Medieval Fantasies

By Azrothk

55 36 21

Its about a king who got betrayed in a time of Medieval times with unknown and known races live amongst the t... More

Medieval Fantasies
Medieval Fantasies 3

Medieval Fantasies 2

19 13 8
By Azrothk

A loud voice saying "All demons greetings, my brethren," Lucifer spoke, his voice sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. He then say again" Its me again, I am holding this time a tournament for Demons to be ranked the devils thumb and little finger however Azroth the first the demon of might and lust are not invited. The demons all bowed before their leader, showing their respect and loyalty. Abaddon stepped forward, addressing Lucifer directly. "My lord, I have gathered the demons here today to choose the new titles for devils thumb and little finger," Abaddon said, gesturing to the sea of demons. "I see that you have been preparing well, Abaddon," Lucifer replied, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Yes, my lord. The demons are eager to prove their worth for these titles," Abaddon responded. "Very well. Let the tests begin," Lucifer said, and the demons cheered in excitement. The tests lasted for days, with demons challenging each other in various forms of combat and cunning. In the end, only two demons stood out above the rest. They were Astaroth and Baphomet, both powerful and cunning in their own ways. Abaddon approached Lucifer, presenting the two demons before him.

"These two have proven themselves to be the strongest and most cunning amongst the demons, my lord. They are worthy of the titles of devil's thumb and devil's little finger," Abaddon said. Lucifer looked them over, a small smile forming on his lips. "I see potential in both of you. You shall both be given the titles of devil's thumb and devils little finger," Lucifer declared. The demons erupted into cheers and applause, bowing before their new leaders. Astaroth and Baphomet stood proudly, their titles of the devils thumb and little finger bestowed upon them by the devil himself. With Astaroth being the devil's thumb and Baphonet being the devil's little finger.

After that they were told that the day will come when they would ruled over their fellow demons with unmatched strength and cunning, spreading terror and chaos throughout the human world and beyond. They were the new Devil's Thumb and Devil's Little Finger, feared and respected by all. And as for Abaddon, he continued to serve Lucifer faithfully, earning the title of the Hand of the Devil and becoming one of the most trusted and powerful demons in all of hell. From then on, the demon world would never be the same again, all thanks to the meeting called by Abaddon and the proclamation made by Lucifer.

The tention in hell kept increasing as They celebrated the new Devil's Thumb and Devil's little finger, Then Lust told Azroth of the demon Party happening in the underworld and wanted him to go with her.
Azroth agreed to go with Lust and then the two of them made their way to the demon party in the underworld to celebrate The new Devils Thumb and devil little finger.

As they made their way through the dark and eerie passages of hell, they could feel the energy and excitement rise within them. Both Azroth and Lust were powerful and Azroth the First was aiming for one true title and thay was to become the first Akurimaz, beings born from both darkness and light, who possessed immense strength and control over both sides of this nature.

As they entered the grand hall of the underworld, they were greeted by the sight of hundreds of demons dancing, drinking and reveling in the celebration. Azroth could feel the vibrations of the music pulsing through his body, making him feel alive and energized. Lust, on the other hand, was already pulling him towards the dance floor, eager to let loose and enjoy herself.

The two of them danced and laughed, lost in the moment and forgetting about the looming threat of Abaddon and his demon army. Azroth couldn't help but admire Lust's beauty as she moved with grace and sensuality, a deadly combination that made her irresistible to anyone who crossed her path.

As the night went on, Azroth and Lust indulged in drinks and whispered sweet nothings to each other, enjoying the company of one another in the midst of chaos. But little did they know that Abaddon had sent a powerful demon to spy on the celebration, gathering information to use against them in his quest to conquer heaven and earth.

As the party came to an end, Azroth and Lust made their way back to their chambers, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. But their love for each other kept them strong, and their bond of darkness and light protected them from any harm.

The next day, news of Abaddon's spy spread throughout the underworld, causing panic and fear. Azroth and Lust knew that they had to act fast to protect themselves and their loved ones from the spy , so they took him apart and sent his tong to Abaddon making him know they knew it was him that sent the spy. Together, they used their powers to create a powerful shield around the underworld, keeping Abaddon and his demons at bay.

The battle between good and evil raged on, but Azroth and Lust stood strong, fighting for their love and for the safety of their home. And in the end, their love conquered all, as they defeated Abaddon spy by using lust to draw him out. Their powers of darkness made his army withdrew, securing the safety of the underworld and preventing his plans to conquer Hell and earth.

