Weight Gain And Inflation Sto...

By didigtsyduehjf

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A Growing Love
The Wishing App
Twitch Chat Makes You Fat
Fortune Teller
Unexpected Halloween
Software Glitch
The Growing game
A date with Dan
Smart Water
The Big Date
Office Blob
First Meeting
Cream Filled
Inflated Revenge
Inflation Experience
Male Inflation Day
Pro Gamer
Soda Challenge
3 wishes
Inflate for Me
Will the Waterbed
Only once
Jacob's long night
Caramel Treats
Getting Fuller
Fat spa
Jonah's three wishes
Victor's Demise
Cuddle Time Fwoomphs
The Birthday Cake
Inflated Boyfriend
Big Big Big Boyfriend
Out with a Bang
The Bus Stop
The Suit
The Dare
Size Envy
Questionable Decisions
Inflation Suit
Project GAINS
Inflate Me!
The Body inflation Suit and the Inflation Fetish Society
Dan's Discord Show
Champagne Bottle
The ass cream man
The Devil's Due
Private Show
Matt and Theo
John's wish
Accidental Water Inflation
Cursed Chocolate
Water and Chocolate
A special drink
Filled with Chocolate
David's pill
Take a seat
Super stuffed
The pill
Doctor's Visit
Something Tight
Fall Fair
Something Ripped
Pumpkin Spice
Something too Small
Soft Chest
Freshman Fifteen
Stretch Marks
Eating Contest
Mutual Gaining
Chubby Thighs
Love Handles
Full Moon Feast
Chubby Cheeks
Belly Rubs
Big Butt
Chubby Belly
Weight Gain Curse
I knew it was you
Takumi in bed
Two for one
The Princess and the curse
A Heavyweight Honeymoon
Quinn's Halloween
Biggest Fan
Dave's Cookies
Derek's Cupcakes
A very big little brother
The Tale of the Slime
Donut Magic
The Devil's Doughnuts
Family Curse
Birthday wish
The Blushing Blueberry
The Gainers Love
Trick or Titan
Coffee with cream
Comfort Eating
You deserve it Haley!
The perfect toy
"Intant Dad Bod"
The Wishing Scale: Pushed aside
Easy as a Pie
Finding Out New Things
The Fun Zone
An Engorged Explorer
More Than Offered

Big man on Campus

147 0 0
By didigtsyduehjf

It had all come down to the final round. After tonight's competition, a new Mr. South
Eastern College would be chosen. Unlike the normal run of the mill campus contest prize of fame, fortune and the choice of any girl that the winner cared to go out with; there was something a bit more personal at stake this time. The two leading contenders had a grudge match going, vying for a trip to the hottest spring break spot of his choice for the winner and three lucky friends. There was more than
just a rivalry riding on the outcome as each contender brought the backing of friends to the

"Well, Jason, how do you feel?" Chad asked, looking nervous at the time. "It's still
quite a while before the finals and the modeling competition. Think you can make it?"

"Of course, I'm fine!" Jason flashed him a confident smile as he turned and winked.
Jason was back stage with three of his frat brothers. At 5'8"and 198 pounds, Jason was a
walking wall of muscle. A double major in health science and physical education kept him busy
but didn't cut into his body building too badly. Jason sported an armor-like layer of muscle to
show for it. He had recently made some waves in a few junior bodybuilding contests and would
soon have his photo in a leading muscle magazine's annual college issue. A lifestyle of exercise
and health showed in every movement. Jason was well known and liked around campus so his
friends felt he had the best chance to snag them a free vacation. Jason was only too happy to
give it a try.

"I just wish I knew how Mike caught up so easily. I was sure he had knocked himself
out with that interview," a frown crossed his face. "I had a ten point lead until
the community service competition, and then he came up with the shit about volunteering at the
inner city health clinic in Chicago last summer. Shit, made my tutoring at the
homeless center look like chump change. Oh well, everyone knows I have the last event in the
bag, right?" Jason said with a chuckle. "After all, Mike's may have done some modeling but I don't think he can compete with this." Jason flexed his right bicep into mound and rubbed his other hand
over his six - pack abs and grinned. Jason's 8 % body fat level left him looking like an anatomy
chart of flushed muscle.

