Just Dance: Enter the Danceve...

By Silcat682

233 1 0

This is a story of how a normal girl's life was about to change the moment she stepped into this world. My OC... More

Introducing Lilly
Introducing Martha
Introducing Ben
Pilot (part 2)
Pilot (part 3)

Pilot (part 1)

47 0 0
By Silcat682

(A/n: This is something I made while I was in Germany, so I hope you like this chapter!)


???: "*narrates* All stories have good and bad beginnings, right? Well... in this story... mine is one of the bad beginnings."

The scene flashes to a dark and rainy day, where it rains on a hill with people on it.

???: "*narrates* In my stories, children have mothers and fathers that love them so much. They say 'no matter what happens, we will always be together forever.' Not in this life, I have one of the parents and other is... gone."

The scene shifts to people standing under umbrellas as they look sad and they mourn for someone. The camera stops in front of a young man who holds his daughter's hand and they both look at the grave as the priest says,

Priest: "In times like these, we have no words, we have only have each other. Today, we come to gather to mourn the passing of Rhianna Whidon. Devoted wife of Louis, beloved mother to Lillian. Scripture tells us 'sorrow not, for we do not walk alone.'"

(A/n: Pause here, I'll let you know when to resume the song.)

???: "*narrates* I lost my mother that day... I never felt so... incomplete, without her, to grow up with. My father was dealing with stress as well after mom passed away."

Everyone begins to walk away as the child stays behind to look at the grave once more before following everyone else. Inside the church, everyone was talking to each other as the child finds her father, she rushes up to him and hugs his leg.

Guest #1: "I'm telling you Mr. Whidon, it would be best if you take the promotion now, you can start a new life somewhere else."

Guest #2: "It's probably for the best. You can't stay in this town forever and she was holding you back."

Louis (dad): "No! Absolutely not! There is no way that I'm leaving this place! This was my wife's home and I don't want to put my daughter through so much, she's just a kid!"

Guest #1: "But there is no way that you'll survive on your own raising one child in this filthy town. We have better improvements back in New York."

Louis (dad): "*picks up his child* There is no way that you're changing my mind about this. *walks away from them*"

???: "*narrates* My dad was talking to people I didn't know that wanted us to move to another state where we would be provided a lot of funds since my dad was a worker once in New York before he moved here mom and then had me."

The scene changes to a lounge room with a fire place as Louis held his daughter close and said,

Louis (dad): "I'm sorry that you had to hear that sweet pea. Your papa is just a little on edge today with all these offers."

Little Lilly: "It's ok papa, I understand, mama did always say 'if you work too much, hair might fall out of your head!'"

Louis (dad): "*chuckles softly* You know that mama is right, it's just *sighs* I just don't know if it's ok with you. New York is just a big city with big people and I'm not sure if it's something you want."

Little Lilly: "Can we both think about this first before we say something?"

Louis (dad): "You read my mind, kid. *kisses his daughter's head before walking out of the room*"

???: "*narrates* We weren't well connected with the outside world since my parents moved here. I was so small so I thought about everything I could see since my mom wanted to show me, but it changed when mama just died recently and I felt so sad and alone. My mama also said 'when you're sad, it can make you feel invisible.'"

Little Lilly gets off the couch and walks to a stool near the window, looking outside the raining window before she starts singing,

(A/n: You can play the song now!)

Little Lilly: Your invisible when you're sad, clocks tick, phones still ring. The world carry's on like mad, but nobody sees a thing.

She hops off the stool and walks past the various pictures on the wall as she continues to sing,

Little Lilly: Whispering behind their hands, lost for kind words to say. Nobody understands then everyone goes away.

She hears shouting from outside the room and walks over to the door to peak and sees her papa arguing with some people.

Little Lilly: Grownups wanna fix things when they can't it only fills them with shame, so they just look away. Is it being greedy to need somebody to see me and say my name?

She closes the door and turns to see a picture on a table. She walks over to the table and reaches to grab the photo. It shows her from a few months ago when they were all happy together before her mom passed away. Little Lilly smiled softly before she started singing again,

Little Lilly: Seems when you lose your mom, no one turns off the sun. Folks carry on, that's that, you're invisible when you're sad.

