The Moon Colored Wolf (Origin...

By LeonPiersLover07

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Rogues have been plaguing packs for years, especially one specific pack; The Moon Pack. The Alpha has neglect... More


Chapter 1: Challenge

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By LeonPiersLover07

Kiyah paced back and forth in the main foyer of the pack house as she awaited the arrival of Alpha Vittorio from the Ghrian pack. She was nervous to say the least about challenging her father but it needed to be done. The pack has suffered enough from it and she was well old enough to take over. She knew what and who she is. She hated to use it in this way. The main doors open up to the pack house revealing Alpha Vittorio and his Beta, Xaden. Kiyah bows her head respectfully to both as they did the same back. They were the very few who knew.

"Kiyah. Look how you've grown. Your mother would be proud." Alpha Vittorio embraces Kiyah as she embraces him back.

"I only hope she is proud of me." The silver haired female smiles softly at him as they break apart as her face falls. "And I only hope she can see what dad has turned into."

"I'm pretty sure she has. Let's take this somewhere private. I will fill in Leoric later."

Viktor escorts the group into a private meeting room before he leaves to distract Kiyah's father. They all sit at a table as Kilian walks in and bows his head to their fellow Alpha and Beta before sitting next to his best friend. As the next Beta in line, Kiyah wanted him to be there. The pair looks at each other before nod before looking to Vittorio and Xaden.

"I want to challenge my father for the position of Alpha. Will you support me in this?" The female looks at Vittorio as he looks at her with a thoughtful look.

"Why do you wish to challenge his position?" Vittorio slightly narrows his eyes at the young female as she takes a deep breath.

"He neglects his duty as Alpha. The Moon pack is suffering from the rogues that continue to plague us. Our crops are suffering as well as our members. We've lost so many to the rogues... I don't want to see anyone suffer anymore than what they already have." Bright blue eyes meet the gold eyes of the Alpha in front of her as his face turns grim, anger swimming in his eyes.

"When did this start?" 

"After our Luna passed."

"That idiot." Vittorio sighs as he looks at Xaden, who nods with his approval. "I will support your decision. When do you plan on initiating this challenge?"

"Tonight in front of the council."

Alpha Vittorio helps Kiyah prepare for the challenge just before the council meeting. Alpha Mitchell sits at the front of the council as the members argue amongst themselves. The male completely ignores everything in front of him as Beta Viktor tries to calm them down. The only thing that catches his attention is the meeting room doors fly open, showing Kiyah with a hardened look in her eye. Alpha Mitchell growls low in his throat as he stands to meet his daughter's eyes.

"What do you think you are doing? This is not a place for you, Kiyah."

"I challenge you, Alpha Mitchell, for the position of Alpha." The silver haired female stares at her father, not backing down as she hears gasps throughout the entire room.

"You can't challenge me for Alpha. You have no one backing you up." Alpha Mitchell smirks before he sees his childhood friend, Vittorio step up behind her. He puts two and two together as he roars in outrage. "You've been planning this!"

"Of course I have! You refuse to be the Alpha this pack needs."

"Out back." He growls at his daughter.

Alpha Mitchell and Kiyah go out to the fighting ring as they prepare themselves. Usually the fight would be a fight to the death but since a family member is challenging another, the rules become different. One of the challengers must make the other submit to their will. Alpha Vittorio as well as the council members go through the rules as the father and daughter stare each other down. Once they both hear the go ahead, Mitchell shifts into his massive sandy brown wolf that barely challenges the size of a car. Kiyah takes a deep breath before she shifts into her wolf. A loud growl rips from her throat as she towers over her father. Mitchell stands his ground as he lowers himself to get ready to pounce, only to not have it go his way.

Kiyah growls loud as the hair on her back raises, asserting her Alpha will over him. Mitchell fights it as he shakes his wolf head, growling back. The female's growl becomes deeper as she stands up to her full height, challenging the size of an SUV. A whimper is heard as Mitchell lays down and lowers his head. Leoric, just arriving to the challenge, has his eyes wide with surprise as he feels his breath leave his body. Viktor walks over to Kiyah with a large blanket as she shifts back, allowing her to cover herself. She looks at her father as her eyes glow as bright as the moon.

"Shift." An Alpha tone mixed in with her voice as she watches her father shift back to his human form.

"Now that the challenge is complete, The Moon pack welcomes its newest Alpha, Alpha Kiyah. The first female Alpha." One of the council members announces as he bows his head to her. The entire pack follows as the Betas besides Alpha Vittorio.

As the council was making arrangements for Kiyah's ceremony, she took a shower before going back to the pack house. Her mind started racing as she ran through everything that she needed to fix after the ceremony. She was so lost in thought, she accidently ran in a solid wall, almost stumbling backwards before hands catch her, holding her up. As she looked up, her eyes met the brightest set of green eyes she has ever seen. Strong hands held her arms as he brought her back onto her feet. A strong jaw was covered in small stubble that was black as well as the hair on top of his head. He pulls away from her and stands at his full height. From what she could tell, he had a solid foot on her. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him as he seemed to be the same way. As she was ready to introduce herself, Alpha Vittorio comes up to them.

"Ah, good, you arrived, Alpha Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Alpha Kiyah. The newest Alpha of the Moon pack." Vittorio introduces them as he slightly smirks to himself, knowing exactly what is going on.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sebastian." Kiyah bows her head before she holds her hand out to him. Sebastian reaches out and clasps her hand as he returns the gestures.

"Likewise. Alpha Vittorio said you might need aid in getting rid of the rogues. I know how much rogues can take. I just lost the majority of my pack just recently."

"If you need a place to stay, you are more than welcome to stay here."

"Thank you, Alpha Kiyah."

Kiyah gets escorted away by Viktor to complete the Alpha ceremony as Sebastian's eyes follow her every move. The male feels Vittorio stand beside him as he feels his wolf stir within him.


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