
By anointedlily17

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All it took was one fateful encounter with her to change his life. More



76 10 16
By anointedlily17

 They had entered into junior year so quickly. It seemed time was going so fast. But as long as they had one another, they felt it would be all right. The seasons had started to blend and change. It seemed as if they all existed at one time. Or maybe it was just the feeling within his chest.

"Roto?" Her voice soothed him.

"Yes?" She was stretched out across his legs, her head in his lap. She had drawn her legs up some and let her arms fall behind her head onto her bed.

"Your birthday is comin up."

"Yes. It is."

"You're going to be 17!"

"Mm." She grinned.

"You're almost an adult back in the United States." He smirked.

"Does that mean I can get an almost adult birthday present?" She smacked him on the forehead.

"You nasty." He laughed, his dimples deepening.

"I love to get you worked up. It is so funny."

"You bein an ass. That's what you doin." He laughed some more and she smiled. His laughter always had made her heart flutter.

"I was going to do something special for you." He stroked her arm.

"Can I have a hint?" She pursed her lips.

"Nawl homie. You gon have to wait." He pouted.


"Noooo." He sighed and leaned down, sliding his fingers through hers.

"I really only want one thing from you for my birthday." Her cheeks grew warm at his husky tone. The words rolled off his tongue so smoothly.

"That is?"

"A kiss." He wrapped his other arm around her waist and pressed his forehead against hers.

"You love kissing me huh?"

"I can't go without it." She opened her eyes and smiled to herself.

"Neither can I." She whispered in a hushed tone. She turned her head towards him and their lips met. She sighed against his, feeling like she had gone through a withdrawal. His fingers tightened their grip on her waist. Someone cleared their throat. She pulled away, gasping. He let go of her and she sat up with the quickness.

"You look so guilty." Minako grinned as she leaned against her door frame.

"I-I'm so sorry... we didn't... I didn't..." Hiroto cleared his throat.

"I apologize. It was my fault." Minako waved her hand.

"It is a harmless kiss. Right Iwase-kun?" He nodded.

"Yes. No harm indeed."

"I wanted to let you know dinner ready." He blushed and bit his lip.

"Minako-san... thank you so much for your kindness." She smiled softly at him.

"It is nothing Hiroto-kun."

"Please call me this. I like it better than Iwase-kun." His blush grew even more pink. She clutched her hand to her heart.

"Ah, such sweet boy. Oh kay. I call you this. Please come and eat. I know you are hungry."

"Yes thank you." She smiled again before heading downstairs. She touched her lips, bringing her eyes up to his. He gently fluffed her curls.

"Come on."

"I didn't mean for her to see that..." He lifted her hand and kissed it.

"What is wrong about expressing what we feel?" She looked away.

"Nothing." He pulled her off of her bed.

"Do you still feel bad about it?" She pulled away and went to her drawer to get a headband. Doubling it up, she pulled her hair into a ponytail. She felt hands slide around her waist. He sighed against her shoulder.

"I'm not ashamed... it's just..."

"I understand. I'll be more careful." He smiled and slid fingers in between hers. She smiled at his playful expression as he led her backwards down the hall.

"You might want to turn around before you fall." He chuckled and kept her hand pressed against his back as he pulled her down the stairs.


A moment of peace. A moment of freedom. That was all they asked for. And without anyone in the way, they could love each other with almost wild abandon. They tried to soak up the last of the sunny weather before the cold truly set in. They raced the seagulls and challenged the waves. They allowed the sunlight to stream through their fingers and create a feeling so warm it rivaled the sun itself. Laughter connected the stars at night. And with the wind came the day he was born. That day was the one she was most thankful for.


"Happy birthday Iwase!" He smiled as the people most dear to him surrounded him. They had all made a collection of foods and bentos, even sprinkling in some sweets.

"Thank you everyone. This is very kind." Everyone smiled and laughed.

"Are you going to cry Iwase? Please don't let Rae be the only one who sees your emotion." Her friend Momo said with a grin. It was true. His eyes were filling up with tears and he hung his head. Such kindness. No one had ever cared as much for the day he was brought into life. No one but his grandmother. But now, he had so many people who truly loved and cared for him.

