to spend all day here arguing over random things that's unnecessary.Anyhow,I hope that you shall consider this deal"

"Ah,no need,actually,I think you should go home.I do not fancy the idea of a coup d'etat,I hate war,as all veterans do.And most of all,I am not Osean,how unpleasant could it be having a non-Osean decide the outcome of the war?"

"We the Osean Federation welcome anyone to be our civilian,if you wish to become one,I could grant you Osean citizenship.But leave that aside,you seemed confident about your flight skill,"Decide the outcome of the war",how can you be so certain?"

"I'm not cocky here Mr.General,you found me because you wanted a good ace,like those in the "Razgriz Squadron","Demon Lord" and other,and you know the war that I fought on the Usea continent.I'm fully aware that I'm a good pilot,like many others that you didn't even bother to find"

"Actually we've found the Razgriz,unfortunately the captain has deceased in the China campaign,and the Demon Lord is still unknown.But we did try to find them in the first place"

"Well that was unfortunate"

The veteran reaches out to the wine bottle and pours a little more into his own looking closer,Johnson has found many scars on the face and both hands of this old warrior,maybe that's why he got the callsign "Scarface" in the first place.Needless to confirm, the man sitting in front of him has witnessed the amount of horror that he has never seen in his entire life.

Noticing Johnson is looking at him,Charles quickly fixes his hair,so that it could cover the scar on his forehead.

"It's quite rude to stare at people"

"I know,but...Sorry,but where đi you get all those...war signatures?"

"Well,believe it or not,I got all of them from a single mission,thirty years ago,...Wait,I don't think you know about that,sorry.Moreover,didn't you say that you don't have much tie,why bother sitting here listening to this man's story?"

"Because I haven't received your answer to my deal"

"I said it from the beginning,I don't want to support the idea of a revolt.If that wasn't clear enough,then listen carefully this time:I reject the deal,money isn't what I wanted,I only need enough for my retirement."

Charles is talking about a random unreal story again.At this point,Johnson began to question himself if this man is worth spending time to persuade.Considering that the war ended a long time ago,and there's likely something that happened during that time and made him become what he is today,maybe they are wasting their time on a man who won't bother to consider their deal.


(Remember,Harris,he's a good pilot,no doubt,the Usean told me so,but they also said that he's not,like,he's not easy to be hired.I know it's hard,but I think both you and I want to see him within our ranks,so good luck.)

"Are you listening to me,Mr.Johnson?"

"Ah, your answer is a no?"

Seeing Johnson finally understand the problem,Charles nodded:

"Yes,though I must say that I want to return to the air,I don't want to sacrifice human lives to do,power,whatever you could offer,please take it back and use it to take care of those people who's seeking help."

The pilot stands up and takes out another wine bottle from his shelf,but instead of a full bottle as Johnson expected,this one is empty,not even a drop is left inside that luxury glass wine bottle.He then takes out a piece of cloth and begins to polish the outside layer,though it's shiny like a piece of clear crystal.

"Time up,I don't think you have much time to spend here,why don't you fly to the battlefield trying to live like a soldier or a pilot,maybe you would find something precious to protect"

"I....I will take that into consideration."


Charles stopped cleaning the bottle and walks to a wooden barrel at the back of his,filling it with rum,before returning to his seat.

Then,he stares directly at the eyes of the general:

"Is that enough? Now please leave my house."

"Even if we threaten you with guns?"-Johnson tries to threaten him again-"I have to tell you that we have more than the Springfield that you have in your back,and I think you've known that since the beginning"

"My answer is still a no,Mr.General"

A moment of silence filled the room,as Charles and Johnson stared at each other with their killer eyes.But eventually,Johnson had to give up,his eyes weren't as deadly as that old mercenary.Drinking up the whole cup full of wine,the general,half-drunk half-conscious said to Charles:

"Fine,but we will return,do not join the ODF by that time.We would find some better things to exchange for your service"

"And I will find some better reasons to reject it."


<<Lavendel 2 calling Lavendel 1,I detected one aircraft on my radar.Unknown design>>

In the warzone sky over Oured,the Falkens had gained total air supremacy.

Less and less OADF aircraft could be seen from Hildegard' position.In fact,looking all around her plane,plus her own aircraft,there's only 13 ADF-01F could be seen flying,and all belonged to the rebel force.Some of them are trying to help bomb the remaining strongholds of the National Guard,others patrolling around the city,ready to face against any popped up threat that would come from airfields across the continent.

However,out of the planes that's approaching the city,there is one not from anywhere in Osea but from the sea.Coincidentally,it's flying toward the position of Hildegard and her wingman

<<Lavendel 1 to 2,what is its purpose?>>

<<I don't know,give me time,I will try to connect>>

The black Falken breaks away from the formation and approaches the mysterious jet,the jet also slows down to announce that it's not an enemy.Seeing that, Hildegard is also relieved,but she still keeps her guard up and prepares for the worst.

