Classroom of the Elite: The 1...

By legal_in_my_books

4.7K 273 125

I've made a joke about creating this story and found it interesting enough for me to create yet another story... More

Chapter 1: College Life
Chapter 2: How I Met Your Mother, Ichinose

Prologue: What Happened

2.2K 120 92
By legal_in_my_books

It was a nice and peaceful night in Tokyo, Japan. The city lights shined brilliantly as the city is still busy despite it being the evening. Pedestrians walked on the sidewalk and making their way, minding their business and making to their destination. Cars drove by from both directions as the headlights of the cars illuminated the street alongside the streetlights installed on the side of the road. One of those lights in the vast cityscape belonged to an apartment high in one of Tokyo's numerous skyscrapers. A young man stood by the window of the apartment overlooking the city and its shining lights. The young man was tall and lean with brown hair and golden-yellow eyes, but his eyes are almost lifeless as he scanned the cities. That young man is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Ayanokouji watched the city below him bustling with life and the lights of the buildings across from him flickered on and off as people proceed with their life and daily activities. Ayanokouji was sipping a cup of green tea before he placed in on a nearby table.

What a peaceful life. I've never imagined that it would be like this.

Ayanokouji sighed contently as he recalled a past event that occurred about 4 years ago and how it changed his life.


**Timeskip (4 years ago)**

It was the first day of school at ANHS and Ayanokouji has already encountered a problem. On the way to the school, Ayanokouji was on the bus, minding his own business and noticed a commotion between a cute girl with short beige-colored hair and a young man with blonde hair. The two aforementioned individuals were wearing the ANHS school uniform and going to the same school as Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji ignored it, but while he was looking around the bus, he met eyes with a girl with long black-hair with red eyes. Ayanokouji instantly felt an electric shock run through his body which confused him. It wasn't painful, but he was certain that he got shocked by something, and he looked around, finding nothing that would've caused him to feel a shock. When Ayanokouji looked around, he noticed that the black-haired girl was looking at him with an expression of horror, shock, and embarrassment as her cheeks were turning a little red. The girl immediately noticed that Ayanokouji was looking at her and she gave a glare at him before averting her eyes and staring at her book that she was reading. Ayanokouji was confused by her actions, but he noticed that the girl is flipping through the pages quickly and it didn't seem like the girl was reading at all.

Is she even reading at all? It seems to me that she's pretending to read. What was that shock I felt? It didn't hurt and the girl I was looking at is now avoiding me. Is there a correlation? No... I don't think so. It's probably a coincidence.

Ayanokouji's ride to the school was peaceful and uneventful as nothing happened, but Ayanokouji could swear that the same black-haired girl was glancing at him. But every time Ayanokouji looks in her general direction, the girl is looking at her book. Ayanokouji decided to ignore it and the rest of the bus ride was peaceful. Ayanokouji disembarked from the bus and made his way into the school, his new life for the next 3 years.

Ayanokouji learned the black-haired girl's name: Horikita and coincidentally, she happened to be in the same class as Ayanokouji and sat next to him. He noticed that Horikita's behavior was a little strange as she seemed to shy around Ayanokouji which was a different behavior that he saw during class. Horikita seems rather cold, reserved, and blunt around their classmates and acted a little differently around him which he found strange. Ayanokouji ignored it for now and wondered why today was so strange.

Ayanokouji did not feel the same shock that he experienced on the bus until later on the day. He was walking to through the Keiyaki Mall after he departed from Horikita at the convenience store. Suddenly, Ayanokouji bumped into a group of 4 female upperclassmen and as he was apologizing to them, he stared into one of the upperclassman's eyes. Suddenly, Ayanokouji felt the same electric shock run through his body, the same sensation that he felt with Horikita. The upperclassman's eyes widened as she stumbled backwards a little and her face was flustered.

"Sorry." said Ayanokouji, apologizing again. Then, he turned towards the other 3 upperclassmen and Ayanokouji made the mistake of staring into the eyes of another upperclassman and he felt the same electric shock. The upperclassman that Ayanokouji just stared at widened her eyes and stared at Ayanokouji with a mixed expression of horror, shock, and embarrassment as she quickly averted her eyes and stared at the ground.