With the spy dead Abaddon knew he had to never underestimate the two that took down his spy as it was of S class the highest rank only he didnt possessed a title, Azroth and Lust were heroes who could turn any tide Lucifer mention in a speech he had made with everyone knowing the two of them had lots of room to grow more powerful, the two were now fully embracing the underworld, and their love was something everyone could see and wish for by all. And though they were born from darkness and light, they proved that the power of love is the strongest force of all.

Abaddon was the most feared ruler of the underworld, known for his cunning and ruthless ways. He had been in power for more than a millions of years, but even he couldn't deny the power of the two heroes who had recently emerged in the underworld. Azroth and Lust, a powerful duo that had taken down one of his top spies, who was of S class - the highest rank in the underworld.

Abaddon knew he had to tread carefully with these two, for they were not to be underestimated. Though they did possess titles like many others in the underworld, their strength and skills were unmatched. Lucifer himself had mentioned in a speech that he had made to all the creatures of the underworld, that Azroth and Lust were ones to watch out for. They had proven themselves to be formidable opponents, and their potential for growth was limitless.

But what intrigued and baffled Abaddon the most, was the love that these two shared. In a world filled with darkness and chaos, their love shone bright like a beacon of hope. It was something that everyone in the underworld admired and wished for. They had found each other amidst all the chaos and had embraced the underworld with open arms.

Azroth now born from darkness, a powerful demon with unmatched strength and agility. Whereas Lust was born from light, a beautiful angel with a heart of gold. They were complete opposites in every way, but their love for each other was what bound them together.

Their love was a force to be reckoned with, and even Abaddon couldn't deny its power. It was something that he had never witnessed before in his long reign. They fought side by side, their powers complementing each other, and their love giving them the strength to overcome any obstacle.

As time passed, Azroth and Lust rose in power, their love only growing stronger with each passing day. They proved to everyone in the underworld that love was the strongest force of all. And though they were born from darkness and light, they showed that love knows no boundaries.

Their bond was unbreakable, and it struck fear in the hearts of their enemies. Abaddon knew that he could never defeat them, for their love was their greatest weapon. And in the end, it was their love that brought balance to the underworld, as they ruled together with compassion and understanding.

Azroth and Lust became legends in the underworld, their names spoken with reverence and respect. They showed that no matter what challenges one may face, the power the two had made their love stronger and would always prevail.

The god of heaven then started to watch the growth of Azroth the first and lust along with the other demons of hell, he then remembered how both of them became demons with their past lives fillef with that of fame and glory before they went to hell and became demons. The God Uziel then said" Hell is growing stronger each day, we need someone to infiltrate hell and capture a s rank demon without being detected by the other demons and one more thing stay far from Azroth And lust especially Lucifer and Abaddon". Then he went back to his throne room and told them to start holding a council to see the next best step for them to make regarding the increase population of demons in hell, it was as if they were gathering people to become demons like the way they did to Azroth and Lust.

In the realm of heaven, there lived a powerful and just god named Uziel with his powerful Angel's and was the deity that made the first two of all the creatures of heaven and Earth He was known as the protector and guardian of all living beings, whether they were mortal or divine. Uziel was highly respected by all the creatures in the heavens, and his word was law.

One day, as he was gazing down upon the vastness of his kingdom, he noticed something troubling. The number of demons in the realm of hell seemed to be increasing at a alarming rate. This made him worried, for he knew that with each day, hell grew stronger and more chaotic. The god of heaven then started to watch the growth of Azroth the first and lust, two of the most powerful and feared demons in all of hell. They were known for their ruthlessness and cunning, and Uziel knew that they were dreadful to face and with Lucifer and Abaddon responsible for the increasing numbers in hell.

But what was even more concerning to Uziel was the fact that Azroth and Lust were not always demons. In fact, they used to be mortal beings who lived in a world of fame and glory. But something happened that led them to make a pact with the devil and become the rulers of hell. Uziel remembered their past lives and how they had succumbed to their inner desires and darkness.

Knowing that something had to be done, Uziel called upon his most trusted angels and shared his concerns with them. He told them, 'Hell is growing stronger each day, and we need to put an end to it. We need someone to infiltrate hell and capture a s rank demon without being detected by the other demons.' He then added, 'And one more thing, stay far from Azroth and Lust, especially Lucifer and Abaddon. They are cunning and unpredictable, and we cannot risk them finding out about our plans.'

