Hatred deeper than blood

By Cosmicstars08

187 21 2

This is very very much an AU based on the fact that I noticed that Alastor and Vox's lifes overlapped, as Vox... More

Establishing roots
Al and Val
Friends and Sins

Prologue - A life and death of a TV host

74 7 0
By Cosmicstars08

(A/N: This chapter is mainly backstory, so if you so desire you can skip this one. I found this song while researching for this chapter and I love it.  Victor was Vox's human name here also warning Mega chapter)

Alastor POV - 1933, Sunday
I hummed as I stretched sitting up. I slid off of the bed as I began to hum one of the latest hit songs 'The night was made for love'.  I strolled over to my closet and quickly changed to a proper suit and out of my nightgown.  I smiled loving the cherry red color.  I walked out of my room making note of the day, February 20th.  A beautiful Saturday morning, Elizabeth, Victor and the others would be visiting for our family monthly brunch today.  I chuckled smiling as Victor would be staying the week.  I should probably get rid of the body... I walked downstairs and blinked remembering that I had buried the skeleton last night and had the meat in the freezer in the hunting shed out back.  That's good.  Victor's smart enough to stay away, he knows his gun safety.  I walked outside into my backyard which opened out into the forest.  I blinked as a beautiful doe and her fawn looked at me before they ran deep into the forest.  Oh I hope that fawn grows into a beautiful buck that I can hunt.  'Just like this person was',

I thought to myself as I strolled into my hunting shed.  Well I mainly called it that but it was more of my personal morgue, where I also made venison. The second I walked in a sharp earthy smell filled my nostrils, earth, blood and gunpowder. I exhaled happily to be in my best environment. I walked over to the table and grabbed the match box. I lit a match and lit the oil lamp above the table illuminating the small room. I had been horrified at how close it was to falling apart when I first moved here, luckily it was salvageable. I opened the freezer and pulled some nice thigh meat out and put it on the table. I hummed as I put it down on the table... hmm to many blood stains and it's beginning to fall apart, I should get a new table. I grabbed my cleaver and cut a nice hunk of meat off the side. A bit of fat and the gray blue skin hung onto the muscle. Luckily most of the blood had drained out as I dropped the rest of the thigh back into the freezer and walked back to the kitchen in the house.

Quickly cook and cut it up to eat before Victor arrives... and the rest of the family arrived. I grabbed a pan and stake knife. I turned the oven on and cut the meat up and watched as it turned from pinkish red to a nice medium rare. I happily took it off and turned off the stove.  I likely have about an hour before the family arrives so I grabbed a fork and quickly dug in.  Delicious.  I quickly finished up the thigh before I put the dish in the sink and strolled towards the parlor.  I hummed as I grabbed a random vinyl record and put it on.  I sat down and began to wait.


I stood up and walked to the door.  A woman in a rather traditional black dress and hat.  She had startlingly blue eyes that made you think she knew something about you that you didn't want her to know.  She was a rather angular woman who to many seemed harsh and unforgiving.  A warm smile graced her features and the gaggle of four kids made her seem soft.  She had olive skin and curly dark hair that that reminded me of mother, and my only sister.  Well still living, an outbreak of polio did in Sarah two years ago.  I laughed as I opened the door.
"Ah welcome Elizabeth, Victor, Angela, Amelia and Todd.  I half thought you weren't coming this month."
Victor ran in leading the pack minus Todd who was cooing happily in his mother's arms.  Victor himself was speaking in a reasonable manner that he heard Leo Reisman was on, the others were screaming.  Horrid things.  My smile dropped as I saw the red rash on Todd's too pale face.  Sympathy was needed after all.  Elizabeth was the first to speak.
"Thank you again for taking in Victor.  I know you've never liked kids but with Todd...". Her own smile fell.
"Ah ah ah, keep a smile.  You know what mother always said, besides there are children present."
Elizabeth smiled but it was clearly fake, you could see she was stressed.  But the smile would be enough to trick most of the kids.  Victor was always iffy with that kind of stuff.  I walked inside and was a bit irked to see Angela and Amelia being wild things while Victor was reading a book on video cameras muttering something to himself. His miss matched eyes clearly thinking something.
Victor himself was completely ordinary to the eye, a mop of sun blonde hair and paler skin but still held the rosy hue of youth, his mouth upturned in a cat like smile; except for the eyes, the left was blue and the right a warm brown. That along with his unfortunate tendency to stare earned him his nickname Alley cat. He looked far more like me than his own mother. Hardly a trace of his father either except for those locks of his. Victor looked up at me, eyes shining as they always did. Always looking to the future that one.
"Hey Uncle Al? Did you know that one of the first moving pictures was of people walking through a garden?"
I shook my head. That book was honestly more shelf filler than reading material for me.
"No, I didn't. I'm sure you'll be able to teach me a full lesson when you leave."
Victor lit up revealing his two front teeth were missing. I laughed as I ruffled up his hair Victor laughing.
"I nearly forgot about that!" Victor happily explained.


