meet me at midnight

By sofiposie

30.5K 1.3K 1.2K

an anton lee fanfic Jung Yumi knew Lee Anton was way out of her league. But did that stop her from liking hi... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
new anton lee ff
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33

chapter 11

886 49 54
By sofiposie

One thing I learned ever since I became a college student is that issues are way spicier now compared to when we were in high school. Yeah. You read that right. I always thought that as soon as I enter college, it'll become peaceful, but I was once again proven wrong.

It's way worse.

"Hey, did you know that this girl from my class got pregnant by one of the married profs?"

"What? No way!"

"Yes! She even had her parents come to sue the prof! Serves him right. He's really known to be the type who flirts with his female students."

"The girl even said that the prof sells drugs to some students here."

"And they say we're the best university in the country? Hell, what reputation will we get now?"

I grimaced from what I heard from the 2 girls next to me in the sink while I was washing my hand. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were talking way too loud. As if making sure that everybody around them can hear it.

I went outside the comfort room as fast as I can, not wanting to stay anymore to listen to their gossips. I learned from my mistake back when I was in high school with gossiping, so I'm trying my best not to do it again.

But, from experience, what they just said is real. Issues now that we're in college are worse, even jail worthy. I just hope my friends and I won't get involved in rumors like that, because all hell will break lose if that ever happens. I'm ready to fight anyone who spreads rumors like that about my friends.

"Where are you headed, my beloved Yumi?" I was shocked when someone wrapped their arm around my shoulder, and I could only smile when I saw that it was Jiwoo. She looks really pretty today, since Jiwoo's kinda the type who wears whatever, but today, she looks really pretty in her floral dress. Like a real princess.

"You look really pretty today, babe." I complimented her, even pinching her cheek in a playful manner, making Jiwoo laugh her ass out.

"I really wish I'm a guy. I swear to god, Anton doesn't realize yet how much of a girl friend material you are. Pretty, smart, kind and just wholesome." Jiwoo told me all that, but I just dismissed her, saying I have no time for her lies.

"Hey! I'm telling the truth! You are pretty, pretty like the sun trickling down on water making it look like it's sparkling," Jiwoo told me, and she was dead serious, and I wanted to tell her that I feel so touched because that was the most poetic thing I've ever heard be said about me, but of course I won't say that in front of her.

"Shut up, Jiwoo. I'm not doing you any favors." I told her in a joking manner, making her hit me playfully, after realizing that I just ignored her compliment.

I guess, I'm just not used to people telling me good things about me. I've grew up being face shamed and fat shamed by my aunts in my dad's side of the family, so hearing something beautiful being said about me means a lot. Add the fact that all my friends are insanely good looking, so a compliment from them is a huge thing you know.

But, I realized that maybe I need to practice accepting compliments. It's not that hard, right? All I need is to say thank you.

"Thanks, Jiwoo." I whispered next to Jiwoo, before running away. I even heard her shouting my name, yelling that we need to go to the others since it's already lunch time, but I chose to ignore it, besides, I'm needed in the Dean's office right this moment.

University life for me is mostly about studying, crying about how hard being a student is, and hanging out with my friends, but today, I'll be meeting up with the Dean for the first time ever, together with my parents and Jihan with his parents as well. I didn't tell my friends anything about meeting Jihan again, because I don't want to worry them, I even made Sungchan swear to never tell them anything or else I'll kick his balls.

"There's the bitch," I heard Jihan muttering as soon as I reached the Dean's office, making his mom slap his arm. I glared at him, not saying anything since I don't want to stoop down to his level.

"What did you just say?" My father asked Jihan, and he looked calm, but I know he's already angry.

The Dean made us all calm down, before asking us again what happened. I was shaking a bit while telling everything that had happened, because I just now realized how serious the situation could've been if it weren't for Rina and Shin Yoonchae helping me out. I also presented the videos taken by other students who were there during the incident, making Jihan's mom slap him, while his father just looked at him with a disappointed look on his face.

"They're framing me! That must have been edited!" Jihan tried to save himself by spewing up lies, but the Dean didn't buy it, and in the end, he was kicked out of the university.

I felt some sort of satisfaction after seeing Jihan crying while begging not to get kicked out, and I was glad that I didn't feel any guilt. He deserves it. And, I'm doing the rest of the students favor by getting him kicked out, because who knows? Anyone can be his next victim.

After that long conversation with the Dean, we were finally sent outside. My parents hugged me, telling me once again how sorry they were for not taking action immediately, and how sorry they were that I had to get all those bruises just because of that stupid guy.

"Thanks, Ma and Pa. I really am grateful to have you guys as my parents, so you don't have to be sorry about anything." I told them sincerely, and my Pa had to comfort Ma who started tearing up after I said those words.

"Don't mind me. I'm just so glad that my daughter grew up to be such a wonderful lady. I love you always. Now, get back to your classes." My mom shooed me away, and my dad just gave me extra money before letting me go.

