brittle bones || stiles stili...

By veggiekiwi

3.5K 239 123

"๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ข ๐๐ซ๐จ๐ฐ๐ง ๐š๐ง๐ ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž ๐›๐š๐œ๐ค? ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ'๐ฌ ๐ ๐จ๐ง๐ง๐š ๐ค๐ง๐จ... More

brittle bones
๐‘จ๐‘ช๐‘ป ๐‘ฐ - the search for self
[1] new beginnings
[2] the glowing boy
[3] conversations with a cat
[4] red eyes
[5] the need to pretend
[7] fake confidence

[6] black eyes

224 19 17
By veggiekiwi

"somethings in my mind and i'm focused on you."

figure you out; djo


That day Edith skipped class, all of them. She sat in the bathroom stall staring at her hands - hands that were once covered in her blood. Blood she bled for someone else, blood she tried to wash away, scrub away with all her might. All that was left now was the pink rash on her skin, a reminder of what it came down to. Blood.

Edith couldn't help it honestly. Blood was a reminder of pain, pain and suffering. Something Edith guessed the universe wished upon her. Instead of small cuts and bruises it was gashes and gore.

Maybe it was a bit extreme, throwing accusations out at the universe like that. But Edith didn't care, she was mad at the universe. The cards it dealt for Edith were in fact not kind, throwing her in with the wolves of life, seeing how she would manage. She managed just fine before she made her deal. She flew too close to the sun, wanting too much from the universe. So the universe threw her back down to the bottom of the chain. Back to the bottom of the pack, alone, with nobody but herself, and a cat.

Edith sat through three periods including lunch, staring. She had left her backpack in the gym, and she refused to leave the stall she now called her safe haven. Girls came and went, but Edith sat. Her mind running through many theories, why were her eyes black? Stiles knows now, does Matt? He seemed freaked out too. How'd she sense that girl like that? There were many things she needed to ask Alastor about. Which she never really did, she liked to pretend she was still human, that there was nothing she needed to know, nothing new about her. She liked to pretend she still had her humanity.

When the final bell rang, Edith shot up from her seat in the small stall. She booked it out of the school, she didn't want to come face to face with anyone anymore. Not even bothering to find her backpack she rushed out to Jackson's car. She probably would've had her backpack if she hadn't given up on her shitty locker, she was over unlocking and locking between classes

Jackson wasn't there, but it was unlocked. The girl huffed as her heartbeat sped up, her peers rushing to their cars around her. If she had known the car was unlocked the whole time she would've spent it in there instead. She brushed the annoyance off of her as she sank into the Porsche's seat, keeping her eyes down in an attempt to not make eye contact with anyone. Her eyes had gone back to normal long ago, but obviously she couldn't control it, so now her favorite view were her beat up chucks.


Stiles Stilinksi didn't know what to think. Which was rare. Usually he was the first to jump to his conclusions, which somehow managed to be correct. He was smart, and he knew that. But this had him stumped.

Black eyes.

His mind was already a race track of werewolves, alphas, Derek, Issac, the creature Allison and Scott had seen last night, and why Scott felt Erica's seizure. There were those thoughts of course - but now, a new racer sped around the track: Edith.

Was he seeing things? He couldn't have been, they were darker than anything he had ever seen before. Werewolves were real, and obviously other things. Stiles had no doubt she was supernatural. He just didn't know what. He should've trusted his first instinct, you can't trust pretty girls.

The boy had wished that day he had the power to speed up time. He was impatiently waiting for sixth period to finally pass. He was expecting to see the girl at her desk as usual - which now that he thought about it, he probably shouldn't have.

He had her backpack, and a million questions. Was it possible she was the creature Scott and Allison encountered the night before? No way - right?

He didn't know what to think.

His knee bounced up and down erratically, he had been looking for the girl ever since third period. He had been carrying around her backpack like it was a life vest and he was on a sinking ship. It was possible that he hadn't let it go since he had picked it up in that dark gym.

He wasn't scared really, more or less - ecstatic. He had been running through theories for hours. Rethinking every tidbit of information he had learned about the supernatural online. He couldn't really think of an answer to his question. 'What was she?'

