eight count | h.s. | au |

By hsdiaries

5.1K 191 56

Harry Styles is the best underground boxer at Birmingham's yet still struggling to make a living. Emilia Park... More

1, 2, 3....


533 23 13
By hsdiaries

The morning after with her felt like I was in a different dimension of my life. We fixed her bed with new sheets, I rolled my eyes as she insisted that we fix the bed completely. I let her know I never did, that I found it pointless before jumping in and messing up the neatly made up bed we had just spent twenty minutes arranging. She eventually jumped in too, her laughter mixing with mine as we wrinkled the covers and knocked down some pillows. Her body shifted towards mine, lips brushing mine gently before pressing a kiss onto them.

We went to a small bakery for breakfast that I came to every once in a while, making sure it was in the opposite direction of Birmingham's. She was too nosy when it came to my so-called job there and I wanted to avoid it at all cost. Our breakfast was spent sharing two different pastries as she couldn't make up her mind and cups of coffee each. She surprised me then, insisting I get a key to her apartment so that I could let myself in while she was at work. It was strange to me, knowing her less than a week but feeling like I didn't want to be anywhere else.

We walked to a local hardware store after, quickly making a key before heading back to her place. She was talkative the entire time, almost as if she never had someone to express all her thoughts too. I learned she liked to snack on white cheddar popcorn, always had a bowl ready to quickly reach into. We attempted to play blackjack on her coffee table, but ended up building paper houses out of the cards. Some two stories, others single story homes.

"I always wanted an entire loft like building for myself. I make enough to probably get something like that...but now the space would seem too empty and big for just me," she smiled, starting to add a third story to one carefully.

"I'd follow you there too, we could call it the house of broken hearts," I bit my lip, a soft peach blush on her cheeks.

"What makes you think I have a broken heart?" She said softly, eyes locked on mine.

"It's a hunch, if everything else of you, is as similar to me as the things we've shared, I'd say we share a broken heart too," I shrugged and she nodded, looking down to her paper houses.

"Hmm, maybe you're right, bashful, maybe you're right."

I hadn't seen her today since she placed a kiss on my cheek before leaving for work. She had done this the past two mornings before work and each time I wished I could pull her against me; hold her there the rest of the day. I had been sleeping on the couch as well these past two nights, trying to keep some decency in our newly formed friendship. I didn't want her to think she was just a sexual fixture in my life, I wanted her to know I was able to make this more than just that.

Packing up my gym bag with everything I needed for tonight's fight made me jittery. It was both my ego and nerves trying to take over my mind. I needed to win this fight to make bills for the next month, I also needed the win to not feel like the weak bastard my father thought I was.

Throwing my shoes in my bag, I looked around the apartment making sure I didn't leave a mess. I didn't want Emilia to come home from work stressed out and cleaning. Once I made sure everything was in order, I threw my bag over my shoulder and made my way out, locking the door behind me.

My body moved toward the elevator but my feet stopped me, eyes glancing over to my apartment door. I licked my lips as they went dry, wondering if he was okay. We had heard his drunken movements at night as we settled, but I hadn't been back. I bought clothes with some of the extra money Brad had given, knowing if my father needed groceries, he would sober up enough to get himself bread, cheese and more beer.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head continuing my way off of this floor and to the lobby. When I got to the bottom, Richard whistled, catching my attention instantly.

"Rich! Good day!" I smiled, gripping on tighter to my bag, walking over to him as his eyes narrowed, "Or not good day?"

"She's special, Harry. She's smart, responsible, and incredibly kind. Her heart is too big for her own good," he said sternly, eyes burning into mine.

"I know that. I see it. She's been good to me with no real reason to be," I said, watching as his eyes trailed to my gym bag.

"She know about that?" His chin pointing in its direction.

"No. I don't want her involved in that. You know it's probably best she doesn't get involved in it," I swallowed, until eventually he gave a soft nod.

"I know you're a good kid, Harry. She is too. I just don't want broken hearts all over my lobby floor," he raised an eyebrow and I couldn't help but chuckle nodding my head.