"It's okay, kohai." said one of the upperclassman that was unaffected by Ayanokouji's shock.

"You better watch where you're going, kohai. Hey... are you okay?" asked another upperclassman, turning towards the other 2 girls who were averting their eyes from Ayanokouji.

"U-Uhh... Y-Yeah. E-Everything is fine." said one of the girls. The other girl nodded quickly and seemed interested at the ground. Her friend looked at them skeptically before saying their goodbyes to Ayanokouji. Before the group of girls can leave, the two girls that Ayanokouji experienced the shock with finally turned to face him.

"Hey, kohai. What's your name?" asked one of the girls.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." replied Ayanokouji.

"Oh... so you're a first year. I'm Ikari Momoko from Class 3-B." said one of the girls. She had long shoulder-length cyan-colored hair with a yellow ribbon on the left side of her head. Ikari had deep cobalt colored-eyes and she seemed to be wearing a blue sweater along with her standard school uniform.

"I-I'm Ayase Natsu from Class 3-C." said the other girl, shyly. She managed to look at Ayanokouji for a brief moment before looking away. Ayase has long orange-colored with some strand standing up on the top of her head along with a ponytail. She has a few hairbands on her right arm.

"Nice to meet you Ikari-senpai, Ayase-senpai." said Ayanokouji.

"Ayanokouji-kun... c-can I have your number?" asked Ikari. Ayase froze and stared at Ikari with a stunned expression.

"Okay. I have no problem with that." said Ayanokouji, pulling out his phone. He watched as Ayase's expression went from surprise to horror and jealousy. Ayanokouji input his contact information into Ikari's phone before handing it back to her.

"Thanks, Ayanokouji-kun." said Ikari, giving Ayanokouji a bright smile, but he could tell that her face was a little flustered. Before Ayanokouji could reply, Ayase spoke up.

"H-Hey Ayanokouji-kun, can I also have your number?" asked Ayase, shyly. She was looking away and was nervously rubbing her arms.

"Sure." replied Ayanokouji. He entered his contact information in Ayase's phone, and she gave Ayanokouji a shy, happy, and flustered smile before averting her eyes. Ayanokouji noticed that Ikari had a slight annoyed expression on her face. The other 2 girls stopped walking away and turned back towards the trio and were confused on why Ikari and Ayase was not joining them.

"Gotta go. See ya around, Ayanokouji-kun." said Ikari.

"Bye, Ayanokouji-kun." said Ayase.

"Goodbye, senpais." said Ayanokouji. He gave them a wave and watched as they rejoined their group. The other 2 girls grabbed Ikari and Ayase and pulled them closer together and it seemed that they were whispering to Ikari and Ayase, whom both of their faces were red, and they shook their heads rapidly as if they were denying something. One of the other girls looked over at Ayanokouji and giggled which seemed to have embarrassed Ikari and Ayase even more. Ayanokouji watched the 4 girls retreating figures disappear from his eyesight before he made his way back to the dorms. He was confused by the sudden electric shock that he felt and every time he felt that it was near a girl and every time it happened, the girl was embarrassed. Ayanokouji sighed as he looked at his phone which had 3 new contacts: Horikita, Ayase, and Ikari.

Who in the world is happening? It must be the feeling of being overwhelmingly tired. That's all. I need to get a good night's rest.

After about 15 minutes of walking, Ayanokouji entered the first-year dorms and checked into his room. He received his key card to his room, room 401, and a manual about the dorms which has rules and regulations for living in the dorm. Ayanokouji flipped through a few pages on his ride on the elevator before arriving on the 4th floor. He found his room and entered it. It was a normal Japanese apartment with a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and a bedroom. The furniture already in the room was standard and there was no other furniture besides a small dining table, 2 chairs, a 3-seat sofa, and TV stand alongside with the TV stand. Ayanokouji sighed as he entered the kitchen and began unpacking some groceries and necessities that he bought on his way back to the dorms. He began making preparations to make dinner as evening is about to come along.

It's time to cook.

