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╰┈➤˗ˏˋ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 Y/N Constance Serenity is brought to witness the unfolding love triangle underneath th... More



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"Lady Serena! Welcome back!" Manager Logan smiled as he greeted Serena who entered the hotel

"The event will be starting soon, would you like to change now Serena?" Y/N asked when she noticed her sisters arrival

"Yeah. By the way, Uncle Logan, who sent the flowers displayed in the center of the lobby?" 

"Ah, those are from President Harold and his wife. They were remarkable generous, practically all the flowers in the lobby are from them! They also sent a card with a congratulatory message" 

"Ah, I see"

Serena and Y/N made their way to the Master Suite to get changed and ready 

"Since you still have a wound on your hand it would be best to wear gloves but it might get a little hot. You have three dresses prepared for you, the main dress, an evening gown and a spare. As for the shoes..." 

"Can you change them to a pair of low heeled shoes? High heels will become bothersome and painful quick" 

"Sure" Y/N smiled recognizing Serena's change in fashion taste

"And how is Frederick?" 

"He seemed surprised when I first relayed your instructions but all he asked was when you will return and he's currently staying in the room quietly" 

Once in the master suite the sisters began to change their clothes. Serena took a bath while Y/N changed since Y/N had taken a bath earlier 

Y/N's Dress (Haeong on Twitter. I think)

(The skirt is a little shorter like right above the ankles and not as wide) 

Y/N's shoes (Image found on Pinterest) 

She adjusted the skirt of the dress as Serena came out of the bath and Y/N helped her change into her dress and do her sisters makeup 

As Y/N was putting the makeup away Serena handed something to Y/N. It was a small ring that had a yellow flower with a diamond set in the middle. Serena slid the ring onto Y/N's pointer finger 


"Thank you for all of your hard work Y/N, I truly could not have done it without you by my side. You have my most sincere thanks" Serena wrapped Y/N in a tight hug and Y/N reciprocated having to bite her tongue to hold back tears  

"Don't cry now, Y/N. Go out there with your head held high." Serena smiled with a hand on her sisters shoulder 

Y/N smiled "I'll see you out there Serena" 

Customary to the tradition of Serenity, any family members of the current President of Serenity will walk out to give an introduction and guide the President down the stairs. (I made this up)

As Y/N approached the doors, she could hear the chatter from their guests and two servants swung the doors open as she approached them and made her way to the balcony as the guests went silent 

"Dear family, friends and esteemed guests. I thank you for gathering on this prosperous evening. As many of you know, my name is Y/N Constance Serenity and I am the younger sister to our dear President. We gather on this night to usher in another year of prosperity, wealth, and happiness to our beloved Serenity. And with that, I would like to welcome our third President, Serena Serenity."  

Y/N turned as Serena walked out from the doors and everyone began to clap 

Serena took Y/N's hand as Y/N guided her sister down the steps 

Whispers of "What beautiful sisters!" and "Oh, they look like fairies" came from the crowd 

Y/N parted from Serena once they made their way to the bottom of the steps and almost instinctively walked over to Raul who smiled at her 

"You look very beautiful tonight, Y/N" 

"Thank you Raul. You look quite handsome as well" 

He smiled and blushed slightly as she stood by his side 

Y/N watched her sister look around. "Is she looking for Eiser?" she muttered 

Eiser walked up to Serena and stood in front of her

"Perhaps I'm reading into things too much" Raul whispered to Y/N, "but it seems like Lady Serena and Sir Eiser are gazing at each other much more warmly than they did before!" 

"I think you're quite right. They aren't glaring coldly at each other any more"

She stood silently as Serena gave her speech and she noticed someone from the corner of her eye. The young man she had seen while she had sung at the Jazz club weeks before. She froze when they made eye contact and she tore her gaze away as a myriad of thoughts ran through her head 

"Why was he there?"

"Does he know I'm Cosmina?" 