(A/n: You can stop at that part, the song is over now!)

Little Lilly felt tears peaking out of her eyes before she fell to her knees and then started crying her little heart out. She thought about what her papa said earlier when she also thought about helping her papa. Despite her age, she wants to help the family no matter what, just like her mama. She quickly wiped her eyes and looked at the picture with determination before she said,

Little Lilly: "Don't worry mama, I'm going to help papa just like you did."

She was quick to rush out of the room as she looked around for her papa. Meanwhile with Louis, he's having an argument with someone who was wearing fancy clothes, it was his former boss.

Louis (dad): "There is no way on this earth that I'm working for you again! Not after what you did to my wife and everyone here in this town!"

Ratso: "Come on, old friend. It's just a favor, what more could I ask for you?"

Louis (dad): "I am not your old friend and we both know what you really are."

Ratso: "It's just this favor that I can pay very well for."

They both didn't realize that amongst the crowd, Little Lilly found her papa and overhears the argument as it continues.

Ratso: "It's the only offer that you can get once in a lifetime and that way I won't have to tear down this filthy town when you come back with me to New York once again."

Louis (dad): "*gasps*! You wouldn't dare hurt this town while I'm still here!"

He tries to punch Ratso, but Ratso's bodyguard grabs Louis by the throat and lifts him in the air as the crowd gasps around him, including Little Lilly. Ratso chuckles darkly before he faces the crowd and says,

Ratso: "Let this be an example, to those who disobey me, *turns to look at Louis, who is currently choking* well... let's say they'll lose their life before they can blink."

He raises his fingers as he was about to snap them, Little Lilly shouts from the top of her voice,

Little Lilly: "STOP!"

Everyone looks at her before Little Lilly runs up to Ratso and raises her arms as she says,


???: "*narrates* I was only a child back then and couldn't bare to lose another parent that day if that monster was going to kill him. And what I didn't realize was I was signing my own death to a monster."

Everyone gasps at that as Louis looks at his daughter with fear in his eyes as tried to speak but couldn't. Ratso looks at the child in front of him and gets intrigued as he says,

Ratso: "*grins evilly* Go on, tiny."

Little Lilly: "I'll take whatever job you offered my papa, to repay the favor you offer us."

Ratso: "*takes out a lighter and squats to Little Lilly's level and blows smoke in front of her face* We have a deal. Put the man down."

Little Lilly coughs at the smoke that was blown to her face as Louis gets dropped to the ground harshly by the bodyguard. Little Lilly rushes to her father, who is coughing and breathing heavily as Ratso finally says,

Ratso: "You have a week to pack everything you need before you both come with me. I'll explain the job to your daughter once you both arrive. *glares at them threateningly* I expect you both to arrive on time."

Ratso leaves the room with his bodyguards as everyone looks at the two on the floor. Louis suddenly hugs his daughter before holds her close as he cry's and he said,

Louis (dad): "*sobs as he begs* Please, you can't do this. That man is a monster, he'll do horrible things to you if you work for him!"

Little Lilly: "*starts sobbing too* But if I didn't run in to save you he could have hurt you."

They both cried and held each other close as everyone watched over them as some of them prayed for their safety.

???: "*narrates* Everyone back in Louisiana remembered that day as the day that 'the child that sold her soul to the devil.'"

Flashback Over

???: "Years passed by as me and my papa have now lived in New York with a friendly neighbor, Miss Hailey. As just as the monster, my dad calls him, kept his word when I got this job. The job was that I was going to serve the monsters child who is a performer and she's my age as well, but we really never got along."

The scene flashes to the present and the camera pans at the raining New York City as the person continues to narrate her own story. The camera moves to a Starbucks building before it fades to a Starbucks worker who is talking to someone while giving them their order.

???: "And ever since then, It's been hard for me to work here, but I've been able to survive for so many years up till now."

Starbucks worker #1: "Wow, I didn't think you did that at a young age. That sounds stupid I admit, but you also did a good thing to save everyone in that town."