The angels nodded in understanding and immediately set out to find the perfect candidate for this dangerous mission. After much deliberation and discussion, they decided to choose a mortal who had lived a righteous and just life and was known for their courage and bravery. This mortal was none other than a young knight named Michael.

Michael was revered in the mortal world for his bravery and sense of justice. Upon hearing about the mission, he willingly agreed to take on this perilous task. Uziel blessed Michael with his divine powers making him as powerful as him and sent him to the realm of hell.

As soon as Michael landed in hell, he was greeted with chaos and violence. The screams of tortured souls echoed throughout the realm, and the air reeked of blood and fire. But Michael stayed focused and made his way towards the castle of Azroth and Lust. He knew that they were the key to putting an end to the increasing number of demons in hell.

For days, Michael stayed hidden and observed the actions of Azroth and Lust. He saw how they lured innocent souls to hell and turned them into demons, just like how they themselves were turned. Michael also witnessed the immense power and control they held over the other demons in hell.

But no matter how tempting their offers were, Michael stayed true to his mission and refrained from giving in to their temptations of what they offer in hell. Finally, after weeks of careful planning and waiting for the right moment, Michael was able to capture an s rank demon and bring it back to the realm of heaven.

Uziel was overjoyed by Michael's success and praised him for his bravery and determination. The S rank demon was kept under strict surveillance, and with time, it was revealed that Azroth and Lust's powers were slowly weakening with the decrease in the number of demons in hell since Uziel and Michael put a stop to most of the humans turning into demons.

With the s rank demon under their control, Uziel and his angels were able to disrupt Azroth and Lust's hold over the other demons and was planning to put an end to their reign of terror. The realm of hell became a much more violent because the new demons stopped coming into hell the control of the humans had stopped because of Uziel and Michael and they started to try to undo the demonic transformation on the S rank demon they captured and he was sent under control under the supervision of Uziel and his angels.

Uziel called upon a council with the other gods and discussed the next best step to curb any increase in the population of demons in hell. They decided to send angels down to the mortal realm to guide and protect them from temptation and darkness.

Thanks to Michael's bravery and Uziel's wise decision-making, the balance between heaven and hell was restored once again. Azroth and Lust were furiously angered by what was taking place and knew something must be done as they were making hell weaker as if it's no longer a threat, and the realm of heaven was at peace knowing that they had a brave knight who was willing to risk his life for the greater good.

With the new demons stop increasing Azroth the first then got angry and decided to do something about it, then he got angry and smash the table on the ground and took on his true demonic form, then June the demon saw him and grab him and said "dont show us your true power my great Azroth dont get angry at us we will do better and find out what's the problem with the new recruits of our realm and underworld".

Then she and some demons said "only way the damn gods could know about us is if we were infiltrated by the enemy so those damn gods... I will inform Lucifer and Abaddon about what's happening, so dont get upset Azroth the first". After saying that she and some demons went away, then Lust came inside and saw Azroth in his true form and said" So it's true hell had been infiltrated by the enemy", then she pulled out a scroll that show past events to locate who infiltrated hell.

In the realm of hell Azroth the first, the mightiest demon when transformed, knew things were growing chaotic. The number of new demons had been lessening greatly, causing tension among the existing demons and gods. Azroth could feel his authority slipping as these new recruits were some how being stopped from turning into demons by the power of the devil and his men with their powers. He knew that if this continued, it would only be a matter of time before chaos consumed his realm.

Fueled by anger and frustration, Azroth slammed his hand on a nearby wall causing it to shatter into pieces. He let out a guttural roar as he transformed into his next true demonic form, towering over the surrounding demons.

June then felt Azroth the first transform into another transformation and knew he held another transformation which could rival Lucifer and Abaddon, one of Azroth's trusted allies, saw the commotion and rushed over to him. She then saw Lust and didnt bother to show any sincerity to him by the arm however she pleaded with him, 'Don't show us your true power, great Azroth. We will do better and find out what's causing the influx of new recruits in our realm and underworld.'

Her words struck a chord with Azroth, and he calmed down slightly. June was right, there had to be a reason behind the sudden decrease in new demons. But then, another thought crossed his mind. 'The only way the gods could know about us is if we were infiltrated by the enemy,' he growled.

June's eyes widened in realization. 'By the gods, you're right. We must have been infiltrated.'

Before they could discuss further, a group of demons joined them. 'Those damn gods, always meddling in our affairs,' one of them hissed. 'I had inform Lucifer and Abaddon about what's happening.'