Before Ayanokouji could do anything, he noticed a blinding white light emitting from behind him and he turned towards it. The light was so bright that Ayanokouji couldn't stare directly at it and averted his eyes. After a few moments, the light died, and Ayanokouji was blinking the spots from his eyes and he heard a voice.

"Sorry for my entrance, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." said a male voice. Ayanokouji turned towards the voice and it was an elderly man with a traditional shrine kimono. The man has a long, lengthy, and pointy white beard. He has hair only at the front of his head with it being white bangs on his forehead and a large man bun on the top of his head. The back side of his head is bald. The man is also carrying a large wooden staff. Ayanokouji instantly pulled out his phone and began dialing a number on the dial pad.

"What are you doing?!" demanded the old man as Ayanokouji called a number.

"Hello security. I have a strange old man in my dorm room. Please send for help to the first year building in room 401." said Ayanokouji, keeping an eye on the old man.

The man panicked and snapped his fingers. Ayanokouji dropped his phone and the call got disconnected.

"What did you do?" asked Ayanokouji.

"I disconnected the call, wiped the operator's memory clean, erased all  records of any call coming from your phone, and smacked the phone out of  your hand. I don't want the police to be involved in this." replied the man.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the God of Love and Fertility, so call me God for short instead of my full title. I'm personally came to help you."

"Help me?"

"Have you noticed anything strange lately?"

"Yes. I have been experiencing some sudden electric shock today and it's happened when I'm near some girls."

"Ah, so you noticed. That means it worked."


"Well... you've been selected to get a soulmate, Ayanokouji-kun."


"Yes. A soulmate is the person who was chosen for you at birth. The most perfect romantic match ever. When two people destined for one another meet, a sudden shock runs though their bodies. They will, without fail, fall head over heels in love with each other. In short, it's love at first sight."

"Head over heels?"

"But you must be beware. Women will know the very first moment this happens while men will only realize it over time. Women and men fall in love at different moments of time. By the way, your soulmate is all girls, no guys."

"So... I must've met my soulmate already when I felt that electric shock?"


"Then, why did I experience that shock on 3 different girls?"

"You've already experienced it already? Wow! That was quick. Allow me to apologize for my mistake!"


"Well, I accidentally added three extra zeros to your soulmate account. So, you have a total of 1000 soulmates."


Ayanokouji felt his composure being lost as he realized how big and colossal the mistake was. It was essentially life-ruining for Ayanokouji. It was even more troublesome since there's now going to be 1000 girls falling in love with him and he knew that he would feel anything at all.

"There's one more little thing, Ayanokouji-kun." said the god. Ayanokouji had a bad feeling about what the god was going to say next.

"If a person meets their soulmate, they must love each other and be together or else all kinds of horrible stuff happen to them and they die. It's rare to have a soulmate. That's why you have extraordinary luck and randomly chosen." said the god, continuing after a brief pause.

"If I choose one of them..." said Ayanokouji.

"Yes, the other one will die."


"What a pain. Whatever. I'll just choose one then." said Ayanokouji, after a brief moment of silence.

"Exactly. WAIT WHAT?!"

"I'll choose one to be my soulmate and let the other die. It's not like I know Horikita, Ikari, and Ayase too well, I just met them a few days ago.  That'll remove any burden on me. It also means I can focus on one girl instead of 999 other girls."

"You can't do that..."

"It's your mistake and here's the consequences of that mistake. You ruined my life, so I figured I'll correct it for you." said Ayanokouji, coldly.  God shivered from Ayanokouji's cold and calculating look. He was not expecting that from Ayanokouji. Ayanokouji seemed unfazed by the fact that he might be sentencing 999 people to certain death.

This is such a pain to deal with. Imagine having 1000 different girls or women that instantly fall in love with you. I could barely take care of one of them, but with 999 more. It's just too much for one person to handle. There's too much responsibility for one person especially when all of their lives are at my mercy.


This could be a good opportunity for me. People take joy in learning. It's the same whether it's studying, exercising, or even when you're playing a game. You feel pleasure when you realize you've improved.