His pals laughed in agreement and had to concur. "You the MAN!" Chad added.
While this competition was by no means a bodybuilding contest they all knew the guy with the
best build usually won. Sponsored by a local radio station, the contest was judged on four
elements: scholastic standing, community service, an interview session and looks. A panel of
judges ranked the competitors in the first three categories but an applause meter judged the last event. Tonight was the final completion in what had been preceded with a three-week semifinal that narrowed the field to eight men. Jason had easily out distanced the field with Mike as his only real competition as they entered the last category, the beefcake session.

    The audience was loud and nervous as nearly the whole campus turned out for the final contest.
Competitors packed the crowd with their own cheering sections to help sway the results of the
last category. The guys could hear their other frat pals hooting and hollering for Jason over the
cheers of the countless girls in the crowd waiting for the last round to begin.               |

Mike was tall and thin with dark good looks and big smile that melted hearts. The
pre med major was well known around campus from the fashion modeling he did on the side...
and his love'em and leave'em attitude. Mike was a pretty boy that was for sure. He had a
following but he just couldn't compete with Jason's iron pumped appearance. Anyway you |
looked at it Mike was kind of puny. His face was his best asset. It might be close, but in the
end Jason was almost sure to win.    If nothing strange happened.

"How's about I go and scope out the situation? You know
see if they're planning anything?" Chad offered. Though no one would mention it to Jason, they
all had the sense that something strange was up. The others had noticed that Mike seemed to
look a bit beefier than normal during the earlier secessions that evening. He was dressed in baggy slacks and a big sweater but Jason's pals talking among themselves, had questioned
how he could have bulked up in only a matter of a week or so. It didn't make sense.

"That would be unethical. Chad." Jason frowned again. With a laugh he added, "Then again, you never know with Mike. You better go check. I think he's with his friend, Newman."
"I can't believe I'm losing to that muscle bound idiot!" Mike grumbled as he paced about
in the confined spaces of a cluttered lab. "Here I spent all that money and effort to buy the
judges off for the personality completion and not only do I lose to that hick from the Farmer's
Frat but Jason comes out of no where and passes me up with that humble jock routine too.

"Stop moving around," Newman muttered, scribbling away furiously in a notebook. "I have to make sure the skin composition is exactly right for this to work." He pulled a lamp
closer as he compared Mike's forearm and then his thigh to a wad of material in his hands.

"Are you sure this'll do the trick?"

"Sure I'm sure," he replied indignantly. "I... well; my dad's been working on this for
years. Basically all I'm doing is giving you a second layer of false skin from your neck to your
ankles and wrists. It'll conform to your body shape exactly, but since it stretches...

"I'll be able to strategically augment it in order to beat out that bloated beach bum. I still wonder where he gets all the time to exercise and still get those grades... I mean it's not like he
can afford to pay off teachers for better grades like I can. But then just how smart does a
P.E. major have to be, right? Is the suit ready?"

"Yup." Newman held up what looked like a unitard with a short zipper along the back.
"Good thing you decided to wear that scuba suit and the belt. That'll cover the collar of the skin suit. Everything else I can blend in well enough to be pretty much invisible."

"What about this?" Mike asked, pointing at a small valve, much like that of a bike tire
where the pump is attached. It stuck out the back of the suit, just below where the zipper

"That? Don't worry; it'll match right in with your belt. Ok, strip down and climb in."

Mike was quickly out of his clothing; dropping the pads he had worn under his sweater to make his shoulders and chest look bigger on a chair. He had even worn a football girdle with
special pads to fill his scrawny legs and ass out. Mike carefully pulled the suit on almost before he
finished the sentence.

"Oh, don't be so careful with it. It's practically indestructible. I doubt even a sharp knife could cut it."                                                          

After sliding into the suit and having Newman zip it up, Mike resembled a Ken doll.
He looked neutered: no private parts showed.   Only close examination would reveal that he was wearing anything. The suit blended nearly perfectly with his skin and even had nipples on the sculpted chest and a navel near the waist.

"How does it feel?"

"Not bad. Really comfortable, it feels almost like satin... or maybe a soft rubber. Yeah,
that's it, like smooth and warm rubber. Now what?"

