By Diauthorgeorgia

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BEWARE: Strong sexual content and explicit language. Inseparable; people love being together, It's not that t... More

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Not an update
๐ŸฅฐAppreciation to y'all๐Ÿฅฐ


709 54 2
By Diauthorgeorgia

The minutes I got the call from Kacian to come and pick her up, I gathered my things to left the office. It's been a rough day for me today and all I want is to get off of the road but how can I do that if she is still on it. After gathering everything into my briefcase, I close it up then turn the AC off before picking my phone and head for the door.

I twisted the key inside of the lock on the door then spin the doorknob to make sure that it's close up, I can't risk any one entering my office.

wen mi seh mi nuh chuss none a dhem police bwoy or ooman ya, mi know weh mi a talk bout.

"Yow sarge, beg ya minute deh" I heard Brian as he walked out of the other office.

him better have good reason fi deh ya..

"Talk fass, mi deh pon a fass movements" I turn to face him fully.

"Mi nuh like di vibes  between mi and yuh Murray mhon, a nuh yasso wi a cum from enu and becaz a ooman ya move a way wid mi bredda" He said with a low hiss.

"A yuh fuck up bro, fi mi brethren yuh nuffi a cah news to mi bout the girl and ntn nuh go suh dhen gone cah news to her bout mi dwag" I hissed my teeth. "A nuh suh bredren move, mi nuh rate dhem style deh youth" I told him.

"mi neva know yuh into di B dhem way deh bredda and mi juss did a try keep yuh pon yuh guard... ntn like dhat nah go hapm again still" He said rubbing his hand through his hair.

"A hope suh, mi affi move ya now enu" I said as I checked my wrist watch.

"di gas a beat mi away fi a travel go a maypen then back home yasso enu bossy, work out supm fi mi nuh" he said.

After what he did, I couldn't work alongside him so I place him at the maypen office to teach him a lesson. No one likes it at May pen including me because that's where crime scene head office is and there's more work and people down there.

"mi cah lift dhat up until Bernard come back enu" I told him, Bernard is the other Sarge that work alongside me but he's on three months break and won't be back until early March.

"Suh long bredda, send sumbody else dung deh nuh, a suh mi and yuh live" He hiss lowly.

"Ya di only Corporal up ya suh ya fi fit in, mi cah do ntn more and mi affi cut now" I told him.

"Nuh seh a work boss" he salute me before turning back to the office.

mek him tan dung deh mhon and out a mi life... too damn nuff

Since I was already running late, I speed up to get to Kacian as the road was clear. The ringing of my phone cause me to cut my speed as I reach for my earphone and took the call.

"Yes Mommy" I answered with a low sigh.

"Yuh nuh see Kayla a try get to yuh?" She asked a bit upset.

"Yes and Mommy mi cah deal wid Indiana and her foolishness suh it best mi nuh ansa" I hissed my teeth.

"Sanjay from Kayla a call yuh dhen a must supm, call har back" She told me.

"Mommy mi seh mi cah bada wid di foolishness, weh shi cud a call mi fa now?"

"Sanjay mi nuh like how yuh can be hard a hearing enu, yuh need to talk wid Indiana....

Her voice become faded as my eyes catches the scene infront of me. I push my head further in to windshield to see clearly. My blood started to boil and I slam my feet down on the brakes, as soon as the car stopped, I jumped out forgetting my mother is on the phone.

Anger takes my body over and without a second thought, I grab him off of her and throw him on the ground. Impulsively, I grab my gun from my waist and point it to him not caring in the moment that I am about to commit murder.

"Sanjay no!" Kacian screamed out.

"Hey battyman police yuh think mi fraid a yuh" He fussed as he try to get off the floor but I kick him back down.

"Sanjay please don't do it" I heard Kacian crying.

All I can see is his hands on her which is driving me to kill him right now caringless of the consequences that I will face. He try to reach into his side and the moment my eyes spot his gun, I step down on his hand and kick the gun aside which cause him to growl loudly. I select a bullet in my gun about to take his life when Kacian run infront of it causing me to lower my gun quickly.