"I don't have enough heart left for that. I'm afraid she'd leave a black hole and nothing else," I raised both eyebrows before turning on my heels, "Bye Rich."

I pushed my way through the apartment doors, quickly heading towards Birmingham's. Brad and I had done so much work for tonight's fight, I knew I could take him down in one round easily, two if I wanted to make a show out of it. I would have my title back from this dumbass and that was all that truly concerned me.

As I finally walked in the doors of Birmingham's I was greeted by Jacob and Brad hanging at the bar.

"Well, well, well it's our champ! You ready to knock him the fuck out tonight?" Jacob quipped, Brad laughing.

"Fuck yeah. Get him out of this bar for at least a month," I snickered making Jacob roll his eyes.

"Don't exactly appreciate you scaring away paying customers," he tilted his head at me and I sat next to Brad.

"I bring in about half of the people on fight nights, I can chase away one," I shot back, Brad pointing at me with her drink.

"His point is valid lad," Jacob narrowed his eyes, tuning to grab a small glass, filling it with some cherries and handing it to me. I smiled, glancing down at my usual, normally topped off with some cold Coca Cola if it wasn't a fight night. I grabbed a cherry, popping it off the stem with my teeth.

"Yeah, well, you better not start sucking then. They'll stop coming around if all you do is lose their money. Even today, most bets on the table are in favor of you winning," Jacob said, sliding over his bet log. I glanced over it quickly, looking at how much I would make from the entry fee alone if I won.

"Don't worry. I ain't losing anymore. Not in my nature," I winked, eating another cherry.

"So, did you finally grow the balls to tell your girl about tonight?" Brad elbowed my arm, my eyes narrowing at him.

"She's not my girl...not like that anyway. I don't want her involved in this world. She's too good for this, trust me. Plus, the legality of it all, I'm sure it would mess with her job," I ran my fingers through my hair, twisting the strands and pulling at them tightly.

"You gotta tell her eventually. What's she going to think when you come home with a couple bruises tonight or those stitches opened up again?" Brad shot back.

"I'll deal with it when I get there. Right now, she doesn't need this, so let's just drop it," I said, biting two cherries at once, "Let's talk schedule, what are the fights looking like tonight?"

Jacob, flipped around the bet book, looking for the schedule running his finger down the order of events, "We have two fights before you, you go on at 12, near closing time. Best spot."

"Perfect, Hopefully Louis' ass can stay sober enough to stand through it, if not, Brad you'll be the stand in manager and coach," we both nodded at each other.

"We got this, bruv, winners," Brad patted my back as we got lost in conversation.

"God, just one more hour," I sighed, rubbing my eyes from how tired I was. Today had been long, no major losses in the ward, just pain and struggle. Jo didn't look any happier with today, but we held on to the knowledge that tomorrow was our last shift before a four day break.

"Watch it be the hour from hell. You know I could use a drink tonight. I wanna go home, get dolled up, look sexy as fuck and well - get fucked," she smirked and I couldn't help but chuckle. My thighs clench slightly at the thought of having Harry in my bed tonight. He had been so respectful since the first time we slept together, but I wanted nothing more than to hear him call me pretty girl in my ear.

I bit my lip, running my tongue against it, "Let's do that! Let's go home, get dolled up, you can meet me at my place and we can go to Birmingham's and get drunk. You can meet Harry, he's working tonight!" I smiled brightly, like the idea of having someone important to introduce.

"I can meet the man that has my best friend on a whole different planet? Sign me up. Plus, Jacob always gives me free drinks!" She shimmed her shoulders, winking at me. I laugh, shaking my head as I close up some files, turning to the computer to log information in, "So he's just been there this week? And hasn't try to put a move on you at all?"

"Well..," I sucked my lower lip in between my teeth and giggled, my eyes glancing over at her. I cleared my throat and whispered so only she could hear, "we hooked up the first morning after he stayed over. We just got caught up in the moment, but since then, nothing has happened. I think he's trying to be respectful, because we kiss and touch. Just hasn't been sexual."

