Redamancy ✽Nick Nelson x fe...

By Magnolia1421

8.5K 208 134

Nick Nelson x fem!oc The act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Characters #2
Aesthetics #2
Playlist #2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

402 9 2
By Magnolia1421

A/N: the monopoly scene is an accurate representation of how me and my sister play monopoly DOUBLE UPDATE 😽

-Thursday night-

"TAO PAY ME MY FUCKING MONEY!! You owe me 2000 dollars!" Estella throws her hands up in frustration, Tao had managed to land on one of her most expensive places and refused to pay her.

Tao has an innocent smirk on his face, knowing he only had about 25 dollars in his hands at the moment. "Stella. Darling- I'm going into debt! I'll pay you as soon as I get the money."

"You fucking-" Charlie grabs Estella as she lunges towards Tao. "Let me at him! He's fucking cheating."

Tao begs Charlie with his eyes not to release her. Scared of what she might do to him, as he had totally been cheating.

Charlie just childishly shrugs and lets her go, Estella tackling Tao and hitting him, as he whines.

"Jesus you all are acting like children." Elle rolls her eyes as Estella and Tao begin to wrestle.

Suddenly the monopoly board gets kicked over. Isaac nonchalantly saying. "Oh whoops."

Tao and Estella go silent, Estella pushing herself off of him.

"Draw?" She says with a goofy smile.


Elle sighs in relief. "Thank god."

Charlie, Estella and Isaac went downstairs to make hot chocolate for everyone, and bring it back upstairs. Estella getting hot chocolate spilled on her in the process.

"I don't know how to convince Estella that Nick is just like all the other rugby boys, only using her for her body. I've seen him with those year 11s at the school gate, plus Imogen asked him out. That will completely crush her. If they say anything to Estella- I'm going to crush them." Tao says as Elle laughs at him.

"Crush them?" She snickers.


Elle gives him a funny look. "Doesn't sound like the safest tactic."

"Well I don't like playing safe. Let's tell her when she gets back." Tao says, worried that Nick is going to hurt Estella.

"Fine... If it'll make you stop talking about it."

"I just think that Nick-"

Elle interrupts him, having heard enough already. "Tao! Can we please talk about something else?!"

Somehow Tao ends up performing an "interpretative dance" which Charlie, Isaac and Estella walk into. Basically just Tao twerking as Elle laughs, her face red.

"Do I even want to know?" Charlie asks as he walks into the room, holding two mugs of hot chocolate.

Elle quickly smacks Tao with a pillow, causing him to start whining.

Estella sits at the foot of the bed, beside Charlie. She glances up at Elle and Tao before saying what she had planned out in her head. "So I was thinking of inviting Nick to me and Charlie's birthday thing on Saturday. I really want him to be there, but I don't want it to be awkward or weird since you don't really know him."

"No, it wouldn't be awkward." Elle reassures Estella.
Isaac gives her a cheeky smirk as he says. "I assumed he was coming anyway."

"Okay.. good."



Estella slowly nudged her pinky against Nicks in order to get his attention. "So it's kind of me and Charlie's birthday on Saturday."

"Is it?" Nicks brows furrow, slightly upset that he didn't know his two best friends birthday.

Estella nods before continuing. "Yeah. Me and my friends are going bowling and I was going to ask if you wanted to come, but I know you don't really know them so you really don't have to."

"Yes!" Nick says with a reassuring smile.
"Nick and Estella keep it down please."

Estella turns her attention back to the homework she was working on. Nick mimicked Estella and nudged her pinky as well.

"Thanks for giving me barely any time to get you a present." He says, his voice a whisper so they don't get in trouble again.

"You really don't need to get me a present." Estella whispers back, she had always been uncomfortable when people had gotten her presents.

"No I'm gonna."

She tries to protest. "You really don't have-"

"Shhh." Nick interrupts her with a smile.


"So if we meet there at 4:00 we can play two games, then get some food and then hang around the arcade for a bit." Tao explains as the three of them walk towards the school gate. Estella slightly struggling to keep up with Tao and Charlie's long strides.

Tao and Charlie start to talk about how many bowling games they should play when a paper ball gets thrown at the three of them. By none other than Harry Greene. All the rugby boys laugh as if that were the most revolutionary joke.

"Oi Estelle, turn around, let me see that fine arse."

Estella's cheeks burn with shame as Tao surges forward, shoulder checking Harry. "Watch out dick nozzle."

"Harry don't start." Nick comes into view, trying to stop harry from picking on them.

"What? Are you best friends with these weird little Year 10s now?"

"Just stop picking on people for no reason."