"Will he tell?"

When it was time for the announcement Y/N had to go back to Serena's side and stand with her on the dias while Serena made her speech. 

Once the speech was over Serena went off to mingle with the guests and Y/N tried to sneak her way to the food table but was stopped by a few businessmen and businesswomen who were all curious on doing business with the Serenity hotel 

Y/N begrudgingly went through with the conversations and lost count of how many times she said "I'll make sure to put a word in" 

Her back hurt by the time dinner began and her only solace was the steak that was being served 

She sat at a table with Serena and Eiser so the whole meal was awkward and quiet and Y/N didn't dare to speak until the end of the dinner when Y/N made her way to the Master Suite to see Serena already hunched over a counter 

"Hah...people are so...tiring" she said as she slumped onto a couch and Teddy came waddling over wearing a big yellow ribbon 

"You're right...I now know why mother always went on a vacation immediately after the anniversary event" Serena looked over her shoulder at her sister 

"Right? We should take a vacation. Do you know how many people I've had to tell 'I'll make sure to put a word in for you!'? Like, 30 people" Y/N complained and Serena laughed a little 

"Well all we need to get through is the evening party. We're free after the party so we should get changed after a short break" 

Y/N yawned "Sounds good" 

Both sisters heard a rustle of fabric and a the click of heels 

"It's been a while, Hello Darling" The voice spoke out and Serena and Y/N's heads turned in the direction of the sound 

Y/N suck over close to get a better look to see both Eiser and Diah De Laurent whom she's never met but only heard about once or twice

"It's not like I expected you to be happy about seeing me again...but the least you could do is accept my greeting" Diah spoke

"I would, had it not made me sick to my stomach to hear it" Eiser spoke harshly 

"Well, I mean it. I missed you Leinz" 

"That's enough, how dare you show your face here?" 

"I guess you didn't bother reading my last letter either. I wrote that I'd become the new director and come to see you soon. Perhaps it because he's nearing the end of his life, but my father forgave me for everything. He even gave me the director title, although he used to say he'd never hand it over to a girl who betrayed her family, which thankfully put an end to my exile under the guise of studying abroad" 

"She was exiled?" Y/N thought "What on earth was the exiled for?" 

"I'm sure there are some things that you've misunderstood about what I did" Diah continued "I'd like to offer an explanation" 

"Misunderstood?" Eisers eyebrow twitched "How could I have possibly misunderstood what I witnessed with my own two eyes? Unless you've got one hell of an excuse you'd like to offer me, you'd be better off keeping your mouth shut. You weren't on the guest list so I have no idea how you managed to sneak in here...but unless you want to be forcibly removed, leave this place immediately" 

"I prefer that you not treat me as an intruder as I am here at the invitation of Lady Serenity."  

(Usually when people say Lady Serenity they are referring to Serena)

"I was aware that you'd gotten married but it feels strange to see you under such circumstances. Well, I won't bother taking it too seriously since I know your marriage is a sham

"Serena Serenity...she's beautiful. She's so charming and attractive any man would fall in love with her. I was impressed by the innate charisma and eloquence she exuded, even at such a young age. Even her younger sister is the same way. Perhaps that's why...even though your marriage was just for show, darling, I found myself almost feeling a little jealous" 

"Stop referring to me by that vile endearment!" Eiser raised his voice as he slammed his hand on the wall

"I don't care whether you became the new gallery director or whatever excuses you've prepared. None of it is my business anymore. All you are is the living reminder of my loathsome past." Eiser said with his eyes full of anger and hatred. "I have nothing else to say to you" 

Eiser's eyes flicked to the side when he saw Serena peering towards them through the decorative grate on the wall. Y/N had ducked out of his line of sight just in time

He turned around and walked out slamming the door in the process 

Diah left soon after 

"Ugh that was nerve wracking!" Y/N said as she sunk onto the couch again. "So that was Diah De Laurent huh? I suppose she was a former lover of Eiser's....why's she get exiled though?" 