"Here's your dive skins." The final stage of the completion wasn't a bodybuilding
contest in the strict sense. The boys were instructed to wear something that reflected their
personality. It certainly called for a bit of cheesecake but they didn't all line up in Speedos, though
Mike imagined Jason would. He knew one guy from the football team was wearing his uniform
pants and shoulder pads without a shirt. Mike was happy to pull out his dive gear as it would
hide the skin suit he wore perfectly.  Besides that he thought the gear gave him a bit a jock-ish daredevil edge. He stepped into his Lycra dive skin and pulled it up over the skin-toned suit. There were foot straps at the end of the legs and thumb lopes on the arms so Mike was confident that the
suit he wore underneath would be hidden. His dive suit was black with bright blue sleeves and a
matching blue V on the chest that accented his soon to be broad shoulders and chest. They had
doctored his weight belt to hide the valve stem in the back and dropped the weights off for the
night. Mike planned to just toss the tanks over his right shoulder when he went out on stage and
then set them down as he preened.

"All right, the valve blends in right with the belt. No one'll notice it," Newman grinned.
"Now let's try this out."

"This is so cool!" Mike grinned. "I'm glad my dad hired yours to be head of research.
You get to play with all his new stuff."

Newman connected a small hand pump to the valve, and then started squeezing away.
Holding his breath, Mike watched in the mirror. Slowly, his muscle tone seemed to improve
before his eyes, arms thickening slightly and became more defined. His pecs lifted outward
slowly while Mike's back widen ever so slowly. His waist remained the same size but
now flushed with a pneumatic six pack that no mater how many sit-ups he did, Mike could never build on his own. Mike's thighs began to swell with muscle tone as they became defined and ripped
looking. The stretchy black material of the dive suit he wore clung to and highlighted his rubber muscles. The tight suit fit so snuggly it almost looked like body paint over his newly muscled body.  Mike watched as he quickly became beefy looking.

"That's just about perfect. Stop."

Running his hands over his chest and arms, Mike laughed. It looked like he had just gained twenty pounds of solid muscle. He turned before the mirror checking his reflection from every angle
until he was satisfied with his new build. Reaching for the hand pump, he tried to disconnect it, but couldn't until Newman twisted it off the valve.

"Sorry 'bout that. It's a cheap valve and if you don't twist it off right, it'll jam."

"Forget it." Mike grinned. "This contest is in the can. There's no way anyone
could find Jason better'n me!" He could very well be right. Originally he only had his movie star
looks to count on, but now Mike's physical appearance could only be described as impressive. The
blue sleeves of his suit highlighted his buffed and cut arms and delts, the V on the chest only
made his upper body look wider and his waist smaller. Nobody would guess his build was
anything but natural. Mike pulled on a pair of neoprene dive socks to hide the leg cuffs; he was
ready and prepared to face all comers.

The two experimented with his look as Mike paced back and forth practicing modeling
his new build. They finally decided that the skin tones were such a good match that he could
risk unzipping the dive suit to just below his belly button once on stage without anyone being able to
make out the suit he wore beneath. Mike practiced his move again and again until he became
comfortable with the way the dive suit spread open to reveal his pumped up rubber chest and abs.
Newman repeated warned him to be sure he zipped it back up before he left the stage less
someone up close might see the collar of the skin suit.
"He did what?!?" Dumbfounded, Jason sat down in stunned amazement. "That, that's cheating! Not only that...that's some crazy shit! An inflatable muscle suit! I've never heard of such a thing."

Chad nodded solemnly. "I saw the whole thing through the vent."

Jason eyed him suspiciously as the others crowded around. "Through the vent? What is this, spy talents you picked up back when you were still
peaking into the women's showers?" One of the other boys name Ryan asked with a chuckle.

"Never mind that! I can't believe Mike would sink so low... I don't wanna lose to
that bastard especially if he has to cheat to do it. Shit his rich daddy could afford to send him and all his friends to anywhere they wanted to go."

Ryan chimed in, "Does little Mikey really have any friends? I'm not sure that has ever been
proven." which brought laughter from the others.

Chad smiled as he lightly punched Jason in the shoulder. "C'mon, we'll just have to think
of something. See, you already have that look in your eye!"

"Chad, you said the valve was kinda sticky?"


"C'mon, I've got an idea. I need you guys to go down to the supply office and pick up
some equipment. Let's see if we can turn Mike's new assets against him."           