"Awh do you have a crush on Estella? Or are you gay for them?" Harry's head jerks towards Charlie and Tao.

"Classic Harry. Resorting to homophobia and misogyny when he can't think of a good comeback."

Harry quickly retorts back, clearly getting angry as his face was turning the same shade as his red hair.
"Life must be really hard when your only personality trait is rich bell end." Tao practically spits in Harry's face. Harry finally seems to have gotten enough as he stops.

Tao grabs Estella's hood, pulling her backwards and Charlie's shoulder before quickly walking away.

"You shouldn't have done that." Estella says in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?"

"I know you're trying to help. But you're making things worse. Harry isn't going to leave me or Charlie alone now."

Tao looks at her in disbelief before saying. "I'm just sticking up for you. You can't let Harry walk all over you."

"Tao, it's been a long day let's just leave it." Charlie tries to help.

"I- It's more complicated then that."

"It's because of Nick isn't it? Well we couldn't possibly hurt your new best friend Nick Nelson's feelings now can we. Newsflash, he's just the same as Harry." Tao says purely out of frustration.
Estella goes silent, hoping that whatever Tao was talking about wasn't true.


(At the arcade -Saturday-)

(Pretend those are doc martens pretty please)

Estella and Charlie decided to have a sleepover the night before their birthday, as they always did. But this time, Charlie was just trying to make sure Estella wasn't alone on her birthday.

So after a sleepless night filled with gossip and watching rom coms, the duo slept in until 3:30 pm. Which as you can imagine sent Estella into a panic. How was she supposed to look halfway decent with only 20 minutes to get ready?

"Estella your clothes are in your bag, in my room... remember?" Charlie called out as Estella went from room to room, looking for where she set her bag, with her outfit and makeup.

She quickly does a 180 and grabs her bag. "Thank you darling!"

Quickly she managed to get her outfit on, which consisted of her leather jacket, white knitted sweater with her favorite jean skirt and black tights. Not forgetting about her trusty Doc Martens. They'd finally dried out from all the rain.

"Estella we need to get going! We're gonna be late to our own party."

Now even more stressed out, Estella shakily does her eyeliner. "I'm coming I swear."

The duo make it to the bowling alley, only minutes before the rest of their friends. Tao having brought happy 15th buttons for them to wear. Estella almost outright refused but after seeing Tao's hopeful expression she reluctantly put it on.

Now they were just waiting for Nick to show up. Estella got more and more nervous each second he didn't, maybe he thought it was weird she invited him.

So there she stood, by the entrance waiting for him. Finally he walked through, with a cute grin on his face.

Estella quickly met him the rest of the way. "You came."

"Yeah of course I did. Happy birthday." He says, holding out a blue gift bag.

"I said you didn't have to get me anything." Estella protested, immediately feeling guilty that he got her a gift.

Nick shakes his head with a smile. "And I ignored you."

Estella smiles up at him before gathering the courage to grab his hand. "Come on."

"Am I the first one here?"

"No, you're actually the last. We're over there, lane 12." Estella points towards her friends.

"I feel like I know her from somewhere." Nick trails off as he spots Elle.

"That's Elle, she used to go to Truham, she would have been in your year but she moved to Higgs." Estella shifts her attention towards Isaac before pointing at him. "That's Isaac, he mostly keeps to himself but he's one of the sweetest people you'll meet. There's Charlie which you know and Tao. Sorry in advance if he says anything rude to you, that's just the way he is. And there's Ezra who you probably know from rugby."

"Okay." Nick says nervously as Tao starts to glare at him.

Estella looks Nick in the eyes, reassuring him before asking. "Ready to meet them?"


The two walk over towards lane 12. Nick nervously wringing his hands, Estella wanting to hold them but worried it would be too much, too soon.

"Everyone, this is Nick." Estella says with a slight glare towards Tao.

Everyone exchanges greetings, Elle saying. "Hey! We're just choosing fun names for the board."

"Fun names?"

"Yeah and for the record, Elle smells was Tao's idea." Isaac clarifies, as if he would never come up with something so stupid.

The names on the board so far consisted of:
(and who came up with them)

Elle Smells (Elle) - Tao

Sunny (Estella) - Nick

Monopoly cheater (Tao) - Estella/Elle

Smurf wannabe (Nick) - Estella

Internal psycho (Isaac) - Tao

Charizard (Charlie) - Ezra

Angry Enchilada (Ezra) - Charlie

It seemed every turn Estella had, she bowled the ball straight into the gutter, resulting in Nick making fun of her.

Nick however got a strike every couple of turns, making everyone mad. He seemed to be having fun, everyone except Tao welcomed him into the group.