"Don't do this to Talia please" She begged with tears soak her face.

"yuh think dhis ago suh battyman" her baby father grunt as he twist and turn on the ground in pain.

"Gwaan in a di car" I turn my eyes to Kacian.

"No, ya go kill him" She hesitated.

"Kacian mi seh gwan in di car!" I shouted at her which cause her  flinch. "Mi nah do him ntn suh gwan and nuh mek mi affi talk again" I looked down on her seriously.

She glared at me with tears running from her eyes before she walks off. After I heard the slamming of the car door, I walked down on her baby father that's trying to get off the ground and I stomp my foot hard into his back sending him down on his face. The only think that is saving him is because of their daughter.

"Put back yuh hand pon mi ooman and si if mi spare yuh next time" I said follow by another kick in his stomach.

I walked away and enter the car, Kacian look up at me but I keep my eyes on the road as fight the urge of not running the car over that motherfucker. The entire drive home was silent, only sound was her sobbing. I examine her face and my anger rise again, his fingers mark is printed out on her cheeks and it's swollen and her neck has a few marks on it.

"ya go report him enu" I said to her as I turn my focus back on the road.

"mi nah go a nuh station San-

"Mi nah fucking ask yuh enu Kacian, di man nearly kill yuh and yuh a seh yuh nah report him" I hissed my teeth as I glare at her. "Suppose me never cum in time, nuh dead yuh would a dead"

"Jay if mi do dhat, him ago report yuh too and yuh know a chubble dhat fi draw yuh gun pon him" She said fighting back tears.

True dhat but mi nuh care at di moment..

"Mi did a defend yuh suh him can gwan go report it" I looked over at her and tear's just leaking from her eyes.

"Mi nuh wah do eh jay, mi head a hurt mi and mi wah go sleep" She hissed her teeth.

"Ok mam" I nod before speeding out of the town.

Shi must know why shi a defend him....


My enter body feels like a brick wall fell on top of me, it may sound  like I am exaggerating but that's how I am honestly feeling. The cold water makes it even more painful as it passes over the bruise on my body and face. I didn't even feel the small wounds on my ankle and knees until the water passes over them.

My tears mix with the shower as I let out my frustration and pain, seeing Sanjay almost killing Jamar flashes all over my mind and just feel like a bad dream. I hate him and I honestly do but I couldn't live with myself to know that Talia lost her father.

him neva have a problem fi kill uh though...

I squint my eyes tightly before releasing them, Talia doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve to be with parents who hate each other. We fight all the time and she hate it so much, I tried so much to put my feelings aside and to tolerate him after what he have done but now he can't do the same.

"B yuh gud?" Sanjay asked from the other side of the bathroom door.

"yes" I answered trying to keep my voice firm but it came out rapsy.

I finish towel off myself and get dress inside of the bathroom since I am mensurating and feel the need to be private in such situation. My belly ache starts to act up and as soon as I get into the room , I took two more pills and lay down.

"Yuh nuh hungry?" Sanjay asked.

"No" I answered short as I rest my head on the softest pillow and curl up myself waiting for the pain to go away.

"Weh yuh eat?" He turn on the bed to face me.

"Mi did eat lunch and a chicken wrap before mi go look fi Talia" I answered.

"wah gwan?" He then asked.

"I really don't know Sanjay, him cum and si mi wid Talia and staat mek problem bout yuh sleeping at my house, we then staat arguing and I lef. Then him juss drive down pon mi and attack me" I answered between sniffing.

"how long unu lef?" He turn to look at me his eyes have no emotion.

"From Talia a 2" I answered.

"Suh weh him a behave suh fa? A three years now and him move on, suh wa di problem? Mi juss cah see through it" I shift my eyes away from his and gnaw on my bottom lips.

The movements of the bed let me realize that he comes closer to me, staring at me serious and I just want to sink into this bed and go to sleep. I pulled the sheet more onto my body as I avoid eye contact with him.