"I'm not sure...well, we should get changed now. And you need to do your hair Y/N" 

"Oh yeah that's right" 

Y/N decided to opt for a lower heel for more comfort 

Finally in the outdoor garden party, she sat on a bench surrounded by white and yellow peonies and she sighed in content soaking up the cool summer night breeze as she heard a rustle close by to her 

It was the young man she saw earlier. 

She looked up at him before he spoke 

"Miss Serenity?" 

"Um..yeah? I mean yes! Yes...that's me.." why on Earth was she so nervous?

He smiled, such a sweet smile. "I'm Aleksander Sinclair" he extended a hand which she shook 

"It's nice to meet you..Sir. Sinclair" 

"Oh no matter, call me Aleksander. May I sit" 

"Oh! Of course" she shifted to the side allowing him to sit "Are you...enjoying the party" 

"Ah...yes. The party is lovely. Quite lovely" he said as he looked over at her 

Y/N nodded slowly, feeling a little awkward "So um...are you here with anyone?" 

"Yeah, I'm here with my father who I believe...is speaking to your brother-in-law" He said as he pointed to Eiser who was talking to a tall man with dark brown hair

"Ah, I see, your father must work with Eiser then I assume?" 

"He does, I believe they've been discussing Flo Marina. My father owns properties there" 

"Flo Marina? Oh that's correct, the new hotel in that property area" 

"Then I suppose we'll be seeing more of each other in regards to the partnership" 

Y/N looked up at him with a small smile "Yes, I suppose we will" 


As Y/N walked back to the hotel she saw someone who she hadn't seen in years 

Victor Grayan 

She had seen him a some events from afar and they were even introduced to each other when Victor had visited Dalincourt on official business and the headmaster made her give him a tour which - in her opinion - was utterly ridiculous. Her first time seeing him was at her ballet academy when she was small

She grit her teeth as she tried to walk past him silently 

"Ah ah ah...you sneaky little mouse" 

"Shit" she cursed inside her head. "Victor Grayan, to what do I owe the pleasure how the hell did you get in here" 

The man had a scar by his mouth and a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he smirked

"You don't seem to excited to see me" 

"Don't see why I would be excited. I met you once. Or maybe twice, but that's probably pushing it" 

He chuckled at that "Have you seen...a little blonde rat...skulking around...wearing a black dress" 

"Perhaps I would but Serenity doesn't have rats, nor do we dress them up which we don't...cause we don't have rats" she stuck her finger up in a matter-of-fact way 

"Really, then maybe...a blonde woman...you've never seen before" 

Understand that, since Y/N didn't know Diah on a personal level, nor has she spoken to her, she had no reason telling Victor about what she had seen 

"Saw her um...in the garden during the party..well duh, but she could possibly be coming this way to leave. And actually! So should you!" 

Y/N turned and left when she saw Diah approaching from afar 

"Still so fiesty" Victor muttered under his breath  

"Oh! Lady Y/N" Diah greeted "I didn't have a chance to speak to you at the party I apologize. I am Diah De Laurent the new director of the De Laurent gallery" 

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. De Laurent. I don't believe I've heard much word of you so please excuse my lack of knowledge" 

"Think nothing of it. I was studying abroad until recently" 

"I see" 

"Well anyways, I am having my inauguration soon and I would like to invite you, Lady Serena, and Eiser" 

"We would love to attend, Ms. De Laurent" Y/N smiled trying to ignore Victor's gaze from where he was standing 

"Lovely! I will let you go then"

"Very well, enjoy the rest of your night Ms. De Laurent" Y/N said and left to enter the hotel not noticing the conversation between Diah and Victor 

She joined Serena in the hotel who smiled at her 

Manager Logan approached the two girls and told them that Eiser would be staying at the hotel and that they could head home 

"Excuse me? He asked us to go home by ourselves? Why?" Serena asked as Y/N took her earrings off shoving them into a pocket in her dress and loosening her hair slightly trying to work her headband from her hair which had caught hold on some strands 

"Sir Eiser said earlier than he had a headache and it apparently hasn't lessened any. He said he's just spend the night here...he must be too tired for a trip to the manor. While he said he was fine and didn't need anyone around he looked rather unwell to me. I will attend to him tonight so don't worry and head on home Lady Serena and Lady Y/N." 