Mike was already in the stage anteroom having put his tanks in the corner. He stood
admiring himself in a wall mirror flexing his lifelike muscles, when Jason shuffled in. Jason had
decided to wear only a pair of baggy plaid shorts that hung low enough on his hips to expose
the waistband on his underwear. He had been throwing around some weights in a near by
weight room until his body was pumped and hard looking.  His lightly oiled and tanned skin
highlighted his build. It had been a group decision at the frat, along with some advice from his
frat's sorority sisters that the bodybuilder would not wear his poising briefs for fear he might turn off those in the crowd who weren't into bodybuilding. Better to come off looking buff rather than like a hard-core muscle freak.

The football player, Moose, bumped him as he threw on his shoulder pads. "Good
luck", the player said with a grin as he looked over his shoulder at Mike and rolled his eyes at
Jason before making his way to the stage, leaving the two rivals alone. Turning with a smile, Mike greeted his opponent, pretending to be friends when all the while he was flaunting
his new bulk to the astonished Jason. Mike looked as easily as brawny as he did. The real
strong man was amazed at how real Mike's pneumatic build looked under the shiny dive suit as
the jerk strutted around. Chad was right, he realized. Mike now had an incredible body. But if

a few muscles were enough to win, Jason was determined to give Mike more than he could

"Why don't we sit down and wait?  It's still twenty minutes or so before we go on.  Jason suggested with a good buddy smile to match Mike's, sitting down on the only chair available.
The only other furniture was a few tables, a TV and an open backed stool nearby. Acquiescing,
Mike sat down on the stool with ill grace, but was soon absorbed in reading a magazine.

"What's that on your collar there, BIG guy?" Jason pointed to Mike's back. "It looks as
though you have some lint stuck on there.  Well, maybe it is a tag."  He turned his attention back to the TV that blared in a corner as if he didn't care about Mike at all.

"Really?" Mike tried to glance over his now beefy shoulders, but couldn't get the area in.
question into view.  Jason knew what would come next.  Mike tried to reach back and pull off what ever was stuck there.  Jason's own bulked up shoulders and arms restricted his ability to touch the back of his neck, he could only imagine what Mike's air bags would do.  Sure enough Mike could barely reach the back of his head let alone his collar.  He could feel the air pressure shift across his chest and arms as he tried; so quickly he gave up less Jason notice the change.

"Could you pull it off for me?"    

"Sure!" Jason smirked.

"Hold still." Sliding to edge of his chair he brought forth what had been hiding carefully                behind his back the entire time; an air hose, Chad had hid beside the chair earlier. With the clamp foremost in Jason's strong hand and the hose hid under a rug before going out the door. Brushing and tugging on the collar to distract Mike, Jason carefully clipped the hose on the fitting sticking a bit out of the back of Mike' s suit. 'There you go, got it." Jason said with a smile as patted Mike on the shoulder before he tossed the imaginary tag into the comer behind the chair and turned his attention back to the sport report on the television.

"Thanks", Mike answered as he continued to flip through his magazine, pretending to
ignore Jason.

"Hey Jason, may I speak with you for a moment?" Chad waved from the door.

"Be right back!" Jason walked over. "Did you get the tanks?" he whispered to Chad
once they had stepped into the hall.

"All they had were some nearly full ones of helium from last week's Halloween party. I
already hooked all they had up in the hallway. Newman has been taken care of."

"Great. Fire it up!" Jason turned and went back to his seat in the room with a smile for
Mike. Watching the air hose, Jason could tell when the tanks were turned on as the pressure
made it squiggle a bit. A gentle hissing, barely audible, started. The effect on Mike was almost
as if it were a roar. He sat bolt upright, glancing around nervously before staring down at his
arms and legs, checking for leaks. He ran his hand up his left arm trying to look nonchalant
while hoping to find the leak, then switched to his other arm trying to look like he was
stretching. He then twisted around stretching like he was stiff as he slid his hands up his sides
and across his torso looking for the leaking air.  All the while he worried that he was shrinking in front of the big man.

"You're looking pretty buff there, big guy. Been working out long?"  Jason asked,
hiding his enjoyment of the situation. Mike grinned nervously into the mirror at Jason and said
"Yeah.  A while I guess", before turning his attention back to his reflection. He raised his arms like he was trying out his poising routine.