"weh yuh nah tell mi?" He asked, his voice came off smooth but with hint of anger.

"Mi wah sleep Jay" I whined, shifting onto my other side which makes my back turn to him.

"Mi ask ya question enu... if yuh and a man lef three years now, weh di fuck him a behave suh fa" He said with a bit more anger into his voice.

"wi use to still have sex now and then after we lef so him feel him still own mi and mi nuh fi have a next man" I turned to him.

His jaw clench as he looks away from me, he spread his feet apart as he looks between them to the floor. This I wish I didn't have to share with him but he ask and I want to get his mind of thinking that Jamar and I have something going on same way.

"Wen last?" He asked, he raise his head up and look at me.

"Last year October before I know you" I be specific, he wasn't in the picture then so there's no way he should be upset about it.

"Suh yuh still love him then?" He asked as he get on his feet.

"Jay no, I stop loving him the moment you and I get together after years of trying to stop loving him. I would never go back to him and I feel so ashame for having him being with me all because I couldn't get over him but I am now... Honestly" I told him as I kneel down In the bed infront of him.

"Thanks for telling me" He pulled me into a hug and kiss my forehead. "If him put him hand pon yuh again, mi ago kill joke" He mumbled over my head.

I slightly nod as I will be praying to God for that not to happen again, I pray he doesn't try to retaliate and just let this slide. Sanjay hands cup my face, he dip his head down to my level and kiss me deeply.

"Go get some rest" He whispered after releasing my lips.

"Unu na cum?" I asked him.

"Mi soon cum B, mi ago look something eat" he smiled as his fingers rub lightly on my cheeks. "Go sleep mhon, mi soon come.

He kissed my forehead before leaving the room.


About two days after the incident with Jamar and I which cause Sanjay to get involve, I received a text message from Sanjay that disrupt my entire day. I couldn't wait in peace to get my lunch time so I could go visit him in his office. I can't even concentrate at work no matter how hard I try.

"Yuh a order food?" Samantha asked me as she takes a seat into Mikayla's chair.

"No enu, mi ago on the road" I told her.

"Ratid and a yuh mi a wait pon mek mi nuh order enu" she said pulling her phone out. "Yuh look stress, a wapm to yuh?" She asked as she text on her phone.

"Girl , I need a week or so vacation fi clear mi head, problem coming from all angles from mi and Jay decided fi be in a relationship. Wen a nuh fi him ex ooman and fimi baby fada and right now mi nuh know if mi can manage da problem y-

Mickayla walks in and I stop talking, the last thing I want is for her to hear my business and go share it with her man. I took up my phone and purse same time and tell Samantha that I will be back soon.

no sa, a wen rain staat drew..

I turned back inside to get my umbrella from my bag then head out again. The rain's barely drizzling but from the looks of the sky, it tells that rain will be pouring down soon. With my quick feet, I reach at the station in no time and made it to Sanjay's office.

I knock softly before entering when he say so and I was more than relief to not run into any of his co-workers. My eyes set on him around his desk, the stress shows vividly on his face and my heart ache.

"Hey, I saw your message" Is said as I engulf him into a tight hug.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist as if I am about to loose him, I rest my head on his firm chest listen just listening his heart beats. His hand move to my hair and he slowly run his hand up and down my hair.

"Don't worry too much about it" He whispered over my head.

"How can I not worry about it Jay? Yuh maybe get in a trouble" I look up at him with tears inside of my eyes.

"Let mi worry about dhat B and after the investigation them will see that I was trying to defend you... Hope it all goes well and I don't get charge" He said but I heard the worry inside of his voice.

Jamar reported that he pull his gun at him after beating him up, the case is currently being investigated  but what I am afraid of is Sanjay getting into trouble for pulling his gun at him after hitting him to the floor. It may seems as him defending me but other's may say his gun should be his last option but he acted in rage.

"A mi cause all a dhis enu" I hissed my teeth, I release my hands from him and sit in the settee.