Jo's jaw dropped, she took hold of my arm, rolling her chair over closer to mine, "You got laid and didn't share. You know I live through these moments, it's why we share!"

"I honestly thought you would be upset at me! You told me to be careful, and here I am, having him in my apartment and fucking him!" I exclaimed quietly, making her laugh.

"Did you use a condom?" She said, my eyes widening as she hit my head softly with a file, "That's not being careful!"

Scrunching my nose, I giggled, "I took care of things, I just - God Jo, it was so fucking hot. I didn't want him to stop. I needed him to just keep touching me."

I breathed out, Jo stomping her feet playfully on the ground, hugging me close to her, squealing out "God, I love sex."

Bursting into laughter, I smacked her arm until she finally freed me, "He's friends with Jacob you know? We could have a double date!"

"Jacob and I don't do double dates. We fuck. That's where that ends, but, for you, I guess," Jo said rolling her eyes, even though deep down I knew she wanted nothing more than to make it more than just casual sex.

"You're so generous," I smirked, shaking my head a bit, "Okay, so it's set then, Birmingham's after work. We will wash off the day, get cute and get drunk."

She watched me as I clapped my hands in excitement, laughing and pushed back to her area of the desk and continuing her work.

I smoothed on a layer of a mauvey lipstick on top of my favorite brown liner, blotting my lips against each other; my signature peach blush on my cheeks. Jo was five minutes away, we would pregame with some shot for courage before heading to Birmingham's. It was silly, needing liquid courage, as if Harry hadn't made my home his - but he was always so quiet about work. Secretive almost, not embarrassed, just...secretive. A knock on my door snapped me out of thoughts and I quickly closed my lipstick, moving to open the door for Jo.

"I bring Don Julio and Patron. Options!" She exclaimed, bringing in her scent of cherry vanilla with her, dressed in a black jumpsuit that hugged her just right.

"Patron is the only option!" I snatched the bottle from her, quickly making my way over to the kitchen. I pulled out shot glasses and quickly served us shots.

"So did you tell Harry we were coming? I told Jacob we would be stopping by," she smiled as we clinked the shot glasses and down them quickly. I scrunched my face at the burn of the tequila, shaking my head.

"No. I figured I would surprise him looking like this," I winked, twirling to show off my loose gold satin dress, and dainty strappy heels.

"You know what, it'll be the best surprise of his life, and I won't blame you if you sneak him away," she smacked my ass before serving another shot.

"Oh hush, alright, I made us sandwiches, two more shots and then we are out!" I said, gliding over to my fridge and pulling out the two sandwiches I had made us earlier. She reached over and began eating as we chatted about what our days off would consist of. We agreed to go shopping the day after tomorrow just in case tonight ended with both of us with me in our beds.

Once our sandwiches were done we took our final shot then quickly grabbed our purses and headed out. I was thankful Birmingham's wasn't too far off, both because of the cold and also because the shots were starting to course through me. I was as nervous at the thought of surprising Harry, but excited all at the same time.

We pushed through the bar door, Jo squinting her eyes until she spotted Jacob and squealing, "Sugar!" She loosened her grip on my running towards the bar, Jacob rounding the corner and smiling at her.

"Baby face, look at you," Jacob smirked at her, drinking her up as I approached the bar sitting next to where Jo stood. Jacob's eyes landed on me, "Hey E, how's the night going?"

"Good, in need of a good ranch water with a extra twist," I winked and he chuckled.

"Alrighty and you Jo?"

"Tequila. Straight," she smirked and I couldn't help but snicker at my best friend's straightforwardness.

He chuckled and nodded, my eyes rolling as Jo took her seat, "Alright, coming right up. Make sure to keep the freaks away until I get back."

I saluted at him, before biting my lip and tapping my fingers on the bar top. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander around, trying to spot the unruly hair that I loved tangling my fingers in.

"You see him?" Jo said, her voice snapping me in her direction.

"No. I mean, I see a bar back, but it's not him. Maybe he got off already? But..he said he would be home late. So - I don't actually know."

