#23 | Nathan Scott

By mooniebabyy

37.3K 896 14

Allie Bazor is considered one of the it girls at Tree Hill High School, along with her two best friends, Broo... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one

chapter twenty-two

1.5K 30 3
By mooniebabyy

It was the last game of the season and Allie was cheering with the rest of the cheer squad. She was thinking about the week and all of the troubles that happened this week.


Allie was working on her homework on Nathan's laptop when she saw different pornographic websites tabs. She furrowed her brows and clicked on them.

Growing even more curious, she looks through his files and sees pictures of Peyton on there. "I cannot believe this right now." She says and looks at Nathan who furrows his brows.

"What?" He asks her and she scoffs before turning his laptop around. Nathan's eyes widened and he walked closer to her. "Allie-" "Forget it, Nathan." She says and packs up her stuff.

"Allie! It's not what it looks like." He says and walks to the door so she couldn't leave. "Then what is it, Nathan? Am I not enough for you that you have to go and look at these websites? And keep Peyton's pictures?" She yells and he just sighs. "That's not it."

"Whatever, Nathan." She walks to the door and looks at him. "Move." She says and he sighs before moving away from the door.


Allie was looking at pictures of her and Nathan on her phone when Dan sat next to her. "Don't think I haven't noticed your part in all of this." He says and she turns to look at him.

"You know, Allie, if you're gonna manipulate him, you should aim a little higher. And remember, payback is hell." Allie looks at him and he smiles before getting up and leaving.

She sits there thinking when Dan speaks again. "Uh, nice tattoo by the way. It's real classy." He says and walks off. She scoffs and sits there dumbfounded.


She was sitting in her room when Lucas came in. "Well this is a surprise. What are you doing here, Luke?" She asks and he goes to sit on her bed. "I gotta tell you something." He says and she walks over from her vanity to sit next to him.

"What's her name and what did you do that you regret?" She jokes and Lucas laughs. "I'm going to Charleston with Keith." He says and allie backs up.

"Oh, um alright. For how long?" She asks him and he shakes his head. "For good. I'm moving there." "What are you talking about, Luke?" She asks him with a straight face.

"Keith got a job in Charleston and I'm gonna go live with him there after the season's over." Allie looks down at her feet and turns around.

"Come on, don't do that." He says and Allie turns to look at him. "Who's going to keep me company at the rivercourt when I'm feeling lonely?" She asks and he softens his gaze.

"Nathan." He says and she scoffs. "And me too, once in a while. I feel like I can be a better person if I go now." He says to her and she walks up to him.

She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head. "I'm gonna miss you." She says and he rubs his hands on her back to soothe her. "I'm gonna miss you too, buddy."


Allie, Brooke, and Peyton were talking in Karen's Cafe. "I just don't understand why he needs to go and look at those websites. Or even why he keeps pictures of you on there." She says with a shake of her head.

"I'm sure there's more of an explanation." Brooke says and holds her hand. Peyton shakes her head and grabs their hands.

"Allie, listen to me. We were horrible to and with each other. He loves you." She says and Allie sighs. "Come on, let's get you home." Peyton says and the three girls walk to the car. The weather was gloomy today, rainy and foggy. Peyton was slowly driving since the rain was falling so hard.

"Uh oh." Brooke says when they reach her house. "What?" She asks and looks out the window. Nathan was sitting on her porch, letting the rain drench him. "Oh my god." She says and quickly gets out of the car. Peyton and Brooke driving off.

"Nathan! You're soaked! What are you doing?" She asks, jogging up to him. She could feel the rain wetting her hair and making her mascara run but she didn't care.

"I just went for a run to clear my head. I guess this is where I ended up." He says to her while looking at her.

"Look, Allie. The pictures of Peyton didn't mean anything, okay?" Allie shakes her head and looks away from him. "It did to me. Clearly, you still have feelings for her."

Nathan shakes his head and grabs her arm. "No. I saved that picture back when we were still dating. The other ones too. You can go back and look." Alli sighs and shakes her head.

"Her webcam hasn't even been in her closet for months." "Why didn't you tell me that last week?" She asks him, looking up into his eyes.