Lilly: "Thanks, anyway my graduation is coming in a couple months and I hope that I can possibly graduate a little early soon since I finished up my winter exams."

Starbucks worker #1: "I wish you well and you better get going."

Lilly: "Why?"

The worker didn't say anything as they motion to the clock on the wall that shows them the time. Lilly gets shocked at that before she says,

Lilly: "IM GOING TO BE LATE! I'm so so so so so sorry! *pulls out her wallet and tries to find her money* Here let me-!"

Starbucks worker #1: "Nah, don't, it's on the house. Consider this as an early graduation gift from me and a good luck wish at today's job. You did say that your boss brat is filming today?"

Lilly: "*puts away her wallet and walks to the door* She's not a brat... I think? But I wouldn't say that out loud. Anyway I need to leave."

Starbucks worker #1: "WAIT! You forgot something! Joe, you're near the door, catch!"

They toss a bag towards another Starbucks worker, who is named Joe, who catches it and hands it to Lilly, who grabs with her teeth as she muffled,

Lilly: "Thank you, see you guys later!"

Lilly leaves Starbucks and she runs down the street as she tries pull out an umbrella will trying to look ahead. She stops at a traffic light, which gives her a breather and more time to finish pulling out her umbrella. When the walk sign turns green, Lilly looks both ways before running across the street and continues to run to her destination.

When she arrives, she quickly walks through an alleyway to the backstage door and knocks on it repeatedly. The door opens and the worker quickly pulls her in and says,

Female Studio worker #1: "Thank goodness that you arrived. We were worried that you were going to be late, but you just arrived on time!"

Lilly: "Of course, oh right! Here I got everyone breakfast since I'd figured-"

Male Studio worker #1: "*pops out of nowhere and helps Lilly grab the stuff* We'd forget to grab ourselves some grub, thanks by the way. *shouts to everyone in the studio* OKAY EVERYONE, THE KID HAS ARRIVED AND HAS BROUGHT US BREAKFAST SO COME AND GET THEM NOW!"

Everyone quickly rushes over to grab their foods/drinks while saying thank you to Lilly. The female worker grabs her coffee before she says,

Female Studio worker #1: "You know, you don't have to keep doing this to all of us all the time."

Female Studio worker #2: "She's right you know. *bites into her sandwich and speaks muffled* You almost got yourself late and you almost could have been in trouble with the big boss. *swallows her bite before she takes another*"

Female Studio worker #1: first thing, Jane, don't eat with your mouth full, you're going to choke. Secondly, she's right you know, you're still young and you're almost graduating college soon, you should spend your youth before you become old and nasty like Frank."

Frank: "*shouts from a distance* HEY! I HEARD THAT LADY!"

Male Studio worker #1: "What she's trying to say is that since your graduation is in a couple months, you should probably go to that college party."

Lilly: "Oh no, I couldn't attend. Besides, there's going to be one group at that party that sticks out the most and that's-"

Male Studio worker #2: "*fear in his voice* THEIR ALMOST HERE!"

Everyone panics as they try to finish eating their food or getting everything ready for 'her' arrival. Lilly quickly puts her stuff away and grabs her clipboard, pencil and notes before she walks to the entrance to greet the lady. Outside the studio, a limo pulls up to the entrance before the driver steps out and walks towards the limos door. He was about to open it before it slams open onto his face as three people walk out the limo. The studio's doors slam open as the light shines through it, showing three shadow silhouettes. The light from the entrance fades and it reveals three ladies, The Plastics.

Gretchen: "*takes off her sunglasses and looks at the studio in disgust* Ew, is this where supposed to perform? Here?"

Karen: "*takes off her sunglasses and looks around the studio too* Yeah, this place just looks... sad and pathetic."

Regina: "*sighs while also taking off her sunglasses* Yes, unfortunately it is girls. Now, where's-?"

Lilly: "Right here ma'am."

Regina: "... The peasant. Great, schedule, NOW."

Lilly: "Well first you have rehearsals with your team for the upcoming show at the college-"

Regina: "*looks at her nails with a bored look* I don't need you to tell me the practice junk, just tell me if I have any meetings today before me and girls go for a spa day."