It was the same with love. I didn't know anything about love. Not romantic love, and not familial or platonic love. I didn't know anything about the relationships between men and women. The shyness and the pleasure that awaited them in those relationships, I didn't know anything about those things. I was sure that I would find answers for each of those things in the near future. But nothing would probably change as a result. I was just learning that is all. I would grow and move forward. I could say that the 1000 soulmates is like a textbook about the opposite sex for me, in a manner of speaking. Once I was done reading it, that textbook would have served its purpose.

Or perhaps...

Maybe there was a future in store that wasn't like that? Would I become someone irreplaceable to them, never leaving their side? I didn't know.  There was a part of me that wished for that to happen. And another part that realized it was impossible.

I wonder which girl would make the pulse of my heart race faster and experience this so-called "love". With 1000 soulmates, I'm bound to find one. Let's see which girl will make my heart race. It's unlikely that I would run into all of my soulmates in this school, but it can give me a chance to experience high school romance and youth. That's assuming if nothing goes wrong and

"You know what, I changed my mind." said Ayanokouji.

"T-thank me." said God.

"Thank you?"

"It's the expression 'Thank God', but I'm God, so the expression is 'Thank Me' from my perspective." said God.

"I see."

"I would like to tell you one more thing, Ayanokouji-kun. Since I've made such a big mistake that basically changed your entire life, I will grant you one wish of your choice. Of course, I'm not going to do something really drastic like destroying the world or something extreme like that, but if you want a huge sum of money or something you desire for compensation, then it could be arranged."

"Hmmm.... Actually, I have an idea."

"Go ahead."

"The White Room. Can you get rid of it entirely?"

"White Room?"

"Yes. You can do your own research, but my wish is to get rid of that place. I want a peaceful life and it can't be achieved if that place still exists."

"I see. I will see what I can do, but I can't promise you anything. You'll find out when you get out of this school in 3 years."


"Well good luck on your future endeavors, Ayanokouji-kun." said God. God began glowing and emitting an intense light similar to his grand entrance as Ayanokouji averted his eyes. In a brilliant flash of light, God disappeared, and Ayanokouji's room became silent yet again.

This whole entire situation just got a whole lot worse. Should I try to avoid any girls? It's an effective strategy that prevents me for meeting any more girls and eliminates most possibilities of running into my soulmate. But, having a wish of mine being granted is quite valuable. No... It's the most valuable thing that I got offered. If this god get rid of my old man and that place, then the unavoidable future that awaits me in 3 years will be gone and I will be free. Although it's not guaranteed, one thing is certain: I'm going to enjoy the 3 years of guaranteed freedom that I have. After all, the future is uncertain.

As Ayanokouji's mind was thinking about all the new revealed information, he had no idea on how much life is going to change.


**Timeskip (1.5 years later)**

3rd POV:

'Interesting. Now, I get the full picture of Ayanokouji-kun's past and what the White Room means to him... Now I have an idea on how to solve Ayanokouji-kun's little problem.' thought God.

It took God about a year since he was procrastinating, doing his other godly duties, and watching anime. Luckily, he didn't create another mishap and got another poor soul with more than one soulmate. He is currently invisible and watching a black limo driving down the street of Tokyo. Inside the car was Professor Ayanokouji and several White Room investors and key members that kept the White Room's operations running.

"All right. It's been a little over a year since my masterpiece. The students have infiltrated ANHS successfully. It will be a matter of time that results will be coming." said Professor Ayanokouji. "Now, on important matters..."

"Professor, the new generation's results are in." said a man, handing him some papers. It contained results and data from the newest generation of the White Room. Professor Ayanokouji frowned as he went over the data before tossing the papers into the air. It scattered all over the limo and some of the men in the car had a look of fear and anxiety because of Professor Ayanokouji's expression.

"Useless. None of them could match up to the students of the 4th generation and especially to my masterpiece." snarled Professor Ayanokouji, with a obvious look of displeasure.

"P-Professor... with all due respect, the 4th generation is an outlier compared to the other generations. This new generation had less early dropouts than any previous generation." said another man.

"Useless. Just because these children can keep up on basic junior-high curriculum doesn't mean that they are prepared for what's in store for them."

"Based on the data, it has been predicted that most students will be dropped within 2 years." added another man.