The first thing Mike noticed was that when he looked down, he could no longer see his
waist. His massive chest and shoulders blocked his view. He could see his knees and lower legs stretched out before him but anything between his pecs and knees were hidden.  When he and Newman had inflated him earlier the suit hadn't made him that big, he knew for certain. Glancing down, he stifled a gasp as he realized his pecs were slowly swelling almost as if more gas were coming in from somewhere.

Mike slowly stood up still not wanting to draw any attention from Jason.  The growing pressure he felt while sitting relaxed a bit.  Staring into the mirror, Mike realized his chest had already increased several inches. His build had gone from trim and athletic to seriously beefy. He looked like he weighed over 200 pounds. As he watched in horrified amazement, Mike knew there was no way he could pull this off. Buff was one thing, a full-fledged muscle freak was another. Nobody's body could swell up with so much muscle without anyone noticing.  Mike felt his confidence weaken as he began to wonder how he ever thought could pull this off.  All the while Mike worried about the muscle suit, he slowly but steadily grew more top-heavy, as his chest, arms, and back bulked up more with every passing second. Mike was dumbfounded as to why the air had started shifting around in the suit. His legs too had puffing up a bit as the muscles of the suit's thighs swelled leading down to his small knees before bulging into well-rounded calves. Mike could feel the pressure in his ball like ass increasing. He turned to look at it.
Oh shit!" Mike blurted out, spying the air hose for the first time in the mirror. A quick
exploration by his fingers revealed its attachment to the valve on his back. Tugging hard, he
quickly realized he was only jamming it on tighter. Mike tried to pull open the zipper on his dive suit,
but his massive upper body had already put a tremendous strain on the zipper. The clasp barely
moved before it stuck in place and wouldn't budge. He tried the hose again determined not to
give Jason the satisfaction of asking for his help. How the hell did he find out about his muscle
suit and where did the damn hose come from? The more Mike struggled with the hose the harder
it seemed to weld to the valve. Finally he gave up as the pressure building in his arms,
made it hard to reach around behind his back. His body was beginning to feel stiff under the
growing pressure.  First one hand and then the other slipped from the hose and as hard as he tried there was no way Mike could force his inflated arms to reach the hose feeding his inflation.

Where the hell was Newman, Mike wondered. Putting his hands over his chest, Mike
tried to squeeze it all back in. All that happened was that his upper body puffed up and down
squooshing into his face. A definite sensation of pressure was starting to be felt spreading over
his body.

Jason had to struggle to keep from busting up as he watched Mike inflate. He wished
his pals were there to enjoy the prank or that he had a camera to record it all with. The plan
couldn't have fallen into place better.

Glancing up into the mirror, Mike blinked in astonishment. His once trim frame was now
swollen to massive proportions of a 250 pound muscled freak. Twin ball like pecs stretched his dive suit across his chest while his shoulders had continued to bulk up, adding to a sudden feeling of claustrophobia as his thickening neck began to disappear into his swelling bulk. Mike's arms had started to swell wildly as well rising slowly away from his sides, looking for the entire world like he had begun to develop giant muscles. His delts were ball like as his upper arms approached at least 25". Below, his waist was still somewhat normal compared to his massive upper body, although it was puffing outward as well. His abs were ridiculously bloated like a down filled coat. Mike's thighs flared widely forcing his legs apart as he grew. Still his dive suit grew along with his body as it stretched. The
v on his chest looked enormous as it stretched between his shoulders. Mike's head began to
appear small in comparison to his great bulk.  Mike thought the over inflated muscle suit and flashy dive suit made him look like a comic book superhero rather than a jock.

As Mike watched with stunned horror, the suit swelled larger and larger. Quickly he had
inflated to the size of a serious bodybuilder and beyond. As he became more and more pumped
with gas, a feeling of increasing pressure spread over his body. Helpless, Mike could only tell
what was going on lower than his chest by the mirror as his now bloated pecs and shoulders
ballooned ever outward. Trying to move, he realized that he could no longer do more than a
stiff legged shuffle as the suit gripped him with a growing strength. Where the hell was
Newman? There was no way he could go and look for him and have everyone see him attached to the air hose while blowing up like a balloon. The trapped man was near panic now.

Slowly Mike's arms straightened out covered with hulking melon-shaped muscles and his
shoulders, swollen enormously, rubbed his ears. He had quickly passing the size of
even the biggest champion bodybuilder as he began to enter the realm of the cartoonish. Mike's
deep chest rose until it pressed against his dimpled chin.