Lilly: "Ok, *fixes her glasses before looking back at the paper* Well, you have one meeting today with Miss Musical about the auditions that are coming up soon."

Regina: "See? That wasn't so hard to tell me now was it, peasant? *pinches Lilly's cheek while glaring at her* Now when is the meeting at?"

Lilly: "She's arriving at noon after lunch."

Regina: "Alright let's make rehearsals short and quick. *snaps her fingers in the air* Get to work people."

They weren't told twice as they started to get the set almost ready while the girls were just either stretching or practicing vocals. Regina walks away from Lilly to join her group as Lilly rubs her cheek from the pain. The scene cuts to the set almost ready in a candy themed scene as Lilly was looking through the papers in her hands. Lilly pulls out a book, grabs the pencil that was placed in her hair and takes a breath before she says to herself as she writes inside the book,

(A/n: I won't include the full song of this, so I'll let you know when the song is over.)

Lilly: "January 8th, 2023. Dear diary, I believe I'm a good person, you know, I think there's good in everyone. But here we are, first day back from winter break! And, uh, I look around at my workers I've known since I worked here and I ask myself, 'what happened?'"

Studio Workers: Work! Tired! Pain! Hungry! Stressed! Miserable!

Lilly: "*stands up and walks through the studio as she sings* We were so happy and shiny, playing games with pals around us

Studio Workers: Work! Tired! Broken! Lonely!

Lilly: Singing and dancing, laughing and loving, baking treats, playing music

Studio Workers: Debts! Soreness! Frustrated!

Lilly: As the years went by, that was the trigger, like the Huns invading Rome

Lilly accidentally bumped into a guy carrying boxes and the guy quickly rushed away.

Studio Guy: "Oof!"

Lilly: "Ugh!, *looked nervous at the guy* Oh s-sorry!" Welcome to my studio, this ain't no studio, this is the thunder dome. Hold your breath and count the days, we'll get payed this month

Studio Workers: Please pay!

Lilly: I'll be graduating soon if I'm not dead by June! But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, for a better way. If we changed back then, we can change again, we can be beautiful

Studio Boy: "*trips over a chord* Ow!"

Lilly: Just maybe not today "*walks over to check on him* Hey, are you ok-?"

Studio Boy: "I'm sorry, I have to work! *runs offscreen*"

Lilly: "O-oh, okay."

Studio Workers: Work! Tired! Weak! Alone! Alone! Alone!

Lilly: Things will get better, as soon as my letter comes from jobs different from here. Away from this coma, take my degree, then blow this town. Dream of ivy covered walls and smoky French cafes

???: "Watch it!"

Lilly: Fighting the urge to strike a match and set this place ablaze-!

Lilly suddenly gets tripped to the ground by a studio worker named Josh, who doesn't care about anything or anyone.

Josh: "*sarcastically* Ooooops."

Lilly: "*gets up off the ground and dusts herself off* Josh Sweatson, a college football player and in third year of smacking lunch trays and being a jerk to everyone."

Josh: "What did you say to me, pipsqueak?"

Lilly: "*gets scared and walks away slowly* Meep! Nothing!" *walks away as she continues singing with the studio workers singing in the background* But I know, I know (I know I know) life can be beautiful (beautiful). I pray, I pray for a better way (I pray I pray for a better way). We were kind before, we can be kind once more, we can be beautiful- (beautiful) "*gets startled when someone grabs her shoulders* Meep! Oh, hey Martha!"

Martha: "Sup."

Lilly: "This is Martha, she's been my friend since I moved here."

Martha: "You coming with me and Ben to the movies later tonight?"

Lilly: "Yeah, I'll be there. What movie did you pick by the way?"

Martha: "I hear this film called 'Princess Diaries.'"

Lilly: "Doesn't that have a love story in it though?"

Martha: "What can I say, you're a complete sucker for love stories."

Lilly: "*blushes in embarrassment* Well, I wouldn't say that I-"

???: "Coming through, Martha dumpster! *shoves Lilly to the ground harshly* You too, Tiny! *laughs mockingly*"

Lilly: "Hector Finfield, he thinks he's the smartest guy in the studio."