"Don't blame yuh self enu b" He said sitting beside me.

"Mi sorry mi neva report him" I shake my head side to side. "Mi cah still dweet suh dhem see seh a mi life yuh defend becaz him almost kill mi?" I asked looking up at him.

"Babe yuh shud a do that from first, the question why you just a report it now ago rise and worse we involve dhem ago think ya pick up fimi.... mi can tek care a it man, nuh worry yuh self" He wrapped his arms around me and pull me onto him.

mi really nuh wah him get chubble enu fi go loose him wuk and get charge... kmt.

"Wen a nuh one problem, a di next" I hissed my teeth.

"Suh eh go baby, problem ago always come but a we fi overcome it" he kissed my cheek. "Yuh eat lunch already?" He asked me.

"No, mi nuh feel hungry" I told him.

"No tell mi dhat again B, come mi carry yuh go buy lunch" he got up first then take my hand and pull me up.


"Yes mama" I smiled at Talia as  I watch her cute lil face on the video call. I miss her so much and can't wait for her to come home.  The week is slowly crawling and I am convince that January do take long to finish.

mi cah believe seh all now di fuss week nuh dun yet..

"Where are you mommy?" she asked.

"I just got home mama" I told her as I pulled the gate to enter my yard.

"What are you going to do now?" She asked again.

"I'm going to lay down and get some rest sweetie" I hold the phone closer to my face.

We talk some more until she said she want to go on watch her cartoon, I miss her little voice but I allow her to do so. Monday will come by soon where I will have her home again and I am still enjoying my alone time.

Sleep a kill me...

Just as I was about to pull my room door, I heard like Iesha cried out. I stay still to hear clearly and she did again then I heard mommy voice cursing. The door to Iesha room was close so I have to run back to the front and enter from the front door.

"Wah mi murda yuh in a ya gyal!" Mommy curse as she stepped on Iesha on the floor.

"Mommy" I called out after her.

She didn't look at me, I look at Iesha on the floor curled up into a perfect ball as mommy hit her all over. I couldn't just stand and watch so I walk between them and back mommy off of her that gives her time to stand on her feet and she run over the other side of the room crying.

"Mi and yuh bloodclaat in ya likkle gyal and wait till yuh pupa cum ya!" Mommy argued.

"A wah mommy? A wapm?" I asked looking between them.

"Since ya big ooman miss Iesha, ya go live like one becaz yuh nah tan in ya" she continue arguing while avoiding my question.

A cud a wah mek mommy a beat har suh

"afta mi talk to unu and tell unu mi nuh wah wa reach mi reach unu" She looked at us with disgust in her eyes. "Seet deh fuss a yuh sista and now yuh, mi and nuh big ooman nah rub shoulder to shoulder in ya!" she yelled at her.

Mommy walked out of the house, arguing as she walks through the gate. I turn to Iesha who's just standing there crying and yet I am here confuse.

"Iesha a wah?" I walked over tp her but she just shake her head.

"Tell mi a wah nuh Iesha? a wah mek mommy a beat yuh suh?" I started to get upset.

She mumbled under her breath as she bite her fingernails while sobbing which just piss off more.

"Iesha a wah? Ansa nuh likkle gyal!" I shouted at her.

"Mi p-pregnant" She whispered and I clean both my ears out to make sure they are hearing well.

"Yuh wah?" I leaned in my ear closer to her mouth.

"Daddy ago kill mi Kay kay" she cried.

"How dhat happen Iesha? yuh si wah hapm to mommy and mi and go breed likkle girl... yuh have fucking sense" I barked at her while pushing her in her head.

"mi cah believe yuh Iesha, a swear" I grumbled on my way out.

Tuh how my head loaded right now, mi just a go round go bathe and sleep di fuck away.

"Kay kay" She called at me but I didn't look back, I really can't manage anything more.



I was to upload lastnight as I am trying to have a set time to update but sleep consume me.

I hope you enjoy and a big Thank you all for the support.... almost 3k views guys.

Apologise for any mistake...

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