Pearl Ablazed (JK FF)

By JK_imprints

997 43 14

Followed by a tragic past, a decent girl who has never seen the outside world becomes Obsession of a Virille... More



79 2 3
By JK_imprints


In the sombre surroundings of the cemetery, Seokjin knelt gracefully before his mother's grave, his movements deliberate and filled with reverence. The air was heavy with the scent of lilies, freshly cut and laid with care as an offering to the woman who had left the world two decades ago. It was a significant day, marking not only the 20th anniversary of her passing but also the 20th birthday of his sister, Soah. This ritual, performed annually, was a solemn promise kept over the years, yet this time, an aching void punctuated the ceremony-Soah's absence.

"I am sorry, Mother. I promise to bring her back to home." A lone tear fell from his eyes, as he shared heartily feelings with his late mother's tombstone. Each moment away from Soah tormented him, a sharp reminder of his failure as a brother. Seokjin thought about his sister, hoping she was still out there, safe and waiting to be found.

The sun cast a golden hue over the scene, illuminating Seokjin's expression, a stark contrast to the violence that had unfolded earlier. Not far from where he knelt, the aftermath of a calculated ambush lay scattered; the ground was a testament to his wrath. Among all the dead men was David, bloodied but still drawing breath, a living reminder of the day's betrayal and the cost of double-crossing Seokjin.

David has to pay the price for not just separating Seokjin's only family from him but also killing his loyal men in the pursuit. Seokjin remained composed, his mind clear despite the storm of emotions. Seokjin planned to take his sister back home however all his expectations were declined because she was nowhere to be found. The decision to keep David alive was strategic, to find Soah, who was missing from the scene.

Seokjin's steps were measured and heavy with intent as he approached the bloodied, crumpled figure of David, lying in a heap on the ground. The metallic scent of blood and vengeance seemed to pause as Seokjin towered over the man responsible for his sister's abduction. Without a word, he knelt, his fingers finding the wounds that marred David's body.

Seokjin pressed into the wounds, eliciting a visceral, agonising scream that shattered the eerie silence. The sound echoed off the trees and stones.

"Where is my sister?" Seokjin's voice was calm, but it carried an icy edge, a stark contrast to the warmth it once held for those he considered family. Now, looking into David's eyes, there was nothing but a chilling void, an absence of any mercy for the traitor before him.

"S-She ran away," he gasped out, each syllable punctuated by a grimace of pain.

Upon hearing these words, a complex wave of emotions crashed over Seokjin. Relief, initially, because Soah had escaped, is a testament to her resilience and bravery. But this relief quickly morphed into a torrent of worry and helplessness. If David and Alex had managed to pass on information about Soah to their allies or any other enemies lurking in the shadows, she was in imminent danger. The very thought of Soah, alone and vulnerable, potentially being pursued by those with intentions as dark as the night around them, sent a cold shiver down Seokjin's spine.

"Did you hurt her?" Seokjin's voice cut through the chilling air once more. The possibility of Soah getting hurt was unbearable, a thought that paralysed him with fear. The realization that, despite his power and the lengths he was willing to go to protect his family, there were still moments when he could do nothing, left him feeling more vulnerable than the man whimpering at his feet.

"I-I just sedated her. N-nothing more?" he stammered, David, amidst his pain and the looming shadow of death that Seokjin represented, hurried to respond, his voice laced with panic and the instinctual desire to preserve his own life.

SeokJin eyes darkened as hell, the thought of her crying for help came into the picture in his mind that fueled a simmering anger, a vow of retribution against those who dared to endanger his sister. He leaned closer, his voice a soft murmur laced with a chilling undertone, revealing a deeply personal story that illuminated the depths of his protective nature.

"Soah is afraid of needles..."Seokjin mumbled near the weak man's ear.

"She was five, had a high fever and a psycho doctor forced needles in her arm in my absence because she was afraid and reluctant to take the injection. Let me show you, what happened to the doctor," he recounted a traumatic episode from her childhood, painting a vivid picture of a vulnerable Soah, a fact unknown to his enemies. He was ready to give a demonstration of the lengths he would go to protect his sister and punish those who caused her harm. One of his men stepped forward, the glint of a sharp axe catching the sun's rays. David's pleas for mercy, desperate and frantic, were cut short as Seokjin, fueled by rage and an unyielding sense of brotherly duty, swung the axe with a precise and powerful motion. The sound of David's scream tore through the silence, a harrowing testament to the severity of Seokjin's wrath.

"I'll kill you slowly, don't worry about that," Seokjin promised, his words cold and unforgiving, as he ordered his men to take David back to the old warehouse. This act of violence was not just a punishment but a message, a declaration of the consequences faced by those who dared to harm his family.

In his world, where loyalty and family ties were paramount, the betrayal they had suffered warranted a response that matched the severity of the crime. As David was dragged away, the message was clear: Seokjin would stop at nothing to find his sister, and retribution would be exacted on those who tested his resolve.


The room she lay in was opulent, adorned with luxurious furnishings and large windows that allowed the golden light to bathe the space in warmth. The bed she was resting on was sumptuously comfortable, a far cry from the harsh realities she had just escaped.