This question, this girl, intrigued Stiles. The only other supernatural creature he had ever come face to face with was a Werewolf.

Now knowing there was another in town, that may or may not be Edith?

Stiles stopped himself at this thought, his brain finally coming to a halt as he looked down at the said girl's backpack, he hadn't snooped for anything yet. He wasn't planning to, something about it made him feel bad - but he knew he probably should, y'know, just in case she was an evil slimy monster thing. But then again, would an evil slimy monster thing leave hints in their backpack? Probably not, but Stiles would never know unless he looked.

So with all the confidence in the world, Stiles unzipped her backpack.

Ignoring the glances from his peers sitting around him, actually working on the assignment that was handed out - he dug through her bag. There was honestly nothing much, a few books, notepads, and pencils. Stiles sighed with relief, (maybe?). He didn't know whether to be frustrated that it wasn't obvious she may be the monster, or relieved that there wasn't some mini lizard thing in her backpack ready to kill him.

But now Stiles had another issue, other than the glaringly obvious. He had to figure out what she was, and fast. He didn't know her well, he barely even spoke with her unless it was 6th period, he didn't even know her last name.

Stiles sighed to himself, zipping up the black backpack. The charms on the zipper caught his attention, there were a few stars, swirls, and one black cat. The cat.

In some way that cat had to be important right? She mentioned it had green eyes, but both him and his father saw it had red eyes. Stiles shook his head, storing that thought for another time and studying the rest of the backpack. It looked brand new, like it had never been used before she had transferred to this school. He cocked an eyebrow curiously, but brushed it off as it wasn't unheard of to get a new backpack every once in a while. She was also living with some of the richest people in Beacon Hills, so he shouldn't be surprised.

His train of thought was cut short by the bell ringing, his eyes widened dramatically and he rushed out of his seat, Edith's bag in one hand and his own tossed over his shoulder. He had been preparing to rush to find Jacksons car, to see if the girl he couldn't get his mind off of was there - it was a long shot, but something within him told him Edith was still on school property.

The spastic boy rushed through the hallways, pushing through other kids as he went. As he barrelled through the front doors, his eyes immediately caught the silver Porsche parked in the front of the school. Stiles took a moment to catch his breath before sprinting down the stairs, skipping a few as he went. As he approached the car, he noticed a figure in the passenger seat, but Jackson was already getting in.

The buzz cut boy pushed himself to the passenger side of the car, seeing Edith staring at him with wide eyes through the window. He knocked on the window quickly, the window rolling down slightly. But it wasn't Edith who spoke, instead it was the harsh voice of Jackson Whittemore, "Keep your filthy hands off my car Stilinski," Jackson spat.

This of course did not catch Stiles off guard, he was used to Jackson's pretentiousness, "Edith, I have your bag -" he started, his words falling from his mouth faster than he could think. He wanted to ask about her eyes, he wanted to ask about many things, but he refrained.

Edith kept her eyes glued to the floor of the car, muttering something to Jackson who glanced at her. Jackson took one more glance at Stiles before rolling up the window and putting the car in reverse, starting to back out of the parking spot.

Stiles cursed loudly and started to bang his hand against the car's window, following it out of the parking spot. "Wait!" he shouted, "Edith I need to ask you something!" He continued to try his luck until Jackson fully pulled out of the spot fully and sped out of the parking lot.

Stiles' shoulders sagged in defeat, head falling backwards as he sighed, "Shit."


Jackson didn't question Edith's single word to him, "Drive." In fact, he seemed happy about it, a small smirk pulled at his lips as he pulled out of the parking spot, unbothered by the Stilinksi boy continuing to touch his car after he warned him against it.

They rode home in silence, a common theme for the cousins, silence. It wasn't like there was much they could talk about, Jackson was popular, star athlete, and social. Edith was quite the opposite, a book nerd, unathletic to her knowledge, and struggled at speaking with new people without stuttering over her words.

She didn't mind the silence, her mind was racing, as it had been for that whole day. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what Stiles or Matt were going to do. They had seen her eyes, they had seen her secret. Were they going to hunt her down and behead her? Were they going to abduct her and sell her to science? The girl was utterly freaked out. She didn't know what to do, what to say, what to think.