The figure of the plane is clear to the front camera.Judging by the inverted wings stealth design,this one is a gen 5 fighter,or gen 4 at least,the female Belkan pilot could say so,but there is no insignia to know whether this plane is Osean,or American,Hildegard has no choice,but waiting for its answer.

<<Lavendel 2 calling unknown bogey,which nation are you belonging to?>>

<<I received.Uhh...can you hear me?This is USMC aircraft NGAD Monika calling Lavendel 2,I was tasked with the mission of rescuing the American diplomats from Osean Federation.They might haven't informed you yet,but we were given free authority to enter Osean airspace to escort out men out safely>>

The two jets finally caught up with each other and flew in parallel.

(American,better not cause any problem with them)<<Alright,I have received a transmission from our HQ,you're free to go.Let me guide you to the airport where they are staying.Lavendel 2 calling 1,I am on another mission>>

<<Lavendel 1 to 2,I got it>>

<<Monika to Lavendel 2,received,thank you very much>>

<<Ah,no need to,by the way,my name is Hildegard von Richthofen.Nice to meet you.Now follow me.>>

Hildegard lifts the wings and flies toward the north,followed by Monika's very tight turn,before both aircrafts fly in the same direction again.It like watching magic,how much power and skill does it take to make this kind of turn?And how good is that frame?Many questions popped up in Hildegard's head,but she decided to not say anything.Instead,she increases her speed and approaches Mach 1.

<<Monika to Lavender 2,I cannot go beyond the speed of sound>>


Right before the Falken was about to ram into the sound barrier,Hildegard post-stalled the aircraft, preventing it from going faster.

<<A modern jet can't go beyond sound speed?Are you serious?Why?>>


No answer was given,which means this information is somewhat classified.Asking more won't result in anything, Hildegard thought,then she slowed down the aircraft for Monika to catch up with her.

At the same time,a plane,C-5 is approaching them from the opposite direction.

<<That wasn't the diplomats' plane,otherwise they would have acknowledged us about it>>-Monika talks to Hilde-<<Do you know how long it will take to get to the airport?>>

<<Fifteen minutes,if we fly at Mach 1.5,we're close to Mach 1 so that would take twenty-five minutes or around that>>


The cargo plane flying past them has no white stripe on its body,which also means it belongs to the OADF.Hildegard really wants to shoot it down,who knows if the plane is carrying troops for the counterattack,or something else that could push back their advance in the city.

But on the other hand,right by her side is an American jet,if NGAD was caught in the clash and damaged,or worse,being shot down,the situation could be very hard to predict.

Having no better choice than sparing the plane,Hildegard watches,as the red dot of the C-5 slowly flies away from her radar sight toward the city center,without taking any action to stop it.

<<Hey Monika,are you hearing right now?>>

<<Yes I am>>

<<So...you know that we're the New Federation force,right?Isn't the United States is having a good relationship with the current Osean government?>>

<<I don't care about that,my task is extracting our diplomats from a nation in chaos.I don't bother the fact that you belong to the rebel,as long as you corporate.Beside,New Federation is the side that called us to rescue them first>>

<<I see,so you're fine with us?>>


<<Hey,need some escort?>>

Suddenly,a friendly plane is approaching from behind.No need for a second check,that's definitely Erich and his Falken on their move.

<<Lavendel 1 to Monika and Lavendel 2,the city is secured.By the way,I shot down that Galaxy,so no need to worry Hilde>>

<<Glad to hear that>>

The scene under their planes rapidly changed,from the high skyscrapers in the middle of the city,to shorter and less futuristic when they flew close to the outer suburb,before reaching the giant heaven's gate lying by the coastline.

<<So this is the infamous Space Elevator...>>

Monika slowed down to take photos of it.Seeing that,Hildegard and Erich also reduced their speed to keep the formation,but in reality,watching as the elevator moved its cargo up and down the sky.They weren't Oured citizens to see it everyday outside of the windows,so every minute seeing and memorizing the shape of the elevator should be worth it.Both of them,if not for the situation,would definitely say so,and it seemed like the American girl agreed to it:

<<I could make a poem out of its magnificence>>

<<Fast.I could barely make one in my entire life.But we have to go soon.You don't want to keep them waiting,right?>>

<<Actually,Hilde,I've informed them that an American plane is coming to help them out,they must coming toward us by now.So Monika,no need to rush>>

<<Thank you very much,aha>>

Before finishing her sentence,Monika already saw a plane is coming toward them,this time a fleet of C-17,with a white stripe and a small foreign flag painted on the outside of each aircraft.Needless to say,they are the diplomatic corps,and not just American,but British,Australian and Canadian as well,they are flying in a formation to escape the city.Without wasting any second,Monika made a hard turn,before using both of her brakes to adjust her speed,so that the diplomats could fly along.

The two Falken also began to move,as Erich and Hildegard flew to the rear of the airfleet.They weren't a part of the escort team,but bringing those men out of the battlefield as safely as possible is a preferable choice,risking a diplomatic problem is no joke,one being shot down and everything would be over for the future relationship.And even when not considering that,they still have to go back to the city,too,and what is the safest and fastest way aside from tagging along with a foreign diplomat fleet?