With a ripping pop, the belt gave out as his waist bulged outward. Mike began to pant,
trying to draw breath against the tension of the suit. More and more he began to resemble a
vaguely human shaped muscle-bound balloon, ballooning, inflating, swelling, expanding
larger and larger.

The sound of laughter broke Mike out of his shock. "Oh, this is great!" Jason laughed again
as he clapped his hands slowly together, coming over to stand next to Mike. He couldn't keep
quiet any longer. Jason draped his beefy arm over Mike's augmented shoulders and smiled at
him in the mirror. Mike's inflation dwarfed Jason's real bulk.

"You're huge! Didn't anyone warn you about the dangers of steroids, man?" Jason
patted Mike's bloated chest feeling the air displace slightly when he did. "You take too many and they'
blow you up like a balloon. Look at yourself! Maybe you could you give me some pointers there BIG guy."  Jason flexed his left arm in front of Mike as he squeezed Mike's enormous bicep with his free
hand in comparison. "I've been having some trouble with my arms but you look like you have it
all figured out!"  All the time Jason rubbed his hands over Mike's 30" biceps. Jason doubled over with
laughter.  "This is great", he sputtered when he could catch his breath.

Mike just glared at Jason for a second as his face grew red and then turned his head and
yelled, "Newman, get your ass in here!"

Jason smiled his friendliest good buddy smile and said cheerfully, "Oh Newman is sort of
tied up at the moment. I don't think he can help you." The bodybuilder continued to check
out his hulking victim. He slipped his hand into the deep cleavage between Mike gas filled pecs
watched it disappear. Jason laughed as he pictured Newman wrapped in furnace tape and locked
in one of a down stairs closets. Chad and Ryan could be fiendish with a roll of duct tape.

Jason was enjoying tormenting his inflating opponent as he poked and prodded his
inflated physique, comparing his balloonish physique to Jason's own hard-earned muscle. Mike was
furious as the pressure of the bloated suit made him unable to move and prevented him from
stopping Jason. The bodybuilder walked around the swollen man checking his inflation out from
all sides. Mike could only shuffle his feet slightly now, moving an inch at a time as he tried to pull
away from Jason's taunting.

Jason couldn't resist poking Mike's inflated form harder. The helium had begun to offset Mike's
body weight as he bounced away at Jason's touch like a balloon. Jason continued to chuckle at Mike's
predicament. He shoved him harder and harder as Mike skidded away from the touch, helpless
to stop the strong man. Jason put his arms under Mike shoulders and pushed him into the air,
amazed at how light Mike felt in his helium filled suit. "Damn for all that size; you're light as a feather, bro." He gave Mike a shove and watched as he
rose into the air slowly like some human shaped beach ball. Mike's bloated form swayed back
and forth as he slowly rose in the air about 10 feet off the floor before drifting down again.
When Mike floated down Jason put his hand under his ass and the other under his back and gave
him a hard shove propelling him into the high ceiling room. Mike's eyes darted around as he
helplessly rose in the air and floated down while the ever-increasing pressure squeezed his body.
Again and again Jason shoved the trapped man into the air enjoying his power over the inflating
man and the work out he got from the game. Jason felt his own muscles flush with blood as he shoved the ballooning man into the air. The muscled man soon tired of this game and caught Mike and eased him to the floor. Jason laughed as he set Mike on the ground again.  Mike bounced several times before he came to rest on the floor with the bodybuilder holding him steady.   Jason slapped
him on the back, smiling at him in the mirror. Then he turned and grabbed a towel to wipe the
sweat from his brow.

"Jason!" Mike panted. "Stop it! Please, you've got to help me! I can't move..."  Jason's next statement was cut off as Mike let out a loud, "SHIT!"  Slowly and
ponderously, the inflating man started to rock back and forth as if he had lost his balance, then
like a blimp rising from the ground, he slowly began to roll forward while his legs started to drift slowly upward. Mike became airborne as his legs slowly rose toward the ceiling. He floated several feet above the ground face down.  Mike threw his head from side to side panicked as he swelled.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd get big enough to do that." Jason snickered again as Mike's
dive suit began to give up the ghost. "Now that's some funny shit," the jock said as he watched the latest development.  Mike's dive suit was ripped to pieces slowly as the seams and zipper
gave way, dropping to the floor piece by piece as Mike slowly rose higher now shifting to head
first as the gas in his upper body took over.