"Because I should've deleted those images a long time ago. I just... I felt bad because I didn't do it." Allie wipes at her eyes, hoping the rain masquerades her tears.

"Allie, I don't want Peyton. I want you." He says and she looks at him. "Is that it?" She asks him and wipes at her cheek again.

"You know my pride says, 'Yeah, that's it. Just walk away and let Allie deal with the fact that she's clearly threatened by my past relationships.' But my heart says, 'Just forget about your pride, you idiot." Allie runs her fingers through her hair and continues looking at him.

"You love this girl. And even if you're gonna catch pneumonia, your ass is gonna stand out here in the rain until you can convince her to forgive you." He continues.

Allie softens her gaze and Nathan looks at her. "So, come on, Allie, just meet me halfway here?" He asks hopefully. "Why should I?" She says to him and he cups her face. "Because I'm sorry." Allie looks away and Nathan pulls her face back to him.

"And, because I love you." He says to her. "Because you're looking really hot standing out here in the rain and I'm thinking I have to kiss you." Allie laughs softly and smiles at him.

"Well. If you have to." She says and shrugs her shoulders. He smiles and moves his face closer to her, placing his lips on hers. She smiles into the kiss and kisses him back.

She pulls away slightly and looks at him. "I love you too." He smiles and embraces his girlfriend with a tight hold.

<end of flashback>


The game was intense and Lucas just passed the ball to Nathan. He catches it and slams it into the hoop and Allie yells out. "Yeah Nathan!" She says and looks over at her two best friends with a smile.


"You know you can trust us." Brooke says to Peyton who looks at her. "It's really important to me that Nicki never finds out where Jake took Jenny." She says looking at her friends.

"We know it's important to you, Peyton." Allie says and rubs her friend's shoulder. "That's why you can trust us with us." Brooke says.


"So she still hasn't said anything?" Nicki says to Brroke and Allie. "No, but she will. She thinks we're tight again." Brooke says and takes a sip from her drink.

"Not that I care but... you guys must really hate Peyton to betray her like this." Nicki says and the two girls shrug their shoulders with a smile.

"She's got it coming. If Jake and Jenny met anything to her, she'll know what it feels like to have her heart crushed won't she." Brooke says and Allie smirks.

"Fine by me." Nicki says and smiles before sipping her drink.


"So, Jake went to Savannah?" Allie asks and Peyton nods her head. "He's got family there. I don't know if we would have been anything, you know? But I really love Jenny, and I worry about them." She says to Brooke and Allie.

"We're glad you told us, Peyton." Brooke says and wraps her arms around her two friends. "You know we're here for you." Allie says and the three girls smile.


Brooke and Allie approached Nicki and smiled. "Question. Who is sexy, talented, and knows where Jake is?" Brooke says walking up to Nicki.

"Oh, I know. It's us." Allie says with a smirk, looking at NIcki. "So where is he?" Nicki asks, looking at the two girls. "Tell you what, I'll play you for it." Brooke says and Nicki scoffs. "I don't wanna play games. Just tell me where Jake took Jenny."

Allie grabs a piece of paper and a pen and starts scribbling down Jake's location. She hands the paper to Nicki who smirks. "So, that's it huh?" She asks and Allie takes back the paper. "Betrayal of Peyton complete. How's it feel?" Nicki asks the two girls.

"It feels like you should be gone by now because you got your information." Brooke says and Nicki laughs. "You know, you guys should really try to be better people." Nicki says while Allie burns the paper.

"Nobody likes bitches." Nicki says and the two girls hum in delight. Nicki walks away and the two girls smile. Peyton walks up to them and glares.

"Was that Nicki you guys were talking to?" She asks and Allie smiles. "Yeah, we told her where Jake went." Allie says and Peyton's eyes widened. "And she bought it, just like we planned." Brooke says and the three girls smile.

"It's gonna be a long road trip to Seattle." Allie says and laughs while wrapping her arms around her two best friends. "We're here for you, Peyton." Brooke says and the three girls laugh before playing a game of pool.

<end of flashback>


The Ravens were up by two and right now Tim had the ball. He passed it to Lucas who shot the ball into the hoop. "Yeah Lucas!" Allie yells out and cheers. Suddenly, one of the opposing players bumps his shoulder into Lucas's and he falls down.