She nodded as Jacob made his way back, placing our drinks in front of us, "Here you go, I gotta work the bar, I'll be back."

"Wait sugar! Question, where is Harry?" Jo said confidently, my cheeks flushing.

I watched as Jacob's brows furrowed, looking around quickly then back at us. He crossed his arms in front of his body, leaning forward on the bar, "How do you both know about that?"

Jo and I quickly glanced at each other then back at Jacob, "Know about what?" I said, tilting my head.

"Harry, the boxing...that's what you're asking about right?" He said, eyes narrowed, but before I had a chance to speak, Jo spoke quickly.

"Obviously, we just didn't get the full details," she smiled, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair.

"Alright, normally there is a twenty dollar buy in, but I'll swing it for you both. Take your drink, these tickets and head down that back door marked employee entrance. You'll reach the stairs, you'll hear the crowd, just follow the noise. He already started so, hurry, I'm sure he's going to be done with that pus quickly."

My mind tried to wrap around everything Jacob had just said, Jo's hand wrapping around my arm and pulling me up. I followed her in a daze, drinking in hand as we followed Jacob's directions. As we approached the stairs and made our way down, I could hear what sounded like a crowd, cheering and booing. Voices overlapping more than just those at a bar.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyeline fell on a boxing rink, surrounded by drunken men and a couple of women. In the rink was a tall slim blonde, ducking to avoid punches coming from a curly haired brunette. My curly hair brunette, Harry. My hand quickly came to my mouth, seeing Harry throw a punch and miss, followed by a quick punch to his stitched up eyebrow.

Harry lost his balance slightly, moving back until he found his footing, moving so quickly none of us including the other boxer expected it. He threw three quick blows, before they both moved into a hug, the makeshift referee approaching to seperate them.

"Uhm? This is a unique bar back?" Jo yelled into my ear, my face turning towards her brows furrowed.

"I can't believe he lied," I shot back.

"Hey, maybe he had a reason," Jo quickly said as I shook my head.

"This is so stupid, beyond dang—..." I was interrupted by the crowd's screams and yells, the bell indicating the fight had ended ringing in my ears. Harry's arm was held up by the referee, two other men running up and hugging him, lifting him up on their shoulders.

"I gotta go," I said quickly, moving through the crowd to the ring, trying to find Harry in the haze of things. I could see the top of his head, his dimples imprinted on his cheeks coming into view. I swallowed, pressing my lips tightly together before finally calling out to him, "Harry."

I saw his shoulders tense, his face turning to glance over his shoulder before completely turning around. Confusion seemed to be his primary expression before it softened into his sweet smile. His sweet smile that I needed to go away and not distract from the anger I felt in my chest.

"Emilia...what are you doing here?" He said, almost hesitant to step towards me.

"Thought I was going to surprise you at work, maybe hang out after you were off," I chewed on my lip.

"Did you...do you see the entire fight?" He said softly, his hands moving to his hair, he was nervous, it was obvious.

"Caught the end it seems...so this is what you do? This is your job?" I said sternly, straight to the point.

He studied my face, my eyes not leaving his as he did, "Yeah. This is how I get my money. It usually covers rent and the bills, plus some savings."

I bit my lip, shaking my head, "Do you know how dangerous this is?"

His face pulled back slightly, "What?"

"Yes, there is no proper medical team, your wound is open again which can be dangerous on its own, not to mention completely illegal. This is so stupid, Harry. And you lied to me."

"Of course I did! Look how you're reacting! Fucking shaming me, for trying to make a living the only way I know how," he scoffed, biting his lip and shaking his head.

"This isn't the only way! There are so many other ways to make a living, to get a good—..."

"....a good what?! Job? Job that understands my father is a drunk who will make me miss work more than days I can physically attend? That will pay me in one day what I can make here in one night. Not all of us are privileged, Emilia!" He growled at me, eyebrows knitting together, arms crossing in front of my body.

"Excuse me?"

"Privileged. Things handed to them if you need a clearer definition," he smirked, arrogantly chuckling under his breath.