"Dude, you've got to help me! Ouch!" Mike winced as his head hit the ceiling and then
started caterwauling again.

Jason reached up and gave the hose a sharp tug, separating the nozzle
from the valve with a pop. He dropped the still hissing hose to the floor.  Then stepping up on a chair before jumping up and grasping Mike's ankles with both hands, he pulled him down far enough to tie a short rope he retrieved from one of the tables around his ankle.

"Thank you, Jason. Help me take this thing off. Thank you, man. Funny joke." Mike
said sounding relieved but exhausted as the pressure of the suit made it hard for him to breath.  He would say anything to suck up to Jason at this point as long as he helped get out of the over blown suit before anybody saw him.

Mike looked like a 400-pound bodybuilding balloon. In the neutered flesh toned suit he
was definitely freaky looking. His upper body was enormous wide and thick with a chest measurement of over 90". Mike's back was nearly twice as wide even the most massive body builder's. His bloated
arms were locked spread eagle as were his legs. His arms were covered with bulging mounds of air filled mass.  His waist had swollen to at least 52 inches. It was still covered with deeply ridged abs and compared with his enormous chest still gave him a comic V - taper. His thighs were easily as big around as Jason's beefy chest. The sheer mass of them held his legs bent in a squat like stance like that of a sumo wrestler. All this combined to make his head look child sized atop his inflated mass. It was only Mike's head that kept him from looking completely like a parade balloon version of a muscle man.

"Oh, you'll make such a stud-ly balloon. Wait till the girls get a load of you. Now I
think I'll go out and show you around a bit!"

"No, wait! I admit I cheated, but that doesn't deserve this!"

"Sure it does." Jason smiled as he reached up and pulled the last bit of material left from
Mike's tattered dive suit from his right arm and then let go of the rope. Mike shot up and bonked his
head into the ceiling again, yelping loudly.

"Please don't do this to me. Please, please just get me out of this damn suit. I'll pay you
- name your price. I'm begging you, man!"" Mike had turned rather red from all of his puffing
but now he was begging shamelessly. Jason just grinned as he looked up at Mike floating face
down against the ceiling.

"Naaa… let's go see some judges." Jason kicked open the double doors leading to the hall
behind the stage just as they called his name over the loudspeakers. He deftly turned around and
backed through the doors, pulling Mike down through the doorway, before letting him float to
the ceiling again, as they quickly made their way to the stage. The crowd and other contestants
backstage broke out loudly laughing as they saw Mike floated on Jason's arm. Many slapped
Jason on the back as he passed, offering him luck not sure what to make of his muscle blimp balloon.

Stage lights blinded Jason as he walked out on stage for a second and held one
hand up to shield his eyes until they had adjusted. The crowd erupted into wild cheering and
applause at the sight of the well-known stud Jason smiled and flexed his upper body and free arm as he walked stiffly to the M.C. at center stage. The crowd died down as they tried to figure out why he had
a giant balloon with him. Soon you could hear snickers and catcalls as those in the front rows
recognized the balloon was actually an inflated man as they saw Mike's head turn side to side.

Jason reached out and shook the hand of the D.J. from a popular radio program who was hosting the contest. "What have you got there, Jason?" the M.C. asked with a questioning smile.

"Well, this is my training partner, Mike Nelson."  Jason said as he reeled Mike to the
stage. Jason put his foot on the rope and slid his strong hand down the neck of Mike's inflated
suit holding him down in front of him. "Mike has put on a little muscle." Jason said with a grin.
Mike was helpless to do anything but blush as the grossly swollen suit held him captive in a
squatted spread eagle fashion. His face was deep red even to the tips of his ears. The
immense pressure prevented him from talking loudly as he worked hard to breathe deeply. "I'll
get you for this, Jason", he panted.

Slowly at first a few people here and there began to recognize Mike. "Hey, it is Mike",
someone yelled and a small scattering of laughter and applause spread into a loud roar as the
entire auditorium broke into wild laughter.

The host waved his hands to quiet the crowd down. The M.C. said, "A..a..a... Mike is
looking a bit more ...buff... shall we say... since we last saw him. What happened?"