Nathan pushes at the player and picks a fight with him. Lucas was clutching onto his shoulder and Allie kept her eyes on him worried.



Allie and Nathan were back at his apartment, trying to dry off from the rain. "Well that was a nice walk." She says as Nathan takes his shirt off. She grabs his shirt from him and throws it in the corner before taking hers off as well.

She looks at Nathan who smiles and she climbs on top of him, bringing their lips together. He laughs and falls back down on the bed. His arms coming around hers and they both smile before connecting their lips together again.

She pulls away first and looks at him with a smile. "What's wrong?" He asks her and she shakes her head. "Nothing." "Allie, what's wrong." She keeps quiet and Nathan sighs at her. "You know I'm always here for you."

"I know you are." She says and kisses his cheek before looking at him again. "What if we're not good together? What if it drives us apart?" She says and plates with his fingers.

"It won't. Look, Allie, I want to be with you. And if you don't want to be with me, I guess I understand but this isn't gonna change anything." He says to her and she smiles.

"Okay." She smiles and places her lips on him again.

<end of flashback>


The game was over and the Ravens lost. Their undefeated season was officially broken and Allie could see the pain on Nathan's face. She sighs and goes over to hug Brooke and Peyton.

"Well, at least we know Nathan's getting lucky tonight." Brooke says and Allie pushes her head away softly. "Shut up." She jokes and the three girls laugh.

"I better get going. I wanna talk to Luke." She says and grabs her bag. She walks out of the gym and waits for him outside the locker room.

"Hey." She says when she sees him approaching. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She says and Lucas presses his lips together.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, Allie." He says and she drops her shoulders. "Already?" She asks and he nods his head. "I'll find you before I leave tomorrow, okay?" He says to her and she nods her head. "Okay." She felt her eyes getting watery and went to hug him.

"I'm really gonna miss you Luke." She says and he cradles her head and in his embrace. "I'll miss you too." He says and she sniffles.


She walks to Nathan's car and opens the door. He looks up at her and smiles. "I'm sorry about the game." She says to him and he nods. "Yeah." She sniffled and he looked over at her.

Cupping her face, he wipes her tears away. "Don't cry, baby." He says and she sniffles again. "No regrets." She says and kisses his cheek. He smiles and starts the car.


Nathan looked at his girlfriend who was fast asleep in his arms. He smiles and places a kiss on her forehead before slowly removing her from his embrace. He looks around for his clothes and starts getting dressed after finding them.

He drives to the rivercourt, hoping to find Lucas. "I told you if you missed that shot it was all for nothing." He says and Lucas turns to look at him. "I was wrong." He says and continues. "I figured I'd find you out here."

"Allie told me that you're leaving town." He says and Lucas nods his head. "Yeah. I'm just meeting the guys to say goodbye."

"Are you leaving because of the game?" Nathan asks him and he shakes his head. "Nah. Keith needs to be with someone right now and I need a change."

"I figured since the season's over, it's time." Nathan smiles lightly at him and Lucas smiles back. "Besides, I know I'm leaving Allie in good hands." He says and Nathan softly chuckles.

"I got to tell you, man. I never thought when we played that one-on-one game that I'd be back here, feeling like this." Nathan says and Lucas looks at him. "Like what?"

Nathan pauses for a second before speaking. "Like I'm gonna miss you." The two brothers smile at each other and Nathan continues talking.

"You gotta do what you feel. But, I actually wish you weren't leaving." He says and Lucas smiles. "Because you're one hell of a basketball player." He pauses and walks closer. "And, because you're my brother." Lucas's eyes started watering a bit.

"Take care of yourself man." Nathan says to him and he nods. "You take care of Allie." Nathan nods and hugs his brother. Lucas softly chuckles and looks at him. "I'll miss you too, little brother." He says and Nathan smiles.


Nathan walked into his room, looking at her still asleep. He smiles and looks at the golden ring on her finger while playing with his. He takes his shirt off and crawls into bed with her.

She whines and moves into his arms, kissing his shoulder. "I love you, Nathan Scott." She mumbles out and he chuckles. He places a kiss onto her head and smiles. "I love you too, Allison Bazor-Scott."

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