"Ayanokouji-san! You promised great results for this new generation!" said one man.

"Yes! We've invested because of the 4th generation results! The 5th generation was a step back and after that, all of the new generations have been sub-par compared to the 4th generation!" demanded another man.

"Of course, my friends. Your money have been wasted. On the contrary, it will be worth the cost." said Professor Ayanokouji.

"Do you have a plan for this?" demanded a man.

"Of course. As soon as my masterpiece returns to me, he will be the greatest asset and student produced in the White Room. I assure you that the future generations will thrive in his guidance and presence."

"Presence? Is that why the 5th generation was different from the newer generations? Because of the Masterpiece?"

"He's a great source of motivation for those students, but alas it is impossible for them to overtake and defeat my masterpiece. He will return to me."

Professor Ayanokouji's words seemed to have calmed a majority of the investors, but some of them were still skeptical about his words and reassurance. Another man with a lab coat cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Professor... here's the new curriculum for this current generation. We have found potential candidates to help train the students in martial arts." said the man with the lab coat, handing Professor Ayanokouji some papers. It contained the names and information about various marital artists and gang leaders.

"Good. Now..." said Professor Ayanokouji.

Before Professor Ayanokouji could say anything, he heard a loud honking noise, and it seemed like it was coming from a fuso truck. Before anyone could react, there was a horrible sound as the car flipped over and skidded across the intersection and into the side of the street. The limo was on the way to cross the intersection when a truck was trying to run a red light, it was too late, and the truck sped just as the limo was crossing the intersection. The result was a full-on collision with a fuso truck at full speed. Most of the occupants died upon impact and some of them were thrown out of the limo while others slammed their heads hard against the windows, breaking it and creating a blood bath inside. The unlucky survivors were seriously injured, which included Professor Ayanokouji. Professor Ayanokouji managed to crawl out of the limo's wreckage, and he can hear the cries of the driver and some of the men inside of the limo, but their voices were weak and faint. He grunted in pain and tried to breathe, but he felt like someone was crushing his lungs and he's slowly running out of oxygen to breath as a pool of his own blood is being formed around his body. He rolled over and stared at the sky and he could hear the screams of pedestrians as they witnessed a horrific car accident. Professor Ayanokouji looked over at the side and could see the limo totaled with some flames coming out of the engine.

'Damn it! Why?! Why must this happen to me? When I was so close to greatness? Why?! It hurts... I could feel my life ending right before my eyes. No... I can't die now. It will be a waste of my potential and all of my hard work and ambitions. I must live... Live...' thought Professor Ayanokouji.

As he weakly clawed the ground and tried to stop himself from bleeding out, he felt his internal organs failing him as he sustained internal damage. He struggled to stay awake, but he felt the immense pain overtake his body and eyes slowly closing. Professor Ayanokouji fought to stay awake, but he felt the eyes grow heavier and the cries of pedestrians are growing fainter as his hearing slowly growing fainter. His eyesight is growing fuzzier, and he could barely make out the limo's shape and the wreckage. Professor Ayanokouji could faintly hear the faint sirens of the emergency vehicles before he closed his eyes.

With that, Professor Ayanokouji and a majority of the White Room investors, key personnel, supporters, and leadership had died in a tragic car accident. It was disturbing news as the fuso truck that was a part of the accident was never found again and the driver is not identified. God watched the horrific scene before teleporting himself on top of the Tokyo Tower, watching over the entire city of Tokyo. He began telepathically communicating with someone.

'Thanks for your help, Truck-kun.' said God.

'No problem. I owe you a favor. By the way, do you mind if I asked why you wanted those people killed?' asked Truck-kun.

'I owe someone a favor, and this is what they wanted.'

'Someone wants a group of mortals to die. Wow, so extreme!'

'You killed dozens of innocent people that are minding their own business.'

'Yeah, but it was a convenient and overused method to transport to a different world or reincarnation.'

'Always with that. Don't you have anything better to do?'

'Nope! Anyways, I gotta go now. Time to visit some few people and send them on their way.'

'Bye, old friend. Until our next meeting.'

With that, God cut off his communication with Truck-kun, who drove away to another alternative universe to meet his new, unlucky victim to get isekaied.