Eventually the games came to an end, Charlie and Ezra starting a conversation on "strong rugby arms." Whatever that meant made Estella want to gag. Sure she might be attracted to Nick's weirdly attractive arms but for some reason it was weird to hear it said outloud. Especially from her best friend.

"I'm going to go try and find the bathroom." Estella says before leaving the group, Nick and Elle talking about how good the chips were.

"I'm going to go talk to her about Nick, please come with me." Tao asks Charlie once he pulls away from Ezra.

Charlie immediately shakes his head. "It's her birthday, why right now?"

"She has to know about Nick. Please just come with me." Tao pleads.

"Fine. Ezra, me and Tao are going to go find the bathroom, we'll be right back!"

Tao and Charlie knocked on the women's restroom, making sure no one else was in there but Estella, who opens the door for them.

"Estella." Tao says seriously. "Estella, look I'm saying this to you as a friend. You need to stop this thing with Nick Nelson."

"What?" Estella asks confused, looking towards Charlie for answers. Charlie just looks away guiltily.

"He's using you! Can't you see it- he's exactly like Harry Greene. Imogen asked him on a date, and he said yes." Tao's eyes soften at Estella's upset face.

Estella looks up at Tao in disbelief. "What? That can't be true."

"Fine. Don't believe me. I'm clearly just lying for fun."

Meanwhile Nick offers to go get more chips and soda, leading him right by the woman's bathroom. Faintly he can hear Tao and Estella arguing.

"You know he's just doing this for a laugh, like Harry and the rest of his mates!"
Is that really what Tao thought of him? Did Estella believe that too?

"Nick doesn't even like Harry!" Estella protested, shocked at how Tao was acting. "Nick literally stood up for us earlier-"

"Wow I feel so bad for the popular rugby lad who's almost getting picked on because he dares to hang out with someone below his popularity status." Tao spits out. Nick immediately feeling guilty, that's not how he wanted to be perceived.

"Hey- you know that's not what she meant." Charlie adds, not liking how Tao was talking to Estella. Even if he meant well.

"Now you're going to tell me I'm just being jealous. Because you made a new friend and I'm scared of being alone?" Tao says defensively folding his arms around his chest.

"Tao I get how you feel-"

Tao quickly interrupts her. "No you don't! I just- don't like seeing him mess with you."

"Do you really think he's messing me around?" Estella asks quietly, not quite meeting Tao or Charlie's eyes.

"I mean. That's what it looks like." Tao guiltily admits.

Estella starts to protest but then realizes maybe Tao is right. It's not like they're dating. "But- He's.. He's my- friend."

From outside the door, Nick's eyes close in worry that she believes him. He sincerely hopes not.

"Fine. But if he is even SlIgHtLy mean to you.."

"Yeah- You'll murder him. I know." Estella interrupts Tao, already knowing what he'll say.

Tao sarcastically replies. "I was going to say I'd send him a strongly worded DM but murders fine too."
Estella brings both Tao and Charlie in for a hug, not wanting her best friend to be upset with her.

Nick quickly returns his attention to his food almost being done as the three of them walk out, Estella catching his eye.

"Ugh- just go." Tao begrudgingly heads back to the table with Charlie.

"Hi." Estella says with a smile.

Nicks eyebrows furrow as he thinks. "Hi."

"Are you getting more food?" She waved her hand towards the counter. Nick looks at her, almost with a guilty expression. Before reaching out and pulling her into a tight hug, Nick silently saying everything he wishes he could through it.

"What's this for?" Estella asks as she wraps her arms around him.

"I'll tell you later."


"I won!" Elle throws her arms up in excitement.

After a long very competitive game of Bowling, finally a winner had been chosen.

Tao immediately starts pouting. "Why am I so bad at this?"

"Uh well your arms are basically twigs." Elle says, looking Tao up and down. Estella knows she was definitely flirting. Or at least trying to.

"Ah! How dare you. I'm a very muscular individual." Tao flexes his arm, waving it in front of Elle.

Estella scoffs at him. "You wish!"

Estella and Elle start talking about how crazy it was that she got 3 strikes in a row, while Estella barely got 2 pins the entire game.

Nick heads over to the table Tao is sitting at, hoping to try and make peace with the boy.

"Good game." Tao says reluctantly after Nick sits next to him.

"Good game."

Tao looks around, before grabbing the plate. "Chip?"


"Look- I don't know if this thing with Estella is a joke or not. But for some reason she really likes you and you're messing with her." Tao leans in towards Nick, knowing that if Estella saw him chewing Nick out, she'd get mad. "And I will not tolerate it, so consider this your final warning."

"Yeah. You're right. You're a good friend." Nick says, biting the inside of his lip nervously.