"Things have not been handed to me! I have worked hard for every bit of the life I have!" I yelled, finding myself moving closer to his face, trying to match his towering height, not letting him make me feel small.

"Yeah? Nothing at all? And when you went to school? Did daddy pay for that? Or the government because you lost your father in service?" He shot back, words stinging like a dagger straight to my heart. I felt myself shrivel back down to small, tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to fall.

I back away slowly, chewing on my inner cheek and lip, "Fuck you, Harry."

He moved to close the distance between us, face so close our noses lined up, "You already did," he smirked, looking from one eye to the other before walking around me and leaving me in the wake of a crowd I didn't realize had stayed behind to watch the argument.

Looking around desperately, I felt Jo rush into me, arms wrapping tightly around my body, "Come on, let's get you out of here."

I pushed past her quickly, cursing myself under my breath for handling everything the way I had. I felt cornered, attacked, I reacted the way I normally would with my father - only making bile crawl up my throat. I reached the small changing area for the boxer, pushing to the sink in the back, allowing my entire body weight to rest on my hands as I held on.

A hand gripped at my shoulder, my eyes peeking up in the mirror to see Jacob. I shook my head and looked down at the sink, "What's up?"

"First...I didn't realize that was her. She knew of you, so I just sent her down. I thought it was part of the plan, that you let her know to ask for you" Jacob said, Brad and the guys obviously having informed him.

Or Emilia herself.

"It doesn't even fucking matter, I just met her, don't mean shit," I said, further amount of bile forming, clearing my throat to make it go away.

Jacob nodded small, "And secondly...Percy Maddox was here tonight. Saw you fight. He's waiting for you upstairs, made me empty a booth out for you. A meeting with Percy Maddox is a big deal, Harry. He doesn't come to Birmingham's often."

I closed my eyes, exhaling through my nose before standing up and rolling my shoulders back, "Where's Lou and Brad?"

"Already buying him a round." Jacob said, my tongue licking my dry lips as I nodded.

"Right, just gotta clean up."

Looking around, I spotted the boys sitting at the back booth, Lou calling me over with his hand. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at my curls as I walked over. As I turned the corner to sit next to Lou, I took in the great Percy Maddox - heart instantly dropping into my stomach.

He was well dressed, almost too overdressed for a bar like Birmingham's. Shiny gold watch on his wrist, matching the chain around his neck. He smiled, taking me in as he sipped his drink, thumb coming up to wipe at his lips.

"Harry Styles. Did you know everyone in mainstream boxing has heard about you already? Some up and coming boxer, illegally making his name in a bar - sounds like the story of a legend," he shrugged, making me laugh a bit.

"I wasn't aware of my impact. This just pays the bills," I said shortly, not really sure how I wanted this meeting to go.

"You could be paying the bills and more, with my help obviously. PR, best matches, traveling the world, strong team behind you."

"I already have the best team, these two have obviously gotten me noticed by the likes of you. Which obviously means something impactful," I said, glancing over to Lou and Brad, nervous smiles on their faces.

This moment meant everything to Brad, I knew it. I didn't want to sabotage anything for him, but I needed it to be known they were my team. Even dumbass, Lou.

"You make valid points, Harry, and I wouldn't remove them from your side. It's obvious this came from the work of three not just one. I've had many boxers come under my wing with a team, and we've managed."

"So you want me on your team?" I said carefully.

"I want you to show me you deserve to be on my team. Two weeks. I pick the opponent, you prep for it, come ready, show me you can be a Maddox Management boxer," Percy proposed, our eyes steady on each other.

"And when I prove I am?" I countered making him laugh.

"Contracts will be drawn up, for the three of you," he took a long sip of his drink, my hand moving to tangle into my curls.

Licking my lips I nodded, "Alright. Lou give him your number and set everything up. If you'll excuse me, my pops needs my assistance tonight. Good night."

I stood up, holding my hand out to him which he took and we shook.

"Looking forward to seeing you on my ring," he winked, my head nodding a bit before turning and walking away.

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