Beside her, Jungkook sat with a mix of emotions swirling within him. Holding her hand tightly, he was a portrait of concern and relief, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity born of a tumultuous blend of feelings. The moment he had found her was one etched in his memory as both a triumph and a profound shock-never had he imagined that the quest to locate Soah would culminate in her being so vulnerably close, within his embrace.

His heart raced with the proximity, the initial shock of having her so near rendering him momentarily senseless, lost in the depth of her presence. It was only after this spell of enchantment lifted that the reality of her condition dawned on him. Her face, marred by the trails of dried tears, spoke volumes of the ordeal she had endured. Her hair, frizzy and unkempt, along with her muddy and ripped skirt and bare feet, painted a picture of her desperate escape from the vicious trouble.

Without needing to speak, Jungkook communicated with Mingyu through a simple nod, a silent command to scour the premises and piece together the events that had led to this moment. Acting swiftly, Jungkook carried Soah to his car, ensuring her safety above all else. Mingyu, understanding the gravity of the situation, soon followed, bringing with him a fainted but still alive Alex-a key figure to their suspense.

The doctor continued the delicate task of tending to Soah's injuries, carefully bandaging her bruised elbows. Jungkook stayed and had all her bruises treated on his keen watch. He could tell by the bruised wrist and others, that she was manhandled. He eagerly waited for the moment when she would wake up and tell him everything that happened.

Mingyu's discreet knock on the door signalled a shift in focus. Jungkook, ever vigilant and acutely aware of the gravity of the situation, stepped out to confer with Mingyu, leaving the safety and care of Soah in the capable hands of his family doctor.

"His name is Alex. He and his brother David are local thugs from Busan. This is all I could find, for now, that bastard is still knocked out." he relayed, providing a brief yet significant insight. The revelation that Alex and his brother David have known entities, at least among the criminal elements of Busan. The fact that Alex had been identified by Mingyu's men who were natives of Busan, made the information more concrete.

"I want him alive, Mingyu. I wanna know every single detail he has about her. Let me know once he's awake," Jungkook ordered, Though it was clear Alex attacked Soah and was responsible for her miserable condition. Keeping him alive and conscious was crucial for interrogation, a necessary step to unravel the mystery jungkook would solve after two years.

"Why did you bring her here? Not the hospital because we don't know what's going on and who's after her but you could have taken her to the mansion." Mingyu suggested as he knew well that Jungkook barely came to his penthouse apartment. His suggestion to use the Jeon family's mansion as a safer haven for Soah stemmed from its established security and the resources at their disposal-a logical choice for anyone seeking refuge from unknown dangers.

"Exactly, Since we don't know who's after her. And I can't risk too many people knowing about this, especially the media. This apartment was bought recently, so I brought us here," Jungkook explained, his rationale revealing a strategic mind at work. The choice of the penthouse, a location off the radar of even those closest to him, underscored a meticulous approach to security and anonymity. It was a fortress of solitude chosen not just for its luxury but for its obscurity and the protection it afforded.

Mingyu's raised eyebrow and the amusement that danced behind his gaze spoke volumes of his understanding of his friend's character and the unusual circumstances they found themselves in. The idea that Jungkook, typically guarded and reserved, was acting with such uncharacteristic impulsiveness over someone he barely knew was both intriguing and amusing.

"Dude, just act normal when she's awake, alright? Practically, you are a stranger to her," Mingyu's light-hearted yet pointed reminder of the reality of their situation. Jungkook's response, or lack thereof, his expression unreadable and set in a cold, determined mask. Only his heart knows how desperate he was, for you to wake up, to have your beautiful eyes looking at him, to listen to your voice while you talk to him, to know your name while he tells you his.

Their conversation was cut short by the doctor's emergence from the room, bringing an end to speculation and drawing their attention back to the immediate concern-Soah's health. The doctor's brief to Jungkook was a moment of professional exchange. Jungkook expressed his gratitude to his family doctor for coming on short notice. Mingyu escorted him to the main door.

Jungkook went back to Saoh's side, again holding her hand while he gently caressed her hair with his other hand. He barely remembers when was the last time he treated someone so tenderly. He was happy to have a chance to showcase his soft side and he is ever glad it's only for her.

After some time his phone buzzed, The Caller ID was one of Jungkook's men from the mansion, where they kept Alex, the basement, calling it Jungkook's torture room would be more appropriate.

"Young master, Alex's awake. He has been yelling and cursing ever since he woke up, he even tried to run away. Should I have our men teach him some manners?" one of his men informed, Jungkook's reaction to the update on Alex was immediate and calculated, his mind swiftly weighing the options before him. The news of Alex's awakening and his subsequent behaviour was expected.

"No, don't rough him up. Just put that crazy fucker in a punching bag. I'm on my way, I'll deal with him." his voice carrying the weight of command and the cool edge of authority that left no room for further questioning. He didn't want to leave her alone but he had to inquire every single information Alex might have about you, starting from your name.

He decided to leave you while you were in your deepest slumber. The doctor already informed him about the effect those drugs had on you, so you're not waking up before sunset. He came closer to her face and pecked her forehead.

"When you open your beautiful eyes, I'll be right next to you."


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