<<Canada 1 this is Lavendel 1 please fasten your seat and let us get you out of here safely>>

<<Lavendel 2 to Australia 1,outside your left windows is my plane,please take your time to enjoy this piece of Belkan superior technology before the end of the trip,this might be the last time you have a Falken just right out of reach>>

<<America 1 to Lavendel and Monika,thank you for your service,but please stay in a good distance to avoid mid-air collide,I would have a dinner tonight with my girlfriend and you guy better make it happen>>

<<Alright alright,everyone,follow my jammer coverage,Erich,Hilde,please help if any missile past through my defense,if they dare to even shoot one>>

The joint airfleet continues their journey across the city.Everyone is breathing heavily,as they saw the anti-air network being scattered all around the high building,even when not counting Harley's unit that's belong to the New Federation,and many of the non-friendly were destroyed or disarmed,the remaining unorganized anti-air vehicles and gunports guarding the city's sky are still too much to count from here,8 km in the air.

And the worst fear has become true,as one Patriot launcher has detected and identified them as the enemy.Before Erich and his wingman could realize it,a number of smoke tracts has run toward the United Kingdom 1,way faster than expected.


<<Incoming anti-air missiles>>


Three out of four missiles exploded by the electronic barrier Monika created around the airfleet.But one of them still survived the attack and charged at the C-17 in the middle.


<<Good work Hilde,I will have you some flowers after this>>

<<That's so sweet of you Erich>>

But they have no more time for chatting,another missile was launched,this time at Lavendel 2 herself.Hilde takes a very aggressive roll around the airfleet trying to break away the lock from her plane,and it worked,the missile missed its target and exploded midair,causing nothing but strike a little bit of fear for the crews of the cargo planes.

<<Canada 1 calling Lavendel 2,please don't do that again,you're scaring us>>

<<No time to say that,careful!>>

The guns began their reverse rain of bullets and explosive shells at the diplomats fleet.It was horrified,each ammo exploded in another vibration run throughout the body of the C-17,thus making it way harder to control the planes,much less fly them smoothly.

Certainly,the diplomats didn't have a good time,but at least none of them have been shot down.For some strange reason,all of those shells that were fired at them either missed or early detonated,for now.

"Switch to non-fused ammunition,fire"

Suddenly,out of nowhere,an anti-air shell smashed into Canada 1's left wing and caused severe damage to the rotating blades.

<<Canada 1 here,I'm hit!>>

The plane slowed down from the loss of power and fell back to the formation.Noticing that,Monika panicked,she tried to slow down,not hitting any plane that's flying between her and the Canadian.

<<Oh God!>>

The engines on Canada 1 have burned into a large trail of black smoke.With two engines out of four,the cargo plane's speed and altitude began to reduce,out of jammer coverage.And the Osean missile launcher,seizing that chance,got them on radar lock and fired a missile at the C-17

<<Monika!We're locked!>>

To make the matter worse,a squadron of F-22s has been approaching the damaged plane from the flank without anyone noticing up until now,and they began to release their salvo of missiles.

<<Ripple!Ripple!Monika,we need your help>>

<<I can't,that would leave the rest of the fleet vulnerable,Hilde!Erich!>>

<<Wilco,we're covering America 1>>

The missiles are coming very fast, but Canada 1 is completely a sitting duck



Canada 1' pilot closed his eyes waiting for death to come,but nothing happened,aside from a blue flash that penetrated his eyelids for a few seconds before disappearing along with many explosions,probably from the missiles that was being shot down by that blue light.The moment the pilot opened his eyes,the plane felt a little heavy on the right,he turned to the cargo bay,only to see the whole diplomatic corps glued their eyes on the windows,toward the F-22 squadron's position,except...half of of them had gone missing on the radar.

<<Canada 1 to Lavendel 1,what happened?I can't padlocked those F-22s>>

However,the other side took more time than he should to reply:

<<No need to,Monika fired something,blue electromagnetic waves,and...>>

<<What the->>

The pilot jumped from his chair and took a glance through the window, only to see half of the Raptor squadron,the same number that was missing from their radar had been burned into many pieces of falling metal and crashing one by one into the grassfield,like in those kind of scenes in apocalypse movies,when they have to fight aliens or monsters,and suffered heavy losses.

Except this one has no aliens nor monsters to be an apocalypse,it is only an American fighter that has done all of those killings.

<<Break!Break!Abort mission>>

With their allies being shot down many at once,the remaining trembling F-22s have no choice but to give up the attack and flee the battlefield.


The Canada 1 has been saved,but instead of cheering and joyful as they should be,the cargo plane filled with nothing but the sound of the broken engines,and an unpleasant silence,as they saw the American jet that had been doing all of that flying right by their windows,throwing packs of emptied batteries out of its frame to the ground below.

"So that was...what the US had been trying to hide from us"

<<Monika to Canada 1,you're safe>>

Bonus:Hand-draw insignias of Fairchild, Valentina, Eliza and Monika

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