Martha: "Which also makes him the biggest dwarf in this world."

Hector begins to walk away as Martha gets mad at him, no one shoves her friend to the ground and gets away from it.

Martha: "Hey! Wise guy! Apologize to my friend, now."

Hector: "I'm sorry, are you talking to me?"

Martha: "Yes I am. What gives you the right to pick on my friend like that? You're acting like a high school has-been waiting to happen. You're going to end up as a future gas station attendant."

Hector: "... You have a mole right there. *points at her shoulder*"

He laughs, thinking that he won the game, but it just made Martha even madder.

Martha: "Oh you piece of-!"

She tackles Hector and brings to fight him as Lilly turns away from the scene sighs before saying to herself,

Lilly: "Dear diary" Why?

Studio Workers: Why do they hate me? Why don't I fight back? Why do I act so pathetic?

Lilly: Why?

Studio Workers: Why won't he date me? Why did I fail him? Why do I cry myself to sleep?

Lilly: Why?

Studio Workers: Somebody hug me, somebody fix me, somebody save me, send me a sign god, give us some freedom, something to live for-!

(A/n: Song ends here!)

???: "EXCUSE ME!"

Everyone stops as they look over and sees the plastics out of their dressing rooms wearing outfits as Regina looks mad and asks in anger,

Regina: "Who gave you all permission to *shouts throughout the studio* SING AT MY STUDIO?!"

The studio workers looked scared and backed away from her, leaving Lilly and Martha in the center of the studio. Regina gets a sickly grin on her face and walks over to them with Gretchen and Karen behind her. Martha gets protective and stands in front of Lilly and says,

Martha: "Hey, wait a minute, don't you dare-!"

She gets pushed aside by Regina as Gretchen and Karen grab Martha by the arms and held her close and tight. Regina gets close to Lilly and grabs her face harshly and said,

Regina: "So you think you have guts to take over the studio when I'm not here? Looks like I need to remind you of your place."

Lilly: "*fear in her voice* Wait! Ma'am! Please I'm sorry, it won't happen-!"

Regina: "MAX!"

The studio suddenly shakes as heavy footsteps can be heard in the background. Martha looks at the studio doors in fear and quietly says,

Martha: "*quietly* Oh no!"

Gretchen: "Looks like the little freak is gonna get it now!"

Karen: "Yeah! ... Get what exactly?"

Gretchen: "Ugh, gets hurt, Karen. God why are you so dumb?"

The studio wall suddenly gets destroyed as a big figure walks into the studio slowly. The studio workers were terrified in fear and tried to hide or run away from the giant figure. A shadow silhouette slowly rises up to Regina who looks up with a grin and Lilly, who looks up with absolute fear and internally panics.

Max: "*deep voice* Yes, Miss Regina?"

Regina: "I want you to take the peasant *shoves Lilly forward* to the limo and back to my mansion. I think me and the girls are done here for today."

Max: "*deep voice* Yes. Ma'am."

His giant hand grabs Lilly's small figure, who squeaks like a small toy, and starts walking back to the wall he came through. Martha fights her restraints and yells,


Lilly: "*squeaks* Martha, no!"

Max turns around and raises his other hand up in the air. Martha realizes her mistake and says,

Martha: "Oh shit."

She gets plummeted into the ground with a hole that is shaped like a body figure. Max turns as he starts to walk away again. The plastics walk over to the hole where Martha is as Regina says,

Regina: "I hope you spend your time in this little hole, dumpster fire."

She laughs mockingly as she walks away with the rest following her. Martha rises her arm and crawls out of the hole slowly as some of the studio workers run over to help her back up.

Studio Worker #1: "You ok?"

Martha: "Yeah, I'm good, but I'm more concerned for Lilly right now."

They look over to the broken wall where they left as another studio worker says with fear in their voice,

Studio Worker #2: "Oh, I hope Lilly can survive this one."

(A/n: Part 1 of episode one is done! Part two of this will come out soon! I'll also put my Helluva Boss OC insert on hold for now until season two or more episodes will come out. I hope you liked this part and stay tuned for more!)

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