"I know."

Tao intimidately eats a chip, still leaning in towards Nick.


Everyone decides to try out the arcade, Tao and Elle running past everyone to get to the dance machine.

Estella and Nick head over to the claw machine, because Nick was determined to get one of the shark stuffies for Estella. Estella just thought it was cute he remembered her favorite animal.

"Come on, come on." He picks the shark up with the claw, only to have it fall from the weight a few seconds later. "What! This is absolutely rigged! I'm almost out of money now." Nick says defeated, glancing over at Estella as she eyes the shark.

"Don't look at me! I'm not giving you more money just so you can lose again."

Nick scoffs childishly before teasing her. "Fine. I see how it is, guess you don't want the shark."

The two turn their backs towards the claw machines, both drinking their sodas. Coke for Nick and Lemonade for Estella.

"So I um- overheard you and Tao in the bathroom earlier." Nick glances at her, as she looks towards the floor.


Nick carries on, not wanting to lose the courage to explain correctly. "I wanted to say sorry. About the date with Imogen thing."

"You actually went on a date with her?" Estella straightens, no longer leaning against the machine. She gives him a hurt look.

"No. No- she just asked me out and I was so surprised. And all our mates were watching and expecting me to say yes. And I was such an idiot." Nick continues, Estella looking up at him with a hurt expression. "I just blurted out yes because I didn't know how to say no without embarrassing her and confusing all our mates. And then her dog died. And I felt really bad for her. And... I'm so sorry."

Estella's eyes soften after hearing how anxious he had been about the whole thing. "I thought we banned that word, if I can't use it then you can't either."

"Yeah but- I've actually done something bad."

"Well, it's not like we're- you know- officially dating or anything." Estella reluctantly admits.

Nick furrows his eyebrows, slightly hurt even though it was true. "I'm going to make it right with Imogen. I'm gonna tell her I don't like her like that."


Nick leans his head back on the glass of the claw machine, his face furrowed in thought. "I wish I'd met you when I was younger."

"Really?" Estella mimics him, leaning back against the glass so they could be even.

"Mmm. I wish I'd known then what I know now."
Estella leans forward, looking up into Nicks brown eyes. "No being sad on my birthday."

Nick chuckles before reaching down and grabbing the birthday gift. "So are you going to open your present?"

"Yeah. As long as you don't mind. "

"Well I kind of want to see your reaction." Nick hands Estella a silver bag, which she gently opens, grabbing the wrapped package inside.

"I genuinely didn't have time to go out and get you something." He keeps glancing up to see her reaction, scared she might not like it.

Estella opens the package to find a framed picture of her, Nick and Nellie from the snow day. He had even decorated it with little shark and heart stickers. It was probably the sweetest gift Estella had ever received.

"Sorry it's a bit handmade. That was just one of my favorite days ever, and I thought you looked beautiful, so.."

Estella looks up at him, her smile reaching her eyes, Nick in awe of how beautiful she looks under the pink lights. "I really like you."

"You like me?" Estella's moving her hand to cover her smile, worried it was too much.

"Wasn't that obvious? Do you like me?" Nick teases her, trying to get that cute smile to come back.

"Yes! Obviously." Estella looks back down at the picture. "Thank you for the gift, it's seriously the sweetest gift I've ever gotten... I want to kiss you so bad right now."

Nicks cheeks go red, before looking down at her lips with a slight smile. "Okay."

"You don't have to, I know we wanted to keep it a secret for awhile." Estella says, not wanting to push any boundaries.

"I want to." Nick nods reassuringly.

Estella searches his eyes for any signs or hesitation. "You sure?"


Estella walks closer to him, eyes never breaking eye contact. Slowly he leans down and kisses her.
His lips move softly against hers as he moves his hand up to the back of her neck, before deepening the kiss.

Eventually the two pull away, both breathing heavily and flustered.

"Come on, we need to go find the motorcycles." Estella bent down to grab her drink and gift bag before leading the way.

Nick hung back for a second to text Imogen about not being able to go on the date.


The rest of the time at the arcade was spent with a childlike sort of bliss.

Charlie and Ezra snuck away to kiss and talk.

Elle and Tao played alien games, Tao bragging about how he was an Space Alien Master, and Elle looking at him lovingly.

Isaac took to the coin games, gambling his way to $30 in quarters, safe to say Estella was very impressed.

Nick and Estella had a Mario Kart tournament, Estella winning all the games. And played motorcycle games, laughing as Nick fell off in the middle of the game.

A/N: sorry the ending is a bit rushed! I'm planning on making the first part of this book around 13 parts and then probably moving onto part 2/season 2 🩷


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