Hours passed with the Hartfelt family as the rest arrived. The roast ham Alastor made was a hit. As the sun went down on the cool February the alcohol came out. Alastor stayed sober as always, some cousin joked that Alastor must have some deep secret that he wants to go with him to the grave, which nearly sent Alastor into an early grave; but a quick lie about the kids and killer hangovers was enough to convince him. Victor stayed behind his sisters left with their other uncle and Elizabeth left with Todd to go to the best doctor they could afford, and quarantine the rest of the kids. Victor stayed by Alastor's side practically vibrating with excitement at the coming week. Alastor normally would have hated a child clinging to him but Victor was smart, smiling and respectable. Like him, sometimes Alastor was scared at how much little Victor was like him. Even mother said so before her passing. Alastor had promised that Victor would be coming with him to work and possibly join him on a broadcast and Alastor may be a serial killer but he had standards. Victor was already preparing to brag to his classmates about being on THE Alastor Hartfelt's radio station again, Alastor was already mentally preparing for the others at the station to spoil Victor rotten. It was definitely interesting how people always tended to like and follow him.


Victor POV - 1933, Wednesday - 7
I yawned as I stretched sitting up. I got up and walked to my bag where I pulled out today's clothes. Dark brown slacks that went down to my ankles and a white button up shirt tucked into my pants and nice loafers. I have to look amazing for the radio! And a big smile to finish my look up! A little gentle man as mommy would put it! I hummed a nice bit of jazz and walked into the living room. I looked around confused and began to look around the house. Not in the kitchen, parlor, study, living room, dining room, wash or anything other room in the house.
I jumped up as someone loudly banged on the door. It sounded like the door was about to break down. I blinked my smile falling. I wanted to hide under the bed but I'm a big boy! A full seven and three quarters! What would uncle Al do? Get the gun and answer the door! I can't get the gun through... it's dangerous so Uncle Al keeps it locked up and it's nearly as big as I am. So I'll use the peephole! I walked towards the door before forgetting and opening it anyways. A big cop man was standing in the door, his partner behind him. He blinked surprised to see me before he kneeled down.
"Hey Sonny, is this the resistance of a Mr. Alastor Hartfelt?"
I nodded my head.
"I'm not sure where he is but he's my uncle. Why did he get in trouble?" I blinked tilting my head confused.
Uncle Al never got in trouble. The first cop looked to the side concerned about what to say. The second officer spoke.
"He's been shot dead and we suspect he may have killed multiple people as he was found with a half buried corpse."


I looked around eyes darting around trying to spot the red color of Uncle Al while the first cop scolded the other. I didn't hear any of it. Insulting someone was bad but sometimes nessry or funny, hurting someone was very bad, but killing? That was the worst! Any other crime could be forgiven but that?

It couldn't be...


Sure he hunted on occasion

"It has to be a mistake...

He must've simply been waiting for whoever gets bodies!"

"Well kid we've called your uncle and he's getting you."

Not uncle Al...


Victor POV - 1935, Thursday - 9
I sighed as I got up.  Not Saturday yet but close.  I walked to the closet and hastily put on my clothes, black pants, red and blue shirt.  I walked out and to the bathroom where I quickly combed my hair, brushed my teeth and did the rest of my morning business.  Then I steadily strolled to the kitchen.  The smell of toast and bacon filled the air as I walked in.  Angela and Amelia were already in the kitchen with Mom.  Todd likely was still asleep.  I sat down and smiled when Amelia put a plate of toast and bacon.
"Thank you Amelia."
Amelia nodded as she sat down and she and Angela began to eat.  Amelia and Angela were talking about boys.  I didn't even want to try and keep track of all of them.  Last I counted was two months ago and stopped after eight names were thrown around.  Mom sat down and I started to eat before she spoke.
"I got a call from the school Alley cat..."
I looked up before she continued.
"The school therapist called and says that you are showing alarming anti social behaviors."
I nodded my head before I began to explain.
"The other kids don't like me.  Last time I tried to talk to someone they immediately changed the topic to how I'm related to...". I fell silent as did everyone else.  Why did I mention him... why why why! It's always why. Amelia and Angela looked at me as if I had just grown a second head.  Sharp glares were all I could feel from them.  It was silent for an eternity before mom spoke.
"Well than, I've been saving up all my money so how about a change of scenery.  I think it's something we all need at this point.  So I've bought us a small house in that Hollywood place."
Amelia and Angela immediately protested.
"We're moving in a month and that's final."

I was of corse blamed entirely for them having to break up with their boyfriends as if they both would have lasted the month.