Should she run away and live in the forest? Should she check herself into the resident psych ward? Should she gaslight them? (Which she definitely couldn't because well, she could barely tell herself lies.)

She felt like she was going to have a panic attack, actually all day she had felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Ever since she had felt that girl's emotions, her fears, she felt like she was on the edge of death.

The girl swallowed thickly as Jackson pulled the car into the driveway. She went to open the car door, but before she could make her escape the door locked. Edith's eyes shot over to Jackson, who wasn't making eye contact with her. He stared straight ahead for a moment, letting the silence sink in before he spoke, "Is everything okay?"

It startled the girl, she was not expecting that question in the slightest. Not one person had asked her that since her parents death, not a single person had checked up on her. And even if Jackson was just trying to be nice, the question sank the girl into a pit of grief. If she could answer honestly, she would say, no.

No, she wasn't okay. She killed her parents, learned things she should have never learned, seen things she shouldn't have ever seen, discovered that the supernatural was real, there were things she couldn't explain in the world, and they surrounded her whether she knew it or not, and it freaked her out constantly. She accidentally revealed her secret to two people today (maybe), and on top of that, she just wanted to get a good night's rest.

But instead, "I'm fine." She answered simply, mustering all the courage and strength in the world to answer with a steady tone.

Jackson turned to her for a moment, eyeing her with a blank expression before nodding and unlocking the door.

The girl opened the door as soon as she heard the click, her chucks hitting the pavement harshly as she rushed as casually as she could to her room. Her hands began to shake the moment she stepped foot into the house, already sensing the presence of her favorite being — (all the sarcasm included,) Alastor.

The girl rushed up the stairs, closing her door behind her with a huff. Her chest was heaving quickly as she attempted to catch her breath, but with every inhale she felt as though she was losing more air. The brunette girl struggled to catch her breath, sinking to the floor as she did so.

She clenched her jaw with every movement, her hands falling to her forehead in a panic, as if she was attempting to hold her sanity in, attempting to hold the one thing keeping her afloat as she sank, quickly.

The girl was caught in this cycle for a while, with every breath she was losing air, with every exhale she felt her lungs collapse. Tears streamed down her face as she hyperventilated, but she didn't feel it. She didn't even feel the carpet she was sitting on, her whole body was numb, she felt like she was sinking into the soft carpet below her, through the wood floors beneath that, like she was falling through the floor, sinking into the ground beneath her, sinking into the cold earth below.

Her mental presence had departed from her plane of existence. Instead she saw flashes of her mother and her father, their smiles, their frowns, their worried expressions, their bodies.

She was having a panic attack, and she didn't know how to fix it.

It wasn't until she felt a soft and warm hand on her chin did her eyes snap open, still hyperventilating she met eyes with Alastor. His eyes were concerned, and his lips were downturned into a frown.

"Edith," his voice was powerful, calm, energizing even, "Listen to me. His voice echoed in her ears as he crouched down in front of the girl, "Can you speak?" He questioned, but he knew the answer.

The girl in question shook her head - her brain was short circuiting.

Alastor nodded slowly and calmly, his eyes closing for a moment, breathing in and out slowly. He opened them again, but this time his eyes were pure black. He muttered something under his breath before grabbing her face with his two hands.

As Edith inhaled this time, she felt a strong force propel itself into her lungs. Air

"Now," he started again, pausing for a moment to let the girl regain her composure, "We need to talk."

words: 2.5k
a/n: IM SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING YALL!1!1!1!1 i have been so busy with school and work im going crazy.

on another note !! THANK YOU FOR 600 READSSS YASSS

just in time for my birthdayyyy (sunday ;)) YAYYY!! ill be mia again because im going to vegasss #happy19th 🤭 ill get some writing in obviously tho, it just wont be frequent updates like i once did (cough)

anyyways, i hope you guys are liking the split pov??? and i hope u like how i write stiles 😫

DONT FORGET TO TELL ME WHAT U THINK MUAHHH (and vote maybe?? as a burthday gift of course 😏😏)

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