I waved at my parents once more, before running towards my class. It was Arts 1 after all. Anton's there.

"Where did you go? You were almost late," Anton asked worriedly when I was finally sat beside him.

"Secret, no clue." I tried to joke, but he just rolled his eyes at me, making me laugh.

I really am in the same friend group with Anton for years, but it's only now that I realized that I don't really know him that much. I didn't know he's so sassy, it's making him even funnier, especially when he rolls his eyes and when he glares at me.

"You do know that even if you act all sassy and petty, I still won't stop liking you, right?" I asked in a joking manner, making him scoff.

"I'm not sassy and most definitely not petty." Anton answered, but he wasn't looking at me, and even moved his chair away from mine. Not petty at all, huh?

"You're adorable," I can't help but blurt out, and even before Anton can say something back, our prof finally arrived.

Yumi - 2 Anton - 0

Before ending the meeting, our Prof asked us some updates on our projects. And I was glad that Anton is very artistic and he even knows the history of arts, so he really knows what he's doing in this subject. I'm just glad he's my partner.

"Not bad. Keep it up," Our prof told us after we showed her our on going work. Anton and I high fived each other when we were finally out of the classroom.

"We're the only ones complimented, right? That's so cool." I couldn't help but blurt out. You see, I might be lazy, but I'm one competitive girl, especially way back in high school. I even always get nosebleeds from studying too much in the past.

But, I'm trying my best to stop that attitude of mine. I'm in college now. So what if my grades are high or low? What's important now is I get a good job that will pay me well someday.

"You're one competitive girl alright," Anton commented, a smile on his face.

"I'm trying my best not to be that version of me again. I need to chill out," I commented, making him chuckle a bit.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best, Yuyu. Just do what you wanna do, okay?" Anton advised, so I gave him a thumbs up before waving goodbye since I still have another class.

I let out a sigh as soon as I entered the classroom. But, a smile escaped my lips when I saw Sohee already waving his hand at me, before he gestured me to sit beside him. I guess, today isn't so bad.

"You okay? You look too tired today," Sohee asked, and I wanted to give him a hug. He's just so caring, and he just knows how to read someone's emotions.

"Yeah. Don't worry too much, you'll get wrinkles early." I joked, but Sohee just rolled his eyes at me playfully.

"You didn't eat lunch with us earlier. You had a date?" he asked again in a joking manner, but I can right through him. He's just trying to fish out information from me. But sucks to be him, I've known him since we were kids so it's easy to read Sohee.

"Not telling you anything, Sohee."

"Not fair." He whined, but I just ignored him since our Prof. finally arrived.

Our class ended 5 minutes earlier, so both Sohee and me ran out of the door just so we can go see our friends immediately, but I was shocked to see all of them outside our classroom.

"Oh my gosh, Wonbin looks so handsome up close."

"Sungchan? As in the football player? He's so good looking and tall."

"Who are they? Are they idol trainees?"

"Damn. Dohee really is so pretty."

"Jiwoo please marry me."

"I love Rina's face so much, I wish my future daughter looks like her."

"Anton really looks like his father. Isn't his father a famous singer? So good looking and freaking tall. He looks good together with that Rina."

"Idiot. Don't say that. Rina's a lesbian, she practically announced it after kissing a girl from the crowd during Sungchan's game."

"Who's that other tall girl?"

"I don't know. Maybe their lackey? Kidding."

"Not funny, dude. She's just like them, really pretty and super tall too."

"Stop saying someone's pretty out of pity, that's way worse than lying."

"They're my classmates since high school, and they're really famous since they're all good looking. Seunghan and Eunseok even were models for a local brand before."

"What are you guys doing here? Let's go." I asked them, before I walked faster than the rest. This is one of the reasons why it's kinda suffocating being seen with them. I already know I'm average than the rest, but it hurts a bit whenever people would point that out just because I'm hanging out with my good looking friends.

I sound so pathetic by always saying that I'm really ugly compare to them, but it's the truth, and I feel bad because I hate being seen with them, but I know they'll get hurt if they ever find out. And I'm aware that it's a me problem, so, I'll try my best to stop this inferiority complex of mine.

"You look cute. Is that a new shirt, pretty?" Rina asked me, even wrapping her arm around my arm as we walk side by side while the boys were walking behind us. But, of course, Wonbin was in our lane. He's really one with the girls now.

"Yeah, Ma bought it for me, says it suits me. Thanks." I answered, and I guess Ma was right. This shirt does suit me. I should tell her to pick out my outfits next time.

"Hey, we should eat first before going back home. Who's riding with me?" Sungchan suddenly announced, so everybody agreed.

And like last time, Sohee and me got stuck with Anton as our driver because he finally was able to use his own car to school, but this time, Wonbin and Dohee was also with us.

"Why do I always get stuck with Anton? Do we have some red string of fate thingy?" Sohee asked, more like whined, while looking outside the window.