Victor POV - 1941, Monday - 15

I blinked as I walked, briskly to the kitchen table.  I had taken a job and was expected to be there by six AM sharp, five forty five is preferable.  I grabbed my lunch and two slices of bread as I grabbed my bag; checking it I left the house.  It was a bit run down and I had no clue where Angela was.  I walked out of the door; the air was cool and vaguely humid though that would quickly change as the sun rose.  It was still dark, streetlights lined the two mile walk to the studio.  Mom should hopefully be back before Todd woke up.  Amelia was currently at college so Todd was home alone.  But I needed to work to help keep food on the table and Amelia at school.

I smiled as I finally reached the studio, the Hollywood report.  I looked over the studio dreaming of one day being on camera, at least I get to work with them. At least Bob's nice. Than I paused as I saw an ambulance. Hopefully nothing bad happened. Hopefully I'm not blamed... wait- what am I talking about! No one knows that HE was my uncle here. My mood immediately soured; I walked in and began to climb the stairs. It was quiet as I walked into the studio. I smiled, smiling has always been useful but never make it too big. Otherwise people will think you're like HIM. I immediately got to work once I entered the right set. As the assistant cameraman I didn't have to much to do. So I mainly just made small talk when the door burst open. I jumped before shooting around to see. Holy! It was one of the higher ups and he looked pissed. I tried to shrink into myself and partially hide behind a camera when he spoke.
"We got a massive scoop and need a report and someone on scene now! But Benny broke his leg so who here is gonna take it!"
Crickets. A minute passed before I stepped forward.
"Hello I am Victor. Could I volunteer for this job?" He looked me over before he nodded and left.
"Good enough. Head downstairs to the van. Bob go with him and act as Cameraman."
Oh my god!
Fuck yeah!!!!
Bob laughed. As I began to jump up and down down.
"Just don't be expecting anything much." I nodded my head as we began to walk downstairs. This is so amazing! I need to call mom! But she's hopefully home by now. I'll tell her when I get home.

📺🛜📺🛜📺 - the next day - 📺🛜📺🛜📺

I blinked as I walked into work. Bob smiled at me before he spoke, there were two higher ups in the room talking.
"Well kiddo, you've just set a record. Didn't expect much yet you've just set the news ablaze."
What? I blinked confused before the higher up walked over. He looked bored and like the life of him had been sapped out, yet that's what he's always looked like.
"What's your name again? Well whatever, you've got talent and the camera makes you look good. Mind being a Jr. reporter?"
I shook my head and he handed me a new work I.D. I read my role three times before it sank in.
"Bob... what on gods green earth is going on? Is this a prank?"
Bob laughed. "No, despite only having five minutes of air time you were very popular. I've heard that you're probably going to be giving updates on the Hooverville and the war situation."
I nodded my head ecstatic.

📺🛜📺🛜📺 - massive timeskip summary - 📺🛜📺🛜📺

A few years slowly passed, though for Victor or Vox as he had been nicknamed for his voice was constantly around whether it be recordings or himself speaking. The Jr. part of his title was quickly shed as he shot through the ranks. His unique way of explaining things and sense of humor made him a viewer favorite. His prolific and ruthless coverage of every story he could get his hands on made him rather popular. The Hollywood Reporter was a star. And soon enough he became even more well known as he began to host several new game shows, some flopped some succeeded. And Victor loved every bit of success he found. He was the golden child of TV and wouldn't let anyone forget it, whether he had to dodge the draft or make some "accidents" happen to eliminate opposition. He was all too happy to burn contracts when nessacry and exploit what he could. Then one day something unexpected happened.

Victor/Vox POV - 1956, Sunday - 30
I hummed as I walked onto the set. The lighting was fairly warm to match the orange backdrop. Personally I hated how it looked, especially the baby blue name of the show. 'What's that line?' The four contestants seemed pleasant enough, though utter idiots. I looked towards the camera, Bob was manning it as normal. His black beard had grown peppered over the decade and a half we've known each other. He lifted three fingers. Reading the signals I announced
"Alrighty everyone places, places!"
The room fell quiet and than Bob spoke.
"Now rolling!"
Instantly I walked forward at a brisk pace holding my hands behind my back. I smiled before I spoke.
"Welcome back to... wait a minute I think it's Right way to romance? No it's What's that line! I'm your host Victor Vox Hartfelt!"
I walked to the podium both making sure to seem animated with a big smile on my face. I picked up the envelope before continuing.
"I don't know about you but I'm in a rather quote-ish mood. So let's begin!"
I opened the letter and read the movie quote aloud
"Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes."
I walked away from the podium towards the edge of the set but making sure to stay in peramiters so the studio itself wouldn't be seen.
I turned towards the contestant who pressed the buzzer.
"Lady and the tramp!"
"That is..."
I began to playfully spin around before announcing it. I heard the sound of metal creaking.
"-Vic!" Bob shouted. I stopped and looked at him.

Screams erupted as a puddle of blood began to pool. The contestant who answered fainted. Another caught her as the other two began to call 911. Several set crew along with Bob rushed to the

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