'Don't get upset, Azroth. We will take care of this,' June assured him before leading the other demons away.

Left alone, Azroth's mind was in turmoil. How could the enemy have infiltrated their realm? It was a well-protected place, and only the bravest and strongest demons were able to enter. He was interrupted from his thoughts by the entrance of another demon - Firel who Lust knew before she met Azroth the first, one of the seven deadly sins known to man and demon.

He took one look at Azroth in his true form and knew something was amiss. 'So it's true, hell has been infiltrated by the enemy,' he stated.

Azroth nodded, his anger rising once again. But Lust had a solution. She pointed on the scroll that showed past events and was able to locate the moment when the enemy had infiltrated their realm. It was an ancient Warrior with powers of magic, who had made a pact with the gods to bring chaos to the underworld.

Azroth was both relieved and furious. He had always despised the gods, and now they had not only interfered in his realm but also brought their enemies to his doorstep.

Together, Azroth and Lust devised a plan to eliminate the threat and restore balance to their realm. They rallied their strongest demons and attacked the the kingdom where the warrior was from and his followers. It was at night pitch black with the moon shining red from their bloodlust for battle, as they made their raid of finding the home of the warrior that infiltrated hell but in the end, Azroth emerged victorious.

However they didnt find the warrior just his family and friends. They decided to destroy their whole kingdom wondering if they had anything to do with the infiltration of hell. With the threat eliminated, They recruited the ones willing to be converted to hell and would devote their life to serve Lucifer and Abaddon, and so they had restored the underworld, and the number of new demons started increasing.

The gods were none the wiser, and Azroth's realm remained safe from their meddling for a while until they could their conquered heaven. He was grateful to June, Lust, and the other demons who had stood by him during this crisis. From that day on, the demons of Azroth's realm were more united than ever, and their power only grew stronger. And Azroth the first one of the most powerful demon, had proven once again that he was the most powerful being in the realm of darkness other than Lucifer and Abaddon.

After nine months and six years Azroth the first became a monarch of greatness, possessing more than have five hundred people per day of earth having them worshipping him as a god and so he took on the form of a god since he was being worshipped by many humans and demon even some animals did the same and worshiped him.

Azroth the first met many challenges within hell with him use to be human and the same was for Lust, until they decided to gather the ones who were once human and have them trained to become S rank demons within hell and have them under their control but first they need Lucifer or Abaddon's permission for it.

And so Azroth the first decided to pay Abaddon a visit and ask him a favor, then he saw him... the mighty Abaddon the Arch Bishop and Azroth the first then said" Abaddon I need to have demons who were human to be under my control and Lust too as well since she's with me". Abaddon then glared at him and gave him permission for it and said" This I grant you as you have made it this far and your Loyal to our god Lucifer". After saying that he bid Azroth farewell and best of luck with his plans, then Azroth went and search hell for all humans who became demons and made some humans become demon also to help strengthen his army within hell.

He grew powerful within just nine months of being purely worshipped by his recruits and humans, that knew of him when he was human and how he became a demon who now have authority within hell and the underworld but how ever being worshiped by the humans and his demons who is under his control made lots of high rank demons who is not under his control decided to hate him.

With him being worshiped by so many his name was raised high to the heavens, and the god sent Michael to see him and the only way was to worship him and so they made Michael's power reach that of a arch angel to surprise and attack him but decide to make some worshipers worship him to lure him in and then use Michael to attack him since he would be by himself and not with Lust and the other demons.

With Michael hiding with a group of worshipers made sacrifices and presented gold and diamond for Azroth the first and then they prayed and shouted joyfully cries to him, and was hoping for him to take the bait and be lured from the underworld and have him face Michael in a death match or if they could capture him and force information out of him of Lucifer and Abaddon.

They then said in prayer " Dare God Azroth the first, we come to you in prayer to help us and guide us in the right path and protect us from harm we are begging for you to come and grace us with your greatness and power", after that they slit a goats neck and drank the blood and bowed before the alter as they continue to try and summon Azroth.

Azroth then came and showed his face to the worshipers who made sacrifices to him as their god and so he granted them fortune and said" You have done well to summon me here and all your greatest desire will be fulfilled", then they heard a sound of horses galloping to their direction and within moments Michael came and said" found you Azroth the first, I'm Michael the new Arch angel of heaven under the god Uziel who demands your head and I will deliver it to him"

He then jumped off his horse and pulled out a holy divine sword forged by Uziel for him to use and slay Azroth the first or capture him if it was possible, then Azroth said" So this is a trap and your here for my head I see, however you are powerless you damn fool of a mere arch angel. Don't you see I'm a god to my people unlike your god Uziel who just sit and watch and do nothing but meddling in people's afairs".