Now, that's done. I wonder how Ayanokouji-kun is doing. It's been a year since I last saw him, but I have a few loose ends to tie up to ensure that his wish is fulfilled.


Ayanokouji POV:

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a second-year student in ANHS and his life is just as chaotic as his first year. Ayanokouji stood in his dorm room which was empty and blank before and now was filled with decorations, belongings, and full of life. It was due to his soulmates and their interactions with each other.

What an interesting year I had experienced. Ever since I found that I have a total of 1000 soulmates, my peaceful high school life has been changed. The number of soulmates have increased throughout my first year. I have got 80 soulmates from the previous 3rd year, 65 of the previous 2nd year, Nagumo's year, and almost half of the girls in my year.

The White Room has sent 2 students from there to get me expelled. Luckily, Sakayanagi is keeping an eye on Amasawa and the other mysterious White Room student. I was a bit surprised to see that she fell for me during the end of the first-year exam and our chess match.

Whatever the case is, I will not be expelled at any cost. I will use everything in my power to prevent that even if it means using all of my soulmates to ensure. Although, I feel something is off with my usual stoic and calculating side. I feel different than usual, and it feels like I'm experiencing emotions for the first time. Technically, in a while since I shut that emotional part of myself off, but ever slightly I feel it coming back. I still do not understand those feelings and why they occurred when I'm with certain girls. A spark... it was only a little spark, but a small spark can cause a great fire. I'm a little curious to see if that will happen. Will I regain my emotions because of my soulmates? If so, which ones? I will be lying if I'm not a little excited to see what will happen in the future. Assuming if my wish is granted...

Ayanokouji sighed as he was deeply in thought, watching the sunset through his dorm's window. As he was thinking, he heard a knock at the door and he walked towards the door, knowing that he had a few evening visitors.


Back to the present day, Ayanokouji set down his empty cup of tea on the kitchen counter as he dwells on the past. He normally doesn't think about the past, but the few past years have been quite interesting and eventful due to Ayanokouji receiving 1000 soulmates.

My total of soulmates is 569. I had 400 soulmates that are ANHS students, 80 from each year, which means every girl in the school when I was still the school has fallen for me. An additional 45 soulmates were teachers, staff members, and various employees from the Keyaki Mall. I was surprised at how effective my soulmate power is and it was not a peaceful high school life. Luckily, God has fulfilled my wish, and my old man was dead along with the White Room and ambitions. Based on the various news articles, it seemed that he perished along with multiple men which I presumed are White Room investors and key members. Otherwise, I would've been in the White Room already. God also changed his will and I inherited all of his assets and fortune which means I can live whatever life I want with a secure finical security. 

Speaking of soulmates, it's been almost 2 years since I left ANHS and 80 of my soulmates are still attending it as 3rd years and were my kohais. In 2 years, I have encountered 124 more soulmates, and my total is 569 soulmates.

Ayanokouji sighed as he remembered what happened during his 3 years of ANHS and his first year as a free man. There were definitely a lot of stories and interesting events that happened during the past 4 years, but that's for another time. As Ayanokouji was placing the freshly washed cup onto his drying rack, he heard his bedroom door being opened.

"Kiyotaka-kun..." called out a voice. Ayanokouji turned towards the voice. Standing by the doorway was a short and petite young woman with shoulder-length lilac hair and violet eyes. The young woman had a mature aura around her, but her looks seemed childish and cute. She was wearing her light-blue pajama nightgown with a blue sleeping hat. It was strange seeing her with her usual black beret, white stockings with garter belts, and cane. That young woman still had her signature smug smile. Sakayanagi Arisu was standing there and holding onto the doorway for support, absent from her cane.

"I seemed to be quite in a pickle, Kiyotaka-kun. Do you mind carrying me back to bed?" asked Sakayanagi, with her signature smug smile.

"How did you even get there in first place? What happened to your cane?" asked Ayanokouji.

"It's quite rude to ask a lady a personal question like that. Wouldn't you help a defenseless maiden? Fufufu."

"All right."