"But Uncle Logan, you've been working non-stop for the past month, not to mention everything you've done for the party tonight from start to finish, I can't possibly ask you to take on this as well" 

"Serena is right Uncle Logan" Y/N said as she finally worked her headband from her hair. "You've worked really hard tonight and deserve some rest" 

"I'll be fine! I can't ask the staff to stay on, they deserve to go home and get some rest" 

"Uncle Logan you are the staff" Y/N deadpanned 

Suddenly the doors busted open and Diah ran in "Excuse me!" 

"Miss De Laurent" 

"Apologies General Manager, could you give us the room for the moment?" Diah asked and Logan turned to Serena and Y/N both whom nodded and he left 

"I didn't expect to see you so soon Miss De Laurent" Serena spoke "I thought you'd gone home. What's the matter?"

"Leinz he's in that room isn't he? Let me...let me see Eiser please" 

"Pardon?" Serena asked clearly taken aback 

"There is something I need to say to Leinz. It won't take long" Diah stood up and Y/N, not wanting to be in the middle of the crossfire, left the room to grab some medication for Eiser's headache. 

She silently slipped into the room again and caught the conversation 

"...and come back after arranging a meeting with him" Serena spoke and Y/N slipped into the room Eiser was in closing the door behind her. 

Eiser was laying on a couch with his eyes closed but didn't seem asleep 

She tried to keep quiet as she placed the medication on a side table 

"What are you doing" he spoke up causing her to flinch 

"Giving you medication for your headache. Can't have you getting brain damage 'cause where the hell would we be without you" 

He huffed out a slight laugh "I didn't know that your middle name was Constance" 

"Don't start, I hate that name. Sounds so old lady-like" 

"Isn't that right..you can go now" 

"You're welcome, Your Highness" she said sarcastically as she quietly left which caused Eiser to laugh out a little bit finding her antics slightly endearing, like arguing with a little sister 

When Y/N slipped back into the room it seemed like a standoff between Serena and Diah so she sat to the side making sure to keep her attention on the two women 

"Miss De Laurent...you're a more interesting woman than I initially thought. So you know that Eiser and I are in a marriage on convenience...then are you aware that we mutually agreed on the marriage, are you not?" Serena crossed her arms "Regardless of whatever you imagine that Eiser and I feel for each other, whatever relationship that you and he had in the past...what is important is that...he is my husband now. I will consider this a mistake on your part, brought by over indulging yourself at the party earlier. Now I must ask you to leave, I will ask the General Manager to escort you home. And don't worry about Eiser, I'll make sure to stay with him, all night." 

And with that, Serena entered the door to Eiser's room and shut it promptly. 

Y/N, not wanting to say anything to Diah, left the sitting room of the master suite, walked up the stairs and to her room

She took a long bubble bath to soothe her and threw on a nightgown

But before she could crash into bed she saw a small gift sitting on her night stand 

She opened the box to see a watch 

Van Cleef and Arples 

Along with the box a note read 

You did a good assisting you sister though I shouldn't expect anything less from you at this point. Thank you for your hard work Y/N, this watch should suit you and your ability to always be punctual. I hope to see more from you in the future. 

Y/N smiled a little knowing that this was him getting soft (in a way he felt like an older brother to her) 

She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow 


Word Count: 3261

BAM! Unedited

I love Fast and Furious

I forgot who asked for Victor x reader but given the storyline that won't work out

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