Michael then dash words Azroth the first and used the sword given to him by Uziel and strike him with its power forcing him to attack, with in seconds Azroth the first counters it with his Tainted sword called blood lust that he had made a blacksmith of hell forged for him. As they exchange blows Azroth the first used his powers to cause the entire area and who was in it to become dust but it had no effect on Michael who was under the protection of Uziel from afar.

Then Michael used the power of Uziel that he gave him to trap Azroth the first inside an invisible box that was built around him even under his feet and above his head, then Azroth the first said" This form of power is great but it cant hold me here not while a am not in my full form, then he transformed into his second form of godly transformation after gaining worship from poeple and demons alike" then his transformation was that of a true god transformation which looked like his true form which he gained from becoming tainted god by gaining worship from demons and humans even the wild beast of the fields and animals that seek the darkness.

He then awakened himself with a new name from his new transformation and said" My Name in this form is Aisnar which means Awaken through darkness to ultimate power, and the last name Rimgon which means He who cross dimension at whim and change destinies. Do you think you can fight me Michael the Arch angel..
Even when I'm holding back one of my names so you cant even think of banishing me", then he used his mind combined with his transformation to remember his middle name he gained from his new transformation that awakened him which was Uaji which means the Tainted god of dark arts that fall suns and cause mayhem at whim.

He then materialized a huge sword to fit in his hands named Slizara that was forged by the great demon blacksmith known as Fazien who was famed within the demon realm for making the most powerful swords and Slizara was the most powerful one of them all. Michael then said " You think you could kill me with such a transformation your mistaking as my god gave me full power of a arch angel and I'll use it to put you down", Then they clashed power after power with Aisnar breathing out toxic gas within the air to poison Michael. Within second Michael dashed backwards and covered his nose, then fired Lightning towards Aisnar but only to be absorbed by Aisnar sword and it stored its power within the sword making it powerful enough to be able to swing as if it was light as a feather with accurate speed and precision.

They then charged at each other delivering blows for blows and casting deadly powers at each other, then Aisnar used his power of darkness to emite a powerful aura around him then used the power of instant death from his Tainted sword. The attack of instant death was then neutralize by Michaels holy power that got weakened by doing so then he fell to his knees and said" My god dont forsaken me I need more power to defeat your enemy", after saying that a large amount of energy engulfed Michael and filled him with new powers and rejuvenated him.

Aisnar then glared at him and said" So your calling for help already ow my the fight has only just begun", then he flapped his wings and flew into the sky and looked down on Michael with a grin on his face. He then said" Can't you fly Michael, beg your God for wings so you can look like a real arch angel. What you think I wouldn't pick up who you were before Uziel helped you, I have spys too everywhere you just cought me by surprise with the whole worshipers thing as I know how the people really need a helping hand since your God is so prejudice and only look out for some".

After saying those words he pointed his sword to the sky and create a huge meter then use his eyes and paralyze Michael from head to toe and send it down on Michael, with out waiting another second Aisnar followed it up with a combo of increaeing the gravity bellow him so the meter would fall hard and crush Michael. Then Michael saw two Angel's came and try to stop the meter from falling and crush him to death by its deadly speed it was coming down by and with the heavy gravity that was pulling it down even faster.

Aisnar seeing the angels he laughed loud and said" So its three agains't one, that's just like your god to play unfair but war is war so here", then he created two demon from his blood to fight the Angel's and distract them long enough so he could kill Michael who the power of an arch angel was bestowed upon. Then the demons attacked the two Angel's making the meter land and almost killed Michael but was shattered by Uziel who used his powers to destroy the meter that the Angel's couldn't do the job to stop it before it hit the target.

Aisnar then said Out loud to Uziel" Why dont you come face me yourself and stop hiding and sending men to fight me, you weak pathetic god you even ambushed me with men and still you hide and meddle with me agains't Michael... come out and face me"

Then the god Uziel bestowed new powers on Michael freed himself from the paralysis Aisnar casted up on him and granted him angel wings then Michael dashed within the air to face Aisnar head on, as he reach Aisnar he swing with a blade known to god as the sword of purity and he used it to strike one of Aisnar wings making him fall from the sky and landed on his feet, then Aisnar who was pissed off by Michael used his power of psychic and levitate back into the air and face Michael.

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