Ayanokouji sighed as he made his way to Sakayanagi and as he got closer to her, Sakayanagi held out her arms. Ayanokouji swiftly grabbed her and carried her, princess style. Sakayanagi made a small noise before giving Ayanokouji a flustered smile. He carried Sakayanagi into the bedroom before placing her gently on the bed. He already saw her beret and cane on top of the desk.

"Are you spending the night here again?" asked Ayanokouji.

"Of course. I dressed up for the occasion after all." replied Sakayanagi, showing off her nightgown with a embarrassed and flustered smile.

"I see."

"D-Does it look good?"

Sakayanagi seemed quite anxious and asked Ayanokouji for his opinion. Of course, this wasn't their first time sleeping together, but this is the first time Sakayanagi has asked him about her pajamas.

"Yes. I'm quite a lucky guy to see it for himself." said Ayanokouji, deciding to answer her question with honesty. Sakayanagi's red flustered face deepened as the duo made prolonged eye contact and Sakayanagi averted her eyes as Ayanokouji began to change into his pajamas. He took off his collared shirt and pants before changing into a comfortable change of pajamas.

"K-Kiyotaka-kun! You shouldn't be doing that in front of a maiden." said Sakayanagi.

"What's the problem? We already seen each other naked before and besides I have my underwear on." replied Ayanokouji.

"T-That's beside the point!"

Ayanokouji let out a small smile as he watched Sakayanagi squirm around and he knew that he's the only guy that Sakayanagi will show that kind of weakness to. Sakayanagi's mouth dropped open for a moment before she had a satisfied smile and chuckled to herself.

"That's a nice look for you, Kiyotaka-kun." said Sakayanagi, pointing out his smile.

"Really?" asked Ayanokouji, still a puzzled by himself smiling. Ever since he got some of his soulmates, he's been smiling a little, but it's only a certain soulmate that caused him to smile. Sakayanagi was one of them and he was still confused on why he smiled and wondered if Sakayanagi is more important than he let on. He could feel conflicted as his years of stoicism and in the White Room is battling with his emotions.

"Yes. You look quite handsome in fact."

"You know I never expect you to give compliments, but I'll take that as a compliment, Sakayanagi."

"You promised to call me Arisu, Kiyotaka-kun."

"Promised? If I recalled correctly, I only verbally agreed to your request, but made no promises."

"You're trampling on a maiden's innocent desire and imagination. Fufufu."

"Very well. Let's go to sleep, Arisu. I have a busy day tomorrow."

Ayanokouji turned off the lights and he and Sakayanagi lay in the bed together. They shared a thick blanket between the both of them and Ayanokouji could hear Sakayanagi breathing as he stared into the darkness. After a few moments, he felt Sakayanagi snuggle up to him as she pressed her petite body against his. He could feel her head rest snuggly against his chest and her warm breath.

"Arisu?" asked Ayanokouji, softly.

"Kiyotaka... Hold me." whispered Sakayanagi. Ayanokouji complied and he held Sakayanagi tighter as they snuggled together, and Ayanokouji could feel Sakayanagi's body heat as their body are sharing each other's heat due to the close proximity. After a few minutes of snuggling, Ayanokouji could hear Sakayanagi softly sleeping as he could feel the rhythm of her breathing slowly and she's not making any more noise. He turned towards her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good night, Arisu." whispered Ayanokouji. As Ayanokouji was still thinking about how much his life has changed, he decided to push that aside and started looking forward because he wasn't lying about it being a busy day tomorrow. The worst is yet to come.


Author's Note:

I've made a joke about creating this story and found it interesting enough for me to create yet another story again. This story will be shorter than my usual stories and may contain lemons (if I feel like writing it).

To be honest, this is the first fanfic that I'm writing that does not take place in ANHS, but I've decided to use this as an experimental short story and something I could write my ideas about. Maybe I will take some of the soulmates and add them to my 100 girlfriends story.

And let's go! I finally wrote an Arisu scene. I was so tempted to include her right away in my 100 girlfriends and get some spicy scenes, but I've managed to hold myself back. This doesn't mean I couldn't do it here.

Of course, a lot of the soulmates are going to be OCs or people related to actual characters.

Until next time, my dear readers.


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