"Shut up, hyung. No driver's license, no opinion." Anton's short reply came, but we still all laughed. It's just funny seeing Sohee and Anton interacting because they're so cute whenever they're bickering.

"Burn!" Dohee exclaimed, and I can see from the rearview mirror that Sohee was glaring at Dohee, making me smile.

"Stop laughing, Wonbin. You're just like Sohee." I butted in, causing more laughter inside the car.

"What's the need for a driver's license when I can always call Anton to drive me around? Right, Toni? You'll drive hyung wherever, right?" Wonbin even did it in an aegyo way, making all of us act like we're gonna throw up. God. Wonbin can be so unpredictable at times.

"As long as you pay for the gas, we're good." Anton replied, making Wonbin curse at him.

When we were finally inside the mall, Seunghan was fast enough to cling to Sohee as if he didn't see his bestfriend for a whole year when it's just been minutes since we parted ways. He's clingy as always.

"A girl asked for Sungchan's number earlier, you should've seen him. He was acting all shy!" Shotaro told us, while Eunseok showed me the video. I covered my mouth when I saw my brother acting all weird just because he's asked by his number. He looked like a total loser. I thought at this point, he'll get used to it, but I guess not.

That's good, I guess. Because it means his growing fame isn't getting into his head yet.

But, I was shocked when a video of Eunseok crying came up next, making Eunseok take his phone away from my sight. My eyes widened after realizing what's happening.

"Are you gonna go back to acting, Seok?" I asked, still shocked, because even though it was only a short clip I was able to see, Eunseok really looks like an actor.

"Yeah. But please don't tell the others yet." He answered, so I raised my hand at him to swear that I won't tell anybody anything. But, I'm getting so excited by the news, I can't wait to see him in bigger screens!

"Don't forget about me when you get famous, okay? Let me meet Jennie Kim at least once," I joked, making Eunseok laugh while messing with my hair, but I just gave him a grin. I'm only half joking, I really need to meet the Jennie Kim at least once in my lifetime.

"Yuyu!" I was shocked when an arm was suddenly wrapped around my shoulder, and to my surprise, it was Anton.

"What? Miss me?" I joked, but he just rolled his eyes before he dragged me away towards the others.

"Green eyed monster!" Eunseok screamed behind us, making me look back, but Anton made me look forward instead. I'm not dumb. I know what that means, but it's impossible. Anton can't possibly be jealous. Heck, he doesn't even like me back... yet.

But, what if there's a slight change in his heart? Was my effort finally paying off? No. I'm not going to assume anything. I need it to come out of Anton's mouth so that I'm sure that I'm not assuming anymore.

We all decided to just eat shaved iced, and I was glad because it's already too hot. March's approaching, meaning, Summer's just around the corner. I can't wait for summer, I just know we'll be going to the beach again.

"Why doesn't anyone want to share strawberry shaved ice with me? Why do you all love mango so much?" I asked, sounding like a kid because of how immature I'm acting right now, but I didn't care since they know I'm only doing it in a joking manner. Wonbin said he'll share the strawberry shaved ice with me, but he suddenly changed his mind last minute, but the shaved ice is sold at a really large cup, so I can't possibly finish it all.

"I'll share with you." Anton suddenly said, making not just me but all the others shock at his statement. Anton loves fruits, but he rarely eats strawberries, so why all of a sudden?

"I was only kidding. I'll just have Sungchan finish it for me," I told him.

"One strawberry shaved ice please," Anton told the cashier, making me roll my eyes at him. I don't know what's up with this guy in front of me. It's like he's on his period or something.

"Hey, what's up with you? You're being moody." I straight up asked him, not wanting to beat around the bush because it won't do me any good.

Anton seemed shocked by my question, but I just raised my left eyebrow at him, still waiting for his answer.

"Smile like that at me too." He murmured, and I can see the tip of his ears turning red.

Fucking adorable.

"Like what?" I asked again in a teasing tone.

"The way you smiled at Eunseok hyung earlier... it was so pretty. The prettiest smile you ever did, smile like that at me too please." He answered, this time louder, but not that loud to let the others hear.

I was shocked. Did Anton just tell me that my smile was pretty?

I looked away, calming myself, before looking back at him, but this time, I was smiling, the way he wanted it.

"Like this?" I asked, still smiling, but Anton looked at me for a minute, mouth agape. Then he suddenly looked away, ears and neck still bright red, making me laugh out loud.

I just love teasing him so much.

to be continued. . .

hi !! how are you, guys? im sorry that im not able to update often, ur girl's a uni student thats why </3

anw, how was this chapter? any thoughts or suggestions? yall can comment them down <3

aaand thanks for reading, also, can yall believe that meet me at midnight already has 2k reads?? HAJSHAS THANKS AGAIN GUYYYS I HOPE YALL ENJOYED READING THIS CHAPTER <3

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