"Aw Roto, come on." He felt Rae's hand gently caress his cheek and lift his head. A tear fell and they all hugged him at one time, almost making him fall out of the chair.

"Don't cry Iwase!"

"Yeah, it's okay!"

"You don't have to be alone anymore! We'll all here for you!" He smiled and everyone other than Rae and Tobu blinked in shock. A true genuine smile, something so rarely done in his life.

"Whoa. You look like a totally different person when you smile."

"Ah, so handsome! Look at that joy!"

"Atta boy. No tears Iwase." He laughed softly and nodded. They smiled.

"Well, are you going to eat all this food we made you?"

"Yes." He sighed happily and picked up his hashi. Rae pressed a kiss to his forehead and sat down next to Aiko. Tobu sat next to him with a happy grin on his face.

"You deserve all the happiness in the world Hiroto-kun. I hope we have made your day special." He smiled, mouth full of food. Indeed they had.


"I believe you had a request for your birthday?" They all sat on the beach, a bonfire crackling in the midst of them. He looked up at Rae who stood in front of him.

"Ooh. Go girl. Go girlll." Aiko said from the side, waving a stick she was going to use for a s'mores. He smirked.

"I did." She held her hands behind her back.

"I'll get to that. But first I wanna give you somethin." His eyebrow lifted.

"Ah, what is it?" She smiled softly to herself and lifted a small box in her hands. He blinked.

"Here." He bit his lip before slowly taking it. She watched as he opened it to reveal a small necklace. It was a small decorative ring that had the words "I will be your light." engraved in the outside. He smiled and looked up at her.

"This is so beautiful..." She gently took it and put it around his neck.

"Now... your other present..." She leaned down, her hair shielding everything out of sight. Nothing but her large brown eyes, her smooth skin and her lips, waiting for his. He pulled her in between his legs and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His lips met hers and the embers of the fire matched the feeling within his chest. She deepened the kiss and passion flowed deep into his heart. His fingers couldn't keep still. Gently they slid into the back pockets of her shorts. She sighed against his mouth and slowly pulled away. He pressed his forehead against her neck.

"Happy birthday Hiroto." She whispered.

"Thank you baby."

"Don't stop cause we're here."

"Shut up Aiko." He didn't want to but he let her go and she sighed, sharing the sentiment.

"Rae, come help me make a s'mores." She turned her head and her fingers slid away from his.

"Girl, you don't know how to make a s'mores?"

"I never had one."

"Okay so this what you do. You take the marshmallow and put it on the stick like this. Then you stick it in the fire until it gets slightly burnt or however you like it then put it between the crackers and chocolate." She held the marshmallow and made Aiko a s'mores.

"Hm. Taste." She took a bite and her eyes grew wide.

"This good!" Rae laughed.

"Mmhm. Girl changed my life ever since I had my first one." He turned his eyes onto the starry sky and closed his eyes.

"Hiroto-kun, come make a s'mores with us!" He found everyone waiting.

"Ah, sure." He got up and joined them.


"What are you thinking Hiroto-kun?" He looked up at Tobu who had come to join him beside the waves.

"Is it too soon Tobu?"

"For what?"

"To think of... to think of marriage." Tobu grinned widely and playfully slapped him on the back.

"Ah.... what brought this?" He watched the waves come towards him, gently lapping at his feet.

"I do not think I can live without her." A simple answer. A true answer.

"You know your parents want you to get married once you are an adult anyway. That is all they have stressed." He nodded.

"Since I turned 12. All they fixated on was marriage. Who would be the woman to carry on our name."

"Rae?" He turned to look at him.

"She is more than worthy to be Iwase."

"Ah." He turned his eyes back to the water, the sound calming him.

"I am 17 years old Tobu. How can I possibly envision my future so soon?"

"What do you envision?"

"I see Rae. She is the only one I see...A life with her is all I desire."

"She is forever. Your forever." He nodded.

"If you envision this now, make it happen Hiroto-kun. Don't stop until you make every dream you have with her reality." He nibbled on his lip. He felt Tobu's hand on his shoulder.

"I stand with you. Go with your heart Hiroto-kun. You are free to do that now." He was right. He wouldn't let anything get in the way of his dream. Glancing back at Rae, he smiled to himself. Young be damned. He knew of love. And he wanted never to be with it or her. That much he knew. 

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