Jason smiled his best humble guy grin and leaned into the microphone and said,
"Well, Mike always did take things to extremes." The crowd went wild.

Jason then let Mike float toward the ceiling as he grabbed the rope in his left hand. His
music came on loudly as Jason began to poise, flexing his hard muscles for the crowd. Turning,
posing again, then quickly going into the next pose all the while switching the rope Mike
floated on between his hands so he could show his body off to best advantage. Mike swayed
back and forth over Mike as he posed. The crowd went wild, thinking this was all some joke
the two had cooked up for laughs. Jason had never heard such wild screaming from a crowd as
he poised for all he was worth. He saw his frat buddies going wild in the stands as Ryan filmed
the performance with his video camera and Chad was doing his version of a hula dance and
Jason could read his lips as he yelled, "Hawaii here we come."

Jason pulled Mike down a few times and smiled in his face as he would pump his arm or
chest up and compare it to Mike's wild inflation. He would squeeze Mike's bloated arm or chest
and shrug before letting him float back up to the end of the rope. Another time Jason threw his
arms around Mike's waist and squeezed with all his might. The air displaced increasing the
pressure Mike felt tenfold and he wondered if the suit might just explode. The air flooded into
Mike arms and legs blowing them up enormously, while his head nearly disappeared into the
bulk of his shoulders. The crowd loved the mugging. Once Jason leaned in and said, "Don't
forget Newman is in the closet in the basement at the foot of the stairs." Mike didn't answer but
stared back at him with pure hatred. Jason let Mike float back up to the rope's end again
as his music came to a stop.

He stood for a full four minutes as the crowd went wild and his applause was recorded.
The kids were so loud it hurt the ears of the group on the stage. Jason smiled and waved to the audience. He then looked up at Mike and let go of the rope, watching him float away. Mike
quickly floated to the ceiling and banged his head on a rafter, bouncing a couple times and then
slowly his legs rolled back and his backside rested against the ceiling leaving him facing the stage
and crowd below. The crowd had been loud before but this brought them to new heights of
noise as they stomped the floor and stood in the chairs yelling. Jason stood with both arms over
his head waving to the crowd as he grinned at his frat buddies going wild on their seats. The
large vent fans in the ends of the building that doubled as the gym slowly blew Mike back and
forth across the ceiling like a free balloon.  One minute he was out over the crowd and then the next
he was back over the stage.
Jason ran back stage as the M.C. announced that they had only one remaining contestant,
Mike Nelson. Mike's music came over the loud speakers as the crowd began to laugh. Mike
floated helplessly over the crowd taking it all in as the laughter grew louder and louder. Some
drunk guy yelled loudly, "Hey Mikey, where's your dick?" The crowd roared.

The host didn't know quite what to do as he looked backstage, surprised that no one had
filled him in on this joke before hand. Soon he was throwing out smart aleck one liners as the
crowd roared at Mike thinking it was part of his plan.

When his song ended Mike got polite but modest response but when the host called the
other guys back on stage for the final results. The crowd went wild again when they saw Jason
step through the door third in line of the other contestants. In no time Jason had been awarded
with the title and one of those giant checks from a local travel agency as a flock of pretty coeds
hung a ribbon over his chest and shoulder with, "Mr. South Eastern College" written in block
letters and put a cardboard crown on his head. Pictures were taken of the girls placing kisses on
his checks and shoulders while Mike floated above watching. Then Jason's frat buddies flooded
the stage congratulating him on his victory. Soon the crowd began to depart and the gang on the
stage slowly faded away backstage.

Jason and his buddies stopped by looked into the auditorium as they left after Jason had
cleaned up and changed his clothes. The room was empty except for two janitors who were
maneuvering a big hydraulic scissor scaffold under Mike slowly rising to bring him down. All the
while giving him grief for making them have to work late.

Jason and the others laughed as they left the building, to the sound of one of the work
men giving Mike hell, "We aught to leave you up there, you little wise ass. You sure didn't think
about us when you came up with this scheme, Mr. Funny Guy." The other chimed in, "Who do
you think you are... Jim Carey? You spoiled little shit. Where are all your friends now, big guy?
Out partying their asses off, no doubt. I'd like to pop you and see how far you would float ya

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